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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Waking from a very unrestful sleep, Quinn sat on his bed looking at some random, uninteresting details about things people wanted. With a deep sigh, he stood up and let his warframe cover his body. He walked to the elevator and as it opened Juliet came out flew around his head a few times. A small smile lit the weary face but faded quickly. He remembered what Acantha, was it, said yesterday, about payment for the repair of her weapons. Shaking his head, Quinn mumbled something about not wanting to see anyone and went down to the foundry. Juliet looked concerned, if he could. 


He worked slowly as the “day” passed in the dojo, with Juliet floating about. The hours passed slowly and without excitement, but he was used to it, this was his life. He was nothing more than a Foundry worker, someone who could be replaced easily. He had stopped working, he didnt notice, and he had grabbed ahold of the necklace. 


A ping on his comm broke his empty minded break. Looking at it he saw a message, opening it he listened to a somewhat familiar voice.


“Hello again, i was wondering when would be a good time to talk about the payment for my weapon repairs.”  Acantha, that was her name. Sighing deeply Quinn sent a message back, not feeling like talking, just yet.


“Whenever, i have to much free time, drop by whenever.” Sending it, he kept working slowly, with Juliet floating about.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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and now a confrontation for poor Ans.



Walking at a fast pace, Ans worked his way through the maze work of hallways and rooms. Looking at all of the other Tenno talking and sitting peacefully about, made him a little sad. He wanted a life like this, but he could not bring himself to join another clan, never. After making his way to the docking station, he dropped off the credits to the machine and started to make his way onto his small cargo ship. Only to be stopped by a frame he knew, the nova. Stopping to stare for those few moments was  mistake, because she saw him and made a bee line towards him. Quickly jumping up the steps into this ship he tried to get the doors closed, but he was to late. he heard other metal foot steps on the floor and turning he was confronted by a very aggressive looking Nova. With her hands on her hips and a slight angle to her head she stared him down through their helmets.  


“Ummmmm...........” Ans looked at her then to the small countdown counter for the undocking sequence. She continued to stare at him then suddenly her helmet retracted. Her green eyes were intense, yet somewhat foggy at the same time. 


“You.” She said simply, the counter continued down to 10 seconds. 


“Yes, me?” He said yet asked. The counter reached 0. The sound of docking claps being released and the sound of the ship’s boosters kicking in filled the small ship. Her eyes snapped open quickly as she tumbled and fell onto his bed. Almost laughing he caught himself and watched the nova roll of his bed as the ship shot out away from the dojo. 


A few minutes had passed and he had stopped the ship. She had picked her self up and sat on his bed in those few minutes. 


“Sooooooo, do you want to go back to your dojo?” He asked her looking out a port window.


“Yes” She said in a slightly slurred voice. Nodding he noticed as her head started to nod a little. Shaking his head he let the ship take them back to the dojo. A few minutes later she was almost asleep and they were back at the Dojo.


“We’re back,” He said shaking her shoulder slightly. Snapping her eyes open she quickly got up and went to the door. She swayed ever so slightly as she departed. Shaking his head he un-docked, again and headed back out into the void of space. 


A sudden idea shot into his head.


“Wait....was she drunk?!” Ans asked himself.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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A few things had happened that first day at Aequitas, but nothing spectacular. Az had asked a few Tenno there where to find their Warlord, and gotten to know that they didn't have one, but a council of grand master Tenno instead. She had met with a wasp-colored Volt, which had seemed pissed off throughout their meeting, and had been allowed access into their clan after a very heated discussion that had ended with a couple of bottles of distilled alcohol, and the destruction of those bottles soon after.

She had found a room that was more or less hers now, with another Tenno sharing it with her, but she hadn't met her roommate as he/she had been on a mission. 


Now, this morning she went straight towards the foundry, with her prized weapons and just barged in without knocking or making known that she was entering there. A Vauban she had heard about a couple of times on her way there, called Quinn if she had heard right, sat there and seemed to be in deep thought.


"Oi, are you the foundry master?" Az asked him plainly and bluntly.

"Hmm? Yes, I am, and you are...?" Quinn responded, leaving the question hanging.

"New here. What weapons could you forge for me for these?" She asked him plainly, putting her Paris, both her Latos and her Orthos on his table. Ever since she had killed the Rhino, her brother, her weapons had disgusted her.


Quinn examined the weapons, trying out a couple of swings of the Orthos, a few shots from the Aklato set and strung up the Paris's bow.

"Are you sure you don't want these? You could take the head of a rhino or anything similarly strong with this." He asked her, placing the Paris on the table, amazed by the weapons' craftsmanship in regards to how well used they seemed.

"That's exactly why I don't want them, they have." Az said plainly, looking as if she was staring Quinn in the eyes.

"Oh.... well..." Quinn started, feeling rather awkward about having guessed it and not feeling any accomplishment with it, kept appraising the weapons. "... ehm... what kind of weapons would you want?" he asked, looking up to her.


