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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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If they wanted to keep anyone from hurting him out, they would need Ghost to monitor for that Nyx that's after him. That also might mean purging Heus if he can't keep his terrifying hands off Kris.


Berserker could be taking control of him, that's another possibility. He might be biding his time, waiting for someone. Or waiting until Kris gets that Rhino. Since it cloaks itself around Warframes he could possibly sneak onto a snub and go on a killing spree in the dojo, the cloaking would make him virtually undetectable and he be an even more dangerous killer than before. Especially since everything that happened to him last time won't work a second time....i think.


I think i've just given everyone here nightmares so i'm going to take my over-thinking self back to Firefall to shoot stuffs.


EDIT Well Viking's story just blew my entire theory out of the water. Zerk's dead , and Kris ain't about to take S#&$ from nobody. He's king of the forests now. 

What do you mean by purging Heus?

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''Ok, I'm calm...I'm calm...whew..huff...huff...Nothing like a good old killing spree to get the stress out of you.'' Kris said to no one in particular as he walked back to his camp. ''Things like this might be why I can't be trusted around others.'' Looking back, the 15 pillars of smoke stood as a temporary reminder of what he had done. ''I think I understand why Lotus doesn't want me to leave. Too unstable.'' sitting down in front of his fire, His tired limbs finally getting some rest after the hours he had spent rending Grineer apart. ''At least I still got you.'' He looked at the large Tiger laying next to him, a terrifying yet faithful companion. ''You know what, I should give you a name.'' Kris said as the Tiger yawned lazily, causing its armor plates to rattle a bit. ''Now what would be a fitting name for a large, armored predator? I know! Tenno!'' Kris said as Tenno just looked at him, obviously tired and full as this Tiger alone had eaten roughly 12 Grineer. ''Good night Tenno.'' Kris said as he lay down to the large cat and closed his eyes, falling asleep quickly.


The night passed as a night should pass, with no surprises. The surprise came in the morning as a plethora of messages left by Lotus were on the computer aboard his old Snub. Opening the first one, Kris immediatly started regretting the decisions he made the day before.




Listening to Lotus shout at him 50 more times, he waited a moment before sending her a short message: ''I was in control the whole time. Berserker exists no more. I was having a hissy fit like a little brat. I overreacted by a lot. am sick of the jungle. made a large Tiger into my pet by besting it in combat. named him Tenno. He is cute, for an armored monster. am ok. will contact you later after my legs stop aching. thank you for shouting at me. needed that so much. it really helped. will follow your decisions from now on. thank you for the guys protecting me. bye''


sitting outside the white and golden snub, Tenno waited for his master to come out and sit on his back because that would mean the two would go out hunting for breakfast and Tenno could really go for another 12 Grineer.

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What do you mean by purging Heus?

I mean that with what you said about keeping everyone who wanted to harm Kris out, Heus might have to leave. But he's not my character so i don't really know. I suspect Heus might put up a fight too. Hence "purge" since it will be forced. But again he's not my character so i don't know. I'm just presenting theories until i can figure out what i'm gonna do for Aktos and the unnamed Valkyr.

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no, Heus will not leave. He is a large part of the clan as a whole and therefore will stay. Kris was not a large part of the clan, much rather, he was a very small part until the time when he became a catalyst of destruction. logic dictates that Kris will not return to the clan unless he somehow manages to clear his name and will try to repay a debt that might possibly never be repayed.


Edit: why do you feel illiterate, Bej?

Edited by FatViking
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no, Heus will not leave. He is a large part of the clan as a whole and therefore will stay. Kris was not a large part of the clan, much rather, he was a very small part until the time when he became a catalyst of destruction. logic dictates that Kris will not return to the clan unless he somehow manages to clear his name and will try to repay a debt that might possibly never be repayed.


Edit: why do you feel illiterate, Bej?

I wouldn't say "might possibly never be repayed". I think no matter what he does that debt NEVER will be repayed. Too much has been done. That doesn't mean there can't be forgiveness or moving on from it, but I don't ever see it being fully repayed, if that makes sense.

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no, Heus will not leave. He is a large part of the clan as a whole and therefore will stay. Kris was not a large part of the clan, much rather, he was a very small part until the time when he became a catalyst of destruction. logic dictates that Kris will not return to the clan unless he somehow manages to clear his name and will try to repay a debt that might possibly never be repayed.


Edit: why do you feel illiterate, Bej?

So out of the loop that even if I wanted to participate in the discussions, I don't know anything lol. It might be a bit of a stretch, but would it be possible for you guys to summarize the 150 or so pages of stories?

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So out of the loop that even if I wanted to participate in the discussions, I don't know anything lol. It might be a bit of a stretch, but would it be possible for you guys to summarize the 150 or so pages of stories?

Don't worry about playing catchup. I literally just jumped in by going "Screw the backstory I'm starting my own side-story!"

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There IS a summary thread that's being worked on. Or at least it was being worked on. I'll have to dig up a link for it since I don't have it bookmarked on this computer. It may not be entirely up to date, but it does have some of it.

That would help a ton. Thanks.

