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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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So they all have Boltors?

bejuizb and I did a Derelict mission together to screenshot terrain, and the Grineer appeared. Plus the Vault was Decaying, not bleed...

I picked my boltor for the funsies lol. Soma was too generic, Vectis was too damn big.

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Awesome job.


Aktos Load-out :Supra,Acrid(cuz i freaking love that pistol), and Dual Ichors. He also stands in agile stance :P


Vulcana Load-Out : Torid, Twin Gremlins (no longer own 'em, ima get 'em back someday), and Glaive.( no longer own a Glaive, in the process of gathering money to build it again, i'm broke :P ) Takes a Lecta when on Corpus related missions (irony and payback) Also stands in agile stance.

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I'm just going to write a bit more, since i'm in the mood. 


Also, if you're wondering what Koishi's armor looks like, it's fit for a girl, for one, and it's mainly white with the usual read being a dark green. Her energy color is also a dark green, and she wears a Gambit helmet, though she modified it so it doesn't give stats. Because seriously, why would you want more stamina and less power duration for a Vauban of all things?




The small platform containing Koishi turned, revealing the main room of the ship, which was sizable, though small enough not to be detected on all but the most sensitive of sensors. She sat down in the cockpit, setting course for her small base on the edge of the system, and laid back a little.


Her helmet hissed as it detached from Koishi's head, revealng her young, yet very pale face. Her green eyes seemed to emit a faint light green glow from the center of her iris as it darted around, almost constantly calculating. Her hair was a similar color and was a mix between wispy and curly.


 Her carrier floated next to her, allowing Koishi to stroke it with her frame's heavily protected hands. While her ship flew through the darkness of space, Koishi pulled up a map of the system, as she monitored nearby activity. 


"Another day on the job." Koishi spoke with a very soothing voice, though she only really talked to her carrier. Her only friend throughout her many missions for the Lotus.


She never trusted the Lotus, only taking her word when it came to missions. Otherwise, Koishi never really listened to her. In fact, Koishi was only stuck working for her because of her Tenno heritage. To hell with keeping order, Koishi just wanted to live a peaceful life, but SHE just couldn't let that happen. It annoyed Koishi, but she just had to deal with it.


Eventually Koishi's makeshift home came into view. At first glance, it just appeared to be an asteroid, but if one had a good enough eye, they would noticed the small, artificial hole near the bottom of it. Koishi's ship entered the hole as it sealed behind them, and they reached a small docking station. Koishi re-entered the hatch and leapt down from the small platform fit for her, and walked through her base, her carrier loyally following.


She kept her warframe on as she was too lazy to go through the sequence to take it off, but it was still quite comfy and form-fitting. The interior of the base she walked through was somewhat similar in design to that of a Corpus base, though it had far less of an imposing feel to it. Instead of industrial lights, lanterns hung from the walls, some on the ceiling.


She walked until she came to an intersection. She kept walking forward, coming into a small bedroom, a cot on the side, with some old musty books and a desk across the cot. She laid down on the cot and rabbed one of the books, labelled "The Dunwich Horror". She held it up to her face, smiled, and read for many an hour.

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I went ingame to get a screenshot showing what Jadoth looks like, in terms of armor colors at least. It also just occurred to me how tall the Oberon frame is, I had to tilt the camera funny and wait for a certain pose animation to play or else the buttons would hide the top of his head.



Working on it right now. He almost got jumped by him :P

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It was raining. The pouring downpour did not bother Kevin at all. He watched through his Snipetron's sights as John marched out with Theresa to meet their contact. The ruins of a Grineer outpost would be a good place to hide for a group of people looking for a home. Some of these refugees had fled from conflicts between Grineer and Corpus ships. Still others were lucky survivors of a Technocyte Plague. More just had no place to go and thus joined up with other refugees like themselves to form a community.


There were many colonies like these throughout the solar system, ranging from peaceful but out of the way colonies like this one to sprawling slums hidden from Corpus Facilities or armed Grineer camps. Humans, former Corpus merchants and renegades, all of them kept out of the way whenever the Grineer or the Corpus were out in force.


The one time they dealt with a community like this they had been hiding a Technocyte Infestation. Kevin knew how that went.


"What are we waiting for?" Janice said impatiently.


"There is a man here that is responsible for selling sleeping Tenno to the Corpus or the Grineer." Kevin responded then chided Janice on her impatience. "This requires a bit more subtlety than brute force Janice, it took Warlord Theresa a few months to actually find someone who is willing to cooperate with Tenno."


