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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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most predators are cunning, sly. A tiger may seem brutish when he attacks, but the stalking before the strike is more important to him than just pure strength.

Yeah but he has to have a weakness, So if hes Amazing with Intelligence, Strength, Speed, and literally Invulnerable.....is it even possible to kill him?

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Yeah but he has to have a weakness, So if hes Amazing with Intelligence, Strength, Speed, and literally Invulnerable.....is it even possible to kill him?

 This is my worry. Even if it IS possible to kill him (like chucking him out into the void or something), that's still killing off Kris. So I'm assuming everyone has given up on the saving-Kris option at this point then? lol


I just feel like it's getting so crazy now with the whole invulnerable/practically unkillable/ect. thing right now saving Kris isn't something that's even vaguely possible. Or am I wrong?

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well, he is not invulnerable (galatine through him, Electrical burn on his hand) and he is not amazing with intelligence, just standard intelligent. 


best way to beat Berserker? freeze him and contact Kris. the moment Kris's conciousness wakes up, Berserker will loose control.


Edit: this is also why it is important to stop Berserker within 10 minutes at most. also, another way to beat Berserker is to calm him down. which is why Kris went unknowingly into an area where it would be easy to trap him so Berserker could calm down.

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Will he? Berserker's consciousness seems incredibly dominant right now. If Kris even had some modicum of control, why aren't we hearing him in Berserker's head right now, fighting for control? Personally, I would like to see this fight end by having Kris fighting Berserker from the INSIDE, where, perhaps, he is more vulnerable than the outside. But that's just me, and it's not my characters so what do I know? lol


And by Invulnerable I mean that while he takes damage, none of it truly hurts him/affects him in a substantial way, not that he doesn't take damage at all.

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Kris's conciousness is asleep...you know...maybe...GOT A PLOT POINT INSIDE OF BERSERKERS MIND! gonna weaken him after Khimera posts his thing :3 it will make sense in the end. it will be #*($%%@ up, but awesome!


Edit/spoiler: it will happen inside Berserkers mind >:3


Edit 2: also, there is a reason why Kris hasn't been fighting Berserker for control. (its called being stuck in a memory)


Edit 3: writing it now on google docs, will then copy over to word and then copy over to the forum the moment it is finished.

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You have been very busy while i was gone! But now i am back.



That Volt is berzerk, just as much as the Berzerker, Shade noted, The Ember is connected to pure, raw Void energy, literally wired to it with little regard for safety measures. That poor, likely soon-to-be-dead man just used Akimbo Gorgons... To no effect.


-Do you have anything productive to say?-asked Akinos, who'd just managed to get through the knockdowns and to the location of the commotion, and wasn't happy with what he was seeing.


Run the hell out? That's about it, the Shade concluded. But you never listen to my ideas, so how about i tell you about abnormal power spikes within what remains of that warframe. It seems power inhibitors are active. If one was suicidal, one could go right near it, hit those tiny, super charged points with ones highly energy conductive blades, and cause an energy release that could knock the Berzerker out. On the other hand, if it remained conscious after the aforementioned discharge... Well, no one will have to worry about the Grineer, the Corpus, the Infested, or the Tenno. It'll have it's full power, and rip the system asunder.


-...Duly noted-Akinos answered, after such explanation. However, he took a step forward and prepared his Glaive-So, shall we go in?


If the Shade had had a face, it's expression would have been... Well, it would have broke it's facial expression motors. If it had had them. The only way to relate it would be... Well, that it's face would have jumped out, then fallen apart entirely.


You have to be @(*()$ KIDDING me... was all the Shade could respond then, followed by a plain,,  Displaying targets, engaged Warframe Power Inhibitors. You'll notice, if you have keen eyes, that those are also the strongest points in the creature's armor. they must be destroyed within a period of time of... c^2? To make it simple, all at the same time, to knock it out. Success percent... Unknown, estimated to be somewhere between "NOT GONNA HAPPEN!" and "Yeh, sure pal...(/sarcasm)" Sending tactical schemes out to those who seem to be in shape as to do it. 2 minutes' time please?


-Ok, how about we sit down, and talk this through!-Akinos said stepping fully into view of those who were present- I am sure can find a way to deal with this... Peacefully, you know, kinda, not all peace-of-death like, not till we get some Nekros around here anyway. Maybe then we can go eat some roasted Charger, you know, fresh. I hear it tastes good if you are mad!




There are Akinos and Shade, and they're on the ball... Kinda. 


Note: The Shade sends out a short briefing of the disturbances it can perceive because.. well, it's got nothing else to do. Burst laser pistol might not work here... I think.

