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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Enough! Plea. 


Be good little children. Enjoy time with your families, i wont, but you all should, i dont expect to see anyone here for a couple days! 




Enjoy your christmas, GET OUT OF HERE, shoooo, shooo!

Edited by QuinnsWing
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I've been a good child, Santa himself told me so! But what if i AM here? Watchu gonna do about it bruh? 


Gah i feel uncomfortable with this....ima take all this out.


Ahhhh that's better


I also think i might have derailed the thread.....oh well.

Edited by DraikoHunter
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Writing for profit, sick, out of country and afk, now out of country and AFK but with limited internet access. Lots of time on my hands so I am writing again.

I will be around and so will my characters. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid...

Profit numbs the feeling.


If I am correct, you write those amazing Warframe figs, like What Price Honor. Am I right?

Edited by Wrath_Of_Chrysalis
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I LOVED Madness. Where did you get the Idea?


Well, I started with the idea of a Tenno losing her marbles and went on from there. It went places that I had NO idea it would. Orokin LIVES!!


Well, kind of.


Basically, I was going to try a cross over to my published story. (FYI, when you see a dragon carrying a dragon sized assault rifle, RUN AWAY) But then it went...well... nuts. Michelle was a FUN character to write and co-authoring with Khimera was fun too. Do NOT get on Crowley's bad side!


But then, alternate realities, Nekros, Orokin, ghosts, Infested, dragons, a lost princess who is NOT a damsel in distress...


I really liked writing that one.

Edited by Kalenath
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You did completely murder my idea for the Orokin...buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut your story fixed that. 


How so?


The Orokin Empire (Not that it really was an Empire in my lore world except in name -constitutional monarchy FTW!!!!!-) did Collapse. The Tenno played a BIG role in that.


The Sentients have a BIG role in my latest fan fiction even gone as they are. Or are they? Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *coughing fit* HA!

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Not talking about it collapse. I meant how I envisioned the Orokin.


Well, I was living in Canada when I wrote The First: Gathering which detailed MY vision of how Orokin was first created. So yeah, constitutional monarchies are great, but also a mess.  

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