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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Waiting on Kitty for that. Heus and Ghost have been dispatched to the ship with some others, but that story will be re-posted in the future so as not to mess up all the current plotlines involving Heus. So technically, it hasn't even happened yet. 

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The Soma bucked hard into Kevin's shoulder. Chargers, leapers, runners it didn't matter. They all fell to the barrage of bullets. "Ah damn this is slowing me down!" The Nekros growled as he loaded another clip into his Soma. Fighting retreats were easy in theory, all you had to do was shoot while running. Problem for Cell Ivan was...


"THERE'S TOO MANY!! WE HAVE TO FALL BACK!!" Janice screamed, reloading her Penta as fast as she could. Val covered her firing her side arm before loading rounds into her Vasto before firing again and again.

"I know!!" Ivan roared. "Just push forward!!" Activating Iron Skin the Rhino kicked a Charger out of his way before unleashing a charged shot from his Drakgoon. A torrent of shrapnel tore an Ancient Infested to shreds of rotting meat and sinew. "MOVE!! NOW!!" The other Tenno did as commanded and followed their warlord down the hall. The civilians were dead, Ivan would at least make sure their sacrifice was remembered. They DID help get them Loch Na's artifact after all.

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I will, but Heus is tied up in stories that are awaiting completion by others. He's in the dormant Fomorian plot-line, he's Cain's probation officer, and he's going to be involved in Beju's introduction. So I'm currently waiting on others to write so I may expand upon that a little more. :)

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I'm sorry about Aj. You know, Heus as a probation officer is not necessarily a full-time job. You can leave it or use it however you see fit.


And as to my last post, I might have to recall it. I think it needs a rewite to make it make more sense and tie in better with what all else is going on, especially because I need to get Bej's character's intro done ASAP, and things are taking too long. Besides, I've been given a suggestion that might make more sense anyway. So if you see me make a post later that seems like a re-post of what I already did, it's probably the re-write, and sorry in advance.

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Darius struggled to get to his feet, weak-kneed and shaky after seeing the mutated beast running through the corridor. Even worse with Alane running alongside it, no hostile inclinations towards the thing of twisted flesh. He considered the possibilities, almost vomiting at the thought of it infecting her and bending her to its will.

Eventually he gathered up enough strength to stand, then enough courage to run towards the fleeing figures. Hoping that Alane was alright and could explain. The wail stabbed through his thoughts like a knife, he then realized he had run through a different hall completely. Chancing upon his weapons in a heap and his armor cluttered. Darius picked up his paris prime, this would be all he needed to defend himself if need be.

He ran out of the hallway, running towards the scream. Eventually, he found the source and its follower. He called out to Alane, her step faltered and picked up pace as she ran towards Darius, her cries of joy audible even through the howl of the beast.

'Darius, Darius! You're alive! Thank goodness!'

Darius was caught off guard by her sudden outburst of joy, he merely stood there, shocked. Shocked at the sudden realization that he was indeed alive.

Then Alane was serious again, she looked Darius right in the eyes.

'We have to get Nakarn.'

'Yes, yes we do.'

Then they were off, running towards Nakarn, Alane explaining what the beast was and what it was doing between gulps of air.

At last they caught up with Eden, at least as best as they could. He was trampling through a crowd of whooping infested all trying to get a taste of Nakarn. Eden picked Nakarn up by his infected arm, using a smaller, more functional limb. Nakarn screamed in pain, scrabbling at Eden's pseudo-hand, desperate to be put down and escape.



Much better.

Edited by EDeN153
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Instantly did he know that the Grineer were coming for him. Someone set off the alarms, and damn them because he couldn't find them in time to prevent the alarm from going off. 

"The alarm is set off. You've been detected Tenno." said the Lotus in her monotonous tone. 

Rhino understood of course. He wouldn't have it any other way, but it was taught to him that stealth is an important aspect of being a Tenno. A stealthy, deadly soldier. But for what purpose did he serve in those two aspects? He knew he was clunky, big. He shouldn't have to serve those purposes. Loki and Ash were made for those aspects. 

Oh well, he thought. He prepared all of his equipment; his favorite shotgun Tigris and Magnus, and he carried around his all time favorite batting stick: Amphis. 

He inspected his Amphis. Bit battered, he thought as he inspected the rough and dented edges of the staff. Once he finishes the mission, he'll fix it. It'll be nice and new, he thought.

He inspected the bodies of the dead Grineer around him. He didn't understand any of their language; it was... barbaric to him. But it didn't matter; the Lotus handles the political manners with the Grineer. 

He entered through the door, and there was a squad of Grineer Lancers waiting for him in the hallway. One of them screamed and they all threw their grenades at him. As soon as the smoke cleared, Rhino was still alive. The Lancers were shaking. 

How dare they, Rhino thought. He roared and charged the Lancers. Brutal and merciless, he pummeled every last Lancer that came at him. He continued his rampage straight down the hallway. He exited the hallway through the door and entered a room that encircled him. It was empty and dark. 

"Impressive, Tenno. Your skills to mercilessly kill my kind are most interesting indeed."

Rhino turned around to see Captain Vor standing behind him, along with his cadre of Elite Lancers and Troopers. 

"Have you ever been hammered in that suit before, Tenno?"

