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Malphas the demon possession warframe( now with concept art by painted wolf and multiple ability changes)more updates stats and augments!


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So I have a frame idea I have named Malphas(up for debate on name) that I think everyone will like I don't have exact Stat ideas I'll leave that to everyone else but I do have ability ideas thought for this demon frame but here are the ability ideas if you like my idea run with it if it makes it in game I just want a little credit. UPDATED STATS:

all stats at lvl 0



Energy: 200


(updated)passive: Malphas gains extra armor with a kubrow companion(effect stays even if kubrow dies). Killing with a pole arm causes enemies to explode with 300 blast damage

Hell hounds 

Summon two spectral hounds to enter the fray one gives bonus status chance the other increases melee attack speed. Both hounds would have 100 health and simular to rhino iron skin,frost bubble,inaros scarab armor ect on the ability would have a 200 value at 100 you would know one hound died at 50 last hound almost dead ect this ability cannot be recast until both hounds died. Upon death hounds will explode with dark fire in a 5/10/12? Meter radius adjustment may be needed on that. These hounds should behave like a kubrow attacking enemies. Give input on all abilities plus what health/shield/power level you think is reasonable for this frame.

the 9th gate 

puts an insignia on the ground in a 5/10/15 meter radius that causes all enemies that enter to become explosive and expand looking like expanding saryn spores running in a panic shortly before exploding in dark fire. Ability affected by range and power strength so that higher level enemies take longer to explode or at all once they explode if the damage wasn't high enough they would just continue on living just damaged. This is a cc ability also at max rank only 15 enemies can be affected before recast is needed so multiple casts required for more enemies to be affected

Devils trident 

summon a flaming trident and either throw for fiery explosion( at max level you can throw 3 tridents then recast) or melee attack(this ability would be affected by duration or all three tridents thrown ie. Throw 2 then melee until duration expire) with your whole body on fire which would injure melee enemies  that would approach. Note: enemies affected by 9th gate would explode prematurely  when hit by this ability or a gun or an ally or another enemy ie. Chaos simular to novas ability speaking of nova 9th gate should work well along with nova and nyx. Please critique my idea all you want.

Demon possession 

this ultimate ability allows you to posses any enemy and should look simular to tenno transference unlike nyx you become the enemy use their weapon which shouldn't be hard for developers since we can make and use most enemy faction weapons. Ancients should attack with their arms like a whip. As far as downside and keeping this frame from being to op a health penalty when your possessed enemy dies before you release it should be good simular to valkyr and hysteria. Note: the health of your possessed enemy would have a value of 100 but retain enemy level so you cold still damage high level foes. Nullifies possessed would give mobile shield effect to you and allies basically mobile frost bubble. So possessing the right enemy and having your squad defend you would be a tactical element to it.


Shadow hounds: if a kubrow or kavat is equipped hounds will share their abilities ie howl,dig,cats eye,unleashed,etc. Note this will not be overpowered as hounds have no shield and cannot be healed and also it will just be the basic ability of whatever companion you have not all the other mods ie. Bite,protection,swipe. Also not equipping a kubrow would void the passive ability so if you want a kavats ability instead and not take the bonus armor that's your choice

Frantic gate: all enemies affected by 9th gate will be 10% faster and explosion time -25% or 10 seconds that part would have to be tested. Note: in my mind enemies affected by 9th gate run aimlessly around and towards enemies swelling then exploding  so this Aug would increase chance of explosion killing more enemies as opposed to an enemy walking into a wall and going boom for nothing.

Fire missle: devils trident when thrown no longer archs and explodes but instead one mighty trident that Flies straight skewering enemies in its path and pinning them to a wall(or roof or whatever) dealing puncture damage exploding in either large boom or small depending on amount of ememies skewed then disappearing. Note: this is a crowd control Aug high level enemies won't be killed just pinned for a time damaged then released. Most likely duration mods will increase pin time so this frame can either be balanced across all abilities or specialized in one ability( or maybe two that works sometimes) 

Host symbiosis: possession augment aiming at another enemy and activating possession while in possession will allow you to "hop" into a new host without exposing you to damage however you must have enough energy to recast this ability as normal to do so Note: zeneurik school which has en regeneration will make this easier but even so high level missions will still make it difficult also range mods will decide how far you can cast and recast this ability so as not to allow you to "teleport" across the map.