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summary for the berserker/jungle saga: Kris ends up losing his mind to an evil alter Ego that cannot fully control his body causing his body to end up as Berserker. Berserker causes all hell to break loose and endagering the entire clan of Aequitas. Kris, finally, regains control with the help of the clan but the damage is done. Khimera is incredibly wounded and damaged, lots of Tenno are injured and a part of the Dojo is in ruins. Kris, out of shame and being the coward he was, runs away leaving only a small clue to where he might have gone. Meanwhile, the clan starts to rebuild the parts of the Dojo and the broken statue of Ajkrumen. Several (hundreds) of the Tenno feel as if Kris should die for his crimes. several months pass, Khimera gets a new warframe and Heus finds kris and beats him easily. Kris is then found by Aiglo who gives him a Rhino that will deactivate within 40ft of another Tenno. Acantha has followed Aiglo and gives Kris a piece of her mind. Khimera then happens upon Kris's camp, talks to him and leaves. Akinos doesn't find Kris but leaves him a note. Kris gets angry over the fact that lotus wants to keep him on Earth for the time being and starts slaughtering Grineer in anger, discovering he is too unstable to be even let near normal Tenno again. Kris ends up getting a large Tiger as a pet after beating it in combat.


that is the fastes summary I can make.

Edited by FatViking
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Really, the 150 pages you guys are talking about aren't as many stories as you probably think. There's quite a few that will likely end up being all or mostly chatting between people on the thread, so if you skip all of that stuff catching up probably won't be too terribly difficult. Besides, some of the best stories are in the early pages. I know for me catching up initially only took me a few days... but then again the thread was only about 50 pages at that point and I wasn't reading it very quickly. Reading it all and taking your time you're looking at probably around a week?

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The sounds of battle hardly bothered Theresa anymore. She moved stealthily her arrows raining death from afar as her companions moved to support her. Theresa heard Minerva's insane laugh as she cut down one Grineer Butcher after another, her Dakra Prime dripping with lethal poison. She parried a Butcher's cleaver away from her and stabbed the offender on the blade. Screaming the Butcher cursed the Saryn in his mongrel tongue, the ugly language of the Twin Queens' brood. With a sadistic chuckle Minerva blew the mongrel's head off with her Bronco Prime. The close range discharge blew off most of the clone soldier's head off. Minerva kicked the corpse off with disgust. The Grineer were a bunch of inbred, ugly mutants. Minerva was happy to kill them in the most painful ways possible, she lived to kill the Grineer scum and hoped that one day she would be the one to tear the twin Queen's apart with her virulent toxins.


Theresa nocked an arrow to the string of her Paris and let fly with an arrow that pierced the jet pack of a Hellion just as it lifted off. The jet pack exploded sending several Grineer soldiers off their feet with the shrapnel killing another instantly. A Grineer Lancer rushed forward firing. Tarkus moved into the gap, his shields taking the brunt of the burst. He fired off a blast from his Strun Wraith shotgun sending the soldier flying backwards. The trio of Tenno were methodical in slaughtering the enemy. Theresa sent two more Grineer to the Void with her arrows piercing their armor like it was made of paper. Minerva's poison took its toll on a group of Grineer who were standing too close as the Saryn let loose with a wave of Miasma. When the poisonous fumes faded more Grineer fell as the Saryn charged her Bronco firing and her Dakra Prime screaming through the air.


Tarkus took the rearguard using his Reckoning Skill to slam a group of Grineer into the earth, killing them instantly. His Magistar Mace smashed down like a meteor, crushing a Grineer skull into paste. The Oberon snorted. There was almost no tricks to fighting the Grineer. They just rushed and rushed to their imminent doom. Tarkus was more than happy to help them end their degenerate lives. The Oberon crushed another Grineer skull adding another tally to his name.


Theresa heard the chatter over the COMs. It seemed that John's subordinates were close. They were doing well but more troops were on their way with nastier weaponry.


"We must hurry." Theresa stated simply and the Warlord strode forward, bow in hand. Minerva and Tarkus followed without question.




Blades whistled through the air as Kevin took cover, reloading his weapon. The shadows of the Dead were evening the fight out but waves of Grineer were making their odds look bad. "How much longer?" He muttered to himself as he blind fired his Karak at a group of Grineer who were getting too close to the Cicero Toxin injector. Adam took another two Grineer out with an extended burst from his Braton. "Left side, Left side!" Janice cried firing a sustained burst from the Gorgon Heavy Machine gun she carried. The big gun's heavy caliber shells were enough to pin down a Grineer Heavy Gunner. Roy took it down with precision head shots with his Snipetron. Serin covered Janice with her own weapon, firing bursts of automatic fire with her Braton.


They were holding off the Grineer but if the injector took too long they faced the possibility of running out of ammo. Kevin had some ammo restores on him but not a lot. And he was saving them for an emergency.


"We're half way done ladies and gentlemen!" Emm shouted over the COMs. "Keep firing and we'll extract the moment the Anti-toxin is done with its work!"


Kevin aimed over cover as another wave of troopers began to advance. The Nekros got ready to use Shadows of the Dead again. He would have more bodies to work with when the next wave hit.

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I also feel that debt could never be repaid. He desecrated Ajkrumen's statue, killed some people, nearly killed others, and Khimera damn near erased himself from existance trying to stop him. Kris walks away with some new scars and Khimera will now reject Volt warframes. Khimera's happy and found a way to have some fun with his new 'frame, and he forgave him. But others are still very hostile to him and i have a feeling some of those Tenno in that meeting might shoot on sight, despite direct orders not too. Zerk done ruined his life, and it might be nearly impossible to fix what happened.


Also what happened to potatoes? and NQ? I miss those stories.


Once again this is just a theory. Feel free to correct it in any way.


Also by "put down" do you mean executed or incapacitated?

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Acantha: Jeahanne's character. Nova.


Aiglo: Aigloblam's character. Excalibur.


Khimera: Khimera's character. Ex-Volt, Oberon.


Akinos: 065tdsa's character. Ash, has a sentient shade.


Heus: Ajkrumens character. Frost, kicked Kris around like Kris was a soccerball, Has a Gram and is scary when angry and out for blood.


now you won't have to scour the pages.

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