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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Tenno clock.


No, it's time for a teaser.



Darius nearly laughed out loud, the scene was so comical. Nakarn had just turned around immediately and ran from his chosen path.


The next part, however, made Darius choke on the premature laugh.


A giant 'sentinfested' came barreling after Nakarn, two massive blades trailing behind it and the ear-piercing scream that started the madness erupting from the gaping hole of a maw.


And Alane was running right along side it, with her Soma raised.

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Alright, this wasn't where I was planning on ending this piece, but I think it's a good opportunity to get Qarin and Shade acquainted while I ponder other things. I hope it's alright and that I handled everyone's characters properly, and that it makes sense even though I'm posting it faster than I usually do and wrote some of this while tired. Feedback on anything, especially how I handled their characters, would be awesome. If I need to go back and change things so that it's accurate just tell me and I'll edit. Thanks guys, I hope you enjoy.


Cain was sitting as far away from Acantha as the small ship would allow. It was very quiet, with neither Tenno offering conversation and the two Sentinels “asleep” as they backed up their memories in the downtime they had during the trip to the Dojo. Acantha herself was busy working through data stored on the small vessel's surprisingly powerful computer, recalling files she deemed necessary and copying them to a small hand-held data pad.


Then, seemingly out of nowhere, she spoke, “If you so much as brush against my cot, I’ll change my verdict and actually kill you.”


Cain froze, then backed quickly away from the small bed he’d been about to recline on. Eventually he settled himself on the floor, feeling like it was probably the only thing he could touch without fearing for his life, and crossed his arms while he did his best not to touch anything. He was spending the ride feeling sorry for himself, and wondering how he was going to get back to where he should be (in particular somewhere where he was in charge) when he was going to be relegated to a clan filled with the insane and the hopeless, while probably serving his sentence as some kind of lowly janitor. He nursed his self-pity like a sore tooth, constantly picking at it as he stared into space. He couldn’t get over his sense of the unfairness of it all. He was a big shot, and here he was being treated like a nothing. Gradually, his self-pity morphed into a feeling of anger.


He shot a sidelong glance at Acantha, making sure she was engrossed in her work, before getting silently up and making his way to the bed again. He wasn’t just going to let her boss him around and make him sit on the floor like garbage. It was just a bed, and if he wanted to sit on it then he was damn well going to. He reached over to brace himself against the edge of the bed frame, trying make as little noise as possible as he lowered himself down to sit, when out of nowhere a kunai knife buried itself not an inch from his hand. He jumped backwards with a yelp, fell ungracefully against the edge of the mattress and promptly slid off. He grabbed out as he fell, dragging the blankets and an unlucky pillow down on top of him. He cursed as he struggled to extricate himself from the tangle of cloth. When he was finally free he saw Acantha looking down at him with a glare that could curdle fresh milk. He decided at that point that sitting on the floor like garbage was preferable to bodily injury or death, and put up no more resistance for the remainder of the flight.


His luck didn’t get much better when they finally arrived at the Dojo and he’d stiffly unfolded himself from the floor. They’d both stepped out of the snub and Cain had done his best to keep his jaw from hitting the ground as he caught his first glimpses of the enormous complex. He never got the chance to get his bearings, as Acantha had immediately shoved a data tablet at him with very little instruction before walking away and leaving him standing there alone.


“A general map, list of rules, your new room number and key code, and other information are in that.” She told him shortly, “I should probably give you a tour and escort you to your rooms, but I’m tired and I don’t feel like dealing with it. When you get to your rooms I’ve arranged for basics to be there for you, including a change of clothes. Just follow the map and you’ll find it. And stay the hell out of trouble.”


Without saying anything more she’d walked off, followed by the Sentinels. What she’d failed to tell him was that none of the data stored in the pad was at all organized. It took him forever to even call up the map, and when he did it had no marker that showed his current position, so it took him even longer to figure out where he was. Once he figured that out he thought he was going to be alright, but he still managed to get lost. The corners and hallways all looked the same and finding his room ended up taking him hours, as he felt asking for directions would make him look weak so he had just wandered around alone until he found it. To top it all off, when he finally found his assigned lodgings he was met by an individual by the name of Nova-Quinn. The moment he’d opened the door, exhausted and footsore, he’d been greeted by an insanely cheery Nova whose energy seemed boundless.


