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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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On 15.12.2016 at 11:05 PM, Mareczek35 said:

Hello Santa Tennos,

i'll be happy if you will wish me to get well soon, because i catch a cold second time in 3 weeks..

if you are more generous than that, here is my little wishlist ingame:

1. random color pack

2. ash koga skin

3. udyat syandana

4. gemini nikana sheath

5. noggle frost

6. noggle wukong

7. random liset decoration

Merry Christmas all!!

Get well soon! Have a syandana to help keep you warm :smile:


Between the awesome strangers in this thread and my acquaintances my list is getting short.

This calls for an updated list of the remaining items:

  1. Solstice Glyph Pack
  • Ice Palette "gifted" to me by myself

     A) Smoke Palette

      I. Rhino Palatine Skin

      -  An ugly christmas sweater for my Operator


Once again thank you to Mugetsu1, DeltaPhantom, Xenoraptor and Nate1387 for being awesome and gifting me stuff.

I'm out for the day, will see if I can scrounge up some more plat tomorrow to keep on gifting

Edited by Astrus_Darksun
final wishlist update
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51 minutes ago, ImNotNuke said:

My wishlist is

1: Clem Noggle 

2:Clem Noggle

3: Clem Noggle

4: Embolist Collection

5: Banshee Soprana Skin/Collection

6: Hunhows Gift

7: Nova Asuri Skin/Collection

8: Saryn Deluxe Skin/Collection

9: Oberon Feyarch Skin/Collection

10: Clem Noggle

Thanks and marry Clemmas :)


Thanks for that dope Clem Noggle <3 


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Solstice Kavat Blue Color

Any Kavat Armor

Kavat Genetic codes

Any weapon/warframe slots.


Now to get to gifting to some people on here! Also good on all the people that are already gifting, seriously makes a community!

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44 minutes ago, Exkin said:

I reshare my wishlist:

1. Winter Solstice Skin Bundle
2. Surprise (send what you want)

Happy Holydays & Happy Tennobaum ! :D
Cya in game Tennos.

Excellent armaments, Operator. Please return COVERED IN BLOOD-- safe and sound.


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1. I know its tacky but 1000 endo pack

2. More endo (I'd obviously prefer 100, but any amount is still ranked higher than anything else on this list for me)

3. Forma bundle

4. greater zenurik lenses

5. argon pegmatite decoration

6. Gift Received! thanks NinthAria!

7. Gift received! thanks Hai1fir3e!

8. Gift received! thanks WaldoCD, Hai1fir3e and NinthAria!

9. If you're feeling generous then the winter accessories pack

10. If you're feeling /really/ generous then the continuity pack


They're more or less listed in order of most to least wanted, but any of these would be welcomed and appreciated, and Ill try to in return send you a gift of your list in you send one of these to me. I'll also be answering as many request off these lists as I can. 

Edited by DementedParadox
Thanks for all the generosity!
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My Wishlist:for some glorious Tenno (my ingame wishlist is up to date)

1 : Any Warframe skin (except Deluxe Trinity, Deluxe Rhino, Nemesis Nyx, Proto Excal and Festive Frost and Mirage)

2 : Any ship decoration or skin

3 :Any Syandana

4 : Parrot Carrier parts

5 : Any operator stuff

Thank you all and let's all be generous !


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1. Rhino Palatine Skin

2. Tempo Royale stance mod

3. Valkyr Prime's Systems

4. Valkyr Prime's Blueprint

5. Galatine Prime Blueprint

6. Kuberus Scindo skin

7. A Clem Noggle~  Because of Hai1fir3e and NinthAria, I have Clem. You're both still Tenno Skoom though :^)

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On 12/14/2016 at 9:17 PM, Skyeborne said:

Dear Santa Claus, 

I have been fortunate enough to receive many gifts, this Tennobaum. I don't receive many gifts in the real world, so Tennobaum gifts I am very grateful for.

My wishlist has been completed by the names below! 

I cannot give much, but I am doing my best to gather platinum to send as many Tennobaum gifts that I can. I can, however, give a lot of hugs and leave out a plate of potatoes for you to eat on your long journey. 

Very much appreciated,

Gifts Received ⊂(・﹏・⊂):
Thank you so much to @Nate1387 for Orokin Cell decoration!
Thank you so much to @Kjelgrim for 3 Day Credit Booster!
Thank you so much to @SolidBeast for Lotus Palette! 
Thank you so much to @Conciliun for Oberon Noggle!
Thank you so much to @KuroiTorikago for Daybreak Palette! 
Thank you so much to @Eilya for Forma Bundle!
Thank you so much to @SolidBeast for Mirage Noggle! 
Thank you so much to @Exkin for Ferrite Decoration!
Thank you so much to @Exkin for Morphics Decoration!
Thank you so much to @Mothish for Solstice Salix Syandana!

Thank you @Exkin for the liset decorations!

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My wishlist: 

Huntress Bundle 

Jordas Syandana Pack

Forma Bundle

Orokin Catalyst 

Orokin Reactor 

Weapon Slots

Warframe Slots

Ash Koga Skin

http://imgur.com/UOpmzjH (Visual of some of them, I dc'd trying to add the rest. D:  )



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