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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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-shrugs- Merely an offer. I don't wanna press anything onto anyone -smiles- I'd rather everything mesh nicely like a well-oiled machine.


Don't worry, if NQ screws with the recipe Khimera will have an extra batch non-cherrified for the less adventurous to be sure. Ironically IRL I like baking sweets.

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hahhaha i might pull nekros in later as someone who appears ever so often, not much, but ill be working on the new member, he will be arrogant at times, and he loves to be "amazing! *sparky stars*"/ "the best".

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Why do I get the feeling he and NQ will get along very well.


I just got the Hunter Founder pack because last chance to be a founder and all that...plus platinum to nab the color palettes and some helmets I wanted. I got the excalibur prime and I'm going to bring him in I think, and I'm thinking of letting Frost Prime fall to the side in favor for a Saryn...I like the Chlora helmet.


EDIT: I see My Excal Prime being very...chivalrous? At least attempting to be knight-like and somewhat flirtatious with Khimera, much to my dear Volt's frustration.




I shall name him Sandalphon...Sandals or Sandy for short.

Edited by khimera
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A day after I intended to, this is done. Some of the individual sections of it did get away from me slightly...



Edit: Errr... I can't seem to change the text color to white...



A quiet whining growl pierced the silent darkness of the room. The platypus lifted its head from its resting place and accepted the morsel of food from Loki’s hand, weakly grinding the small scrap of crayfish between its plates and swallowing. It whined again, once again resting sickly on its bed.

Loki sat down next to the sick platypus and started to stroke it gently. After a few minutes, he asked “What do you want?”, not raising his head from gazing at his pet.

A form melted out of the shadows in the corner of the room, stepping forward silently. “I’m still surprised that I didn’t find you planning.” said Nyx quietly “Despite what Tyranthis did to your platypus, I was expecting you to find some way of going for the cookies.”

“Ah, so you’ve come to gloat then.” Loki muttered darkly. He raised his voice, replying to her “I cannot take the time that would be required to obtain any blueprints. I have a pet to care for.”

“But I assume you want to get the cookies?”


“Then how about a truce?” Nyx asked

“Why?” he replied suspiciously

“Ship bay 13.”

Loki looked at Nyx like she had gone completely mad.

“So,” said Nyx, tossing a small tablet at Loki as she walked to the door “how would you like to get ALL of the cookies?”


Nova Quinn was just about to enter her snub pod when the ship bay doors opened. “Nyx.” she said in greeting “Are you after the cookies? I want the cookies. I want lots of cookies.”

“Cookies?” questioned Nyx as she walked towards the open pod at which Nova Quinn was standing. “Mere cookies? Why would you devote your time to getting just cookies?”

“‘Mere’ cookies!?!?!” cried Nova Quinn before she was rendered speechless by the idea and questions now coursing through her mind.

“Yes.” said Nyx calmly “‘Mere’ cookies. Hmmm… I could use your help given your skillset… How do you feel about us getting something better than mere cookies?”

Nova Found her voice again and asked in an awed voice “There’s something that is better than… cookies?”

“Oh yes,” said Nyx, coming to a stop just in front of Nova Quinn “so much better than mere cookies. Tell me, how would you like to get some cherry cookies?”


Vauban reached his room with the blueprints for Crowley’s Soma in his hand, and opened his door. He strolled over to his desk, musing to himself. Putting the blueprint tube on his desk he saw that a note had been left on it.

‘It seems everyone is wanting something this week.’ He thought, picking up the note and unfolding it.

Vauban, It read

If possible, could I request to borrow a short-ranged transmitter that is capable of imitating a Grineer distress signal. I suspect that this is once again an easy task for a Vauban such as you. How long has it been since you had a real challenge? How long since you have accomplished something that others could not even dream of?

If you are interested, you may wish to collect all of the materials and tools required to do the tasks outlined below, and come to Ship Bay 13.


Vauban read the list below, and raised his eyebrows underneath his warframe. “Well.” He muttered underneath his breath “What are you planning this time?”


