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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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ALLLLLLLLLLLL of it! and a new helmet for Fenrik! Raknis helmet goooooooo!


EDIT: balls i forgot he fused with his warframe. uuuuuuuuuuuh.... ILL FIND SOMETHING FOR YOU TO DO!


more edits!: Also Khi, i think that fight with Ein got postponed since Zerk showed up and started wrecking face xD that and Ghost is rather horribly traumatized in the med bay in her coma. maybe he could visit her or something? o3o just a thought.



Edited by KittyShark
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The snub slid into the hanger, docking clamps seeking holds on the craft. When it had stopped moving, Sophia stretched from the pilots seat and climbed out, a hover trolley following her with her weapons and supplies. Her helmet was retracted as she scanned the bay to see if anyone was around. She spotted a Nova, walking towards what looked suspiciously like a bar.

"Hello, can you give me a hand?" She called out to the Nova. The other Tenno turned.

"Oh, hi, I didn't see you there." She strode towards Sophia. "What do you need help with?"

Sophia detected something in the other Tenno's voice, an anger and weariness.

"The Lotus sent me to join the clan, do you know where I can get my room from?" Sophia asked.

"I'll get you somewhere, then I'll tell Quinn that you're here."

"Thanks." Sophia began to follow the Tenno down a corridor.

"By the way, I'm Sophia."

"Acantha." The Nova replied.

They kept walking, passed the great hall, and Sophia could not help but notice the battle signs on the walls.

"What happened here? Dojo civil war?"

Acantha sighed. "No, one of the others went berserk. Khimera nearly killed himself activating some hidden system in his Volt. As you can see, it was hard to stop him."

Sophia stopped suddenly, her psychic sense going into overload.

"Are you ok?" Acantha asked.

Sophia didn't respond. She knew some one who had fought here, someone who had lost their mind.

"Where is Kris?" Sophia whirled and demanded of Acantha.

"You know Kris?"

"Where is he?!?" Sophia roared, forming psychic daggers in the air.

Acantha back peddled fast.

"Whoa! Calm down!"

Sophia opened her mind and launched her conscious into Acantha, and ripped what she knew of Kris from her in a moment. She did not get the answer she wanted. Acantha did not know where Kris was, only that he was last in the med bay. Hurling the poor Nova aside with a flick of thought, she began to hunt him down. He had to pay for what he had done.

Next story will be a flashback for Sophia

Also the i in her name is pronounced -eye- not -eee-

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Erm.... *confused*



... but Acantha isn't even a member of the clan yet.... she'd have NO idea how to go about getting Sophia a place to stay, she doesn't even have a room herself (spoiler, she's been sleeping in her snub like a hobo).... and why would she tell Quinn? Sandalphon is in charge of providing rooms isn't he...? *scratches head in bewilderment*


Besides, she wouldn't just go down without a fight... I guess I'll have to write about her getting &!$$ed off and chasing her assaulter down.... *grumbles about continuity*


Oh well, at least she got written into something, that's always a plus lol


I guess I'll run with it, after all why the hell not? ONWARD WITH THE CHASE! >:3

Edited by Jeahanne
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Lol perhaps, I just wasn't expecting this is all. I guess my sketching will have to wait.


To be honest, it doesn't really bother me what she (if I'm right and Spikey IS a she, if I'm wrong, insert "he" here) did with Acantha, I just don't know why they'd think Acantha knows much about the inner workings of Aequitas yet. It doesn't really matter though, I'll make it work. After all, I like the Sophia... even if she does scare the living hell out of me personally lol

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