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Simulor Nerf


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On 12/23/2016 at 8:38 AM, KyoBladezen said:

I mean, you have to admit, it's kinda annoying to get stuck with a synsim mirage when you're on public, trying out a new weapon, new frame, mod setup, or riven. 

You could always do one of three things.
1. Ask them not to use synoid for a while so you could test your weapon. (I myself would oblige. and switch to my melee, and still wreck S#&$)
2. Go into a solo mission.
3. Use the Simulacrum to test against whatever enemies you want.

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On 12/30/2016 at 8:14 AM, (PS4)Deception_Pharo said:

Yes, personally when I see a simulor player, I don't tend to revive them.

Interesting. You know things like this are funny. I watched a whole team. Not res me during a defense. Was on my speed nova.  (And yes they all were just walking around)
What happened next? All three of them died at the same time. it was funny!, and they got clam slammed (Tea bagged girl version. since well nova is a female)

People with your mentality, breeds more toxicity.
Boohoo they are using something I dont like. Well gee imma get back at them by letting them die.

Edited by (PS4)zero1872001
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

Interesting. You know things like this are funny. I watched a whole team. Not res me during a defense. Was on my speed nova.  (And yes they all were just walking around)
What happened next? All three of them died at the same time. it was funny!, and they got clam slammed (Tea bagged girl version. since well nova is a female)

People with your mentality, breeds more toxicity.
Boohoo they are using something I dont like. Well gee imma get back at them by letting them die.

  1. Your teammates were idiots for not rezing a Nova. She's helpful and not toxic anymore (they fixed it soon-ish after she came out).
  2. I've never heard the phrase "clam slam" but it's funny and I love it.
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4 hours ago, Insizer said:
  1. Your teammates were idiots for not rezing a Nova. She's helpful and not toxic anymore (they fixed it soon-ish after she came out).
  2. I've never heard the phrase "clam slam" but it's funny and I love it.

Yeah I know they were lol. soo eh. they got what they deserved. and then yelled because i was "Trolling" them. THEY were less then 5 feet away from me, and couldnt take a step to res? LOL.

And yes. I have MANY euphemisms.

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On 12/23/2016 at 8:51 AM, Gruumzh said:

I've got this brilliant solution for you, my man!

Check this out:





I'm assuming you're directing this at people who spam the simulor with HoM, and not saying "don't play public if you don't like my selfish cancer ruining your matches and making the game boring and pointless."

Nobody would really say that, right?

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5 hours ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

You could always do one of three things.
1. Ask them not to use synoid for a while so you could test your weapon. (I myself would oblige. and switch to my melee, and still wreck S#&$)
2. Go into a solo mission.
3. Use the Simulacrum to test against whatever enemies you want.

Or you could always do one of three things:

1. Not spam the simulor with HoM.

2. go solo if you want to spam the simulor

3. spam your simulor with HoM in the simulacrum so you don't ruin anybody's missions.


Saying that you have a right to screw up other people's missions with your abusive eye-cancer low-skill room-wiping combo that you know everyone hates, just because they had the temerity to play on public, is pretty insane. Whatever happened to common courtesy?

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4 minutes ago, Azrael said:

Or you could always do one of three things:

1. Not spam the simulor with HoM.

2. go solo if you want to spam the simulor

3. spam your simulor with HoM in the simulacrum so you don't ruin anybody's missions.


Saying that you have a right to screw up other people's missions with your abusive eye-cancer low-skill room-wiping combo that you know everyone hates, just because they had the temerity to play on public, is pretty insane. Whatever happened to common courtesy?

Wow, so much salt there. Especially when someone was being nice.

1. My playstyle. dont like it, dont care.
2. See number three.
3. Whats point of shooting crap im simularcrum? Dont get any items. I'm not testing a weapon build like you. im hunting, killing S#&$, getting loot fast.

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

Yeah I know they were lol. soo eh. they got what they deserved. and then yelled because i was "Trolling" them. THEY were less then 5 feet away from me, and couldnt take a step to res? LOL.

And yes. I have MANY euphemisms.

Question: Is Nova even capable of trolling other than by throwing portals everywhere?


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12 minutes ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

Wow, so much salt there. Especially when someone was being nice.

1. My playstyle. dont like it, dont care.
2. See number three.
3. Whats point of shooting crap im simularcrum? Dont get any items. I'm not testing a weapon build like you. im hunting, killing S#&$, getting loot fast.

