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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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That's exactly how I pictured Crowley unmasked. That's awesome, dude. I like to think that there are some colonies of humans on Mercury holding out against Grineer oppression. Obviously, this won't be the only source of recruits but it could be a nice start. It's where Heus was from. Also, how would they find us? We're supposed to be some in-the-dark splinter cell organization. Do we find suitable candidates ourselves?







Also, is that Lunasos on his back?


The Tenno must have recruiters who find suitable subjects or there are families in the colonies that have secretly been Tenno for generations, since it's viable some escaped the Collapse, hiding themselves.


Find the thread with the image and find out.


Edit: I was teasing you know. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/118648-khimeras-art-corner-thing/

Edited by khimera
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I love Crowley, He's a teacher, a Shaman and an all around bad &#! but it kinda makes me sad that he'll just be thrown away if he dies. Never even honoured in any way, shape or form. 


'Some neither seek nor desire acclaim for their actions. Simply doing what must be done is often enough.' - Karl Sensei


"There is no limit to what a person may achieve if he does not insist in claiming credit for his actions." - General Andrew Jackson Goodpaster US Army

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Yeah, colonies, new cryopods. Not much for the Tenno in the recruitment avenue; at least the Grineer have cloning and the Corpus have indoctrination. 


Oh, and hey, I have a fully-functioning, needs-to-be-fleshed-out NEKROS character perfectly willing to perform the funeral rites. Or if that won't work, there are countless nameless NEKROS. 

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Additions to the list! Wheee, sleep deprivation is fun!

Stop threatening fellow clan members with 'I know where you live!'

"I know where you live too." Nyx smirked. "And I also happen to know you're a pretty heavy sleeper." Loki shrunk away from her predatory grin with a nervous chuckle.

No replacing Issa's poisons with baby shampoo. Even if the stuff can cripple a full grown Tenno.

Issa and Loki watched as Khimera writhed in agony on the training room floor.

"And you say this is advertised as 'extra gentle'?" Issa asked.

"'Extra gentle' my metal plated &#!. That stuff is like acid." Loki replied.

Giving Nova Quinn Pixie Stix or any other form of stimulant is unacceptable.




You are no longer allowed access to duct tape.

Excalibur sighed. "I'm going to have a stroke now, and I'm going to find the words 'I told you so' blocking the flow of blood to my brain."

Loki, tied helplessly from head to toe in tape, could only give muffled grunts as Anya poked him with his own stick.

Tyranthius does not have a 'hot man crush' on the Stalker. Deal with it.

"Go to hell, Loki."

"Can't. I've got a restraining order."

You are not allowed a vuvuzela for ANY reason.

Up down up down left right left right A B A B start is not to be used as a system security code.

My schedule could probably be accurately compared to a roller-coaster right now.

Edited by frostycmc
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"I like you."


Kevin's mind was a complete blank. He could not stop thinking over what Janice had told him in the Clan Hall. The Nekros sat in his quarters just staring at the wall as he sat on his cot. His quarters were spartan like, just a cot and a small desk. Kevin rubbed his temples, thinking about his current situation. Ever since his induction into Bella Forma he had no interest in offending anyone. He avoided contact most of the time except for Emm who did her best to talk to him each day. Isolation is not good for the mind, she had said, and Kevin had quietly obeyed her. She was the team's medic after all and she was responsible for the health of everyone.


The Warlords assigned him to teams. Sometimes he'd go with John or Ivan whenever they asked him to. He just did his best and despite his wish to avoid the spot light Kevin had become a crucial supporting member of the clan. After missions Carl and Roy would drag him off to hang out. Despite his shyness, Kevin began to enjoy being a member of the clan. Then he'd been paired up with Janice on one mission. Janice, despite her foul mouth and boisterous attitude, was reliable in combat. She and Kevin had cleared out more than one infested derelict during their time working together. They watched each others' backs during hectic firefights and on more than one occasion faced death and lived.


Kevin understood why she liked him but how would he return her feelings? Since his awakening he had no idea how to cope with a situation like this. And so he sat there, embarrassed, confused as he tried to sort out his thoughts.

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Wow, people suddenly super upset Crowley might die in the near future. (This is actually unlikely, if the Council wanted him dead he knows every dirty secret and has favors that people owe him. Besides, until he has a successor they can't even think about touching him)


Regardless of his on-coming death or not Crowley does not intend to just leave this life leaving nothing behind but an heir to his title.


Also: Nova-Quinn and Pixie-Stix...WHAT HAST THOU DONE?!


Poor, Poor Khimera too...stupid baby shampoo. Issachar will actually consider it a viable substitute for poison though, considering the effect it has. At least her poison vents are squeaky clean ^_^

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Loki mumbled sleepily, feeling a throbbing pain in his forehead. His eyes slowly opened and he took stock of what was around him. Metal grates, dingy walls, cramped space; it was what appeared to be a Grineer prison cell.


How did I get in here?


With some difficulty, he attempted to recall what he had been doing the night before. No more stealing vodka before bedtime. 


He was not at all surprised to be in this situation; stranger things had happened while he was drunk. Once, he had woken up in front of the pantry, with all the food having somehow been replaced with platypus pellets. What was disconcerting, however, was that he appeared to be secured to his bed.


