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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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Dear Santa Claus, 

I have been fortunate enough to receive many gifts, this Tennobaum. I don't receive many gifts in the real world, so Tennobaum gifts I am very grateful for.

My wishlist has been completed by the names below! 

I cannot give much, but I am doing my best to gather platinum to send as many Tennobaum gifts that I can. I can, however, give a lot of hugs and leave out a plate of potatoes for you to eat on your long journey. 

Very much appreciated,

Gifts Received ⊂(・﹏・⊂):
Thank you so much to @Nate1387 for Orokin Cell decoration!
Thank you so much to @Kjelgrim for 3 Day Credit Booster!
Thank you so much to @SolidBeast for Lotus Palette! 
Thank you so much to @Conciliun for Oberon Noggle!
Thank you so much to @KuroiTorikago for Daybreak Palette! 
Thank you so much to @Eilya for Forma Bundle!
Thank you so much to @SolidBeast for Mirage Noggle! 
Thank you so much to @Exkin for Ferrite Decoration!
Thank you so much to @Exkin for Morphics Decoration!
Thank you so much to @Mothish for Solstice Salix Syandana!

Edited by Skyeborne
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Merry Christmas 'n Happy New Year [Warframe] by DarikaArt

art by DarikaArt

Kuva Kavat Armor  :platinum:90

Warframe Slots  :platinum:20

Merry Tennobaum! Time to give gifts(´・ω・)っ由 ❆


Fulfilled Wishes and Super Generous Random Gifts:

Uru Sugatra - gifted by Skyeborne

Pyra Syandana - gifted by KuroiTorikago

Warframe slot - gifted by Astrus_Darksun, Naith, Ruffy64

Orokin Cell decoration - gifted by Nate1387

Colour Pack Beta - gifted by LifeNine

Morphics decoration - gifted by -----iseeu2----

Banshee Soprana skin - gifted by khaos99X


Edited by 07Xireth
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My gift list :)

1. Always wanted a deluxe skin for either Banshee (Thank you amanda for Nova!!)

2. Always could use Forma Bundles/Orokin Reactor/Orokin Catalyst 

3. Any of the limited edition winter syandana (hope we get to keep it afterwards, it's my first warframe Tennobaum!)


Thank you all in advance if you decide to gift me. I have looked at this thread and donated some gifts (Those that I could afford). Let's keep the holiday spirit going :) 


Happy Holidays!!

Edited by NotYoCookiez
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Old returning player here who just came back from a 1 year hiatus :( can I join in on the fun? any kind hearted tenno who would want to gift me either banshee soprano bundle or ash koga bundle or nova asuri bundle? :D thank you and cheers to the holiday season of sharing :) 



Exilus adaptor

Ash Koga or Banshee Soprano or Nova asuri bundle or Trinity Deluxe skin bundle 

Resource or Credit Booster




Edited by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-
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4 minutes ago, 07Xireth said:

Uru Sugatra  :platinum:15

Pyra Syandana  :platinum:70

Classic Saturated colours  :platinum:75

Kuva Kavat Armor  :platinum:90

Banshee Soprana skin  :platinum:165

My new Tenno is getting squished by her warframes, so inventory slots are also very, very welcome!

Once I'm out of plat-less Limbo, I'll be sure to give everyone gifts too~ (´・ω・)っ由 ❆

I love you all so much, this is for a good cause too ;u;


Uru Sugatra sent your way, Merry Christmas! :D

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5 minutes ago, 07Xireth said:

Merry Christmas 'n Happy New Year [Warframe] by DarikaArt

art by DarikaArt

Uru Sugatra  :platinum:15

Pyra Syandana  :platinum:70

Classic Saturated colours  :platinum:75

Kuva Kavat Armor  :platinum:90

Banshee Soprana skin  :platinum:165

My new Tenno is getting squished by her warframes, so inventory slots are also very, very welcome!

Once I'm out of plat-less Limbo, I'll be sure to give everyone gifts too~ (´・ω・)っ由 ❆

I love you all so much, this is for a good cause too ;u;

Sent you a Pyra Syandana. <3

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16 minutes ago, Banuffet said:

1. Forma bundle

2. Orokin Catalyst

3. Orokin Reactor

Gifting back because why not :D 

I found your missing jigsaw puzzle pieces. Ember/Frost noggle? :D  
Kind of wish i could gift more noggles or do more gift trades, but most lists don't have them or dont even say thanks :/  
(Also I still want that Winter Solice skin bundle because I'm selfish)  

@Banuffet  Thanks! :D

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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Merry Christmas to all! Started in March, having a blast so far.

1. Orbiter decorations. Mine is pretty plain at the moment.

2. Assorted Noggles! I have been saving my plat for weapon and armor slots, Any noggle would be so cool!

3. Color Palette: Dojo

4. Color Palette: Corpus

5. Color Palette: Tenno

6. Color Palette: Eximus

7. Color Palette: Orokin

8. Color Palette: Grineer

9. Color Palette: Twilight

10. Banshee Soprana Collection

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I love bobble heads (Noggles)!

1. Saryn Bobble Head. 

2. Nekros Bobble Head.

3. Nyx Bobble Head.

4. Any Bobble head really.






10. Oh and potatoes.

ANYWAY.... Happy holidays everyone to you and your families!

Thank you especially to these awesome people:

@SkyBorne for the Saryn Noggle

@Nate1387 for the Orokin Cell Decoration

@DowntownAlbinoBrown for the Blue Potato

Edited by Kjelgrim
Bobble Heads!!!!!!
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