Notes: this frame back story should mesh well with war within dark feel also is the opposite of titania like frost and ember. Possibly have something to do with the cephalon fragments where ordis's original body has been turned into a warframe. Exact backstory I leave to DE and all the players out there who build on this idea. Quest for this frame should implement the new tenno ability using transference to posses certain enemies npcs ect. This frames appearance should look kinda like loki prime with some sort of horns body should be like the ash koga skin.

thank you for reading and I hope it makes to the game with all tennos help.

Edited by (XB1)Jax7117
passive change, ability change, augment change
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27 minutes ago, Darkneblade_TR said:

it wont work very vell with current lore since demons doesnt exist

Then it can be considered a possession frame, not a demon. Also, as mentioned above, demons aren't okay but fairies are? There's not much of a difference here aside from one being considered good and the other bad. I don't think we're very limited on ideas here, especially when we have a dragon, a mummy, a few gods, a necromancer...



Demon Flame (I may have misread this?) sounds a bit too much like Chroma's Spectral Scream.

Anyways, interesting concept. The Ninth Gate ability may be a bit iffy, as I'm not sure how well that would pan out with ideals. However, maybe you could have it to where enemies affected within x area become possessed and start attacking targets that you can mark. The amount of targets you can mark is dependent upon the amount of enemies you have under your control and, toggling the ability again causes enemies to explode dealing y damage to enemies within z radius (smaller than the original area of effect on initial cast). A secondary idea that is similar would be enemies in x radius are possessed and run up to other enemies. Toggle again and the affected enemies explode.


Do you by chance have any aesthetic ideas for the frame (just curious)? I'd love to see that if you do.

Edited by PaintedWolf
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Thank you painted wolf for the support on the demon flame it would work like ignis or quanta except it's an ability and you can move around while (flame throwing) draining energy for duration of button held I currently do not own chroma if his scream is simular than a Def change is needed on the 9th gate subject I am American so suicide bomber and terrorist are a common term but this game is global so I of course don't want to offend anyone so suggestions for new name/politically correct descriptions? On appearance I do not have the tools to make a rendering of how he would look so if anyone wants to make some Go for it! Also painted wolf I like the ideas for the 9th gate ability prob the second idea would be best simple but not to simple.

Edited by (XB1)Jax7117
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36 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Jax7117 said:

Thank you painted wolf for the support on the demon flame it would work like ignis or quanta except it's an ability and you can move around while (flame throwing) draining energy for duration of button held I currently do not own chroma if his scream is simular than a Def change is needed on the 9th gate subject I am American so suicide bomber and terrorist are a common term but this game is global so I of course don't want to offend anyone so suggestions for new name/politically correct descriptions? On appearance I do not have the tools to make a rendering of how he would look so if anyone wants to make some Go for it! Also painted wolf I like the ideas for the 9th gate ability prob the second idea would be best simple but not to simple.

Chroma's Spectral Scream is more or less a flamethrower of the element you choose except it fires out of his mouth like a dragon rather than his hands.

I grew up in America as well, I just think using that terminology in the official description may more or less trigger some players. To be honest, you could probably keep the name the same and instead change the description to something like "Enemies become possessed and explode on contact with another enemy."


I'd be willing to draw out some concepts for aesthetic. I think it would be fun.~ I can't create a 3D model of him as I lack the materials to do so but I could take a crack at a design concept.

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I have a new idea to replace demon flame it would be called demon fist it would work like green lanterns ring and depending on what you where doing at time of activation would decide on what it did. Appearance would be a giant spectral demon hand/fist. Activate while sliding: spin and claw with demon fist. Activate while jumping: fist uppercut. Activate while bullet jumping: you guessed it...flying spinning demon fist o pain with increase bullet jump length like the weight of the giant hand propels you. Jump while aiming at ground: ground slam with aoe effect that causes fire and rock fissures to protrude. Augment could be fissures remain and do dot for x amount of seconds. Would be glad for input thanks again to painted wolf for the concept art if this sounds like a frame you would like to see in game please support this thread with ideas and some Stat values 


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