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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Well this makes things interesting, and hopefully means I don't have to use the idea I had last night to try to end the fight (which would have left my character very-very beat up....)


So spikey, shall you continue or should I?



*throws out what she was working on last night*


*Edit: Actually.... this could work....

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That was you. I was planning to make it a very one sided skull smacking, if preferably non lethal.

Note: Akinos hasn't made an intervention yet, and since the other 2 were focused on each other, they probably hadn't seen him, but he plans to teleport (yes, he's an Ash, and even uses that damn power xd) quickly into the fight if someone starts swinging psychic bolts around or the like.


Drunken brawl incoming!


The only problem I see with this is everyone's jumping into a fight with someone who can read their minds. It doesn't matter how good you are if the person you're fighting knows what you're going to do before you do it. I see the fight going incredibly badly if Venefica can just get into everyone's head and know what they're planning. She can just avoid and counter-attack however she wants because she'll have an advantage no-one else does.


Beating this problem is what has been taking me so long to figure out, although I do have an idea if push comes to shove and a fight ends up inevitable. It'll cost Acantha though.

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First off! no more hurting others, with/without your mind! :P


Second! i dont want my dojo in more ruins!


Third! Play nice everyone, ok ok, dont hurt anyone when we are all still healing from Zerker. 


But i wont dictate your actions/ideas.


Run wild with them!


And im back, with hurting stomach, bleed form my face holes, and a nasty cough. But writing will be up, soonish...maybe.....not sure....

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The only problem I see with this is everyone's jumping into a fight with someone who can read their minds. It doesn't matter how good you are if the person you're fighting knows what you're going to do before you do it. I see the fight going incredibly badly if Venefica can just get into everyone's head and know what they're planning. She can just avoid and counter-attack however she wants because she'll have an advantage no-one else does.


Beating this problem is what has been taking me so long to figure out, although I do have an idea if push comes to shove and a fight ends up inevitable. It'll cost Acantha though.



*points at Zerks wall of anger* mind defense can consist of surface thoughts or emotions. for example, counting in your mind while fighting someone who has the advantage of reading it will disrupt his/her abilities due to the fact that they cannot find anything but you counting. An emotion will also administer somewhat of a resistance against a mind reader, so for example rage can cause mental pain in a mind reader.


(this is something that was explained very well in the star wars extended universe books, which is something I read once in a while)


Edit: but i'm not sure if Acantha knows this, just thought I would explain a way for future encounters :3


Edit 2: maybe someone should later train Acantha to use this...later. :3

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A trick my wife uses in her everyday life. Is to just randomly picture the most gruesome and abhorrent things that she can, That way if there happens to be someone reading her mind, She can easily tell who by the expression on the poor person's face who tried to read this tiny little pretty girl's mind and instead got a direct path to hell. She started doing it when she was really little, like 7 or 8, when she watched some TV show about reading minds. Its become a habit for her now. Yes, i know its weird, Shes weird, and i wouldn't have her any other way. :)

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*points at Zerks wall of anger* mind defense can consist of surface thoughts or emotions. for example, counting in your mind while fighting someone who has the advantage of reading it will disrupt his/her abilities due to the fact that they cannot find anything but you counting. An emotion will also administer somewhat of a resistance against a mind reader, so for example rage can cause mental pain in a mind reader.


(this is something that was explained very well in the star wars extended universe books, which is something I read once in a while)


Edit: but i'm not sure if Acantha knows this, just thought I would explain a way for future encounters :3


Edit 2: maybe someone should later train Acantha to use this...later. :3


This is done  in a lot of books, in particular the Eragon series (which is one of my favorites), so I understand this idea. What I don't know is if this is something that applies in this universe (being the Warframe/story thread universe). I was going to go with yes, and run with it. Hopefully it won't be necessary, however. As to whether or not Acantha's been trained in this, it would be a spoiler either way, so no comment.


And Aiglo, the more I hear about your wife the more I like her. xD

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Ok this could probably be better, but here's what I've got. I hope it's ok.