Janice grumbled something. Kevin just went back to his scope.




"He is hiding something." Theresa whispered to John as the man, a former Corpus agent by the name of Jai, looked over curiously. John exhaled through his nose.


"I do not care if he is busy with a delivery," John told the Corpus merchantman sternly.


"Well I can't do much if he ain't here can I?" Jai said shaking his head. "Look, you know how it is. You gotta pay for your info Tenno, it doesn't work without currency."


"The last idiot who tried to extort anything from me died painfully." John said bluntly towering over the merchantman. "You can continue trying to haggle with me Corpus scum, and you will find yourself in a most precarious situation indeed." His helmet made it even harder for Jai to look him in the eye. "Now I will ask one more time and if you choose to lie or delay me one more time I will rip the information out of your thick skull and then I will kill you slowly. Where. Is. Dalton?"


Jai whimpered. "I-I..." he swallowed. "I'll have to show you in, he's in the colony. But I'm gonna have to get permission from the Boss..."


"By all means, do that." Theresa spoke with cheer. "But do hurry back, my brother is not the most patient man in the system."

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fine, I'll just write a small bit about Kris and Venefica.



''You know, I can see you.'' Kris called at the Nyx sitting in a tree near his camp. ''You should've climbed higher, would have been almost invisible about 1 or 2 meters up. But you have probably been there for an hour or 2, so come on down. I bet you are either hungry or thirsty. No need to continue to hide since you have been discovered.'' Kris smiled as the Nyx climbed down, although his smile slowly disappeared as she came closer. He remembered something vague as he watched her move closer, something that alarmed him. Her movements had purpose and fury behind them, similarly to a dead part of him.


''Who are you?'' He said as she came closer. No answer, only amplified fury in her movements. ''I asked you who you are. Will you not tell me?'' Still no answer and the Nyx was now running with a psychic whip in her hands. ''Well then. Yet another who hunts me. Go ahead then, kill me. Or is there something else you want to do? Punish me for the acts of the monster I am?'' She was just a few meters away when he felt the first strike going across his chest, stinging as if he had been hit with something made of pure fire. The next strike hit with similar effect and soon a lot of hits had forced Kris onto the ground in pain. Yet no scream was heard. No begging for his life. As if he had accepted the pain.


''Why won't you scream?!'' The Nyx shouted as she continued to hammer him with her psychic weapon, pouring all her fury into it and raising the pain he would feel on all of her strikes, causing Kris to almost become unconcious from pain. Every hit soon started to bring memories to the surface. The first time he became Berserker. The person who helped him stop at that point. Memories that had been buried. The anger he felt from these memories uncovered. Yet he refused to let the anger take control. That would just further validate her anger and fury at him, and it would make the punishing blows a more futile effort.


He waited until she had tired herself out. His entire body was in pain, and he couldn't stand up no matter how he tried. The only body part he could move was his head. ''You want to know why I didn't scream, Sophia? It was for a simple reason. My screams would have changed nothing. And if they would have changed something, it would have been so insignificant that it would be the same as nothing. Same goes for my death. What is done, is done and I just have to accept what happened while I was Berserker all those times. I was, and still am, a monster and a threat to the Tenno community. And in regards to your name, your punishment brought up memories meant to be buried so thanks for that, though they were never meant to be uncovered. They were buried for a reason, you know. But seriously, your punishment was too little and too late. Berserker is already dead, and has been most of the time I have been here. He will not return. But the Tenno I hurt won't know that because they will be too busy hunting me down to kill me, or will be too afraid to even leave their rooms if I am around, be it on the Station or anywhere else. After all, the damage I have caused is both physical and psychological. But i guess you would know something about psychological damage, being a Nyx and all.'' He smiled as he looked into the sky. ''But thanks anyways for coming all this way and hunting me down. You are the sixth to do that these last days. I should know, one of them gave me a really good verbal punishment, one of them almost broke my nose, one of them gave me a frame which I do not feel worthy to wear and one of them thanked me which is quite weird, seeing as I was the reason he needed to be cut out of his frame. The fifth just left a note. I wonder if one day Lotus will let me leave. Oh, and if you meet Acantha, Khimera, Heus and whomever that was that gave me the frame, Tell them I said thank you.'' Closing his eyes, Kris lost conciousness from the pain he felt.



Continue this if you must, or leave it as it is. Thine choice.