You were being nice by telling people to play solo or in the sim room if they don't like having their missions ruined? That's not nice, that's exactly the opposite. It's very telling that when I said the same exact thing that you said, you called it salt. I guess you don't like having your own logic applied to you.

This isn't about different playstyles, it's about the fact that you're making the game less fun for other people. Instead of being considerate, you respond by telling them to go play solo or in the simulacrum. Cheesy auto-win buttons aren't a playstyle, and people have the right to not have their games ruined by someone who wants to take away all of the actual gameplay.

Last night I was running Io, Jupiter, for Meso F2's. I was running public, and using equinox because that way I could speed-cheese the first 10 waves and leave. But I realized that some of the pubs weren't there to speed-cheese, they wanted to actually play. So I started asking people if they wanted me to shut off Maim. They frequently wanted me to, and whenever they did I turned it off as requested, because it wasn't really fair of me to take away their gameplay just because I wanted to cheese. Honestly I should have just gone solo (it would have been easy) but I was trying to watch some videos for a class on my other monitor and I wanted to be able to only half pay attention. The thing is, turning on Maim and slaughtering them all in the spawn rooms was very selfish of me, unless they said they were okay with it. And nothing gives me the right to selfishly ruin other people's missions. Nothing gives YOU that right, either.


Edited by Azrael
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3 hours ago, Azrael said:

You were being nice by telling people to play solo or in the sim room if they don't like having their missions ruined? That's not nice, that's exactly the opposite. It's very telling that when I said the same exact thing that you said, you called it salt. I guess you don't like having your own logic applied to you.

This isn't about different playstyles, it's about the fact that you're making the game less fun for other people. Instead of being considerate, you respond by telling them to go play solo or in the simulacrum. Cheesy auto-win buttons aren't a playstyle, and people have the right to not have their games ruined by someone who wants to take away all of the actual gameplay.

Last night I was running Io, Jupiter, for Meso F2's. I was running public, and using equinox because that way I could speed-cheese the first 10 waves and leave. But I realized that some of the pubs weren't there to speed-cheese, they wanted to actually play. So I started asking people if they wanted me to shut off Maim. They frequently wanted me to, and whenever they did I turned it off as requested, because it wasn't really fair of me to take away their gameplay just because I wanted to cheese. Honestly I should have just gone solo (it would have been easy) but I was trying to watch some videos for a class on my other monitor and I wanted to be able to only half pay attention. The thing is, turning on Maim and slaughtering them all in the spawn rooms was very selfish of me, unless they said they were okay with it. And nothing gives me the right to selfishly ruin other people's missions. Nothing gives YOU that right, either.


Well maybe if you read more. You'd see that I told him to ask them not to use it. saying people like me, would oblige.
He said or she said. they were TESTING weapons.
" I mean, you have to admit, it's kinda annoying to get stuck with a synsim mirage when you're on public, trying out a new weapon, new frame, mod setup, or riven.  "

That was their original post.

Therefore complaining not only about the simulor. but other players in general. if you're trying to test out the Validity and power of a weapon. Frame, or setup
Wheres the best place to do it? SOLO or SIMULCRAM Makes sense, doesnt it? Not in public where you're most likely gonna get all your kills stolen. It Hinders the actual testing of the items.

Once again, do some more reading. it was in this thread I believe where I explained the whole bit about my SS and MM. Because i prefer EFFICIENCY over wasting time. Going into something like hierocon, Do I wanna sit there for 20 minutes and only get 10 escavators done? Naw. I'll take my mirage and go solo an escavator while the others are doing their own. that way it gets to 2k cyro fast.
I'm also the type that does insane challenges. like.. a T4 Equivalent survival. with pistols only.  When towers was a real thing me and 3 other friends went into a t4 surv with all RAnk 0 items and frames. so you didnt have much room to mod them.  We stayed for almost an hour til everyone was down to 1 revive. So you can stow your "Cheesy auto win" BS. Especially considering, almost ANY frame can be turned into an auto win frame.And be "Cheese" The point of games like these, is becoming more powerful. and making yourself feel powerful.

Think you really just jumped into a convo. you had NO idea what the hell you were talking about. So enjoy.


