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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Kris kept slipping in and out of conciousness, each time he woke he was somewhere else. The strain Berserker had put on the body too great to ignore as his limbs wouldn't move and his heartbeat kept slowing down. He heard the rushing of metallic things, shouts with worried voices, names called out and felt the stinging pain of needles entering his scarred chest. That was the last thing he felt for what seemed like eternity.


He woke once more, this time actually waking up. Looking around, he noticed the amount of beds surrounding him, all filled with injured Tenno. Several of these Tenno had bandages wrapped around parts of their bodies, others were unconcious and others were just blankly staring at the air. Kris could guess easily that these were some of the unfortunate recipients of Berserkers rage. 


Spotting several Trinitys rushing in and out of a surgical room, Kris became curious. Waving over one of the Trinitys who were nursing over the other injured ones, he asked: ''What is happening in there?''


The Trinity stared at him before speaking. ''They are working on removing Khimeras warframe as fast as they can. During the 'hunt', Khimera unleashed some strange power hidden in his warframe with the result that it is currently ruined and stuck to his skin.''


''Thanks, that is all the information I need.'' Kris said as the Trinity started walking away. Looking at himself for the first time since he woke up, he couldn't help but be saddened. ''Guess I took too long to wake up, huh?'' He thought as he examined his body. His right arm was no longer perfectly silver as cracks and burn marks covered his forearm and his chest had gained some of the silver that covered his arms and legs, although it only seemed to cover an area that looked remarkably like a wound. Picking up a mirror, he was a little bit surprised as he examined his face. His eye was no longer completely blue, but rather a more purplish color and several silver lines had formed on his cheeks as some sort of markings. He also looked more his age, as his face looked a little bit weathered now. ''Well, all in all, I think I might have become even more handsome.'' He chuckled as he proceeded to lay back down.


Edited by FatViking
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Finally my story!

It continues on from my short earlier.




Sophia moved away from the lancer, Paris in hand. She was enjoying herself immensely. She walked casually through the door into a corridor, still relaxed. The room had a full squad of lancers straight in front of her. She didn't even try to hide. Instead she placed her bow on her back and formed her psychic energy into a pair of wicked claws, that glowed a deep crimson, and lunged at the nearest lancer, before disemboweling him with a casual swipe of her claws.


The screaming that followed the encounter could, according to a nearby ship, be heard through the walls of the galleon and two miles of empty space. A rescue team trying to find anyone left alive found one lancer hiding in a corner. The room he was in was covered floor to ceiling in blood except for one small part, in which was written in blood,


"Love and kisses, Venefica"


The lancer spent three years gibbering at shadows. He never spoke of what had happened, no matter what was done to him, and finally succeeded to kill himself after a recorded sixty-two previous attempts.


The snub docked at the hideout, and Sophia walked off, casually swinging the bag full of round objects in her hand. She chuckled, as she saw the lines of helmets on stakes near one wall. She dumped the contents of the bag on the floor. Two Grinner helmets rolled out, the heads of the unfortunates still inside. She picked up the first, the head of an elite lancer, and rammed it onto a stake. The second, a bombards helmet, joined it on the next stake. She stepped back to admire the line of helmets. She had almost all of them. There was only one remaining to join the line. The Stalker's helmet.


"Venefica." The Lotus hailed her through the comms.


"My lady, what do you wish?" asked Sophia, removing her helmet and activating the hideouts loud speakers. She needed to let her hair out, it got very greasy when stuck under her helmet for too long.


"I have warned you about your brutality. I told you you had one more chance. You cannot spend all your time by yourself. I have sent you to join a clan."


"But-" Sophia protested.


"You WILL  go or I will give the order to have you removed. You have become a threat to all in the system." The Lotus told her. "Your own brother is scared of you."


