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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Viking quit nagging x.x


And since I angered the great Aiglo last night because I forgot to post my characters, here's a list.


Acantha: Nova. Relatively young (which in Tenno years could mean about anything), although adept, she is about as far from an aprentice as she is from being a master, at least in her own head. She suffers from a lot of self-doubt and guilt about her past (which she's yet to fully remember) and her actions since waking from cryo-sleep. In particular, her failure to act by joining the battle in which Ajkrumen, and so many others (I assume) died. While she not know Aj personally, his deeds and reputation serve to her as a shining example of what she wants to one day become, and so his memory is dear to her. This is especially true since currently there's no one awake/alive/whatever that she's yet to get close to, even as a friend, at this point in time. She's not a true member of Aequitas (she's so stubborn, her story about joining refuses to tell itself in my mind so I haven't figured out how to get her in the clan yet :/ ), however she is fiercely loyal once she does find people she cares about, and since she respects and admires the spirit of the clan and as well as many of it's members, she feels close to them even when she's still technically on the outside of it's membership.



Backstory characters:


Matteus: Excalibur. A relatively new character to the story I've been posting, he's the older brother to Acantha, and, later, was partnered in battles and missions with her due to how well they played off of one another and complemented each other in a fight. It was his intervention that got his sister trained as a Tenno under the same master as himself. Spirited and mischievous, he has a very black-and-white vision of good an evil and a devotion to taking care of his sister, especially since them training together has brought them closer together as family. He has always felt a great responsibility to take care of her and keep her safe, which is a trait he retains as both he and his sister grow up.


Matteus and Acantha's Master: Name Unknown. Excalibur. Gruff, impersonal, and hard to like. More about him will be revealed later. Even though he's not really a bad person, let's just say he's not into things like hugs and positive reinforcement and leave it there for now :3

Officially, You're forgiven. I'll call off the hounds :)

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there is a thing called borrowing weapons :D


his sobek shotgun might be on loan if you are willing to help later :D

Whatever it takes! A Sobek sounds like a nice replacement for the Hek temporarily.


But unfortunately, it won't do him much good right now as his old, clunky Vauban suit is basically obsolete, and he needs a new Warframe.

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Sophia stood in shock, staring the body that was on the bed before her. She let her psychic whip dissipate as she moved towards the from, surrounded by Trinitys trying to remove the warframe on his body. She assumed this must be Khimera, the Volt that Acantha had mentioned. Sophia reached with her mind towards the shattered Volt. Her mind was barraged by pain from the contact and she was thrown back from the psychic recoil. A Trinity, seeing her fly back,rushed to her, and began to scan for injuries. Sophia waved her off. Her anger was building again as she realized what who had caused this.




She marched out the med bay, then ran into the maze of corridors that made up the dojo. She ran, looking for a training room or something like that. She came across a store room, unused at the moment, and hurled herself in, shutting the door tight. 


Kris had done this. He had done this. Her emotions contracted into one though, that fueled her anger, fueled her rage, fueled her to fulfill her oath











She ripped open the door of the store room, to find the blade of an Orthos at her throat. The Orthos was held by the Nova, Acantha.


"You are not going anywhere, witch." The words came from the Nova burning with anger.


Sophia looked back calmly.


"Of course I am. I am Venefica," she said with a smile, her helmet retraced. She cackled, causing the Nova step back slightly. Venefica took a step forward. 


"Stop me..."





I now force Jeahanne to write





I am so evil...


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