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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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In light of all events, our thread getting off topic, a new member (whooo!) and (I) finally getting frost prime (yea yea yea i know XD ) i am going to write another story of my Vauban making something *wink wink*. 






He had finished his current projects, so simple they were. He stood up from his desk and went over to the safe which was lodged in the floor underneath a panel. 

   “Loki probably knows about this......” He thought to himself as he removed the panel and entered the code into the safe opening it. “But he has never tried to opened it?..........hmmm he does have manner.” 

All that was in the save was a tube, not just any type of tube, a container to be exact, a container he looted from a Orokin Tower. It was one of his most prized possession next to the bag of potato chips stashed in a desk drawer. He smiled to himself as he sat back down, after he covered the safe back up, and opened the tube. He remembered the first time he opened this tube.


 Piles of dead Corrupted surrounded a pedestal their forms were charred to a crisp from the raw energy that surged through them not seconds before. Steel plated boots filled the room with a steady echo. A Vauban looked around and shook his head at the pile of dead enemies. He rolled the small tesla under his foot which was the source of the dead Corrupted, and the horrible smell. He kicked a few corpses away from the pedestal and grabbed a very ornate metal tube. Pulling the cap off and looking in, the Vauban smiled underneath his helmet.


Shaking his head to ward off the memory, he pulled out some blueprints for a new frame. Unrolling the crisp metallic paper he looked happily down at the blueprints of a Frost warframe of the Prime class.

In a very quiet, unused voice,

   “This is were the real work begins.” Those were the only words spoken right before the sparks began to fly. Hours flew by, and the new frame slowly began to take form. First with the helmet, the gold rings took great care to make and attach, but when there, they could never be removed. The gold faceplate was put in place, fitting perfectly. The chassis and system were just like a normal frost, so they were made easily. 

He was finished, well making the parts, now it was time to put it all together. He walked into another room and placed the parts on a mannequin, and pressed a button to the right. The sound of welding  and fusing metal filled his workshop. He turned away walking into this sleeping quarters and turning one last time to look at the Frost Prime being built, closed the door. Now all he had to do was wait.

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I'll be posting a story (more a call to arms actually...) later today. It may (hopefully) be a herald of some more co-op writing.

Incidentally, about the clan, maybe you guys could all jump into my clan, Definitely Not Hacks (The name was not my idea - read 'Brother'). Me and a few of my mates are highly active, and we have a few less-active people, including some who i'm contemplating kicking (they haven't been on for months). We're just a shadow clan, and at this stage we know each other IRL, but expansion will be good.

I have literally built every single functional room (practically by myself) and nearly every bit of research (everything apart from Djinn and the Synapse), and so it wouldn't be difficult to expand to a ghost clan.

I'm not actually warlord myself, my brother is, but he barely plays and I am the effective warlord. Expansion would be good.

Edit - Now I feel like one of those people who spams 'JOIN MY CLAN! WE HAVE X AND X!!! JOIN NOW, LIMITED PLACES' in all of the chat channels...

Edited by Piranah1
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Djinn is a tough research to get, let alone to MAKE. Once we get a new area or two mutagen will likely return to normal areas.


Edit: on the topic of spamming such and such, maybe once I finish the latest chapter of GCB I'll finally put something up here again YAY -lockermolestingtiem-

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And here is the final part of building Frost Prime!



The sun shone through the port window into Vauban’s room. Warm, it warmed his skin and gave him energy for the new day. He pushed himself up onto his elbows and looked over at a small monitor next to his bed when he heard a pinging noise. One phrase caught his attention out of the tons of information flowing by. 




Scrambling to get out from underneath the covers Vauban rushed to the Foundry’s door.  Pushing the door open with enough force to dent the wall, he rushed in. There stood the most beautiful Warframe he has even had the honor of seeing. Frost Prime. He walked slowly to the freshly build frame. Slowly looking it over, perfect, was the only word he could use to describe it.


“Perfect.....” He quietly said. 