That stopped any protest from Sophia. Her younger brother, Kylar, was probably what had stopped her from going mad when he rescued her from a Corpus prison camp. What was worse, was that the psychic disable systems, had prevented her from doing anything when the guards got bored, and seeing as she was the only women in several thousand square miles, decided to pay her a -visit-. She was not that strong physically, and was not too hard to pin down with brute strength. Kylar had snuck in to rescue her and caught one of them mid way through one of these visits. The crewmen who were there and enjoying themselves had been ripped apart by Kylar's bare hands. The one enjoying him self most had been knocked unconscious, and woke to find himself strapped down, Sophia standing over him, in her warframe, holding a synapse in one hand, and an embolist in the other. The screams lasted for days.


"Can't I move the hideout close to dojo and attach it on?" she asked.


"Not straight away," Lotus said after a pause, "You may take your weapons and supplies, but everything else stays."


Sophia sighed, and went to gather her few remaining weapons. A Dakra Prime, her beloved sword, a Brakk, a Glaive, a Soma, an Orthos, a Vectis, a Vasto and Latron.




"Yes Sophia?"


"What is the name of the clan?"






The list of weapons is in case any wants to use my character. 



Edited by Spikey844
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lol, at least Kris is making the best of his predicament.


Khimera, sadly, won't be fighting for a long time. At least Berserker cured his need to kill.


Kris's mind is healing, so his sense of humor is returning. (also, he and Zerk are kind of merging back, so his personality is going to be much more happier than before)


Edit: I only say kind of because Zerk will still be an independent personality, just a lot less aggressive.

Edited by FatViking
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Viking, you'd think re-absorbing a personality that dark would do the opposite don't you think? I dunno.


ANYWHO, when I get a tad more inspiration I shall post something. It'll all be post-battle stuff, I just haven't figured out how far ahead it'll be. For that matter, I'm still unsure how Acantha's going to react to Kris (even if he "was" Berserker at the time) breaking everything, in particular Memorial Hall and Ajkrumen's statue (after all, she didn't know him, but he's still important to her as a symbol of what she wants to become). Let's just say she hasn't been happy in any of the scenes that have been playing out in my head lately. With any luck I should have something up today, but no promises. Sorry.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Yeah, Acantha will be there, helping out with rebuilding/cleaning up wherever she can. That much is decided, however... [REDACTED]


Forget it, I don't want to post spoilers when I haven't even begun typing things yet. xD


Let's just say if someone has somewhere they think she should be or something they think she should be doing say so, and I'll see if I can match it up with what I'm working out in my head at the moment.



edit: on second thought, this didn't come out how I wanted it.... redo!


*addition: I agree with Aj Viking. I understand that he's not right in the mind, but let's just say in real life I'm pretty messed up in the head too. ANYWAY, my point is being messed up in the head doesn't mean you don't make sense, it just means that you react to the world in a different way. It doesn't change who you are, your personality, how you see life, your morality, ect., it just means that what makes sense to you doesn't always make sense to other people. Even people who have Dementia or other mental diseases may not make sense to the rest of the world, but in their own minds, they make sense to THEMSELVES, and are still consistent in who they are even if they can't show it in a normal way. The insane always at least make sense to themselves, even if their logic is twisted to everyone else.


Saying "he's not right in the head" isn't a free card to have him do anything, because it makes his decisions feel unbelievable and empty. It can't radically change his personality in a very short period of time (normally),and if something happens that's illogical, it can't make sense just because you slap "he's insane so it's ok" on the end of it. Not saying this is what you're doing/intending to do or anything, I'm just saying it as a word of advice. As long as something is explained in a logical way (even if it's just logical to the character and not how the rest of us would logic out how to react or what to do), it will make sense, but you can't use it as an excuse to have anything you want to happen, just because he's insane/unstable/whatever.

Edited by Jeahanne
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yeah, i really should think stuff through, shouldn't I? I REVOKE KRIS AND ZERKs merge, and instead lets just say that Kris is finally feeling accepted since it were Aequitas members aiding him in his struggle.


(I do honestly accept what you guys say, which is the reason why I am not proceeding with Kris and Zerk merging. At least you guys are honest when it comes to these sort of things. thanks)

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I'm not saying you can't have their personalities merge (after all, I think that's probably the only way to ensure Berserker won't wreck the dojo again), I just mean make it happen in an awesome way that makes sense xP


If that merging makes Kris happy, just explain why. Is he happy that things are finally getting back to normal? Is he happy that things are over? Ect, ect.