She had sprung out of the door immediately, bouncing up and down excitedly and sending sparkling particles of antimatter off in an alarming fashion while yelling at the top of her lungs. “HI! ARE YOU MY NEW ROOMMATE?! I’VE ALWAYS WANTED A ROOMMATE! THIS IS GOING TO BE SOOOOO FUN!”


At that point he’d been dragged bodily into the room by the insane Tenno and forced to play “games” with her. He found out quickly that Nova-Quinn’s idea of a game was more like torture than fun, although she seemed to enjoy herself immensely at his expense and seemed thoroughly oblivious to his various discomforts. ALL of her games seemed to involve explosions in one way or another, and he quickly realized why Acantha had told him he’d probably wish she’d killed him instead of leaving him alive. He was sore, beaten up, and thoroughly wishing he could sleep even if that meant he had to be sleeping in his grave by the time the first of the games was over.


To make matters worse, after enduring an uncountable amount of time suffering through NQ’s idea of fun, he met his “Probation Officer”. At first he thought the Frost was a Godsend because he managed to get Nova-Quinn out of the room and away from him. He quickly learned, however, how wrong he was. It turned out Heus was the only apprentice of Ajkrumen, a Tenno that Cain had insulted, and the Frost was far from happy about the slight. To call the encounter merely an introduction would have been an understatement akin to calling the eruption of Mount Vesuvius nothing more than the explosion of a firecracker. Unfortunately, in Cain’s opinion, it didn’t leave him dead.


And it didn’t stop there.


At the end of his beating at the hands of Heus, he’d been launched through a doorway and against the hallway wall opposite of it just in time to see Nova-Quinn returning. Heus stepped around him as the Nova barreled up to him indignantly.


“Quinn isn’t here! THERE WERE NO COOKIES!” She looked about ready to blow up the next thing she came across, and Cain wanted to be nowhere near her when she did. He cautiously began edging away down the hall, as fast as he could scoot and still be out of sight on the floor.


“That’s too bad. But you know, Cain here just told me how bored he was with you gone. He said he couldn’t wait to play some more games with you when you came back.”


The change in the Nova’s attitude was instantaneous. “REALLY!? SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Cain screamed as he was dragged away by the Nova, Heus laughing the entire time. The ear-shattering sound was cut off as the door hissed closed and Cain’s fate was left in the hands of the explosive-happy Tenno, at least until some other pursuit that sounded fun to her served as a distraction.




Acantha had requisitioned the use of a room across the hall from Nova-Quinn’s quarters as a place to watch the show she had engineered unfold, and over a day or two had turned it into something quite comfortable. She’d borrowed some unused screens, and with the help of Qarin, who was quite proficient with setting up electronics and dealing with computer systems despite the fact that he had much to learn about other things, turned the room into relatively sophisticated control room. The monitors were connected to several security cameras around the dojo, and let her watch almost any of Cain’s torments at will despite not being linked in to the dojo’s main security network. It was also stocked with a small refrigerator for drinks, several comfortable chairs, and she’d even splurged on a decent sound system for when the mood hit her to listen to old-Earth music alongside her video entertainment.


She found something supremely satisfying in watching NQ torture Cain, not the least in part because she was so innocent about it. Nova-Quinn had a childlike attitude to everything she undertook, and really didn’t care, or didn’t realize, the discomfort she caused others during her definition of “fun”. Besides, even if it hadn’t been NQ causing the chaos, the muffled screams and explosions she heard coming from the other room would still have been entirely priceless. Acantha did realize that if she wanted Cain to actually live though longer than a week that she would have to rescue him at some point, even if temporarily, or he’d end up crippled, dead, or a black coating of ash on a wall somewhere. For the moment though, she was happy to enjoy the showings of her revenge while they lasted. At least until her amusement was disturbed by Akinos and Shade.


She watched on the monitors as they approached the room, waited a time, during which NQ launched Cain with an antimatter fueled explosion, and opened the door at the perfect moment for the unfortunate Tenno to sail through it and past his visitors to crash into a solid wall with a wince-inducing thud. He slid down it and landed in a slightly singed, and definitely painful, crumpled heap outside of Acantha’s doorway with Nova-Quinn skipping out after him cheerily, still surrounded by a shining cloud of Null Stars. Acantha listened to the duo tell Cain and his insane companion about some kind of scavenger hunt, upon which NQ drug the unfortunate former-Ash off yet again in an excited flurry of limbs, complaints, and antimatter that had a faint, curious scent of cherries.