He carefully activated the mannequin. It moved with a life of its own, his own invention, the technology was stolen from Corpus MOA’s. The mannequin moved over to another door which opened into an elevator. Small in size but just big enough to fit himself and the new frame with ease. The elevator went down. When it stopped and the door opened, it revealed a marvelous stash of guns, swords, and warframe. His personal collection. He walked the Frost Prime over to a row of other frames, including Excalibur Prime. Stopping the new Prime next to Excalibur, Vauban stepped back to look at his treasures. So many things he worked so hard for, yet he never used them. He liked using his soma, hikou and glaive. He loved his Vauban warframe. He would never change that. Only if great need arises would he use these weapons, or frames.  

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Since Kalenath's latest masterpiece is finished Crowley returns...and is going to be angry about Sundrus.


also, my wasd keys are acting up so if any of those letters are missing it's not on purpose. I need a new keyboard XD





Unlatching himself from his Snub Fighter once it was docked Crowley took the time to brush himself off and give a weary sigh. He had seen and done things lately that were enough to make any Tenno exhausted, but he still had his duties to perform. Yawning, the blue Nekros waved his hand in front of his helmet as if to cover his mouth, merely an instinct left over from before he'd donned his azure Warframe. The leisurely walk through the dojo halls toward his quarters was interrupted by a familiar face skidding just to a halt in front of him.


"Ohmigosh Crow Crow you're back! I missed you!!! Oh, Khimera's back too and I missed him and we found out Vor's got a recipe for cookies and you sure look tired what did you do while you were away will you come spar with me later I was REALLY bored while you two were gone and exploded potatoes and-"


Holding up a hand to cut off the long run-on sentence that was beginning to clearly lack oxygen behind it, Crowley put his other hand to his forehead. "It's good to see you too, Nova-Quinn. Right now I could really use a little rest. I can't be bothered with making dancing Grineer ghosts or helping you with your cookie scheme." He brushed past NQ, smiling softly as he paused at his door to unlock it. As he tapped in the code Nova-Quinn moved oddly as she turned to look at him.


"Sundrus turned traitor."


Pausing, Crowley leaned against the sliding door that blocked him from reaching the sanctuary of his room, head hung low. The silence in the hallway grew uncomfortable as it lasted until the guardian of the dead could compose himself to stand upright and find something to say. "I have already informed the Lotus of the recent activities by Nekros wearers that are less than savory. She has promised screening for use of the Warframe will increase but its usage cannot and will not be revoked from those already wearing one in order to screen them as well." Turning his head, Crowley let his gaze pierce through his helmet to his friend. "He was something I intended to stamp out before my...services...were required."


"Okay..." Nova-Quinn clasped her hands behind her back and started walking away before hesitating and turning around again. "I hope you didn't use the moon again." She pointed at him and made a noise indicating she was sticking out her tongue. "Go ahead and sleep off your mission Master Crow-Crow, I'll bring ya cookies when I'm done with mine!" Whirling about the air around the red and black Tenno girl had returned to its cheerful state while she began a peppy trot toward the Snub Fighters to go off in search of Vor and his recipe for the perfect cookie that she assumed he had.


Feeling like he'd been scolded by the most unlikely source, the gaunt Tenno finished unlocking his quarters and stepped inside. All Tenno had their own room in the dojo if they were of proper rank, and most initiates ended up sharing quarters or living in a cramped barracks for a while until they finished their training. Crowley's room was very simple, and he did little to change it aside from getting it painted in the same blues as his Warframe. Not even bothering to lock himself in to prevent intruders Crowley sat down on his bed. There was a desk with a terminal built into it, a bookshelf, and a set of drawers for casual clothing he had re-purposed into a weapons locker so he could keep his most precious items by his side. Of these, a few were shared among himself and his two friends Nova-Quinn and Khimera. Namely, the Braton and Lato Vandal were currently in Khimera's possession while Nova-Quinn had taken possession of the Hek they shared at the moment. He'd been gathering blueprints for a Soma for some time but Crowley figured it would be a while yet.


Casting his gaze over to the terminal, its blue window was up with a small flashing Tenno Faction icon. "My work is never done, is it?" He chuckled, moving to his desk and touching the icon with his finger to enter a video chat with Khimera.


"Yo, you're back! I got back...ehh...few days ago myself. Anger Management is a pain in the tailbone." Khimera chuckled on the other end of the line, typing away at something off to the side.


"I'm pretty tired myself. Nova-Quinn had a moment of clarity a minute ago by the way."