Az thought for a while, considering her options. "A Boltor, an Ether blade and some kind of pistol." she said bluntly, still standing as still as she had at the beginning of their conversation.

"These are worth much more than that, wouldn't you rather want-.." Quinn started, but was cut off.

"Just a Boltor, an Ether blade and a pistol, thank you." Az interrupted him, before turning around and walking out of the forge.

"Oh... ah.. it's gonna take at least a few hours!" Quinn called after her, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. A couple of days, and he gets a shuttle-load of Orokin tech, vodka and now these. He took another look over them in suspicion. He had seen the design of the markings on them somewhere before, but where?


Meanwhile, Az walked towards the hall she had found to have a small bar, more than eager to have a drink there.



Did I portray Quinn in a wrong way somewhere?

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Lol I think she probably won't remember most if not all of it. Might make for interesting writing for someone else later if they want to write about running across her while she's drunk xP


I'll post something about it here in a bit. I really ought to be studying though, I have a comprehensive final tomorrow :x

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Just a brief taster for now!




The darkness of space was comforting to the augmented eyes of the Nekros, as his transport moved gently but hastily through the sea of emptiness. In the reflection of the glass, he could see his Raknis-covered face staring back at him – a constant reminder that he was a warring Tenno, sent out on a mission by the Lotus and there to bring an end to their collected enemy.


The thought brought him little comfort.


Maalkaris was once a man of science; a man dedicated to preserving the lives of his people as they served the Orokin and tried to bring peace to the solar system. The Sentience was strong however and no matter what new technology he could invent, it was always co-opted by their nemesis and turned against them.


So they fled, like cowards, into the terrifying embrace of the Void.


Everything Maalkaris knew about science or reality had been turned on its head in the blinding whiteness of this unexplored reality. Technology reacted in ways unheard of, and the longer they cowered in fear behind the dimensional barriers they had built up, the more their bodies corrupted and changed. Some managed to escape with only little harm or trauma; those people would become diplomats and scientists, using new technology to create new weapons and train others in the old ways of gun and blade.


Not Maalkaris.


Twisted by continued fighting in the Void, his body was wracked with curse after curse, causing muscle to eat itself away and his mind to turn inside out from the images. He was lucky, in that he had survived the ordeal, but he was forever changed – something more than, but at the same time, less than his former self. When he emerged from the void, the Orokin called them rejects, bound what remained of their flesh in steel and false skin, and pitied them.


It was not long until they realized that the sacrifice of its people would be their salvation.


“It’s time.”


The voice shattered the silence of the cabin as the Nekros turned his body around to face the Tenno diplomat. She was shorter than most of her kin, but her training was detailed in the muscle definition of her body and the stance of command she held. The Nekros nodded to show his readiness, but something seemed to be holding her back, as if she had something else on her mind. The period of silent watching seemed to relay that to her.


“…I know you have no love for the Corpus, but I hope that will not affect your performance in this mission, Maal.” The female said, but there was a softness of understanding in her voice. The Nekros once again, remained silent, but his head turned slightly, his visual sensors directed to the window outside as the Corpus transport came into view. The very sight of it made his synthetic blood boil, but his outward posture did not show such a feeling.


“Once we have Alad V, you will not have to work with them anymore.”


Maal did not respond to such a claim. Instead he looked back at the woman for a moment before stepping around her and to the door. He knew what had to be done, and the Lotus had called them in especially to deal with this problem of Alad V and his abominations. There were many reasons why Maalkaris hated this false peace, but none were bitterer then the capture of his fellow Tenno.


When he found Alad V, the time Maal would take to kill him would seem like a lifetime.

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I'm confused Wrath...why are you inserting, at every chance you get, a reference to the Tyranids or Zerg? I'd just like to know at this point, I've become accepting it'll just continue happening.


On another note...Fenrik and Faust get to Vis, and Crowley gives them a lecture on the trials they will face.




Crowley's ship seemed to take much less time than necessary to reach past the orbits of Pluto and the outermost Terminal Worlds of the Sol System, frighteningly so as if some old technology or magic were at work expediting the three Nekros' venture to a place where only Grand-Masters of the Tenno may go. Those who had heard rumor of the ancient ruin falsely mistook it for a place only for the Tenno Shamans much like the lost cathedral of Onmyo-Sekai. No, Vis was far more encompassing; a place engulfed in the history of the Tenno, their Warframes, and the greatest warriors among their number since the beginning. Vis was a monastery for Grand-Masters to gather, train, and to teach their disciples that would one day become the heir to their title and all that came with it.