Throughout the whole careening run through the dojo, Acantha had been thinking. Her anger, first roused at Berserker’s rampage, had dimmed during her work in the returning peace of the dojo, but had certainly not gone out. Like coals buried in ash after a raging fire, her anger had smoldered. Sophia’s actions had been like billows, forcing air across the smoldering ashes and fanning her fury up to a roar. However, even in her rage she didn’t lose her head. Instead, she channeled her fury into swiftness, as she raced around corners and through corridors with breakneck speed, considering how best to deal with the new rampaging Tenno.


Sophia obviously had some kind of attachment to Kris, some kind of history, and from the looks of it it wasn’t good. The one word that sprang to her mind for reason behind the Nyx’s behavior was vengeance, although vengeance for what, Acantha had no idea. Strategically, the cause didn’t matter, anyway, only the motivation, and in knowing what her prey was after, she could build a strategy around how to stop her. If she truly was after Kris, she’d be heading for the Medical Bay, and Acantha had the advantage in that she knew the layout of the dojo better than her quarry. She decided the best course of action would be to try to loop around and cut Sophia off, rather than trying to rely on speed alone to catch up with her. However, going after her alone was sure to be dangerous. She wasn’t sure she could stop this Tenno by herself.


She tried to push her apprehension out of her mind. She didn’t have time to try to find help, she had to go alone and hope that the chaos would draw attention and that aid would arrive later on. If none did, she would have to take the Nyx single-handedly, which would be nigh on impossible against an opponent that could read her mind.


She missed Sophia leaving the Medical Bay by seconds. Cursing to herself, she hurtled after her, seeing her enter a storage room. She detoured around it, hoping to catch her coming out of the other side. Sure enough, the door to the room slammed open, forced from the other side, and Sophia came out to an Orthos blade being held to her neck.


"You are not going anywhere, witch." Acantha’s voice was positively dripping with anger. How dare this newcomer bring more chaos to this clan than they’d already suffered? It was senseless, stupid. She wouldn’t let it happen.


"Of course I am. I am Venefica," she said with a smile, her helmet retraced. She cackled as Acantha took a step backwards and Venefica took a step forward. 


"Stop me..."


Before she could say anything more she was interrupted by girly, nearly drunken sounding laughter coming from a Mag walking down the hallway.


"You are Venefica. I thought she was supposed to be some scary strong Nyx."


Eyebrows rose behind helmets from all the spectators and participants of the standoff as Venefica roared back at the drunken Tenno, “DON’T MOCK ME!”


A moment later, she seemed to almost falter, confused, obviously having thrown her mind at the Mag’s in an attack and been rebuffed, “W-what is this?!”


"I might have had a drink... or two..." the Mag said, putting her hand over her mouth as she burped ridiculously loudly "…or a few dozen..." she then added as she swayed a bit.


"You're.... drunk?" the Nyx said, the wind obviously leaving her sails at the sudden addition of the Tenno that clearly would have been a far more intimidating opponent were she sober. Acantha saw out of the corner of her eye an Ash desperately trying not to die of laughter off to one side, and forced her own amusement down. She couldn’t believe the turn of events. This was either going to be her saving grace, or an enormous disaster of farcical proportions.


"What are you guys fighting about anyways?" the oblivious Mag asked, still trying to hide the fact that, even standing still, she was having trouble keeping from swaying on her feet.


Acantha gripped her weapon more tightly, still aiming it in the direction of Venefica, “She’s after Kris.” The Nova stated the fact simply, almost drily; worried the mention of the person the Nyx had been after might set her off again.


The drunken Tenno just laughed yet again, “Isn’t he gone? I heard he tried to sneak off to his snub to leave a little while ago and left something in front of the statue he broke. But you know, after what he did it’s not like anyone didn’t notice him walking around the dojo again, am I right? Anyway, he’s not here.” She waved her hand in an attempt to be dismissive of the news she’d just delivered, but only succeeded in swaying more severely to one side, and nearly falling over.


Acantha turned her attention from the Mag back to Venefica, wondering what her next move was going to be.

Edited by Jeahanne
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I'll run with the whole focus to stop mind control thing, I read the entire Eragon series and really enjoyed it.

Also, we should be able to talk Sophia down as she is now Sophia, not Venefica, so can convinced not to go after Kris.

Well, not yet anyway...

Edit: she might be very angry anyway.