Edited by (PS4)zero1872001
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14 minutes ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

You'd see that I told him to ask them not to use it. saying people like me, would oblige.
He said or she said. they were TESTING weapons.
" I mean, you have to admit, it's kinda annoying to get stuck with a synsim mirage when you're on public, trying out a new weapon, new frame, mod setup, or riven.  "

Why is it annoying? Because you can't use your new weapon. So if someone wants to use their weapon, and they have a good reason (like they're testing it), then they can ask you for a chance to shoot someone. You don't see the arrogance there? Do you see the difference between this and the story I posted, where I was asking other people if they minded me cheesing? This is a thread about how OP the synoid mirage combo is, not strategies for weapon testing. And you told him that if we wanted to use his weapon then he should ask, or go to the simulacrum. Did it occur to you that some people might enjoy playing the game, and not want you to play it for them?


18 minutes ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

Because i prefer EFFICIENCY over wasting time.

If every mission is boring because you're just slaughtering everything in the spawn rooms, then I would call that a much bigger waste of time than a slow hieracon. Rather than taking a little longer to get the same garbage reward, you're taking less time but making the entire game a waste. What's the point of playing if all I'm gonna do is listen to your simulor go PAWONG and see distorted lights instead of enemies?

You aren't the first person to tell people to stop playing public if they don't like synoid mirage. It's an infuriatingly arrogant argument, sort of like telling people to take the stairs if they don't like you farting in the elevator. The fact is it reduces the amount of fun others can have, and they shouldn't have to go to the simulacrum to avoid it, even if they aren't testing a new weapon.

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13 minutes ago, Azrael said:

Why is it annoying? Because you can't use your new weapon. So if someone wants to use their weapon, and they have a good reason (like they're testing it), then they can ask you for a chance to shoot someone. You don't see the arrogance there? Do you see the difference between this and the story I posted, where I was asking other people if they minded me cheesing? This is a thread about how OP the synoid mirage combo is, not strategies for weapon testing. And you told him that if we wanted to use his weapon then he should ask, or go to the simulacrum. Did it occur to you that some people might enjoy playing the game, and not want you to play it for them?


If every mission is boring because you're just slaughtering everything in the spawn rooms, then I would call that a much bigger waste of time than a slow hieracon. Rather than taking a little longer to get the same garbage reward, you're taking less time but making the entire game a waste. What's the point of playing if all I'm gonna do is listen to your simulor go PAWONG and see distorted lights instead of enemies?

You aren't the first person to tell people to stop playing public if they don't like synoid mirage. It's an infuriatingly arrogant argument, sort of like telling people to take the stairs if they don't like you farting in the elevator. The fact is it reduces the amount of fun others can have, and they shouldn't have to go to the simulacrum to avoid it, even if they aren't testing a new weapon.

Reread, then  rerespond, you're mixxing things up there uptop.

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Or people will continue to do as they please, how they please. Truth is, the more people complain about it, the more people are going to want to use it in public JUST because they know it'll piss people off.

I play Mirage. I use Simulor. However I usually have a group I play with and they encourage me to use the set up lol. However as a Mirage player I can safely say that HoM needs to be changed, but not nerfed. It's been nerfed far too many times. No, HoM needs to be changed to her 4th and turned into a toggle energy drain ability.

Edit: Granted this would by no means solve the problem at hand, but it would quell the masses. Really the only way to make it stop completely is to remove Simulor. But then Mirage players would move on to a new weapon. So remove HoM. And then Mirage is a useless frame.

Edited by (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan
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8 hours ago, Azrael said:

Why is it annoying? Because you can't use your new weapon. So if someone wants to use their weapon, and they have a good reason (like they're testing it), then they can ask you for a chance to shoot someone. You don't see the arrogance there? Do you see the difference between this and the story I posted, where I was asking other people if they minded me cheesing? This is a thread about how OP the synoid mirage combo is, not strategies for weapon testing. And you told him that if we wanted to use his weapon then he should ask, or go to the simulacrum. Did it occur to you that some people might enjoy playing the game, and not want you to play it for them?

