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Wraith - New Specter type Warframe


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So I was thinking the other day, we had a Vampire Warframe, we had a Mummy warframe and a Necromancer type warframe, might as well throw in a incorporeal Warframe and make it a day. So I came up with a sketch and a concept for a female Specter Warframe which I called Wraith but the name is susceptible to change (and I'm open to any suggestion).



Concept: Wraith is a Warframe that is able to use specter like abilities, like passing through things, summoning wisps, confusing enemies and more. She is an offensive melee WF capable of dealing high amount of damage to many enemies at once. She would be obtainable with a quest that involves investigating on certain "strange apparitions" (Ordis will refuse to believe something like that exists) that is running around doing spooky and scary things. I remember the first time the Juggernaut was introduced in the game, no one knew about him and I was walking around a level on Eris. I was honestly scared to death when I heard his loud-as-hell scream, and no one was able to give me an explanation (actually, people didn't believe me u.u). I want to feel in a similar way on the quest regarding this WF.

Lore: Not much is known about Wraith origins, but from what we [will] understand from the events in the quest, she was violently murdered by a fellow Tenno. From that day, her corpse was left wandering in the Void, and its spirit, hungry for vengeance against that dreadful assassin that killed her would start to change its form, corrupting it, until it broke into our current dimension, letting loose a monster out of control.

Appearance: As you can see by the concept art, I made her so that she is covered with "ethereal" clothes that hide most of her body. Those clothes are actually part of her body itself, and wraps around her, covering most of the black scars the assassin left on her body. As you can see, I've tried my best to make her face look as much creepy as possible. I haven't really chosen colors to give her so I'll just leave the concept on black and white and let someone else figure out if she needs to have other colors. One thing tho, when she channels her melee weapon, all her scars light up, even the ones under the clothes (with dimmer intensity). Also, i've only figured out her Noble animations (she would act like, in-fact, an old fashioned Noble woman, like what I did with her pose in the concept art).

Now what you're actually interested about:

Base Stats: Shield: 250, Health: 50, Armor: 10, Energy: 150 (As a Ghost, she shouldn't actually have any Health in my opinion, but that would be problematic because of Slash procs and Toxin damage so I decided to give her some, at the cost of armor. This is just an experimental idea, the warframe works perfectly even without being this adventurous)


Passive: Enemies near Wraith have their Armor reduced by 15%
(As a semi-incorporeal being, Wraith kinda ignores armor to an extent and is able to use this property of hers to make enemies near her more vulnerable to her allies. Currently thinking on other possibilities)

Ghost Walk: Wraith fully becomes incorporeal, gains a brief bonus to Movement Speed and is able to pass through any object, enemy and even some doors and walls for the duration. While in this form, falling will cause her to glide instead. During this time, Wraith is immune to melee attacks and receives reduced damage. Moreover, any enemy she passes through will receive a decent amount of damage (scales with power strength) with a 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% chance of inflicting a Radiation status proc.
(This ability lets her behave like a proper ghost and scare the hell out of any enemy she's able to touch. Also, cool detail, whenever she launches this ability, she lets out a frightening scream. This is not, however, her main source of damage as it will not deal that much.)

Incorporeal Touch: Wraith latches to her weapons, making them part of herself. While this buff is active, her Melee attacks gain a substantial bonus to Range, while Ranged weapons gain massive Punch Through. Also, every enemy she kills while this ability is active will spawn a will-o'-wisp. Wisps will attack nearby enemies, massively slowing them down and dealing Cold damage over time (Range, Punch Through and Cold damage overtime scale with power strength). if there are no enemies around, the wisps will follow Wraith. Every wisp has a duration of 10 seconds (scales with duration) and Wraith can bring up to 8 wisps with her at a time (scales with power strength).
(This is the ability I like the most of the kit I imagined. I really like the idea of Wisps floating around the level. Also I really want a warframe that is able to get an Atterax with Primed Reach and Slash proc the entire world [cit.]. Her wisps will also be used for her 3rd and 4th ability so she really needs to keep the kills going to be able to keep up and I really like this perpetual hunger aspect of her)