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Being thrown into a wall like he'd thrown the Berserker earlier had not been pleasant. It was ironic and Khimera could appreciate that even in his current state but it was still a pain. Volts were not known for their high armor, but not many were as...'creative' with their power usage as Khimera tended to be. He'd dulled the impact a bit with electromagnetic force but his consciousness was flickering anyway. Maybe if he'd had his helmet he wouldn't be dazed and blacking out but that wasn't a consideration he had the luxury to have.


Light...energy...life...power...pure power. "Protocol Indra; Inhibition Lock Breakdown. Bodily Self-Harm Imminent." It was the sound of Khimera's Warframe giving him a warning even as he got up, going after Berserker again. The punch his very aura deflected was satisfying to singe, enough so that the currently blank expression of the Volt gave way to a whisper of a smile. This must have been what it had been like for Scarlet when she'd begun to burn into her very being for the power to exact vengeance.


To onlookers Khimera looked very different from his standard self. Similar to how Crowley's colors changed with his fury or calm the Volt's had shifted to ones similar to those he'd donned during Ajkrumen's Funeral. A shimmering, almost silvery white with cool, icy blues while electric particles trailed from his figure like mist or flame. His eyes glowed a similar pale blue, making it impossible to tell where they were actually looking. Bloodlust seemed gone from his demeanor, raising his right hand to the sky calmly despite the imminent danger. "Apocryphos." As if called from a gate to the Void itself rays of light blasted at Berserker, narrowly missing as the beast moved away. The attack was too strong to direct with any form of dexterity or manipulation, but the trails the rays left behind revealed they were like blasts from a positron laser. Electricity concentrated in a pure and focused form, a burning holy light like the wrath of god. Not done, Khimera swept his arms out then crossed them, blinding serpents of energy snaking out from his form and lashing out like a thousand whips.


An opening! From the center the once-Wasp was now bare and refused to move. Taking this perceived chance Berserker dragged the tips of his claws on the floor, sweeping in low to duck under the lashing energy things. "WHO IS MONSTER NOW?!" He roared, baring silver fangs as he swung to make mincemeat of the stationary Volt.


It was not to be. An afterimage perfect and unsullied until struck vanished before Berserker's eyes only for Khimera to reappear mere nanometers from where he could have been cut to ribbons. "Domini." Pointing an index finger at Berserker's forehead the Volt unleashed a burst of power that forced the creature back, sending cracks along the weaker parts of his exoskeletal structure. "Parasite, fall and be made as waste before the sun's fury." Khimera dictated in indignant tones, bringing his hand up and clenching it into a fist. For a brief second a field of stars was made present in the hall once more before they vanished, Berserker run through with over a dozen lances of focused energy, much stronger than before. "Promethean." This time the lances bent and twisted, forming a strong webbing around Berkser's form, a straight-jacket made of something non-physical thus it could not be cut, or at least that was the concept. This energy would not last forever and Zel's gift would likely leave Khimera unable to attend combat for a great deal of time...if not forever. Prices must always be paid for what we want most, and even if she didn't know it Zel had given Khimera something better than power, she had given him hope. If he would withstand the Void's baleful energy coursing through his being he could find what he was looking for. They could all find what they yearned for in their lives. Even better at present: they would save Kris.

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GHost mentally screamed in pain, unable to truly voice what she felt as she had no working voice box. Falling back as she clutched her head as her dojo fought for their very lives. She knew not how long she laid there, wide eyed and in pain but eventually she shook her head and re-shielded her mind. She noticed the wasp, Khimera was a different color as was channeling pure void energy through him "Such a strong Tenno..." She closed her eyes, gathering all her psychic power before drilling it hard into Beserker's mind "KRIS! WAKE UP. YOU MUST HELP US STOP BESERKER" Her call echoed through the Tenno's mind, helping jar Kris to awareness to he could wrest control from his darker half. This however left her drained of energy and her camouflage field dissipated leaving her visible to others for the first time that fight. The blue and red immortal skinned Nyx with her Vespa helmet simply fell to her hands and knees, then onto her side. Her mind ached horribly and it would take time and effort to remove the stains of hate and anger that Beserker had forced into her mind. She simply hoped it was enough... That they could actually beat this foe. Hey eyes close as unconsciousness took her away from the pain so her mind could begin to repair itself. However her helmet also retracted, leaving her head and neck exposed to view. Her silver hair was long and in a ponytail, her face was fair and fairly elegant looking. However what would draw the most attention was the vicious, horrible scar on her neck.