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I'll be waiting to see how angry she is before moving with my own plans. I have something of my own to stop her if she goes all out though. It's not really complicated, and has some background already. So we shouldn't be breaking Quinn's stuff, or clogging up the medical bays any further.

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Sophia stared at the Mag, livid. She had just insulted her, her! The person who gave Lephantis nightmares. She was not going to stand for that. But something in the Mag made her cautious. She was obviously a great fighter, even drunk she would be hard to defeat. But she could feel her slipping into Venefica again. She fought against it, tried not to succumb to the temptation to hogtie the Mag, something she had done to Kela de Thaym. The Grinner had been very rude to her, so she hadn't killed her, but removed nearly all her armour and then suspended her in mid air and tying her with several lengths of cable. Kela had kept swearing at her she had stuffed a rock in her mouth and tied it in place. She looks of the face of the lancers who came to rescue her were... Interesting to say the least.

What took the fire out of her was that Kris was not here, and remembering the Lotus' warning about what would happen to her, she managed to calm down.


Sophia looked at the Mag, who was having trouble keeping upright.

"I am going to kick your &#! for what you said about me," she hissed at the drunk Mag, "right now though," she said, looking back at Acantha, "I need a drink."

Acantha lowered her Orthos, still wary.

"The bar is that-" she began before being slammed in the face by a club formed from psychic energy. It sent her flying into the Mag, knocking them both to the floor. Veneafica smiled, before looking at the Ash, her helmet still retracted.

"Stop me, I dare you." She said to the Ash, who had been stand there. The Ash looked terrified, no surprise considering that he had about a dozen psychic lances pointing at him, as well as Nyx whose eyes were glowing crimson with power. He back away, raising his hands. Venefica smiled, before morphing the lances into balls and launching them at the Ash, knocking him out despite his attempts to dodge the balls.

"Now then, let's go find Kris," said Venefica walking past the still groaning Mag and Nova towards the memorial hall, having pulled it's location from the mind of Acantha.

"Oh and Mag? Be glad I didn't hogtie you."

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Aigloblam, having left Ranger directions to Quinn's office, to give specifications for his Vauban, Stood just outside the doorway into the Cafeteria. An echo of the quick battle rolled to him down the hall. With a heavy sigh he walked to the intercom panel on the wall and downloaded security footage into his Warframe and played it back, watching everything unfold. "Why does this crap always happen inside the damn Dojo?" he grumbled, as he keyed in the sequence that would send his voice out over the PA system built into the dojo.

"Attention, Everyone. It seems we may have another...yes, Another Rouge Tenno on our hands. You all know what to do. Lets not have a repeat of last time, This time we're putting them down. Hard."


After a steadying breath "Sophia...I know you can hear me. There is no good ending for you here. I don't know whats going on really, And I Don't care. Lay down your weapons, or they will be taken from you by any means necessary. Please, to prevent bloodshed, Lay your weapons down and lets be civil about this. You can't fight the whole Clan".


He didn't want to get involved, But Aigloblam had seen enough destruction this week, and wasn't prepared to see more.

Sorry if it screws up plans or anything, but im just behaving realistically. There is no way the Dojo would stand for something like this again.

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Venefica heard the announcement over the PA. She stopped and, kneeling down, she began to focus and project her power into the minds of everyone in the dojo.

"Hear me, fellow Tenno, I have sworn an oath of vengeance against Kris. I swore if he lost it I would punish him. He has done so. I am honour bound to fulfil my oath. I will not kill him, but it must punish him according to my oath. Stand in my way, and I will remove you from my path. I have no quarrel with you. I do not wish to harm you. Stop me at your peril."


You will need Heus to stop her, assuming she fights, otherwise she will go to the memorial hall to find the code that Kris dropped, then she will go and get a drink.

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Ghost's eyes snapped open and her helmet immediately engaged and locked around her visage. She heard the call of this unknown Nyx, she felt the rage, hate and betrayal that oozed from her mind. This Nyx was no better than Kris was. Ghost sent this 'Veneficia' a telepathic message even as she collected her weapons from the holding area in the med bay. "You hunt Kris for losing control of his darker half. Yet you make no effort to control your own. A hypocrite at it's finest. Leave now, you have no right to be in our dojo anymore. Your movements are being monitored and should you deviate from the straightest path to the launch bay you will be taken down with extreme prejudice." With that said Ghost made sure she was fully healed and restocked her energy reserves. Ghost's mind powers were stronger than most other Nyx's due to the fact she was always using them, though she didn't have a choice in the matter. She would not fall for a tactic like Beserker's again either as that had taught her a valuable lesson. 'Now to deal with this uppity brat of a Nyx' Ghost thought to herself as she quickly moved to where Veneficia was.

