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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Speaking of Darius...



Alane didn't stop running until she was next to a pile of armor plating of an unknown origin, briefly distracted by the shape and how there seemed to only be a few helmets among the chest plates...


Then she took in the surroundings, she was in the same gargantuan room full of waste, but everything was quite different.


The foreign type of armor piled around her, shrieks of lesser infested more common here...


And the strange patterns that cut through the grime of the floor.


A piercing wail like that of an Old-Earth banshee cut through her racing thoughts of Darius, her own safety and the markings (what were those?)


Alane immediately dove for behind a pile of waste. The banshee's wail sounded again, somehow louder. Impossibly louder. Then even more so. Whatever was making the sound was running towards her, she gripped her Soma. She gripped onto the narrow ledge that was her sanity. The wail called to her mentality, for her to let go.


This was the sound of a malevolent entity. Something, as impossible as it was, worse than Nakarn and his legion himself.


Then she saw it. A form that was unlike anything she'd seen. An impossibly wide maw, long blades-for-hands dragged behind it on the ground. And the eyes, oh, the eyes...


It was peculiar, the thing only had two eyes. Two portals into a world of pleading, insanity and agony.


The thing spotted her. It crouched and observed her curiously.


The creature closed the chasm of a mouth, the head spasming. Then it hopped closer and let out a smaller scream. Alane rose her Soma rifle a fraction, but the abomination of life did not shy away.


It screamed again, a long wordless scream.


At least it seemed wordless.


'YO- ARE A- -OLE TE--O,' shrieked the beast.


'I am a whole Tenno?' Questioned Alane.


It replied by cocking its head forward.


The thing brought forward a massive blade and started scratching an illegible string of runes.


The runes were the patterns.


This thing was communicating like a man.



As soon as Alane shot off running, Nakarn let out a cackle of insanity that would have cowed the most steadfast of beings.


'Your fellow dog obeys its master well...'


'She is no dog, you desecrated abomination of the Tenno name!'


'Not now, anyway...I've discovered the Tenno gene pattern eventually lets the technocyte in.' Nakarn once again cackled at his own joke.

'Come now, your punishment is right this way.'


Darius followed, struggling all the while.


Then he heard the first of the banshee wails.


'Alane is in trouble,' he thought.

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That is the most unfitting weapon for a Rhino. But fangs are so cool. How can anyone not equip them?

Half Blasphemy!!!! they shred opponents and with iron skin, no damage. 


Dual Fangs? *thinks two fangs in each hand, head explodes from sheer awesome overload*

You know what i mean!!! :P


I liked it eden!

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Very good friends. He is new, but he fights very well and hits like a freight train without brakes (let that image sit in your mind for a bit). I want a mobile Rhino, not some cantankerous oaf running around with a giant sword/hammer/axe.



We'll see :P

Cantankerous Oaf! Hey, I resemble that remark! =P

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"We cannot help you."


Ivan was most adamant about that. The civilians all looked abashed. "W-What do you mean-" The old man who was the leader of the group was about to say something when Ivan raised a palm.


"As I have said before. We cannot help you." Ivan spoke. "We aren't here to rescue anyone. We are here to retrieve something and that is it." Kevin winced as the civilians began to complain. Then again these people were foolish to approach the Outpost. They were survivors from the Infestation and were scavenging for supplies until Ivan and his cell found them.


Kevin kept his Soma in hand as Janice fidgeted uncomfortable.


"We can't help these people, Janice." Kevin had told her.


I know...but," She sighed. "We can't just leave them here can we? It wouldn't be right."


"We do not have enough room for even one." Val said coldly watching the humans crowd the Rhino yelling and cursing at him for not helping them. "We should have kept moving, the more time we waste here the harder it will get to the control center. I will not die here because of a bunch of humans who are too thick headed to leave when the world is burning around them."


Kevin had to agree. Val had a point, the civilians should have evacuated. The Nekros stepped forward to intervene.


"ENOUGH!" Ivan's voice cracked like a whip.


The civilians cowered as the Rhino's gaze pierced each man and woman there.


"Fine, you will be allowed to come with us.But make no mistake we are not here to protect you. We are here to retrieve something. Keep up and some of you may die, stay here and all of you may die. Either way it matters not to me."


"You-" A ratty looking man walked up, hefting a Dera.


"Be silent." Kevin told him quietly. "We have already wasted enough time with you as it is. Fall in line."

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My character cometh.




   Morlan, the Ash, crouched near a doorway.  He had docked his flight pod to a remote Grineer vessel, and had begun to make his way to the ship’s command deck.  It was there.  His brow engaged in a knot due to the lack of soldiers on the ship.  His scythe had ended the careers of two Lancers and a Sawman, but beyond that, the vessel was quiet.


   He spoke into his comm, “Peek, I thought you said there was at least a platoon’s worth of soldiers here”.  Peek replied with text, as he always did. “There are. They have conjoined near the command deck.”  Morlan felt the urge to pinch his brow. “First of all, not the right word. Second, why didn’t you tell me?” “You said you wanted to be stealthy, Morlan. Communications could be picked up.”


   “Go back to standby, Peek.” Morlan sighed. While he adored his Carrier, Peek could cause frustration and ultimately, fits of insanity. “But this is bad.... they know I’m here.”  He frowned as he thought of what to do next. He had gathered intel saying that one of Captain Vor’s subordinates would be traveling to deliver a message to Vay Hek on Earth.


   Morlan had a complete character analysis of Gor Dei, Vor’s dog.  Dei was generally thick, with occasional flashes of insight.  Dei was a brute, not likely to delete the data from the system.  Morlan smiled, realizing his hacking skills would be up to the task of finding and unencrypting the message after he destroyed Dei and his platoon.


   He took a breath, welcoming calm and focus. He set his path for the bridge. No one would deny him what he had worked so hard for.

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I have been inactive for a while... haven't I?



"Repeat that again." Az said to the Lotus, sitting in her snub again, not believing what she had just heard.

"Tenno. I have prepared this mission for a long time now, and you and Michael are the only two who can do it. Three members of the Corpus board of executives will be holding a charity ball, and I managed to hack into their data when they were just starting planning for it, two earth years ago. I created false personas for you and Michael and made a business for you two to be running. I also increased the funds and worth of the business over the minimum of twelve trillion credits. Do not worry about detection equipment at the ball or recognition, as I've used digitally constructed holograms of you two without frames and wearing Corpus clothes at any time either one of you has had to appear. You just have to act like your personas and wear traditional Corpus ball outfits." The Lotus went over her speech again, never having to stop for air or anything.

"Ok, so me and Mike go out of our frames and pretend to be some Corpus big-shots. What is the reason for this?" Az asked her.

"These three members of the board will be present, and it will be the first and only chance to identify them."

"Ok, but how am I going to know who to scan among all these big-shots that will arrive?" Az asked her, this being her main concern.

"You don't. So you have to scan as many of them as you can, and I will cross-reference the data with the on I have. The board members will not have any files of them in my database, which is how we'll identify them."

"Wonderful.... just wonderful. When is this thing?"





Just a little something for me to start writing... I needed motivation and the motivation to finish this will keep me writing.

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Happy birthday Quinn! May this year hold more cake, pie (inb4 omega throws one at Quinn) and other yummies than the last one!

Edit: expect another story from me around 3pm est. Lets bury kris in paper work! *devilish grin*

Edited by Entari0
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