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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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just a tiny bit.



''Huh, he should've asked me for directions. He is heading the wrong way if he doesn't want to get attacked by hundreds of Tigers.'' Kris thought as he watched the large Tenno leave. ''But then again, he did kick me in the face after I surrendered. But I can't let him walk into that area. His weapons aren't enough to pierce the armor of the Tigers. I gotta go after him.'' Kris stood up, holding his bleeding nose and searched for his rapier. ''Who knew that a blade such as that one wou-. Found it.'' Grabbing his weapon, Kris ran after Heus not in hopes of making up for what he had done, but to save the large Tenno from being eaten for dinner.



I do believe Kris has stayed long enough in the jungle to know where the Tigers live. And just for clarity, The Tigers have thick armor with very small openings in the joints of their legs and several other places that only an experienced hunter would know of. A Gram isn't enough to hit the critical points. Sure it is enough to stun the beast, and maybe melt through their armor, but it would still prove to be difficult seeing as the Tigers are, well, Tigers!




Edited by FatViking
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Viking, do you really think Heus wants, needs, or will welcome any kind of interference from Kris? Really? Especially from some WILDLIFE?


Sorry, but you're just asking Kris to get mauled, and I don't mean by the Tigers or necessarily by Heus either. Kris is being hunted by practically every Aequitas member, and several nonmembers, who would quite gladly beat him to within a millimeter of his life just for him getting in their line of sight. Don't think ANYBODY is going to go easy on him just because he apologizes, or is trying "help" someone. Kris not only killed, maimed, or injured innocents, but  desecrated the memory of one of the most honored and powerful warriors ever to fall in battle, who was a mentor and friend to many. Not to mention, Kris also destroyed a good bit of the dojo while on his wild rampage.


If Kris doesn't want to die, I suggest he stay out of sight, at the very least of Acantha. I can't guarantee she'll be as honorable as Heus and hold herself back from killing him, thread rule or no thread rule. Tenno vow or no Tenno vow. I know the same goes for others as well.

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I apologize for my outburst earlier, that came out a bit harsher than it probably should have. I'm afraid I've just been getting easily frustrated and angry when it comes to Kris lately. I don't want to say too much more because I don't feel like anything I say will end up constructive and not me being slightly ranting.


On that note, even though I still feel the same way about the point I made in my last post, I apologize if it came out harsh or insulting. It wasn't my intention.

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A new day was dawning in the Earth jungles, as more stealthy snubs continued to drop Tenno into the fray. But one had not left in while by now preferring to avoid constant trips back and forth..


-So, say, what are we doing here?-Akinos heard the unmistakable voice over his shoulder, as he looked out into the jungle-Since you already got all the plants and sabotaged an injector, did your part and everything. This little halftree-halfgrineerbase thing you found is kinda cozy, but why the hell aren't we going back to the Dojo?


-Someone's got to keep the eyes out around here, lest some initiate gone ahead of himself gets eaten by whatever mauled those guys-Akinos answered, as he pointed to the bodies of two Grineer grunts. They looked like they had ended up in the wrong side of the Phorid's claws, except there was no Phorid around there, or anywhere near Earth. They had been elsewhere, originally, but he had brought them over to take a close look, and perhaps as bait, although that last prospect proven unsuccessful.


-And how come this is our responsibility now?-the Shade retorted-I already had enough with spending the whole day and night in this place, on gardener duty.


-Not a matter of responsibility, but more like i am curious of knowing what- Akinos started saying, only to be interrupted by a loud beep of the sentinel.


-By my maker, i'll tell you, lest we spend eternity waiting for you to figure it out!-the Shade snapped, as he started listing the information they had gathered:


-It's not the Phorid. Nor the local beasts, no teeth marks, not even an attempt to eat them.It's also not a Valkyr, none have been deployed to this area. In fact, the Tenno deployments in all of this area have been on the low side, tending to none towards the center of it. Makes you wonder, is it that there's something about this one patch of wood that the Grineer don't want to destroy it? Or is it that something special protects it? If so, how does the Lotus know about it? Why hasn't she sent anyone to investigate it? Answer is simple: she does know about it, but is keeping us deliberately away. Therefore ruling out autonomous Orokin tech, which Tenno would be ordered to salvage, and Grineer would be all over. Which leaves one option, someone that had gone completely off the grid for a while now, our friendly neighborhood Berzerker.


-You mean that guy from the Dojo, Kris? Guess he had to be somewhere after all that happened, with half the clan and that mad Nyx after him-Akinos said, thinking of what had taken place not so long ago.


-I actually meant his rampaging, pro-manhunt alter ego, who'd probably feel right at home in this place, but yes, that guy-Shade clarified-And since we had already concluded not to kill him, could we leave now? Pretty please?


-No. Now we go, find a track, and follow it...-Akinos concluded, and jumped down from his perch, to another large tree nearby.


-To our deaths, i suppose-Shade added as he floated behind him.

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Well let's just say that after I made that earlier rant-ish post I took a nap and had a storyline idea pop into my head. I THINK (although this is all subject to change once I get it down on paper) that Acantha is going to chase down Kris and give him a choice. How he handles it (or the others handle it) is entirely up to everyone else. If I get it down on paper and post it, and I people don't agree with what I've written, I'll take it down or rewrite it.