Captain Grul, freelance cargo freighter of the Grineer Empire swore under his breath. “The bloody comms system is down again…” He muttered

He was the captain of the proud vessel KrH-582-bpS, a mk6 Loadbearer™. His last ship had been mk3, but after the coffee had started to be injected into the fuel line of the engines he had upgraded to the new mk6. Its computer systems had a tendency to, about every day, announce ‘Installing Updates. Please do not shut down this device’ and go offline for the next hour. This included the plumbing and sewage systems.

The Captain leaned over and pressed a button on which the remaining label read ‘Ancmt tgl’ and then spoke loudly “Bridge to engineer on shift. The comm systems are down. Please report. Over.” He pressed the button again and waited. There was the crackle of static from his headset, and the sound of silence. He pressed the button again, frowning, and once again spoke loudly “Please report engineer. Do you read me? If anyone can hear me, please report immediately.”

He pressed the button once more, and once again heard only static and silence. The announcement system had yet to go down before… Surely the his ship was not being attacked - it had just dropped its large shipment of nearly worthless ferrite at Mars Prime - it was heading slowly back to the Mercury system.

He heard a small sound behind him. It sounded like a quiet footstep. “Is that you again Dun?” Grul called out, starting to turn “If you don’t leave my mother out of this…” He turned, and saw an empty room in front of him. ‘What?’ he thought ‘I must have been imagining things… actually I didn’t hear the door open now that I think about it… it usually scrapes loudly.’

Abruptly, he felt the air behind him moving, like something had dropped down from above, and then cold, metallic fingertips pressed themselves to the sides of his head. He stiffened, and would have jumped and squealed out if his body suddenly stopped obeying him and froze. ‘What!’ he thought

“What?” spoke a cool, female voice inside his mind “A Nyx warframe, with a Tenno inside, dropping down from the vents and taking the knowledge I require from you. Specifically, how do drive this ship.”

‘!!!’ Captain Grul found his mind bringing up memories, knowledge and experiences uncontrollably, and was overwhelmed by the massive stream of thoughts coming to the front of his head. And then seeming to vanish, transferred into what felt like a giant green will, surround and seeping into his own.

“Oh, by the way,” spoke the voice inside his mind once more “I will not leave your mother out of this.”

While I would love for all of the named candidates to step forwards, none of you should feel obliged to. I purposely (tried) to leave it open for any and all of you to decline.
Also, I apologise if I mis-portrayed any of your characters - I can never seem to get the personalities in my down onto paper (or word processor) correctly.
Anyway, it turned into a much longer entry then I had planned - I am not a fast writer, but two hours and three pages later, I am quite surprised at myself.
Also, I enjoyed making poor Captain Grul - I also feel sorry for his name, I am quite horrible at making them up.
Edited by Piranah1
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So Nyx is plotting something, eh? Whatever it is Loki's in! He never was one to hold a grudge anyway.



Loki sped around a corner, slid between a Leaper's legs and tossed a few knives into it's back. He continued to run for his life as it joined the Infested horde hot on his heels.


"Where are you all even coming from?!" He yelled. He had been sure the way behind him was clear, then this mob had shown up out of nowhere!

Loki's eyes lit up as he spotted a zipline up ahead. He eagerly leaped on, turning his head back to give the horde the finger.


"Hahaha! Try and catch me now suckers! Hahahaaaaa- oh dear." Loki squealed much like a pig as the zipline led him straight into the reaching arms of a pack of Toxic Ancients.



So I've been hunting Phorid lately, trying to get Nyx, then this happens. Ziplined straight into three Disrupters and two Toxics trying to escape a mob as Loki. This was after I had been clawed half to death by the aforementioned mob. I. Hate. Disrupters. 

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At a large Grineer airbase's control room, business was as usual. Craft requesting clearances, taxiing, taking off and landing, regular updates; the standard hubbub of a facet of the Empire's war machine. A comm. station supervisor, Mahl Grez, was seated in front of one of the consoles and thoroughly hating it. He hated the stuffy rooms, the poor ventilation, the terrible lighting, the incompetence of his staff, all the things that came with overstretched finances for a very large army. He was considering making another excuse to take another break, when he heard an incoming transmission. He saw a Grineer signal, yet did not recognize the serial code.