Living Mist: Wraith covers a large area with a dense, unnatural, mist. Wraith regenerates Energy and Shield faster for every enemy walking in the mist area. Using Ghost Walk while in the mist, will instantly spawn 2 wisps. This effect has an internal countdown of 20 seconds.
(So this was a very difficult ability to craft. I loved the idea of spreading mist in the map, but I couldn't really find a way to make it interactive so I went the easy way. Still awesome tho)

Cries of a Lost Soul: Wraith starts to cry in pain, calling to her every active wisps she has. After a brief delay, Wisps will start to violently hurricane around Wraith in a large area, dealing damage to every enemy they touch. The more the ability is active, the faster the wisps will move (up to 3x times the base speed they have after 6 seconds). Every enemy killed will spawn an additional wisp (wisps spawn this way don't count towards the maximum amount she can keep with her) that will join the other wisps in the hurricane. Once the ability stops, every active wisp will instantly explode, dealing large amounts of Blast damage to every nearby enemies (overlapping explosions deal stacking damage).
(This is her main damage ability, her ultimate move with a very high risk, very high reward outcome. When she channels the ability she cannot move, and enemies previously attacked by the wisps are now free. The area of effect tho is large enough for her to be able to start the ability from a safe distance. Once the ability starts going, the wisps will start to draw great orbits around Wraith, actively targeting the weakest enemies first. Once the new wisps start joining the hurricane, the ability will ramp up in damage. Once the ability ends (it's a toggle), every wisp will explode like fireworks, dealing stacking damage.)


So, tell me what do you think about Wraith, I really like her but I think there's probably more to be improved.

Edited by TrolledWolf
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Having little to no health will not possibly work because, like you said, Toxin and slash procs. Until those are fixed, this frame would die instantly.



The rest of the frame's kit sounds really cool actually, and actually really unique. No other frame really has exactly the same abilities as you invented. Very creative. Most frame power concepts I've seen just end up being essentially reskins of the effects of other powers (a radial DoT, a nuke, etc... they all end up being copies of abilities that already exist). But what you've crafted is pretty unique. The one you designed is somewhat similar to Limbo's riftwalk, but has its own quirks and is unique enough to not be considered a reskin. Her 2 has a nice touch, granting weapon utility buffs that we don't normally see (range and punchthrough); most buffs are just "more damage" and those end up not really scaling past a point, all they do is raise the scale ceiling. On top of that her 2 creates an interesting and interactive synergy with the rest of her kit. Her 3 sounds somewhat like Oberon's Hallowed Ground, but with a different set of buffs and another nice interaction with her other abilities (question on this though: would Ghostwalking through a mist field constantly spawn a set of wisps every 20s? Is that how that works?). Finally, her ult is a form of scaling AoE that we haven't really seen before; kind of like Ember's World on Fire meets Equinox's Maim. The scaling potential sounds fantastic.

Really the only issues I see with it are the low health, which doesn't make sense unless they overhauled shields in some way.

As for concept art, I imagine she would do better with a more haunting appearance. Imagine Ivara meets Frost meets Equinox. Large folds of thick cloth, white and grays by default, with white default energy color. Kind of a Sevarog vibe, if you've played Paragon:

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13 hours ago, (PS4)AhWildSnorlax said:

This looks awesome and I really like the idea of her frame! I hope this gets enough recognition.

Thanks man, I'll try to keep it going :DD

EDIT: Also added some suggestions from the Reddit post, I'm keeping many other things into consideration

Edited by TrolledWolf
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1 hour ago, Mingcrusher said:

This is WAY better then nekros. While his ability dont match his necromantic theme, with this warframe you actually put some thought into a mystical-themed frame. Her abilities all make sense in terms of spirit/ghost/daimos theme.

Thanks, I tried my best to keep it theme-coherent. I actually started from scratch at first, i built her up around the concept design I had, but the Wisps idea came after that, I was so thrilled.

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