The idea behind it is that I feel like Kris is never going to be able to truly pay off his sins (repent so to speak) when it comes to what he did in Aequitas. That being said, killing him is a last resort option, and I think some would agree in me saying (at least from their character's points of view) that death would be too easy a punishment for him anyway, even if the honor code of certain characters would allow for his death in the first place. However, other characters would have no qualms hunting him down and killing him, and Kris can't go on hiding forever either. Furthermore, I don't want to see another gigantic overblown war over Kris happen either. (That last fight made my character, and many others, get blown out of the water when it came to power. Even KHIMERA nearly died, and yet Kris just walked away, so to speak? To be honest, it kind of made me &!$$ed off. So many powerful characters couldn't take down one guy... it felt a bit like a war between Gods, which has never been what I saw the Tenno as... but that's a whole other rant, and I digress. Sorry.)


Anyway, this all leads to a really large problem, plot-line wise, because too many people are tied up in revenge plots that center on Kris right now. I know, personally, that I don't want my character's story driven on revenge, so I have to find some way to resolve her anger about it, even if it's just an internal resolution that doesn't effect anyone but her, which is where my current choice plot line comes in.


Given that Kris is essentially "unkillable" as of the last fight in the dojo, Acantha likely couldn't kill him even if she tried. The only thing that works in my favor is the timeline, that gives her 8 months training time. However, this means I have either a LOT of empty timeline or a lot of holes to fill (while the story goes on while I'm trying to catch up), and that's all assuming all of us are following the same time pace as Kris. In short, it's a gigantic tangle. While that's not necessarily bad, it DOES make me frustrated. How am I supposed to resolve a problem with a nearly immortal character when MY character is not. I made Acantha mortal, and only average as a fighter (ok to be honest, she's more than average as a fighter, but she doesn't see herself this way), and very human ON PURPOSE. She's no Ajkrumen, no Aigloblam, no Zel, no Khimera, no X, ect., who are all much more powerful than her (all equally human though, none of them were/are perfect, as no character can, is, or should be) and even they couldn't defeat him. So if she can't kill him (or won't), perhaps she can still find him, beat him up (with or without help I still don't know), and give him a piece of her mind (i.e., this choice I keep alluding to).


Anyway, while this kind of challenge is likely good for me, since it makes me think in ways I hadn't before, I hope all this explains some of my frustration and anger towards the character of Kris, because it's put mine in such a completely untenable and nearly impossible position. It makes resolving this such a huge problem for me, personally. It's frustrating to try to write a vulnerable character trying to take down her own demons when someone else writes a character that she has to directly confront that is so entirely out of her league. I don't want her to have to turn into some all-powerful godmode character just to tie up one story point, either.


I don't mean this to come out as "Kris is a bad character! Rawr!", or "NERF KRIS NAO", or anything, because it's not how I mean it. I just mean this as an explanation of where I'm coming from about a lot of this stuff since the battle. That's why I got frustrated and wrote what I did earlier. I respect Viking's work and his character, but sometimes I get a little bit carried away and angry, and that's why things sometimes come out harsher and more insulting than I intend them. So I'm sorry if I come off the wrong way, but I hope this explains some things about my state of mind on the matter and where my next storyline idea is coming from.


Sorry for the long post... hopefully a story will come soon, and thanks for putting up with my rant.

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you showed us a little bit into your mind at the moment. I respect that. 

I never find any post towards me or my character insulting, I always take them as constructive so you won't have to worry about that either. 


I can understand your anger towards this as I should have made sure that I did not create such a powerful character. I have no intentions of keeping him this strong however, as that might ruin many stories in the future and I already have an end in sight for him (I do hope it is still a long time until I would have to write it.) 


On account of what you would like to do to Kris, do what you want. whatever you intend to write, you have my full support.


also, everyone deserves to rant once in a while.

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I don't mean to say that he's "too powerful" or whatever. Your character is your character and you have the right to create him however you wish to. I just wanted you and the others to understand my point of view so that they wouldn't think I was trying to just badmouth you or your character. After all, you are "one of us", right?


And Spikey, that's not true. Acantha's been mixed up in this since the fight in the Dojo, so don't worry about it.


I don't want everyone feeling bad now D:


Sorry >.<;

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feel bad? do you have any idea how my personality is? I am annoyingly happy most of the time now. xD I couldn't feel bad about something I understood was someones point of view.


I do however intend to weaken Kris from now on or ''nerf'' him and make him much more like his old self (with a less depressed personality) as I am myself quite sick of how strong I made him. I mean, it is what I feel is right. I am however stuck on trying to figure out which warframe I should put him in.

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Just pick one you like that you feel suits him. Since Kris lost his warframe, you get the opportunity to pick one anew, which is pretty cool. Take all the time you need to pick one out.


And I'm glad you're not mad about what I said. I was worried about it...

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This is an interesting development you have been talking about, since as far as Akinos is concerned, the whole issue with Kris is not at all about grudge, but rather, concern about his possibilities. In a way, he's not really worried about his mental stability (he'd much rather ignore that issue from safe distance, of course) but for his power.


Of course this is point he'd explain later, when he met Kris, but the truth is Akinos has learned to be a pragmatist, and doesn't think shunning one of the most powerful Tenno around is a good idea. This is a point where they'd be in agreement with Shade, even if Shade doesn't agree seeking Kris out is a good idea.


On what kind of Warframe he should have, that depends on how he's going to be fighting from now on. Rhino is the balanced pick considering his strength and endurance though.

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