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I know this might be quite a bit too long, but I think it helps set the tone. Part two of the Story of Aiden. Say hi to Jadoth!


Silence at last.


Aiden took the time to catch his breath. He'd been running around for nearly two hours now, trying shake the creatures off. He finally managed to lose them by jumping a hundred feet off a ledge, using the opposite wall to slow himself down. Those things could scale up perfectly fine, but going down was a challenge. By the time those things had reached the bottom, Aiden was long gone.


He'd managed to scavenge a few magazines from the bodies of the creatures. Upon close inspection he realized that they were heavily deformed and mutated humanoids. Soldiers from a time past, considering that he found magazines and combat knives from the bodies. They must have undergone some sort of reaction to this place to deform so dramatically. But why haven't I faced any symptoms then? It might be because I'm inside a warframe. After cleaning all the gunk from the magazines, he inserted one into his Burston holding his breath. The gold rifle hummed as it detected usable ammunition.


Aiden sighed in relief. Now that he had a few rounds to spare, he could engage future threats from a longer range. He slotted the Galatine on his back and peered outside his cubbyhole. He was hiding inside what looked like a small sewer pipe. Grimy water lapped at his feet and the weird plants grew in small quantities. The further he went away from his cryopod, the lesser the plants seemed to be. If he remembered correctly, his pod was stored in the middle of the ship. That meant that the plants seemed to thrive closer to the center of the ship itself. Did they feed on the energy of the ship's core? That didn't make sense, since he'd seen many machines still working; he used the word 'working' in a light sense, rickety parts clunking aimlessly to serve no true purpose didn't exactly qualify as legitimate machinery.


He decided to abandon his spot, and attempt to double back towards his cryopod. If a rescue team does come looking for me, they'll start off from the pod. I'd best be close. Knowing fully that he was going back towards danger, Aiden walked deeper into the ship, soon vanishing into the mist.





Jadoth walked silently through the maze of tree roots, trying in vain to find something familiar. He guessed that he had woken up in the same ship that he'd entered cryostasis, considering the dimensions and the overall layout of the rooms he traveled through. He didn't see anything alive, apart from the plants. Orange spores flew around in a nonexistent breeze and the overall effect on him was relatively worrisome. He was used to being thrust into unfamiliar situations, but the ominous setting he was in coupled with limited recollections of the past made him feel alone in a vast, empty place.


Idiot. Focus. He shook his head to try and shake off those unsettling thoughts. He was Jadoth, a warrior saint. He shouldn't be afraid of anything. He composed his inner thoughts and continued on ahead. His fists were clenched in anticipation of an ambush and since he didn't have any weapons of his own, he'd have to use his fists to do the work.


He heard a scurrying sound up ahead. Quickly ducking into the shadows, he crept forwards to see what the source of the noise was. Rounding a corner he saw a creature walking on a tree branch. It looked like a deformed human. He could clearly see it walking, hobbling rather, on two stout legs. It seemed to barely support its own upper body, which was essentially a bulbous spore. It made sick, sucking noises as it walked along the branch. Jadoth was engrossed by the creature. In his life he'd never gazed upon a being like it. He was so enthralled by it that he temporarily let his guard down.

He was shocked when a massive figure clad in black armour jumped down in front of him, it's chest heaving. The figure grabbed hold of his shoulders and bodily pushed him back behind the corner. Fear rooted Jadoth to the spot. He had no clue that the stranger was waiting above him. I'm rusty, he concluded. The figure let go of his shoulders and made a sign, one that was universal in its intent. Stay quiet. Jadoth nodded. Under closer inspection he breathed a sigh of relief; it was a Rhino, and not some strange wraith that inhabited this ghost ship.


The Rhino peeked around the corner, and satisfied with what he saw, gestured Jadoth to move back, away from the creature. He was confused. Why was a Rhino so afraid of that thing? He decided to listen to him, not as if he had a chance anyways. After the two of them had moved a safe distance away, the Rhino spoke.


“Did you follow the beacon?”




The Rhino repeated his question, urgency laced with his voice. Jadoth was very confused indeed.


“What beacon? I just woke up a small while ago.”


Aiden cursed. “So you don not know what's going on here?”


Jadoth shook his head. “No, brother. I was just exploring when I came across that...that thing.”


Aiden drew his rifle. He gave it to his new friend. “My story is similar to yours. You need to arm yourself. It only has a few rounds that I managed to scavenge. Use it wisely. What are you called?”