"Progress! She's been having more of those since going out with more of the initiates her 'age'. I think the Lotus was right about keeping her around those that need her help. I heard she's been obliterating the potato supplies though. Something about...'Wormhole-apult'?"


"Oh yeah...I heard something kinda like that when she nearly ran out of oxygen." Crowley laughed alongside Khimera, leaning back in his chair. "That and a mission for a cookie recipe. She said she'd bring me some but I don't think she quite understands yet that I don't need to eat."


"That's still unnerving for even me to think about."


"Yes, yes, all fear mighty Lich Crowley, master of death and all evil!" Crowley posed and spoke in over-dramatic fashion, earning a somewhat effeminate giggle from the other male. "And what about you? An 'actual' progress? Anger Management was a week long, you've been off yourself..."


"Maybe yes, maybe no. You have a request from the Lotus herself to return somewhere. I didn't read it, but she did say it was okay for your successor to tag along."


Sitting up a bit more straight Crowley stroked over the chin of his helmet in thought. "Too many new ones...I haven't chosen..."


"Time limit's three days old friend, the two remaining apprentices look promising. NQ told you about Sundrus right? He was overriding the limiters on a reactor and forma by mashing them together. Stupid git."


"Psh...better than what I had to deal with. I coulda finished him myself...still...you're right. I'll think on it." Yawning again Crowley reached out to the edge of the screen. "See you in a few hours." He spoke dismissively as he shut off the terminal and returned to his bed, maneuvering to lie on his back. The next few days would be a handful.

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I see opportunities for Vauban! I will write!


here it is, The Foundry Master is getting sneaky now!




      “So Crowley has returned.”  The Foundry Master thought as he monitored the camera feed in the hallways. He didn’t pay much attention to Nova-Quinn though, knowing she would either run out of air talking or stop and have one of her rare moments. Though he did note where she was heading to with Crowley’s large hek just to make sure nothing happen like last time, the “miss fire”. Knowing all to well that Crowley shared his precious weapons among his closest friends Vauban switched the camera. He saw Crowley put away something in to his drawer, which he had repurposed, it was shinny, and had the look of BluePrints all over them.

        When Crowley turned on his terminal calling up Khimera, Vauban politely switch camera’s and continued to monitor the hallways, noting NQ was no where to be found with the Hek, which was slightly concerning. After some time he switched back to Crowley’s room seeing that the master of the dead was asleep. A small smile played on Vuaban’s lips as he stood up and left his room. After finding his way through the maze of corridors and sliding doors, he found Crowley’s room. Opening the door silently was easy, creeping across the room to the drawers was a much harder task for the semi large Tenno. But he did one thing that he hasn't done in a long time, he took off his steel boots. He NEVER did this but he was on a mission for a friend, so he would do what was necessary. He crept across the floor to the set of drawers. Carefully opening the drawers he reached in pulling out the blueprints he saw before. 

        “A Soma.....good choice master Crowley.”  The Vauban thought with a smile. Closing the drawer, taking the blueprints with him and creeping out of the room, Vauban made sure the door closed and locked behind him. Making his was down the hallways, Vauban thought of how to make this weapon special, coming up with a few ideas on his leisurely stroll to his room.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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I tried to put as many opportunities for interruption into Crowley's downtime as I could think of.


-Unlocked Door

-Working on making a Soma (which I am BTW, already forging)

-His need for a successor to his title (reference Kalenath's Madness fanfiction to find his title)

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-His need for a successor to his title (reference Kalenath's Madness fanfiction to find his title)

i have a nekros warframe, among others but.....i would need to write a couple stories about him to introduce him.....might work on those.... :\




*add-on!* i am also thinking of adding another Tenno to the list of mentally unstable/somewhat crazy...will need to hammer out a story and throw it up here when i do.

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Well, if you'd rather not have your Nekros sucked into something huge right away Crowley can at least serve as an instructor/mentor at the very least if you like.


On a side note, Nova-Quinn's cookies will probably have cherry bits in them.

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X_X no cherry bits for Vauban he no like!


I see what your saying about Crowley and i was kinda reluctant to say that anyways because i can see where conflict would arise, so that will be a no go, but i will hopefully bring in a new member for NQ socialize with.

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