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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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That's all I can think of, so anyone mind if I write a good bit of the fight, and then someone can intervene? That's if they can think of a way to do so, Acantha will stop if given a good reason to, but I don't know about Venefica, I just don't know enough about her to say.


If not I'll write a good bit of the fight and leave it until I can think of something to finish it out, which works too. lol

Edited by Jeahanne
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Whew! Me and Blam finally got this done, and it's ready to be posted! Without further ado, here it is! I hope you all like it!



When he woke up, Ranger was alone. Isolated in the infirmary. All kinds of tubes and medical gizmos he didn’t understand were attached into his Warframe. Confused for a moment as to where he was, he unplugged the devices and sat up, feeling rejuvenated.
"Damn," he thought "if anything needs to be done first, I'm gonna need a new Warframe, as this clunky ol' tin can has passed its expiration date. Remembering what the young Ember had told him, he went to see if the weird-looking Vauban was still working on the Ajkrumen statue. As he made his way back to Memorial Hall, sure enough, the Vauban was still atop the statue’s shoulder. At this point, the statue’s arms were mended and the stone was not showing not a hint of ever being broken. The Vauban was just finishing up the final touches on the pedestal when Ranger walked into the room, still unable to grasp not only the time passed while he had slept, but the fact that Ajkrumen had fallen. “Hey, Mr. Vauba- Quinn, was it?
The Vauban simply nodded, not looking away from his work. He seemed to be lost in contemplation over his patch work. Under his breath he mumbled “Seams look stable... this may work”
 “Listen, Son...I need to -”
Quinn turned with a sour look on his face “Who are you calling Son, Buddy?” but then his eyes widened, and his mouth fell agape “No...How...whaa..Ranger?!”
“I see you are aware of who I am… It is no wonder as you bear the same Warframe as I. Listen, I have a favour to ask of you.”
“I know you were the only remaining Tenno still using a Mk1 Vauban system, but I also knew that you were reported missing before my Grandparents were born... It doesn’t matter anymore though. We need to get you into something more... um... Serviceable. That thing looks like its about to be a Prototype Floor ornament”
“Sounds about right." Ranger smirked. "While you’re at it, I’m going to need some new Murder Tools as mine kind of… shattered upon my arrival.”
Quinn simply nodded and walked away. Some of the other Tenno standing by had their mouths wide open and a look of astonishment. They had never heard Quinn say quite so much at once. 
The last thing Ranger heard before Quinn went out of sight around a corner was: “Long Line, busy work, but I’ll get it done. Specifications on my desk, tomorrow morning.” Ranger had no idea where that could possibly be, but he supposed he would find out somehow. He began a slow walk around the Dojo, admiring what was constructed around him.
As he continued his stroll around the area, he heard what he thought was a voice coming from behind him. “Whoa, man, cool battle cruiser look and all, but the costume contest isn't for two months yet...Overdo it much?”
“Excuse me?” Ranger said as he cocked his head while turning around, no idea what this strangely colored Excalibur was on about. As he turned to meet this voice, its owner’s brows furrowed in thought. After a moment he said “Thats, er..Not a costume. Those plates... they must weigh a ton. How do you even walk in them?"
“Costume?” Ranger chuckled, “This ‘Frame has carried me through hundreds of battles with things that could eat you for a light midnight snack! It survived 12 years of torture in the Jungles of Kadash for Christ sake!”
It was Aigloblam’s turn to chuckle “That was over a millenia ago, The only living Tenno that can even remember that is Crowley, and believe me, the last thing you want to do is ask him about it. He lost many friends that day. The only reason anyone actually made it out alive was because of the Vaub...No…You can’t be him. He was left b-”
“Behind on that blasted rock floating in the middle of a heavily Infested system? Yeah, it’s amazing what’s still remembered after that long. There were 4 other missions at the same time with some of the biggest names in Tenno history, but they were forgotten before I even thought of Cryo-Sleep.”
“So, you’re really him? You, standing in front of me, are Ranger?” Aigloblam asked quietly, still thinking this could be some kind of joke. 
“That’s me alright. Old and dusty, but I’m still going. And who might you be?” 
“Aigloblam, youngest official Council member, and well... Not to sound weird, But I’ve studied your missions, at least the recorded ones. That was some of the best fighting I’ve seen, and quite honestly I’ve never seen a Roller take out a Fusion MOA before. I’d say you were a Legend or something, but I can’t really call someone still alive a Legend, it would seem in poor taste. This is amazing! Theres so many things I want to ask you, I don’t even know where to start!”
Ranger let out a loud belly laugh. “Well, you can start with the location of some breakfast.” he stated. “A couple thousand years in a Pod will give you a crick in the neck and one hell of an appetite.”
As Aigloblam nodded, they both started en-route to the Dojo’s cafeteria. Mumbling and laughter from their conversation could be heard throughout the walls of the Aequitas Dojo. As they arrived at their destination, many strange looks were targeted at Ranger’s millennia-old amalgamation of steel plates that could hardly be called a Warframe.
As Aigloblam picked up on this, he asked “That suit must mean a lot to you and all, but the amount of time you’ve spent in that Cryo-Sleep has probably drained whatever power it had left. Don’t you think you may need something a little more… Modern and useable?”
Ranger smiled, “I’ve got Quinn already on that. He is also getting me some ‘new and modern’ firepower as my old set you remember gave in with the action of a reload.”
The two of them sat at a table in the corner of the cafeteria, after a couple of minutes their order of food arrived with three stumbling waiters under it. Apparently, Ranger was absolutely correct about his appetite.
Thanks for reading! I would really appreciate feedback on this!
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*mysterious voice* really?