Jadoth took the rifle from the Rhino. A Burston Prime. Beautiful. “My name is Jadoth, Oberon pilot. What is yours? And were you awoken recently as well?”


Aiden drew his sword, expecting to be assaulted at any moment. “Aiden. Rhino Pilot. And yes, I woke up a little while back.”. Looking back at the path he came from, he added, “we need to make sure that we remain hidden. Whatever those things are, they have a hive mentality. Shoot one and scores of them follow you.”


The Oberon was worried. “But that's behaviour seen in-”


“Technocyte swarms, yes. I'm assuming that this is a new strain.”


The black and blue warframe rose to join the Rhino. “So the Great Plague lives. I thought we'd seen the last of it.”


Jadoth saw that the Rhino had scratch marks and splatters of some fluid on him. Overall he looked like he'd been through a hell of a fight. “What did you mean by 'a little while'?”


“About three hours now. Most of it's been running away from those things.”


He weighed in the odds. Two Tenno with minimum recollection of their pasts, stuck in an unknown ship with limited ammo against creatures that behaved like victims of an old thought to be extinct virus. It'll be a miracle if we survive this.


His thoughts were interrupted when Aiden spoke. “I'd activated my cryopod's distress beacon as soon as I woke up. I'm guessing that there's no one to help us out.”




“We work under the pretense that we're the only ones alive.”


Jadoth gulped. Their already minimal odds of survival had just dropped to microscopic. If they were the last Tenno left, why did they wake up?


Just then Aiden clambered up a nearby plant, rapidly scaling it's thick rotten trunk. Looking back he shoted with urgency. “Get up here! Quick!”


The Oberon jumped after his friend, confused as to what instilled this reaction from Aiden. His warframe was built to be in the midst of battle, not scaling a tree, and it made him clumsy. Luckily the Rhino offered him a hand. Powerful arms yanked him up to the topmost branch of the strange plant, and not a moment too soon. Just as Jadoth's feet touched the branch, dozens of those creatures rushed beneath them, howling and roaring a myraid of calls. All of them looked different yet similar. The mutations seemed to have affected them similarly, but altered the physical forms in various shapes.


He looked at his friend who was paying rapt attention to the horde of creatures running beneath them. Just then he heard a sound that was completely alien to this place. Gunfire! The creatures seemed to be heading in the general direction the sound was coming from. Aiden had heard it too.


The pattern seemed to repeat. Three burst of five and then silence. Aiden concluded that they were trained soldiers. They might not be human, but they were armed. He looked at the crouched black and blue Oberon next to him.


“We need to see what's causing the ruckus.”


Jadoth nodded. Together the duo made their way across the upper levels of the hallways, mindful of the occasional creatures running towards the noise. As they felt the sounds grow louder, an unholy screech echoed across the hallways.


The sound made Aiden feel fear after a very long time. It sounded big, and the gunfire seemed to become a bit more sporadic now. Someone was fighting, and they were losing.


Jadoth started running ahead, the same thoughts on his mind. “We'd best hurry!”


Aiden nodded and started sprinting after his friend, the Galatine held ready in front of him, ready for whatever was to come.

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Ooh. Off to an exciting start! :D


A question I forgot to ask earlier on - how are stories in this thread carried out? Does one person handle all of the characters and storyline, or does each player control his/her character and add their writing to a larger storyline?

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Ok, I'm just going to come out and say it. I'm not very savvy with all the lore and my knowledge of things is slightly lax. {{I apologize}} 

Anyway, Heres part one of two... let me know if you think my trash is worth something haha.



Part one: Rescue


The dark void of Space was disturbed by a Corpus Vessel cruising through at high speeds, It was en route to a Corpus testing facility under the control of Alad V's supporters, It's cargo: A volt  Warframe. They were playing with fire, but they're thirst for knowledge and yearning to become more evolved caused them to throw reason aside for the sake of progress. Perhaps it would lead to fixing one of they're greatest flaws? who knows...one thing however is certain.


It would be they're Undoing.


In the holding section of the ship, inside one of the holding cells resided the captive. The Volt stood suspended in air by his restraints, a reinforced material that seemed to drain his frames energy, his soul... He was defenseless... but not helpless, and not without pride... He would not willing give secrets, or information regarding the Tenno... He would make sure that if it came down to it... He would honor himself by giving them hell before the end. The sly Corpus had used one of the Dormant Tenno pods as bait... A simple rescue mission that required no more then one, quickly turned grim.