"This is the Rukoj Imperi, Class 3 Galleon, requesting clearance to land", transmitted the vessel. Odd. Grez did not recognize the vessel's name, yet the class of the vessel spoke volumes on how important its officials might be. Class five and upwards were generally used by high-placed military types; people who were connected politically. The vessel's name also added to the effect: Hand of the Empire. But even such types, he reflected angrily, might give some notice of an imminent landing.


"I'm afraid you've come at an inopportune moment, sir. The airbase is quite busy, and you arriving unannounced as you are, without even record of your departure that I can see, well I'm afraid you'll have to wait a few hours."


A new voice suddenly interrupted. "Who is in charge here? I want your name and rank or station, now." Grez's blood ran cold. He thought he might have recognized the voice. If his suspicions were true, it was not the voice of a man you would enjoy disrespecting.


"Air Traffic Communications Supervisor Mahl Grez, serial code B-2273598446, sir."


"I see. Now, Supervisor Grez", with the word supervisor said as though it were a curse, "Do you know who I am?"


Mahl Grez gulped. He had some idea, but it would be best to play dumb, he supposed. "I'm afraid not, sir."


"Let me enlighten you. Do the words, 'Captain Vor, Hand of the Empire, agent reporting directly to the Sisters', mean anything to you?"


Grez nearly defecated right there. "I-I was n-not aware, C-c-captain, I swear. You were using an unfamiliar vessel, with unfamiliar codes. I meant no disrespect", he said in an attempt at damage control. Vor had a notoriously long memory. He'd once attended a military parade, where a soldier had been rather lax in his salute of the Captain. He was away on business for the Empire seven months afterwards, but upon his return he gave the exact name, rank, and division of the soldier to the shortlist for the torture chambers.


"And now that you are aware, are you still going to make me wait 'for a few hours'?" came the voice.


"No, Captain. Priority clearance is given, you may touch down in three minutes."






The Galleon touched down on the airport in two minutes, on a stretch of space whose previous occupants had been hastily ejected. Some egos were too important to bruise. Upon touching down, the bay doors opened immediately, and out stepped the Captain himself. Brown armor, multiple prostheses, and a red Seer on his hip; a pistol he had made personally using Orokin technology he had captured. The hurriedly assembled honor guard snapped to salute, and he gave one in return. He spoke with an officer about accommodations for his men and travel arrangements for him; he was anxious to inspect a specific factory, it seemed. The officer assured him that the arrangements would be made immediately.




Tyranthius suppressed a smile. The program wasn't perfect. Using some materials taken from a VAUBAN friend's Foundry storage, he'd had a set of armor made to very specific blueprints. He'd borrowed Lucid's Seer, and he was using a new modification he made himself with his Invisibility. To anyone looking, he appeared without a doubt to be Captain Vor. Of course, changes in expression, especially ones not in the program, might be disastrous, but he figured that Vor didn't look anything but malicious, most of the time.


Now, time to find the Secret Archive.

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The new crawlers are scary as heck. I can only imagine Nova-Quinn seeing one, squealing in absolute terror, and causing the entire vessel to explode.

On another note, Crowley will not be expecting his Soma for a fair amount of time so NQ's up!




Having been persuaded to head for Ship Bay 13 Nova-Quinn skipped along in the most giddy manner anyone had seen her doing since she'd come to the Dojo. It was...horrifying. If there was something that had one of the most insane Nova's known to the Tenno currently this happy then something was up and likely to be avoided...or if you were in the 'right' mindset you might want to join. There was no denying her discovery of catapulting things great distances using wormholes and bounce pads was a wonderful pass-time. The obstacle course even had a configuration specifically for such erratic events.


Bouncing along like a ticking time bomb of excitement Nova-Quinn remembered what she'd been told. "Cherry Cookies..." She giggled and drooled in her helmet, starting to squee as she moved at an accelerated pace. Needless to say all nearby Tenno pressed against the walls to keep away lest an explosion happen in their immediate vicinity.