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Dammit... I left for a few days, and missed nearly all of this. >:(

Khimera, whoops, fixed that mistake

Operation cookie is temporarily... paused. I would love to continue it, and any of you can continue it as well, but there's both the archive and at least one other story that I want to work on first.

Anyway, I may briefly jump in, if a little late (damn)



Nyx had just finished with her mission, before hearing the emergency transmission from the dojo. 'Dammit! Why now?' She had thought, pushing her snub to its limits.


She ran along the darkened corridor, with scars and marks of battle all along it. She was finally close. The Lotus, security feeds and nearby minds had built up a picture of the battle, and it was grim. 'I may have even arrived too late... The fight seems to have passed.' Nyx ran, nearing the entrance to the memorial hall, preparing to draw back her bow and join in the fight, if required.




The psychic call burst out through every mind in the area, a plea for help and strength. 'The fight I may be too late to help with... but this I can.' Nyx ran forward, gathering her energy and preparing her mind, sprinting through the blasted open doors of the memorial hall. She shoved her bow back into its mag-sheathe on her back, and gathered her energy into her hands as she got closer to the deformed Tenno suspended in pure white light. She slowed and stopped, still shaping the energy and kneeled on teh ground. Pushing her mind into the cognitive realm, she Saw him, the Beserker and Kris, interlocked in thought and body. The Beserker was pushing down on Kris's consciousness, holding him down in a corner of their mind even as he struggled in some internal battle.


Nyx focused, the energy gathered in her hands growing stronger and forming into what was required. 'I am not strong enough, or skilled enough to do this, but I must try. I must do whatever I can, when I have the opportunity to do it.' She readied herself to plunge into a mind at war, to help however she could. With a cry, she hurled the green shard of energy at the Beserker, and it plunged into his mind, dragging hers with it. 'This moment must not be lost' was the last though that crossed through her consciousness, as her body faded from her perception and she dived into a fight that could be her last.


Wow it feels good to sit down and write again!

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“Projectile? That makes no sense! I like it!” Still shouting, he turned to the Excalibur. "Well i dont kinda want to fight anymore..." This time lowering his voice."Mine's too" One of his hands added, soon followed by the other "And mine". The Excalibur could only watch confused as the Rhino sat against a wall.


Oh and viking, thanks for the positive feedback, i forgot to say that.

Edited by OmegaMK1
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I wish I could have got some time in for Heus, but meh. Another epic adventure awaits him. Exemplary writing, everyone. Seriously, Khimera, that last bit was just... amazing. All I have to say now is.... dat brain movie.


Edit: Also, with all of these stories going through my mind, I had a weird dream. It was like all of our characters were real and there was a menace attacking the dojo, not the Berserker, but some giant juggernaut of Grineer or Corpus technology that was wiping everything out. We only had time to get up like 6 snubs to go and face it. Then I woke up. Also, there was a bit in there about tenno fighting tenno. That's all I remember, but maybe we could do something with it, iunno.

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Kris couldn’t believe his eyes. Elena looked absolutely stunning as she walked towards him, her dark hair flowing in the breeze from the open window of their bedroom. She sat down in the bed, staring intently into Kris’s eyes.


‘’This isn’t real, darling. you are dreaming.’’


‘’What do you mean? of course this is real! if it wasn’t, i wouldn’t be able to hold you, would i?’’


‘’Yes you would. We are inside your mind, and Berserker is out. You need to wake up before he grows too strong and kills all those wonderful people you have come to know. You need to let go off me, Kris. Wake up.’’


‘’But i don’t want to let go of you.’’ Kris said, sadness obvious in his words. ‘’And i would become alone again, with no one that understands me.’’


‘’But I am not real. Just let go off me and embrace a new future. Maybe you will find a new meaning in this world once you just let go.’’


Kris snapped out of his memory as he accepted what his wife had said, letting go off the past and focusing on the present. The biggest problem right now was that Berserker was all alone in control of the body and Kris did not like that at all, seeing as Berserker was the result of something terrible he just couldn’t remember. ‘’Need to stop him, need to weaken him.’’ Kris thought as he approached Berserker.


Berserkers mental form was different from his physical form as the form he had inside the shared mind was well dressed, in a suit and tie with his red hair slicked back and a gold trimmed eye-patch covering where his eye had once been.


‘’Well, well, well. Look who is awake again. Truth be told, I’ve grown quite bored of what I have been doing. It’s just no fun hunting weaklings when all of these predators keep challenging me. Tell you what, if you beat me in here, you can have the body back. Deal?’’


‘’Deal.’’ Kris answered as he took up a combat stance, finally giving himself a good look as he noticed that he was wearing similar clothing to Berserker, just white instead of black. Berserker took up a similar stance and charged at Kris.



