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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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Hello Tenno-Santa's

First, I wish all Tennos Happy Tennobaum.

my Wishlist

1. Forma Bundle's

2. Ash Koga Skin Bundle

3. Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection

4. Credit/Resource Booster

5. Winter Soltice Skin Bundle

6. Any Noggle 

7. Color pallette: Fire

8. Any Display

9. Color pallette: Ice ==> Thanks to @Galathea, you are the best dude :) Merry X-Mas ^^

Thank you my dear Santas, i would be happy to hear from you :) 


Edited by Rinderhacken
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Figured i'll update my wishlist as it has gone smaller ^_^


1) Tennogen Profile icon pac

2) Para carrier set.

3) Rhino Palatine skin (Rhino FTW :P )

4) Forma

5) Winter solstice skin bundle

6) for my rhino P a partner..... Valkyr :P (he would be realy happy) 

with a big thanks BIG thanks to  @SolidBeast  and  @DamonDolittle for makeing 3 of my wishes come true 

Keep it up tennos 

HAPPY Holidays to you all

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Hello! I would be grateful if someone would take a peek at my little wishlist and gift some of them :laugh:

1. Ash Koga Bundle

2. Salix Syandana

3. Manduka Pack

4. Riv Elite-Guards

5. Gazal Complete Collection

6. Orokin Catalyst

7. Weapon Slots

8. Warframe Slots

Happy Tennobaum!

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...just a few days ago i brought 1000 Plat and drowned my friends in Presents. and now a Gifting based event starts. i feel insulted, i hope i get a 50 or 75% sale on Plat. so i can continue gifting and make more people happy.


as for my wish list. i already got most what i want. all i need are Potatoes and Cells and i'm happy.

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Well, I mean, I personally would Love:
* Winter Solstace bundle.
* Winter Accessories Bundle
* Rhino/Excal/Nyx/Saryn/Banshee Deluxe bundles.
Really I'd just love the winter bundles before they disappear. Do I expect to get them, not really, but then again, the warframe community IS known for it's generosity.

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  1. 1.) Limbo since i cant get that quest finished...
  2. 2.) Forma bundle or just forma 
  3. 3.) Boosters of any type
  4. 4.) Orokin color palette
  5. 5.) Corpus color palette
  6. 6.) Tenno color palette
  7. 7.) Winter bundle?
  • 8.) Orokin cell decoration
  • 9.)Sugutra bundle
  • 10.) clem

IGN: Vitross

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2 minutes ago, Lizzardtong said:

...just a few days ago i brought 1000 Plat and drowned my friends in Presents. and now a Gifting based event starts. i feel insulted, i hope i get a 50 or 75% sale on Plat. so i can continue gifting and make more people happy.


as for my wish list. i already got most what i want. all i need are Potatoes and Cells and i'm happy.

i know exactly what you feel.. .same thing here kinda but i dont feel insulted tho :D

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just throwing my humble wishlist out there:


1: Rhino Palatine skin or pack.

2: Ash Koga Skin

3: Loki Knave Skin

4: Festive Imperator Syandana

5: any crystallike decorations...because sparkles

6: boosters are always welcome


thx and have a virtual space hug^^

Edited by Galathea
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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)THE FOOTSC said:

I really like the idea of this. Acts such as this really brighten my day thank you tenno family.  I have sort of a list if i understand this correctly.

1. Frost festival skin

2. Festival syndana

3.elite armor set or hunbow bundle

4. Warframe or weapon slots

5. And the cherry on top a ember bp

Any 1 of these would be quite perfect and im doing mybest to give back to the community <3


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My Wishlist would be:
1. Winter Solstice Skin Bundle
2. Winter Accessories Bundle
3. Solstice Glyph Pack
4. Uru Templar Bundle
5. Equinox (doesn´t want to drop q_q)
6. Nidus Bundle (just got it)
7. Oberon Noggle ,but not for me ,you should send it to Fuya ,a really nice guy ^w^

If any of these wishes would come true  ,that would confirm that this community is the best :D

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