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Got knocked out, great! I get to do this now. 


Ah, but alas, even when his poor servant fainted to gruesome wounds, the Shade did not halt. For he was not one to allow such rude things from the humanoids. He had been cloaked at that moment, true enough, having warned his charge of the danger ahead. But now he hovered in silence and with speed, to appear visible once again in front of the offender, combat precepts well equipped, stopping her at once as he leveled his mighty Deth Machine Gun at her. Such a barbaric weapon was truly not of his liking, but, indeed, justified, for that one Nyx had shown a tremendous disregard for beings of lower standing in the past, and he'd be no prey. 


-Revenge Precept, activated-he announced at once, as it was only correct to do, while the barrel of the gun started spinning.


-Well, look at this! Surely you'll be useful!-she said as she saw him preparing to attack, and attempted to control him.


Of course, should he had been some Corpus abomination, or even a normal Sentinel, this would have been a fairly straight forward approach. A simple change in parameters. Instead, she was confronted by a mind rather, immense. A thousand parallel paths that went in all directions, many of them crossing. Information being sent over from one place to the other with ease. Conclusions being drawn, and then scrapped, but quickly re-utilized as predictive tools. Then, a presence turned towards her, as it would to a passing thought. She didn't go further. Whatever it was, it was not something she could recognize.


You are lucky he's still alive, a message appeared in her HUD, or i would be obliged to tear you to ribbons. Since it appears he'll be fine, it's no harm done. However, MY mind... If we ever meet again, you'll show respect, if not regret. You stared into the wrong abyss, Venefica, and it has stared back, to find itself most disappointed. Who do you think gives a damn about your sad childhood bullS#&$? Now, get out of here, before one who is less forgiving than i comes to give you the battle you have called upon yourself.


Of course, our hero was confident to the extreme, but the occasion of having his opponent's psychological file at hand was too good to pass on. He stood, or rather hovered, ready for a less than friendly response. Despite his best efforts to be diplomatic (a skill he seemed to be lacking, if only because he had trouble understanding unreasonable subjects), he considered a 75% chance of being attacked. However, the Nyx had to be running out of energy, and his machine gun was at the ready. A dangerous duel of reflexes and skill, true, but he did have an edge: He had backed himself up earlier today, in prevention for eventualities. The body, in his case, was rather disposable, if not for that reason less appreciated.



I really like this style, it's just much funnier than normal. You can guess who's telling it, right?

Not sure if this would really go as i wrote it, but it seemed like the best way to give Shade a moment of his own had to involve some mental interaction.

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Aigloblam stood beside the control panel, decided what must be done, and sent one more broadcast. "So Be It".


He keyed on his personal comm and linked with the control cluster of the Dojo, gaining access to all its security systems and a few others that fit into his plan. In the 87 Reactor rooms spread across the compound, the slow thumping bass notes of the SloTrans frictionless engines sped up, increasing power in the Dojo to 217%, Extremely high, but still well within safe zones. After rerouteting control circuits to the closest command office, that of the Chief security officer, he slipped into the office and sat down at the controls. He kept his eyes trained on the security camera feeds.

Quietly he said to himself "We're not losing anyone this time. Nobody dies today."

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Just wana say mind reading isnt gna be helpful in a fight thats mostly reaction based. But if someone were to plan specifically for something...

If you mean the upcoming one i wrote in, while mind reading wouldn't be useful, mind control would, even in small amounts. They are both out of the table anyway, but just saying.


The duel is kinda unfair anyway, that machine gun is hitscan and the bolts are not. Not to mention Shade aims like an Elite Crewman AI (they all aim the same, but with the Flux you actually notice that they are hitting you 100% of the time) and moves like a shield osprey. And he can cloak too.


In short: Don't mess with Akinos, if he's not much of a badass it's because he doesn't have to be.

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