Just at the entrance to Ship Bay 13 NQ rolled into a cartwheel, spiraling in and springing into the air with a perfect somersault. The landing however...she fell flat on her face. Getting up and brushing herself off the female Tenno excitedly paced about, waiting for whatever was supposed to happen next.

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     So Nyx needed his “help”. Nyx rarely asked for help, especially from the Foundry Master. His suspicion mounted when he read that he could tag along. After reading the list he sighed. Why did she want these things?


     Putting the note down on his desk he picked the Soma blueprints back up, he had some good ideas for the weapon, some really good ideas. He went to his personal elevator and down into his vault. He walked along the rows of weapons, some prime, others normal. After a few minutes of searching he found what he was looking for. A old Braton prime, something that was on of his most prized prime weapons. After looking at it for some time he put it back on the rack and went over to other weapons and examined them. With the design floating around in his head he went back up into the foundry placing the parts here and there, and putting all of his skills into this one weapon. Leaving the weapon in the crafting room being made, he headed out to Ship Bay 13 with a bag.

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I have a Nekros I'm actually working on introducing. :T I just need to finish up some stuffs, and then it shall be posted. 


Welp, here it is. Not quite sure how I feel about it, but if I over analyze it it'd never get posted. >~< 




"Where am I?"


He was standing in a field. Looking around, he noticed he was standing in a field of lavender. The sun was setting, making the sky a beautiful shade of orange and gold, enhancing the deep shade of purple from the ground. Searching for something, anything that was familiar, he started to panic. “I know this place...why do I know this place?” Suddenly, his eyes caught a figure in the distance. Crouching to avoid detection, he searched for cover. There was a large rock maybe two hundred meters to his left, but could he make it there before the figure reached him? Keeping his eyes on the approaching figure, he slowly started to move towards the rock. When the figure was a hundred meters away, he noticed that it wasn’t very large. It slowed to a stop almost fifty meters from him, looking around. He lifted his head a little higher to get a better view and his breath caught. It was a female, standing at maybe five foot. Her blonde hair was gently blowing in the breeze he hadn’t noticed. “What is she...why is she here?” he thought. “Nicias, why are you hiding from me?”. Suddenly his world was spinning. He was falling, though his feet never left the ground. He felt his body hit the ground, and he woke up.


Frantically he opened his eyes, looking around for the one thing he wished for most. All he saw was a bland metal room, with a star portal at the opposite end. “Tenno, your brothers and sisters need you.” the Lotus said. “How-” he stopped himself from asking. He didn’t want to know how long it has been. He collected himself and said “Nevermind. Tell me where I am needed.”. He looked down at his Warframe - a Nekros. "Why did I choose this one..." As he waited for a response he walked over to his storage locker. Retrieving his Braton, Lato and Skana, he was ready for whatever she tasked him for. “Find Tyranthius and his clan. You are needed there as much as you need it youself.”. He was taken aback. “Why do I need them?”. “That is all, Tenno. Good luck.”. He chuckled. Some things never change.

Edited by Colorswirl
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Sooo after some time thinking about and reading! :D

i have decided to not bring in a warframe to "play" with NQ ill be bringing 2!

one who NEEDS A LOT of anger management (the other person ill be bringing in helps)

and the other one who is very calm and relaxed but very sad, puts on a "mask" to hide those feelings.

(i will update when i know which type of frame i will be bringing in)

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Well, I'm happy that the Lotus seems to think that I'm important enough to single me out.


"Aim for the Neural Parasites!" Calladus barked. Firearms blasted their report and Corrupted fell to the floor in scores. More took their place, and the four took cover behind some wall partitions to reload.


"How many left?" rasped Alyssa. They had scarcely moved fifty meters from their original position; resistance, though not high in individual threat level, was numerous.


"Three hundred more, if my sensors serve me right", said Calladus as his Lex virtually beheaded a particularly brave Corrupted Crewman.


"Mid-level, my foot. Any reason why didn't tell us how many there would be?" Menoetius demanded.