I mean, it feels unbelievable to me, for example, that he's cracking jokes around people he was, indirectly, responsible for injuring. Especially Khi. However, that's mostly because there's no explanation of Kris's behavior, he just does it. We can't see into Kris's head if you don't show us, so show us xP

Edited by Jeahanne
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I'll show into Kris's mind then right now.



''You know, I used to be normal. Well, not normal seeing as i had...you know...But that didn't matter at that time. It was a time when Zerk didn't exist, when I could crack jokes even in the middle of combat, and I didn't feel sad. Unfortunetly, it didn't last. So let me tell you how Zerk came to be, and how I ended up as how I am today.


I was just starting my training and I was a lot older than most of the initiates. Most of them were teenagers, 14-16 years old and here I was 18 years of age, as green as the others. Well, that to begin with, the fact that I was older that is, didn't earn me any friends and the other fact that I came from an orphanage and didn't have any money of my own, earned me the ridicule of the entire rich kid population at the academy. After years of ridicule, harassment and abuse by the hands of my fellow students I was at my wits end. But that is not how Zerk came to be. No, Zerk came to be out of need. And lets just say, he became my tool of punishment.


It was in the middle of the night. I was asleep when the rich kids decided to teach me a lesson after I humiliated their leader in an organised duel, me having won with relative ease. They abducted me and tied me up in the basement of one of their houses and proceeded to torture me. They kept doing it for days and all that time, no one came to my aid. Not even my mentor, a man I respected, came to my aid as I am sure my torturers told him some lie to keep him from coming for me. After two weeks, I just wanted death to take me. After one particularly brutal torture by one of them, I passed out. Too bad that during the torture, something inside my mind had been silently calling my torturers weaklings and finally when I passed out, the perfect chance arose. Zerk took over, for the first time. Back then, He wasn't as powerful as he is today as he had never truly existed before, and it literally was his first day on the job. When I finally returned to my senses, I was laying in my bed in the academy. I never saw my torturers again, but I couldn't care less at the time. Zerk did take control a few more times, but thankfully there were always Tenno who could stop him around the corner.I can't remember what happens when Zerk takes control. People will have to tell me, or I have to look at the damages to understand what happened while Zerk was in control.


During my relationship and marriage with Elena, Zerk stayed quiet for some reason. 10 years without him, and those were the happiest years of my life. He didn't even appear for several years after her death. The last time he appeared before the cryo-sleep was during the collapse. 


After the cryo-sleep, I couldn't remember anything. Not how to hold a gun, not how to swing a blade for efficient kills. Nothing. The only real thing I could remember was the moment leading up to my recruitment into the Tenno. So, my first mission set in motion how I would see myself for 4 years, as a failure. Zerk could easily rip control away from me, I hurt people on the station, I earned enemies, not friends and I lost all self respect. It took Lotus herself to get me to join a clan, for f*cks sake.


I can see it has only been hours since Zerk took control from me last, and even though I cracked a single joke in the Med-bay, I am riddled with guilt. I can't control what happens once Zerk takes control, but I can say that He won't be bothering me for a long time. I remember what happened in my mind, I can remember exactly what he said. and though I cannot remember what happened on the outside, I can still remember the fight for control. I am going to leave the Aequitas dojo for a while and search for Elenas grave, to pay her a final visit and to start a new life, as a better Tenno and as someone with more control. I shall return when my mission is done.


To Khimera. I am sorry for what has happened to you and I wish you all the best. Thank you for your part in stopping me.


To the others, I apologize for what I did as Berserker. I can never truly forgive myself for what has happened. Thank you for your part.


I shall leave soon, so you won't be seeing me for a while. Goodbye.''


Kris walked out of his snub with the data core in his hand, as he headed for the Memorial Hall. Reaching it, he walked towards the statue of Ajkrumen, Quinn still in the progress of repairing it. Setting the core down at the feet of the statue, he picked up his notebook and wrote one final message on the final page.


''I'm sorry.''



Ok, not what I was intending to do, but it just happened.

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