The doors sealed around him when he reached the pod, the power went out, and soon after wave upon wave of Corpus MOAs and Osprays flooded the room.. The fight was long, and The Volt took many of them out before the end... but even his frames regenerating energy systems strained to keep up against the Corpus's shear number of robotics they  used as cannon fodder against him, and in the end he was captured.

The Volt lay in wait in complete silence... He would not be here much longer, for if his frequented cell noticed his failure to check in then soon he would be free.


On the ship's bridge a High ranking Corpus Crewman answers a hale from the fast approaching facility. Sgt. Nef Anyo Is on the sending end of the transmission eagerly awaiting word from the ship about his new found prize... for it was because of him that this faction of Corpus was able to lure the Volt in the first place. The screen blinked on and soon Sgt. Nef Anyo could be seen. "Is everything going as planned?" He asked expectantly.

"Yes sir, Nothing to report. We will be arriving on schedule.." The crewman answered.

"Excele-" The signal was lost as the ship shook violently, The dampers could be heared straining under the pressure of what ever had just hit them, in addition the engines were forced to cycle back up from zero...leaving them adrift until the power came back under control. "Report!?" The crewman yelled at another manning the tactical screen. "haul breach!" He started, "The ship's systems have detected intruders!" 



The lights within The Volts cell grew dim as the ship shook, The muffled sound through the thick doors ahead of him told him that the Alert systems had been activated... something was here that did not belong. The Volt held his head high with renewed Vigor, the face of The Volt could not be seen, but one could feel him grin widely as time went on. The time had come.

The dim alert light suddenly cut out. The cell that the Volt was in went completely dark as the power to the section was terminated. The Volt hit the Clean Ship's floors hard, but with a certain amount of planned grace. Standing strait He stretched his long immobile limbs and took in a deep breath as he awaited his Warframes systems to regenerate. It didn't take long. Within seconds the Suit came alive, Arks of deadly current flowed throughout the conductors along his being. The electricity deadly to all but him, and that only he could master were once again back in his control... He was again made whole. 


Part one end.

Part two: Escape?

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I broke your curse. Hah! Cthulu never let's me down!

Continuing from bejuizb.


"You know what we are going to enter. You know the enemy. You don't know that your drinks were spiked with Enferon. Enferon is a natural Technocyte destroyer. It will kill any infested it touches, or you if you were to become one. This is to make sure there will be no sudden transformations in the midst of battle. We are looking for Tenno, not to kill but to Recruit. Destroy all infested. Napalms, you will stay in the back and give literal cover fire. Lancers, you will be in behind the Scorches. Scorches and Bombards, you will be in front. Any questions? No? Then we shall board. Move!"

Jrogar effectively shouted at the troops. He had hope that at least one Tenno could "Forget the Lotus" as Ruk would say. Though this ship did look familiar, it could have just been the Technocyte growths.


It wasn't long until they found the first infested. The odd thing was that it was already dead. It's "head" ripped off and it's body crushed. The odd thing was that it was an Ancient, which don't really have heads. Not much farther ahead was a damaged elevator, but still in good enough condition to use. The distress signal was two floors above, so the elevator had to be used. It didn't help the feeling that it would collapse when t shook on the way up. Once the doors opened...there were tides of infested surrounding a colossal monstrosity that would put the Wrefres to shame. It was slightly like a spider, with its multiple eyes and legs, but that's where similarities ended. A massive spiked tail hung from its thorax, with visible poison dripping off it. It's head was little more than a mouth with eyes, and it's tounge lolled out of its mouth. The worst part was that it was FACING THEM.

"In the Queens name! I thought we killed the last of those! Open fire! Blind the beast!"


It was a hopeless battle. The Monstosity had cleaved through the Bombards in seconds, with the Scorches following behind. A Napalm had been hit with the tail, turning into little more than an armored suit. The tide of Infested quickly became mostly Ancients, Toxic and Healers. Entire groups of Lancers were overun, fighting until their last breath. Jrogar was panicking, as the Monstrosity was one known for its insolence, and he had run out of ammo. Once the Monstrosity began to hobble its way towards them, Jrogar quickly called out "Fall back!"

It was useless, as none heard him over the gunfire, undoubtedly attracting more Infested. The moment the Monstrosity reached the marines, Jrogar could barely mouth the words "I'm sorry" before they were massacred. Grineer were replaceable. He was not. So he did the most sensible thing at the time.

He 'ran' about as well as you can with a tail.


bejuizb, that's part of mine. Get ready. Also, goodnight.

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