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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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KittyShark, maybe even Ghost could mentor my Nyx. While she was trained as a Tenno, as I mentioned in her bit of backstory after Ajkrumen's death, she was trained as a Mag until the very end of the Fall, just before she went into cryosleep. Everything she does with Nyx was learnt before she got any warframe at all, fragments picked up from her sister (who was the user of her Nyx before she died), and raw instinct. She never recieved any formal training (or informal actually) for Nyx.


Also, about the 'laws' of mental stuff, I always have my own ideas about how everything works in every book or game that doesn't explain them properly - in particular in Warframe how the 'frames use their abilities and how exactly all of the mental stuff works. I suppose that I draw bits and pieces from a lot of different universes for those kind of things, but with the mental stuff I primarily draw upon bits from the Inheritance universe (Eragon) and bits from Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, with other things mixed in.


I may get up something in the next few days, or at least work on the archive, and if not a few days after christmas. I would have gotten something up yesterday, but was working on a D&D 'christmas special' - aka attack of killer penguins (at least if you wanted a really corny name for it)

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And... it's over. Oh well, it'll be next time.


Just curious, a message from the Shade arrived at Acantha's display, had she fought me, would you have stabbed her in the back? Consider the repercussions of your decision before answering. And yes, the cat's out of the bag, i talk! Just don't go around telling if you don't need to.


Akinos got back up and prepared himself to go back into the fray, only to see a message of his own:


You were quite a gentleman there, not moving a finger while you got slapped around. The problem's solved, by the way. We might have a small issue in the future, but for now it's solved. That Nyx wouldn't admit it to anyone, let alone herself, or her other self, but she won't take me so lightly if we meet again. By the way, the Nova kinda heard me. Don't worry, we talked about this, and i'll not drop her out the airlock, redirect her ship to any place (yes yes, including all celestial bodies and vacuum) or do anything else that might get her killed and or brain damaged. Convincing it is ("humane" style, not "Corpus" style, as we clarified some time ago). I still believe we should throw someone into a singularity, at least once, to see what happens. Nonetheless, i'll do it your way. When i fail spectacularly, you'll have to do it my way.


Oh the ironic! Shade


PD: And we will throw her into a singularity. We have one chance, or else we'll have to wait another five hundred years, and that'd be boring (not to mention you might not make it, but that could be considered a boon, hehe). 

Edited by 065tdsa
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Can't sleep so a bit more story.


Kylar sat across from his sister in the snub fighter, arms folded.

"What was it this time?" He asked quietly.

Sophia sighed. "Kris was in the dojo, he lost it, I tried to find him but he had already left before I arrived." She chuckled. "That dojo isn't quite finished with me yet, my snub and my weapons are there. I was supposed to join the clan but.." She trailed off.

"But this happened," Kylar finished for her. Sophia nodded. "Well, I will have to speak to Lotus about this, maybe we can get you back in, after all you were sent to join it on her orders."

"Probably," said Sophia, shrugging. Kyla's jumped up suddenly, a grin on his face.

"Any way, enough doom and gloom, I got you an early Christmas present." Kylar went to to the flight computer and keyed in coordinates.

"Where are we going?"

"Asteroid belt," Kylar replied, still grinning and the grin was getting bigger. "Only place in the system to hid an old Orokin frigate that I found and restored, with a bit of help."

It took a few moments for his words to sink in, but Kylar was soon engulfed in a hug by his sister, who was bouncing of the walls of the snub.

"Best brother ever!" She exclaimed when she laid eyes on the frigate. It was hidden inside a large asteroid, to prevent sensors form reaching it. It was a sleek vessel, Redemption class. Shaped similar to a Sai, but with 4 forward facing nacelles, they were designed with psychic pilots in mind, meaning they could fight with a crew of 1 at full strength, the psychic power of the pilot doing the work of a full crew. It also had powerful weapons including 8 Hawk class heavy laser cannon, 4 Protector class beam cannons, a pair of photon torpedo tubes and...

"No way," Sophia breathed. The ship had a chin mounted Nemesis class rail gun, capable of taking down a heavy cruiser with a well placed shot. It had been the pinnacle of railgun technology before the collapse.

"Don't stand there, set a course for docking!" She commanded her brother, who stood there with a silly grin on his face. She turned back to the window. "I want to look inside."


Sorry if the ship description is a bit long, I like my starships. XD

Edited by Spikey844
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As soon as Kylar left the room Aigloblam kept the tinkering with the sliders, making sure intense gravity followed every step Acantha and Sophia made. He kept it at a level where movement was possible, but any battle would have to be done on the floor, crawling at best. When Sophia stepped into the ship, he finally relaxed and restored normality in the Dojo systems. He exited the command systems, letting the SloTrans engines inside the reactors slowly scale back to 40% power. Everything back to normal, he leaned back in the chair and let out a long sigh.

"Madness....This whole place is freaking Mad..."


He left to go to his quarters, but inside his Warframe's Neural networks, the imprinted commands of the gravity generators was moved to permanent storage.

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Love the new update, and was expecting to lose the next few days on it, but... me and my friends now have 100 points in less than 2 hours... after Gravidas it feels kind of insignificant for 4 awesome nightmare toxic mods and twin wraith vipers... still could be a decent base or stories, stopping the Grineer scum from killing the plants on Earth to colonise it.

I wonder how DE will actually be able to have the Grineer make a base on Earth after we disrupted their plans to colonise it -  unless they were just attempting to improve their living quality on the planet.

Edited by Piranah1
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Sorry, I'm done for the day :/ Wish I could, but I'm only on my really old and crappy laptop catching up on some little things I need to do, and its getting late in my timezone. You need a group of 4 suitably prepared people to get to the 100 point mark as well. Hopefully tomorrow if we can find a time to do it (given different timezones)

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Unlike most of the other events, this one is not how many times you do the mission/all of your mission scores added together, but how good your best score was - like the survival event. To actually get the Twin Wraith Vipers you need to get 4 people all with the Lapis anti-toxin (the best) to be there and to defend the injector for as long as you usually can spend on a medium level survival mission. So yay for no major grind! (Like the 100 mission required for Gravidas, of which I got 93 of)


However, like the Gravidas dilemma, I suspect we can get a lot out of it in this thread (hooray for cooperative writing). We could probably even get a Paladin character in as well (what is his name again?).

So, anyone up for protecting the Orokin flora of Earth and halting the Grineer scum's expansion in its tracks?

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Well, my vacation just began. If you could actually call it that: The midterms are to be held directly after vacation, my professors saw fit to assign over 80 cases to be handed in after the exams, two term papers, and a presentation on the Hawthorne Effect, among other, lesser but no less numerous tasks. They gave that workload with the air of Santa Claus giving away an extra-large toy. "Merry Christmas!" their eyes seemed to tell me.

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