"We are in no place to question the motives of the Lotus. We are weapons, nothing more."


"Well this weapon would like a bit of warning next time." And his Gorgon roared to life, the spray of bullets ripping down the Corrupted where they stood like so much wheat. They returned fire, but the RHINO held his ground, activated his Iron Skin and Roaring. The three joined the battle with sidearms drawn, picking off stragglers and Corrupted Osprey. Finally, the laser blasts were silent.


"Can't do that anymore", Menoetius said as he reloaded. They were all rather short on energy. Alyssa was down to just enough for a single Miasma, Calladus was running on empty, and now Menoetius was too. Tyranthius was still at about 50%, but that didn't matter so much; of his abilities, Decoy and Radial Disarm were the only ones that counted here, and Disarm was simply too costly. As to their weapons, The Gorgon and Latron Prime were all but spent. Fortunately, the Vulkar and Paris still had plenty of ammunition.


They saw a junction in the distance; one path was a flight of stairs that led to an open overhead walkway, while the other was simply an extension of the room. Both led to a room full of Corrupted, who promptly spotted them.


"Hisser, with me. You two, get in through the bottom. Try not to get in the way." They all understood immediately.


Alyssa and Tyranthius ran up to the walkway and took their positions, while Calladus and Menoetius elicited as many threatening noises as possible from their guns to attract the Corrupted's attention. It worked, and the Corrupted charged.


The men readied their sidearms, but just as Calladus had taken aim with his Lex, his target suddenly sprouted an arrow in the forehead. Another was taken down by a sniper's round. As more fell, the Corrupted turned their attention to the snipers. Then, they wondered why it was suddenly overcast in an Orokin Tower. Then Menoetius fell down with his Fragor, they stopped thinking.


They regrouped at the floor where all the Corrupted corpses lay, and began to strip them of any ammunition. Tyranthius was restocking sniper rounds when he felt a sudden pang of nausea. The green haze returned, stronger than ever. He felt an overwhelming sense of dread and fear; he felt as though something terrible was about to happen. He saw visions of himself, lying on the floor of a dark training room, where a NEKROS in ice-blue coloring stood over him. He thought that he should know this NEKROS. Then, he wondered what in hell was a NEKROS and why he should know any. His friends seemed to stop moving, he heard indistinct words, the voice familiar.


'Tyranthius...wake up...your mind...collapse...won't think any less of you...'


Somehow, he knew that he should not wake up, that he had to see. Upon deciding this, the mist faded as quickly as it had come. He looked at his friends, and saw that they hadn't noticed a thing; they were still stripping the corpses. He wondered what the mist was. Then, What mist?

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Sneak peak of my introduction to the 2 new characters. 



As he got closer he raised his shotgun, one of the Grineer turned to its “brother”.

“Is it getting cold to-” But he was cut off mid sentence as his head was blown off his shoulders with a shotgun round. The other two Grineer turned and the second one was also meet with a shotgun round to the face, throwing him against the wall. The third Grineer having seen his “brothers” die turned and ran through the door catching a couple pellets in the back. Our Tenno still in the grips of anger, charged after his prey. But he was to slow, the final Grineer was able to activate the alarm right before he had a gaping hole in his side.



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Things are getting heated up it seems. Since there's been no post from me involving Sandalphon yet save the picture...


To clarify, this happens either before or after the cookie fiasco~




"Tenno Khimera, Nova-Quinn, and Crowley. Your personal cell has empty slots to fill, so I'm sending an ally to join you."


The trio of friends all stopped to listen to the Lotus on their personal comm links, and all of them were rather confused. Khimera had never had prior notification they needed someone else in their miniature clique. Then again, they had been together since they'd been assigned as a three-man -two man and one woman if you wanted to be specific- cell before the collapse. Khimera simply didn't see the need for an extra member as their own personal armory was already fairly strained in armaments already so unless this new guy was bringing stuff to the table he wasn't going to be pleased.