“Well damn it. There goes my entertainment.” She got up from her chair and stretched.


“Would you like me to pull up security feeds from other areas of the Dojo?”


Acantha glanced up at the Djinn, thinking for a moment. “Not now. I know those two, or at least I know the Shade. He’s sentient, like you are, and I think it’s about time you two met. Besides, it’ll take awhile for the scavenger hunt to get interesting, so we might as well find out what those two want.”


Walking out of the room behind the pair it seemed that they had caught them mid conversation, although the Shade turned towards them immediately.


-There'll be plenty of time to break his bones- Shade said, turning towards them -Besides, this will be funnier. You can get an uplink done with the security network to have view of them in real time. Most of the time you can even get more than one angle of view, to help with the subtleties that you might miss. I don't believe all of us have been introduced. Acantha and I met in that little incident with Venefica, you know, the psychotic Nyx. Shame, I didn't get to use my deth machine gun... And I never got my last query to Acantha answered, which struck me as a bit impolite, even it being hypothetical and all. Anyway, this is Akinos, my Tenno. And you must be Qarin. I guess that, since you are the second Djinn I got to meet, it's good you have a name aside from "Djinn". I am Shade myself, and since I have met no other Shades, I'll keep it, for the moment.-


“I am glad to meet you and your Tenno, Shade. I am Qarin, as you surmised. I find having a name to be far more convenient than I first would have assumed and I am glad to have it, as I am glad to finally make the acquaintance of another Sentinel such as I. The Carrier which my mistress possesses is not the best of conversationalists, although he is good company in his own way.” The Djinn hovered a moment, seeming to study the Shade and his Tenno, “My mistress and I have been observing Tenno Cain and Tenno Nova-Quinn. It has been quite amusing watching him “taste his own medicine”. Would you wish to join us?”


-Do you have access to the Dojo’s security cameras? You really can get good views of the action if you use them right.-


Acantha just smiled and let the two Sentinels carry on with their own conversation as she introduced herself to the other Tenno. “It’s nice to meet you Akinos. My name is Acantha. I apologize for Qarin. He’s still fairly young in how he thinks and tends to get carried away when it comes to things he’s interested in. He’s been asking for information on other Sentinels like himself for awhile now, and I’m glad he’s finally able meet another of his kind. I only hope that they stay on good terms with one another. Anyway, as Qarin said, if you want to join us in watching the fun you’ve set up, you’re welcome to.” She motioned towards the open door in invitation.


Note; this has since been HEAVILY modified, and is no longer accurate. See https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/74088-of-ash-and-fire-how-we-envision-our-tenno-submit-your-own/page-289#entry1953055 <-here for the updated version. This will remain strictly as an archived version. Sorry for any confusion.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Sorry for the double post, but I felt like sharing. 


I felt the urge to draw so I took out my brand new graphics tablet and started playing around. The result after 15 minutes:




What do you guys think? It was my first time with a graphic tablet, I'm really proud of it.

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..inb4 black text rage....



Hey guys! A few pages back Beju posted the start of an amazing series that he's working on. I thought I'd jump in with his permission and now we're working on this as a team! Here's the first chapter introducing my character. Let me know what you guys think! :)