Rhino turned around again to see Lech Kril, along with some Eviscerators as well as Elite Heavy Gunners. 

It seemed Rhino was caught in a trap. He was surrounded. 

"When we gut open that suit of yours, we'll find all the secrets to the Warframes. Then, the Grineer will be INVINCIBLE!" screamed Vor. 

The whole room shaked violently. The lights were flickering violently due to the shaking, and everyone was staggering.

"Report! What just happened?!" screamed Kril. 

There was a giant explosion on the left side of the room. Corpus flooded in through the gap, firing their weaponry at everyone.

"ENGAGE! ENGAGE!" screamed Vor. Every Grineer trooper that was available engaged the Corpus in a heated battle. 

There was another explosion on the right side of the room. Ash, Mag, Excalibur and Banshee came out of the pod and beckoned Rhino to the pod. 

Rhino understood and knew it was time to go. He had no time to fight both the Grineer and Corpus. He ran towards the pod. 

The guns ceased firing. 

He turned around and saw that the Grineer and Corpus troopers were looking at the Tenno. 

Oh no, Rhino thought. 

To make matters worse, a figure came out of the smoking Corpus pod. The figure had a disc-like machine around his neck. Behind him, a small four-legged figure also came out. It was Alad V and his pet Zanuka.

So... The Corpus bring their pet to kill us. Rhino thought. He turned around and saw that his fellow Tenno were preparing their weapons. They cannot escape, and they knew.

The only way out is to kill all of them.

"Poor Tenno, caught in the middle of all this conflict," said Alad. "Tell me. How do you think this will end?"

The 5 Tenno prepared their weaponry. They weren't prepared, but they had to survive. The Tenno were locked on to their targets. They know now what they have to do.

"ATTACK!" screamed Alad. All the Corpus troopers and MOAs charged. 
"KILL THE TENNO!" screamed Vor. All the Grineer troopers charged. 

The Tenno charged as well, and Rhino... With the blood of rage in his veins... charged head on into the fray... Bringing all Corpus and Grineer to their knees.


*Note: At the end battle: I was imagining the whole bloodshed by listening to this song: http://positionmusic.com/track.php?id=3176. Listen to it! It gets you in that mood >:)

Edited by ikillyou8196
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Aktos and Vulcana took up stances across from each other.
“Ready Aktos?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be sparring with you.”
“What do you mean?”
“It means that i will walk out of here will bloody knuckles, and bruises in various places on my body. These Kogake should lessen the impact of hitting you though.”
“Enough banter, let’s get on with it already”
Aktos and Vulcana charged at each other. Aktos jumped in the air and tried for a flying kick like in Old Earth karate movies. Vulcana ducked and grabbed his leg, she swung him around and threw him toward the energy barrier at the far end of the arena. Aktos teleported behind her and kicked her in the back. Vulcana stumbled forward, giving Aktos time to pummel her some more. Aktos’ hand started to hurt, he jumped back and Vulcana jumped to her feet. She shot a Ripline at Aktos who easily dodged it. She then sent out more until she ran out of energy, weakened from the effort, she crouched to one knee to catch her breath, letting her Energy Siphon aura replenish her energy. Aktos was rubbing his hands, thinking of an attack plan that wouldn’t involve bloody hands.
“A straight on assault won’t work, her Energy Siphon will keep her going, while i wear myself out. Even if she didn’t have her siphon, a continued barrage will reduce my hands to limp pieces of flesh. It doesn’t help that this is strictly melee…...I wonder if- OH S#&$!” 
Vucana regained her strength and saw Aktos rubbing his hands, deep in thought. She took advantage of his obliviousness and shot another Ripline at him. This time, it hit him and she pulled with all of her might (which was quite a lot). A he sped toward her she held cocked back her arm, then she thrusted her arm forward, catching Aktos right in his face and making him do a backflip under her arm.
Aktos felt all sorts of pain: His throbbing knuckles, his arm dislocated, and now his face felt like it had taken a dampened blow from Heus’ Gram (he’d heard of what a swing from that sword could do, and he could imagine the pain).
“Thank Lotus it wasn’t the real thing”.
Aktos, now in extreme pain, needed a plan of action. Fortunately, his Rejuvenation aura would speed along his recovery but he needed to stay out of her line of sight for that to happen. He summoned a Smoke Bomb from his one smoking arm, and threw it toward Vulcana, he felt his warframe take on the color of the smoke: Blood red. He moved around the room, he barely avoided a Ripline coming for his face. His injures almost healed, he was ready to go back into the fight. He charged at Vulcana’s, outline in the smoke and delivered a devastating roundhouse kick to her face. She staggered, and Aktos punched her in the stomach, then brought his hand up in an uppercut that would’ve made Ryu proud. Vulcana went flying toward the energy barrier and fell with a thud.
“OOF! Ow! Damn that hurt.”
Aktos hopped on one foot, holding the other in pain. Vulcana couldn’t help but laugh at his pain.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Jeez, I didn’t know my armor was THAT tough. But you really did a number on me Aktos. Good job.”
“Heh, thanks. And yes your armor really IS that tough. These Kogake helped things a little bit, but i still might have some bruising.”
“Same thing tomorrow? No utility powers either, just straight melee, plain and simple.”
“You’re on”
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