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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I would but sleep is calling to me...and i dont even think i could get there XD


Been farming for those Frost Prime systems *really really sad face* to many void T3 exterminations. 


I've been looking for the systems for a while...they seem pretty much non-existant. T_T I've had the dang blueprint since the event where he got friggin revealed and I haven't gotten him!

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From what i can gather the systems have a 11% drop rate in T3 exterminations...and 1% in T2...but forma Bp's out weigh both......maybe we should get a T3 extermination party going some time....just run them over and over again until those be damned systems appear.

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From what i can gather the systems have a 11% drop rate in T3 exterminations...and 1% in T2...but forma Bp's out weigh both......maybe we should get a T3 extermination party going some time....just run them over and over again until those be damned systems appear.


I have a lot of T3 keys I never use...mainly because whenever I enter a mission warframe disconnects EVERYONE from the game. So I need to reinvite everyone which is a hassle and I don't think it's getting fixed anytime soon.

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Ok, let me start my own

4 Tenno, 1 Mission

They went to exterminate the Infested on an abandoned Grineer base. A Rhino just activated his Iron Skin. When a horde of Infestation came, he stomped the ground and the earth shattered bellow his mighty feet. All the infestations went up in the air, kncked by the shockwave. Rhino charged into the middle of those stunned creatures, and in one charged swing of his mighty Galatine, he managed to kill every single Infested in that area.

The 3 other Tenno just stood there, witnessing what had just happened. They immediately opened the communication device from their HUD inside their helmet. They typed forums.warframe.com, and made 3 threads entitled "GALATINE OP PLS NERF".

End of story.

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Another one.


Nekros, Rhino, and Excalibur was on a defense mission. The Lotus asked them to defend a Cryopod from the massive waves of infestation. Waves after waves, they plundered each infestations to the ground, either by knocking the soul out of them, wreaking havoc with a stomp in the ground, and slashing them with a mighty sword dash or radial javelins. 


In the middle of wave 7, a Tenno arrived. The arrival pod opened and a female frame stepped out. The three of them sighed, "NOT AGAIN" as the female frame caused the enemies in a primed molecular state, and rapidly exploded each other from a massive chain of explosion. The wave was cleared in 10 seconds. The next wave started. After Nekros was raising his hand to ressurect the shadows of the dead, 9 infestations showed up in their holographic soul, being dragged from the Limbo to fight for Nekros' cause. Just as 9 of them appeared, all the enemies were again exploded by the female frame's molecular prime ability. The shadows of the dead just ran around, without a target to attack.


Another wave cleared within 1 minute. As they finally were extracted upon reaching wave 15, they saw that the female frame had been appreciated as the one who dealt most damage and killing the most enemies. Nekros, Rhino, and Excalibur opened their comm device, setting up a connection to forums.warframe.com, making 3 different threads of "I HATE NOVA IN DEFENSE MISSION" "NOVA OP PLS NERF" "MOLECULAR PRIME SPAMMING".


End of story.

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So...since when did this thread get saturated in hostility and get made into a bashing thread/requests for help thread?


I don't mean to be 'that guy' but I just try and ignore the idiocy when it hits. I know I'm guilty of it at first for nearly every major update since the mod system change. Anyway, My forum name matches my in-game name so if you'd like to add me as a contact when I next get on I shall accept.


On a side note...


Nova-Quinn: Yuikami-sama is onto us! Hide zeh documents! -woopwoopwoopwoopwoop-

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You shall never rip the systems out of my frame >:o



but yea ill add you khimera 


......im so sorry i said things to yuikami....ill go hide in my corner.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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