This is exactly what my post, which you quoted, was about, it was directed at player who was complaining that he can't test or try out new weapons because of mirages using simulor. And no, it is in no way arrogant to tell them not to play public matches if they want to do so. If you want to try or test something out you either go to simulacrum or you go and solo a mission. Because I don't need neither mirage nor simulor to cheese every single mission in the starchart, so a player who's trying to do the aforementioned things is gonna complain either way. Let's flip the coin though, don't you think it'd be "arrogant" of someone to ask or even expect of me to let him test his weapons/warframe, because that'd require me to just sit there and do nothing which is exactly what people are complaining about in here when it comes to simulor/mirage. So does that mean it would be my turn and other players' in the squad to complain how the missions are boring cause some kid thinks he's entitled to pick what warframe or weapon i should use so that he can have fun? You know what I say to that? Read my first post. And then read it again and again....and again until you realize that i give no f.u.c.k.s that you don't like the fact i'm using simulor mirage (that's just speaking hypothetically, i actually don't use it a lot at all) and if it ever gets nerfed, i will find a dozen of other things to cheese the whole starchart because there's no difficult missions, there's no edgame.. People will find "the new thing" with which they will plow through the whole game equally as easy as if they were using sim mirage. So what you really should be complaining about is that we have no real endgame in this game. When this game is so grindy, repetitive and easy at the same time it's no wonder people are using the "op stuff" to just rush through the content.

I'll repeat once again. If you don't like it, don't run public matches. Not everyone uses a mirage or simulor, but if it ruins the game so badly for you that you don't even wanna be exposed to the risk of getting matched up with one of those, then simply don't run public matches. Seeing the amount of complaints in here, you guys can easily assemble multiple groups where no one would be 'allowed' to use neither mirage nor simulor and you could have fun playing the game. But seriously, play with your friends instead, find a clan, socialize with people, you'll have much more fun than running public matches that way even if not cause of sim mirage.

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People here are forgetting the fact HoM Mirage Sin Sim takes all the place on small areas, and is a real pain for the eyes AND gameplay for other players. 


When you want to be "efficient", most of the time you just don't like the game. You run from point A to point B spamming your noisy shiny weapon and using the same ability all the time, you don't even stop shooting when there is no enemy in front of you. And most of the time, you think other players are happy for the precious time economy. But you are wrong, in the end you made other players loose time, because they are here to actually play a game and they just end either walking doing nothing, or having a bad time trying to kill stuff before you get in the middle of the screen.

Same goes for WoF Embers in low level exterminates. Just because one person is too lazy and doesn't find it worth to actually aim, just because enemies are too weak, they use the most cheesy loadout as possible to go as fast as they can and turn the game into walking simulator. 

But guess what ? Go solo if you want to go fast, there will be even less enemies mate ! And maybe your precious cheesy toy will not get nerfed by pub players you made upset. 


Sorry if I sound salty, but I like playing pubs for the sake of diversity and not spending hours looking for a specific squad for whatever I want to do in this game. I don't play pubs to see a sumo faceroll my missions while I'm taking a nap. 

If I didn't want to play, I wouldn't start the game in the first place :) 


It's just a "please, please" post. If you want to cheese on easy missions, just stop thinking you are the hero of the day and cheese for yourself. Not everyone is happy spending 2+ minutes in a game, just letting one guy do all the job and ask you to go fast and be thankful. 


Peace <3

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I repeat: Simulor dont need a nerf. Kiddies go up to lvl 350 Enemys, there u never see a Mirage Simulor and u can't cry anymore. I love it to rush a lvl 30-100  (Low level) Mission with M-S to get fast the award. 




Flame Inc. ^^

Edited by Qinaii
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Synoid Mirage further trivialises already trivial content that can be tackled with a myriad comparably easy, albeit not as convenient, ways. Saying it needs a nerf is like saying we need to return to handicraft embroidery and ban textile factories, because they outcompete handicraft when, in reality, embroidery is completely aesthetic and is not vital to any affair the same way that it is not vital that trivial content be tedious. If you don't like playing with a Simulor Mirage, then don't. The vast majority of groups I get at random for the preponderance of things do not have a Simulor Mirage.

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Is this srlsy an problem of Simulor + Mirage or is it just you ,,,

i gues its you .. why 


Here's is why

Mirage + Every crowd control weapon can be much more OP than you 

it doesnt mather if you have Mirage + Simulor

it can be Mirage + Tonkor or Mirage + Pox , Or Mirage + Amprex 

much combinations can be made .. and still everyone is complaining after that ..

so it now Simulor , then Pox , then Amprex .. you see it keeps on going


For you know i can over spam with Pox for example .. then what you gonna complain about Pox .. sigh 

communicate more on chat or avoid public .. if the first thing doenst help 

Gather an group in Recruiting channel and you'll be fine to do whatever its in you're profit

Nobody forces you to play with Mirage tenno in the first place :)


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