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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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                                                                                           Hello fellow Tennos, here is my wishlist for this year!


                                                                                          Suprise me, its christmas we never know what we get! =)

                                                                                         I wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!!

Edited by Rizzlor
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Hey generous santa frame, a year before i wished for space dad.

But this year i wish for just :

2 warframe slot for my ash prime and my equinox

vanquished banner syandana

and maybe the last is gazal armor set


Thats all, merry christmass to DE and all tenno

And merry christmass to Ordis too


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1 hour ago, Galathea said:

got the feeling it wouldnt hurt to throw a friendly reminder/something to consider out there:

-these are gifts!

we do not expect anything in return, i know of players who spend thousands of plat on this, which means we do not pick the ppl we gift because they are "rich", hell i dont even know most of them. all we can see is their ingame profile and the post they leave here.

-that being said, please do not be sad if you dont get anything,

we are (mostly) normal ppl too.....you have seen the amount of requests here, it is simply impossible to grant every wish.......and you can always have a virtual space hug <3

-please do not spam your wishlist

as @SolidBeast already mentioned, it just makes the whole thing more cluttered, and i am too less likely to gift someone who posts 3 times on the same page in less than 30 and then complains about not getting something. i have looked at EVERY page in this thread to pick who i wanna gift.

-pick your wishes wisely!

ive seen so many ask for "only" hunhows gift, or equally expensive things. Its totally fine to have that on your list, but please dont let it be the only thing on that list. there are so many who cant afford it or simply want to gift other ppl also instead of one giant gift. Maybe they would like to get you some smaller present, just to show their love. Im sure everyone can use wep slots, forma etc.

-be a little more specific 

wanting "any syandana" is tricky.....i never know what to pick and end up gifting someone who atleast told me which 3 syandanas he would prefer :P

-you still didnt get a gift?

Well be creative, post something nice, maybe even gift someone else a small ship deco, because we notice!

-lastly: a thank you is worth more than gifts sometimes

The people who gift you, most likely do not know you, and they just shared their hard earned plat with you or they spend rl money on it. It makes my day to see ppl get what they wished for but couldnt get or never bothered to get for themselves. I just wanna know you liked it QQ


Walltext done, ill be gifting some more again today so stay tuned, and thx for reading, if you managed to get down here: enjoy a space hug ^^



Thank you. :heart: That's a really good, elaborate explanation and I hope people read it. I agree with every point.

EDIT: thanks @-----iseeu2----- for the ship decor! I never realized how shiny those circuits are! It gave me an idea. :D

EDIT 2: Ok those polymers freak me out. They look like crab eyes on sticks. But my baby told me to imagine they're "bones" for my kubrow, so there's that. :D

Edited by SolidBeast
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1 hour ago, Phookamom said:

Because of the post Galathea just made I'll put a list in :heart:

1. From Devs; Fixed Mastery Rank Tests (I know, unlikely, but I can hope)

2. Mag Prime, because Mag was my first frame and I love her.

3 Weapons or Warfame slots, because I just realized I was out.

All the thank you's and loveseses.

IGN: Phookamom

thank you for reading my textwall XD

if you hop ingame, i got a little smth for you (mag was my first frame too, so i can relate^^)

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On 12/14/2016 at 9:57 PM, DaBrony said:

Merry Tennobaum

Here is my wishlist :smile:

  1. Solstice Salix  or Izvara Syandana (I just want those cloth physics :laugh:)
  2. Palatine Pack (or just the Rhino Palatine Skin :satisfied:)
  3. Any holiday themed skins (Winter Solstice Skin Bundle would be nice)
  4. A Color Pack (I wishlisted the ones I like, just look at my Profile)
  5. Any ship Decor or skin (Preferably Display pack) 
  6. Slots (Preferably weapon)
  7. Relic Packs or boosters
  8. Kavat or Kubrow Acessories (anything)

A special thanks to the Following Tenno :heart::heart::heart:

 @Azifel for the Prizma Excal Noggle

 @Nate1387 for the Orokin Cell Decoration

@-----iseeu2----- for the Control Module Decoration 

Just wanted to shout out @-----iseeu2----- for giving me a Control Module ship decor :inlove:

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My wishlist(i`ll be glad to see even something in my inbox, Happy new year everione!) :

1)something from my account`s wishlist 

2)a random syandana

3)a random glypth

4) a random ship 

5)some good vibes to everyone !!!

Love you, tenno, you are awesome !!!

Oh, and Trin Prime helmet, pls)) 

Edited by kill_kome
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Something that I really really really would  love to have and that would make me really happy is the stalker noggle statue. I missed it just because 1 code when they first released it. I have all the others acolytes. Please DE release it again through Baro or the market.
Merry Christmas :heart::satisfied:

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Don't need much, but a few little things would be amazing:

1. Nova Asuri skin

2. Solstice Salyx Syandana

3. Void Relics

4. Decorations of any kind

5. Anything random

Special thanks so far to @J-Dangles for the decoration! And glad other folks liked their gifts so far; I may be giving out more sometime!

Edited by lancedrago
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9 hours ago, Valkyriedusk said:

happy holidays tennos my wishlist is:


Orokin Reactors / Catalyst

weapon slots

warframe slots

Thank you very much!

Check your inbox!

7 hours ago, SickSN1P3Z said:

I like to keep it simple! All i would like for Christmas is... 

1.) Forma!


3.)Frame slots!

Merry Tennobaum to everyone out there!! :laugh:

You have mail! :)

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