Chapter 1: A Glimmer of Hope
Legathod stared over the lands of Werheil, his eyes moving over the vastness of the Untamed Sea, the silver rivers running through the lands, the mountains of Crirade, and the burnt wastelands of the northern Ashlands. His let his gaze linger over that godforsaken place for a moment longer as he retrieved his armament from his makeshift camp. He retrieved his shield and sword, both made in the Western Kingdom long ago, which has since been forgotten by the world. His shield had intricate engravings that coalesced into a beautiful seven-pointed star. His sword was Abrazan, forged by himself in his old and deserted home across the seas. It was a weapon that was as much a work of art as it was a tool for killing. The blade was long and possessed a silvery sheen to it, reflecting off of the elegant runes inscribed across its surface, while the pommel was a beautiful golden object forged to the likeness of an eagle’s talons with a beautiful sapphire set in the center. Legathod himself was clad in the last remnants of his homeland, aside from the precious relics that he carried on his person. He wore a gray hood, with a black facemask, along with a black shoulder-wrap adorned with the star on the right shoulder, with a protective metal plate on his left side. Below that he wore an ashen-colored tunic with a protective mail beneath the fabric. He donned a long cloak to save him some warmth in the cold and harsh winds that began to assail the hill that afforded him such a wide view of the lands of Werheil. He took one last look back at the ship that brought him to this continent. A touch of sadness welled up at the sight of the graceful white ship that was smashed into pieces against the shoreline.
It seems that fate would have me stay here.
He looked back to an old and battered road leading to a small light in the waning evening. He travelled to the village set just before the mountain pass of the immense Frostgrip Crags. Legathod asked around for an inn to spend the night, weary from his journey. As he settled into the straw bed he heard a creak in the stairway leading to his room. Legathod’s eyes snapped open at the sound as he slowly reached for the dagger in his boot. He saw a shady figure come in through the room meticulously searching for something, whispering to himself.
“How the hell did he hide something so decorative…”
At that, Legathod swept his leg out from under the blanket and sent the man to the ground. He quickly pinned the man down holding his dagger at the figure’s throat.
“You dare let a traveler in with open arms to deceive him in the night?! Where is your honour?”
The man only started to laugh as Legathod’s brown eyes bore into him.
“We receive no trade from the other kingdoms, so we must make do with what we have. We also must suffer frequent barbarian raids in these parts and have no means to defend ourselves.”
Legathod considered the man before him as he let him up.
“Why don’t your people emigrate if it’s so bad here?”
“We’ve no adequate means of defending ourselves. That and there’s a barbarian encampment on the only exit out of this desolate wasteland.”
“I can help.”
The man looked directly at Legathod, returning his intense gaze.
“What can you do? You’re merely one man.”
“One man can make a word of difference. Do you have a smithy in this town?”
“Yes, but it’s aband-”
“That is of no matter. How many people remain here?”
“Perhaps fifty, many of them women and children”
“How many can fight?”
At the mere suggestion, Legathod saw a spark of hope form in the man’s eyes.
“Come with me.”
Legathod and the would-be thief went forward to the town square. The man raised his voice so all would hear, his words ringing off the walls of the buildings. Citizens stepped outside, curious at what their brother was saying.
“Let there be no more poverty! Let there be no more ambushes from barbarians! Stand and fight! Rally to us!”
Another citizen stepped into the clearing, expressing doubt at this far-flung notion.
“With what? We have no weapons or any defenses around the town.”
Legathod addressed the skeptical man as well as all the people around them.
“If we work together, we can fight off these oppressive men! I can make us weapons! I can fight! If you are all to survive this winter, this is the only option!”
The people in the town square murmured their agreement and began to step out and crowd around Legathod to hear what he had to say next.
“We need palisades erected, and weapons made. I cannot do this alone. Who’s with me?”
The crowd roared its approval and began going to the stores, readying themselves for the coming assault and emigration. The man that had tried to steal Abrazan earlier looked to Legathod.
“You have restored the hope of my people. What is your name, traveler?”
Legathod looked on at the activity going through the town, watching people restore old shops, packing horses and mules for the journey.
“I am Legathod. What is your name?”
“I am Bredock.”
Edited by Ajkrumen
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Weren't you going to sleep, beju? Also, black text; fix pl0x

Edit: Does Heus know he is Ajkrumen's son? Also my phone autocorrected in ajkrumen. I maaaayyy spend too much time on my phone on this thread.

Edited by Entari0
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More snippets :D


Aktos and Vulcana were on their way to the training room. Vulcana wanted to brush up on her hand-to-hand skill,and Aktos thought some training would do him some good. On the way, they were met with a rather odd sight. A screaming warframe-less Tenno, with a squealing Nova dragging him somewhere while reading off a list in a hyperactive fashion. 




*incoherent words from the Nova*


"Ummmmm think we should get involved?"


"No, we are going to train. We do not need to get sidetracked"


"Alrighty then"


They made it to the training room and walked over the melee weapons rack. Aktos chose the Kogake knuckle wraps, and Vulcana chose the Obex. They walked into the center of the room and took up stances.


"Ready Aktos?"


"Ready as I'll ever be when sparring with you."

Edited by DraikoHunter
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