On the outside, Berserkers skin started to crack as the turmoil inside of his head started affecting him. His eye started shifting fast between red and blue as his form started shifting between the forms of Kris and the weakest form of Berserker, shocking the people around him who did not understand what was happening.



‘’Surrender, Zerk. You have caused enough damage already.’’ Kris said as the two personalities clashed, each trying to become dominant.


‘’I said that if you could beat me, you could have your body back. I never said it would be easy however.’’ Zerk answered as he blocked a strike from Kris, aimed at his temple, countering with a kick meant for Kris’s side.


‘’I am not giving up either, and I know your moves better than anybody!’’ Kris replied as he blocked the kick and countered with a punch straight into Zerk’s kidney.


‘’Agh, guess I forgot about that.’’ Was the only thing Zerk said before he tried to strike Kris’s head, only to be blocked once more by the swift movements of Kris.


‘’Why do we have to wear suits though? they just make this fight look more like something straight out of the old Bond-movies.’’ Kris said as he delivered a small flurry of hits to Zerk’s chest before punching him straight in the nose.


‘’You know, i have no idea.’’ Zerk said as he blocked the next incoming blow from kris and retaliated, delivering a knee kick to Kris’s gut. ‘’But the worst thing is what is happening outside of our arena. The body won’t be able to take much more and will collapse, leaving us stranded and locked in combat. Which is a total bummer by the way.’’ Zerk finished talking just as kris kicked him in the head, sending him flying. 


‘’Yeah, which will suck for both of us. I just wish we could go back to who we were when we were 2 years old, you know. When we were ONE personality.’’ Kris said as he charged the still lying Zerk. 


‘’Too bad we lost 16 @(*()$ YEARS OF MEMORY! Oh well, we lost way more than that, like the 6 years after Elenas death. WHERE THE F*** WERE WE?’’ Zerk said as he countered Kris’s charge, punching him straight in the family jewels.


‘’OH GOD! SERIOUSLY? IN THE NUTS? THE F*** MAN?’’ Kris shouted as he rolled on the ‘’floor’’ of the mental arena. 


‘’Sorry, instincts. Can’t control them.’’ Zerk said with a slight grin and a chuckle in his voice.


‘’Oh, I am going to kick the ever living S#&$ out of you for this, you little brat.’’


‘’HOLY F***!’’ Zerk ran away from the enraged Kris. 



Berserker howled as his body changed and formed anew. no one knew what was happening other than something terrible was happening inside the mind of the monster.



Zerk had managed to gain the upper hand in the mental fight, trying to assert dominance once more as the two fought for control of the body.


‘’You can’t beat me. You aren’t strong enough yet. Even though you know my moves, you cannot do enough damage to beat me.’’ Zerk said, full of confidence and pride.


‘’I cannot beat you alone, but who says I am alone?’’ Kris said as a new presence entered the arena. ‘’After all, I am a member of Aequitas!’’ The presence started getting a form of its own. ‘’And I guess you can say, I got allies.’’ Kris smiled as Nyx’s form finally finished gaining Its shape.


‘’Well, color me impressed. I guess the wall fell once you woke up, huh? Now you actually may ha...’’ Zerk couldn’t even finish the sentence before getting hit by a combined attack of the now two people fighting him. ‘’THE FU…?’’ Zerk was thrown all over the mental arena as with the presence of Nyx, Kris had both gained confidence and the fury felt in his attacks.


‘’You will relinquish the control of the body back to me! Is that clear?’’ Kris shouted as he hurled Zerk towards Nyx who kicked him into the ground. Standing up, Zerk dodged another hit only to quite literally put himself into an inescapable situation as Nyx managed to grab and hold him, allowing Kris to rain blows upon the dominant personality.Zerk couldn’t take this much punishment and so with great difficulty, he managed to release himself from the hold and use Nyx as a shield for a single punch.


‘’You really are something else. I can’t  remember the last time I got beaten this much up. I think my time here is done for now. I’ll be back when you need me, but only when you need me.’’ Zerk said as he disappeared.


‘’Thanks for the help, I wasn’t sure if I could have taken him on my own.’’ Kris said to Nyx just as her own conciousness went back.to her own body.



Everyone could just stare as Berserkers body shifted back to Kris, the change sudden and surprising for all as his brutish from just crumbled as if it was an empty shell, revealing Kris inside of it. ‘’Hi, I’m back.’’ Was all he could say before he fell down to the floor.



Blegh, writing, changing minor things, having to invent dialogue on the spot.

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