Nova-Quinn was rather excited, someone new to go on missions with was always welcome. She hoped he liked cherries...cherries and cookies! And wormhole-apult...ooooh what if he was good at it? Then they could have a competition! What if it was another girl? Wait, wasn't Khimera a girl? He wore high-heels and had gold sparklies, so maybe he was. Letting her thoughts wander the slightly ditsy Tenno started to trot along toward the docking room to greet the new addition.


Crowley got up from his bed and looked over to the Hate resting up against the wall near his desk. Shaking his head, he grabbed it and slung the wicked weapon over his back. The Lotus could pine for a successor but this was not the one, he could already feel it. At least it was someone new, someone to bring a new dynamic to their cell's tactics. True, in pairs of two they did well so far but it would be nice if they could go out on two missions at once in such pairs. Being closer to the docking room Crowley managed to make it first despite his somewhat slow walking speed.


When the three gathered they were greeted by the sight of an Excalibur Prime wearing the Pendragon helmet. His colors weren't all that impressive or unique except a neon-green for his primary color. Stepping down and away from his docked Snub Fighter the Excal Prime raised a hand in greeting.


"Yo~ Sandalphon at your service fellow Tenno!" He said in an eager tone of voice, though something about his accent seemed...british? It was like he was imitating a knight and if the gold-bladed Galatine on his back was any indicator he liked acting like one.


"Yay! I'll name you Sandy or Sandals or Sandy-Sandals!" Nova-Quinn threw up her arms with a cry of jubilation, making an attempted pounce at the suddenly startled newbie.


Crowley, however, was kind enough to use his scythe to keep the excitable female at bay for a moment. "Welcome to our cell. I am Crowley. Our Excited friend is Nova-Quinn. The currently silent member is Khimera."


Folding his arms the Volt seemed unimpressed by this newcomer, turning away slightly as if to leave before he found his hand taken into Sandalphon's. "Would you kindly-" Behind his helmet Khi blushed profusely as he saw what the Prime was doing.


Down on one knee Sandalphon had the Volt's hand as if he were gently kissing the knuckle, other hand over his heart in the old knightly gesture of fealty. "It is an honor to meet you, lady Khimera." Looking up at the Volt, it seemed the Excalibur was clueless though he'd certainly shocked Khimera enough to leave the wasp-colored Tenno silent.


"Pfft..." About to bust out laughing Nova-Quinn found her mouth covered by Crowley's cold hand and being dragged away to be polite. Still, from the way Crowley's shoulders were shaking it seemed like he'd put his helmet on silent so no one would hear his howls of amusement.


"I am a GUY you twit!" Snatching away his hand Khimera fired a jolt of electricity into Sandy as he began to walk off in a huff. "The sheer nerve!"


"Erf...tingly...doesn't make my affection any less genuine!" Sandalphon called, causing several other Tenno down the hall to snicker as the seething Volt walked past. "Well, this is an awesome start to my day!" The Excal Prime commented to himself as he went off to look for the Warlord to acquire quarters; hopefully near Khimera's.

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Wow. WOOOOW. That last bit had me laughing my &amp;#&#33; off. Good job again, Khimera! You continue to be an amazing contributor to this thread. :)


Sandalphon is a 'knightly' Tenno with delusions of being a Knight in Shining Armor and he's set his sights on my Volt as the one to impress. Whether or not that becomes anything is up to time and my evil imagination. Personally I'm on the fence about Sandalphon actually managing to win over my Volt though Khimera(Volt) will get stuck with Sandy in missions from now on since his patience for Nova-Quinn's tendencies and desire for stealthier missions will fit better with Sandy's eager-to-please attitude.

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I can't wait! So I've been thinking of some backstory for Ajkrumen. I was thinking that maybe he is rather... ancient. It doesn't show, but one little scrap of him retains the once-noble blood of the Orokin. His whole story (at the moment) Is that he was fighting off the Virus when the Collapse started. He just barely got to a Cryopod to be preserved for when they needed him again. I also have the backstory for Heus *almost* done. What do you think about Aj's backstory? Also if you can, give me some ideas on how to expand it? This isn't of course, the whole of the backstory... :P

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