Faust could only look out at the cold, dark world as they descended toward the barren surface and shiver. It was truly a terrifying place from afar though the apprentice Nekros could only imagine the awe he would feel once he was actually inside Vis. Unknowingly the fascinated male had pressed his hands against the window and leaned close to look out. Similarly, Fenrik was staring out at the small, dark planet that lay beyond the solar rails, beyond the reach of the Corpus or the Grineer. It would be a place to hone his skills and get stronger, so he'd never have to lose anyone again.


Crowley remained silent, only the whirring of the ship as it landed on the night-clad world seemed to reach his ears, not even his Djinn's chattering at Faust and Fenrik was reaching his ears. This was the place he'd awakened at so long ago now, it seemed. Where he had met the phantom of Hayden Tenno, been greeted by the Lotus herself, and tested by the spirits of his past. Compared to the trials to come for his apprentices...that challenge is the most basic of Tenno training exercises. The quiet in the Grand-Master of the Dead's mind was broken as he opened the door of his ship, setting foot upon black, dusty, cracked earth once more. "Come." Was the command that escaped his lips, an order that neither apprentice would dare to, or want to, defy.


The walk to Vis was what seemed to take ages, the wastelands stretching on for a life-age and longer just by the sight of them. Sweeping winds kicking up the darkly colored dust that barren soil gave up, seeming almost to try and push the trio away from their destination. It was likely a form of natural defense and yet another reason Vis had been built in this specific location on the planet. With so much open ground any land-force was an easy target, not to mention the harsh wind, light, and temperature conditions most foes that would oppose the Tenno could not stand. The crawl of time was turned to normal when they reached the steps leading up to the monastery, Faust looking back to see they had left their ship relatively close to the structure, though it was definitely far enough away only a keen eye would be able to make out the ruin of Vis carved out of the plateau's wall.


Both younger Tenno gasped as they saw the inside of Vis was still as great as the towers in the Void, though by far less audacious and most certainly the outermost chambers and halls were made of stone rather than metal and ivory and no hint of plant-life remained, if there ever had been any in the first place. It amused Crowley somewhat to hear his apprentices so shocked over these halls, ones he had come to memorize over his long stay at Vis while he pondered his own initial lack of memory. Still, the Grand-Master let his apprentices wander a little so long as they followed him to a degree, leading them to his chamber...the Coffin Chamber.


Motioning for the two other Nekros to remain by the Cryopod Coffin that he himself had once slept in, Crowley moved to block the way to the Cloister of Passages. Sliding his hands behind his back the ice-blue Nekros chuckled softly. "So you two would burn away any humanity left in your bodies to become True Nekros?" He queried, his voice sounding strangely youthful and elderly at the same time. "You would bond yourselves to your Warframe, forsaking all pleasures of the flesh, all hope of a bloodline heir, all mortal joys?" There was a pause to let this sink in before Crowley saw both young Nekros nod solemnly. Stepping down from the altar where he'd made his brief questioning, Crowley started to pace about his apprentices. "You know nothing of pain...not you, Faust, nor even you, Fenrik." The older Tenno hissed with an undeniable venom in his voice. "You think what you have suffered in this life is pain? Anguish? Despair?!" Crowley's raised voice echoed off the vaulted ceilings, carrying for much longer than was comfortable to listen. "You will live the lifetimes of others with this branding, your lives will span beyond the scope of what most Tenno could ever dream! Make no mistake...you walk with Death after this day...and you will beg for his aid in the trials to come." Crowley glared down at the two apprentices, his sternness slightly surprising. He was not known for getting this way often, especially after the Sundur event. "You will walk the gates of hell, the endless expanse of limbo, and even the blinding radiance of paradiso before you can even begin to dream of replacing me!" Crowley's energy had turned a bloody red, some of his Warframe's color beginning to shift black.


Walking back to where he stood before, blocking the way to the Cloister of Passages again, Crowley began to motion with his arms expressively as he spoke out. "The prideful will scorn you...the lustful tempt you...the greedy will pine for your most prized possessions!" Snapping his right arm out Crowley pointed at the two other Tenno present. "The slothful entreat you, the gluttonous seek to eat you, and the wrathful destroy you!" Waving his arms out to the side the now pitch-black Nekros seemed to send wreathing waves of red through the room's walls. "The envious shall hate you...but beware most...the traitor..." Clawing at the air as he spoke it was almost as if Crowley had been driven into a fanatic frenzy of madness. "For in the blackest darkest depths of the abyss whipped by the coldest winds you shall find no pity! Beware the betrayer, blackest heart among the white, disguised as innocent but in disguise only!" Dropping his arms Crowley looked at the ceiling, remembering his own trials. "But before even that you will face your dead beloved...a forest of death and self-destruction whose fruits of malice hang an anathema to life, whose bloody rivers will cast judgment upon you." Suddenly the regular colors of the icy Nekros returned and he chuckled, one hand covering part of his Raknis helmet. "If either of you make it back alive...succeed or fail, I shall be impressed. So few make it through the Waltz of Inferno."

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