ok...sorry...its late for me... X_X cant sleep because i cant breathe properly. 


But if anyone would like to write about a very &!$$ed Volt dueling them be my guest, i got no where to go with him right now, Quinn on the other hand, yea busy busy busy.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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I totally understand!


so i am waiting for someone to hopefully confront Ans so i can write about Quinn without having to worry about my anti social volt


edit: grammatical stuff.....ok i need to try and sleep, this place is a great way to stay up. :P

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Well, i WAS thinking about introducing a new Character....Maybe this is the time? Shes a Saryn, called Dulcia. I pictured her as rather gentle for the most part, and when forced into combat (which she tries not to be if possible) she feels rather Apathetic about violence. Shes very capable, but has no lust at all for battle. Shes sort of an odd one, especially for a Tenno. But by all means Kitty...Shes all yours to write about. :)

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Alrighty then, drunk Mag coming through. :3




Az felt a pang of guilt as she saw all the destruction that had happened while she had been drinking, but it was washed away as she tripped over some rubble that seemed to have been a part of a wall once. She got up hesitantly, trying to hide the swaying motions of her drunk steps to her best extent, not wanting to talk to anyone on her way to the med-bay. She could just feel that she would need something for her liver in the morning. She had made her helmet revert into her frame, as she didn't want her HUD confusing her more than she already was.


In the hallway in the direction of the med-bay were two Tenno almost in battle positions, and another just watching them. She managed to take note that they were a Nyx, a Nova and an (Ash?). 


"You're not going anywhere witch." She heard the Nova said, as the Nyx answered her with "Of course I am. I am Venefica." To which Az started thinking.


"Stop me...-" Sophia was going to continue, but was cut short by Az's sudden outburst of laughter, drawing the attention of all three of the Tenno.


"You are Venefica." Az said, not containing her drunk-ish laughter which she managed to disguise girlishly. "I thought she was supposed to be some scary strong Nyx."

That reaction drew two raised eyebrows, behind helmets, and an angry cry. 

"DON'T MOCK ME!" Sophia roared as she lashed inside Az's mind, only to be met by a fog that clouded Az's thoughts and permeated into Sophia's. "W-what is this?!" She said quickly, retracting into her own mind.

"I might have had a drink... or two..." Az said, putting her hand over her mouth as she burped ridiculously loudly. "..or a few dozen..." she then added as she swayed a bit.


"You're.... drunk?" Sophia could only say, the statement kicking the wind out of her sails as the Ash did his best to hold his laughter down. 'A Mag picking on a Nyx... drunk.' was the joke, although he had to admit that the Mag seemed like she would be a challenge for anyone... sober.


"What are you guys fighting about anyways?" Az said, still swaying a bit here and there as she tried to keep her drunk balance, planning how she would have to use her magnetic abilities if the Nyx, Venefica, would come at her. That action would leave her no choice of course, but could she take down another Tenno drunk? This could either become a good situation or a bad test.




So... not writing anyone out of character?

Edited by Pyjamalama
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Wrath, I thought we were trying to avoid skull smacking between Tenno...

That was you. I was planning to make it a very one sided skull smacking, if preferably non lethal.

Note: Akinos hasn't made an intervention yet, and since the other 2 were focused on each other, they probably hadn't seen him, but he plans to teleport (yes, he's an Ash, and even uses that damn power xd) quickly into the fight if someone starts swinging psychic bolts around or the like.


Drunken brawl incoming!

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