He moved his extremities, feeling sluggish and weak. He'd have no chance of breaking out of the restraints on his own. Just as he was pondering this thought, he caught that unmistakable scent. It smelled so fresh, so crisp.... Potato chips.


He struggled and managed to shift himself by two centimeters. There, on a table in the cell, was a bowl full to the brim of it. His mouth watered. Distantly, he wondered why a Grineer warden would place a bowl of potato chips in a cell, or for that matter, what he had been doing to get captured by the Grineer in the first place. But at the forefront of his mind, all he cared about was the chips.


He heard a curious squeaking sound, and when he shifted position, he saw that a wall panel had slid open to reveal an ancient screen. It crackled to life. A man was sitting on a chair, wearing a mask decorated to look like a demon. But when he saw the eyes, he knew the resemblance did not stop at the mask. He knew these eyes; these days, they were usually as still water: Calm and chill. In battle, they burned with cold, efficient, determination. But sometimes, long ago more often, they might appear as they did now: Rimmed with red, pupils so large that the irises were all but invisible, a malice in the glint of the eyes; this was the look of the damaged, the look of those who would enjoy inflicting cruel harm, the look of the insane.


A speaker blasted static, and then he heard the voice of confirmation.


"Hello, Loki", said Tyranthius. "I want to play a game."

Edited by Tyranthius
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Ajkrumen scouted the barren remains of Earth for this rare Artifact by the orders of Lotus. How did she know it was here, and more importantly, why did she send him alone?

He spotted some Orokin ruins, and started to sprint towards them. He felt a rumble as a Grineer ship started to touch down. Ajkrumen quickly took some cover behind an old Orokin pillar still standing in the plaza of the ancient capital. A Grineer platoon stepped out of the ship with what looked like.... Captain Vor? The platoon headed toward a vault of some sorts. Ajkrumen had seen this before in a briefing. This was an Orokin Vault! He decided to let this play out. Vor opened the vault and went inside, the rest of the platoon standing guard. As Vor walked out, he was faced with the Prime alone, the dead bodies of the platoon littering the ground behind him. 


"Give me the artifact, Vor."


"This is my prize, Tenno."


Ajkrumen raised his rifle.


"That Latron Prime will make a nice trophy!" 


As Ajkrumen squeezed off a shot from the ornamental rifle, Vor teleported behind him. Before the Grineer Captain could strike, Ajkrumen whirled around and elbowed him in the face. He grabbed the gauntlet from Vor and slipped it on his hand. More Grineer showed up to the fightm taking positions of cover all around the plaza. As they began to open fire, Ajkrumen felt a familiar rage. He raised his hand, and Vor stiffened.


The sight of the Council building crumbling.


Ajkrumen closed his fist, and Vor fell in a heap, the blood in his veins having been frozen and shattered.


The infested turning two of his fellow Tenno.


Turning on the rest of the Platoon, he froze the water vapor around them into spikes of ice.


The Armada laying waste to their own homeland.


Ajkrumen waved a hand, his stare cold as ice. The spikes each found purchase in the throats of the deformed humans. He needed more! Where was the challenge? 




The Fomorian class ship hovered above the buildings like a menacing storm cloud, its lasers trained on the Frost Prime. A menacing chuckle escaped him as he raised his hand in the air. Before the lasers could get a lock on him, Ajkrumen froze the air around the ship and closed his fist. He could see the ice crushing the ship and bending its hull. As he channeled more energy into the gauntlet, the more the ship cracked and bent. With another wave of his hand, the ship crushed beneath the unrelenting ice, the occupants plummeting to their deaths. The gauntlet started to charge up again, calling boulders of ice around Ajkrumen. 


What the hell?


One of the boulders flew into an Orokin monument, destroying it. Ajkrumen was determined to master this Artifact. Another boulder flew into a small building, collapsing it. Before another boulder was released, it curved back and hit the ground. Using his willpower, he slowly gained control of the gauntlet. The energy stopped flowing, and he took it off. It had an ice-blue inscription on the wrist.




Edited by Ajkrumen
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"What do you want?" Loki demanded.


"Just what I said. Now listen carefully: I will soon release you from your restraints. Then the game can begin. Your cell is accessible only by that door to your right. To its sides are five feet of Grineer Galleon. You have no choice but to play."


The restraints snapped off, and Loki jumped up off his bed, his hangover forgotten. He bounded towards the table, and suddenly the wall behind it opened to reveal another screen.


"I wouldn't eat so quickly if I were you", Tyranthius said as Loki almost brought a chip to his mouth.


"Why not?" Loki asked. He then saw that there were other objects on the table: A blowtorch, mortar and pestle, a bag, and several others he didn't recognize.


"On that table you will see a blowtorch, a key-card generator, some data disks, and of course, potato chips. Open the bag."


Loki did, and saw a rare treasure indeed. It was a set of MLP disks. Some of the last that he needed to complete his collection.


"That key-card generator over there can create the necessary key to open your cell. However, it needs raw materials to work. A certain metal, or more precisely, the metals used in creation of old Earth Blu-Ray disks."


Loki gaped in horror as he realized what this meant. "Y-You fiend!"


Tyranthius paid this no mind. "However, you must also disable the Cipher that locks the door from the outside. Fortunately for you, I've exposed several wires in that system, all of them accessible through a panel to the left of the door. You won't be able to reach them, but you will be able to lob something at them. The metals in those wires are highly susceptible to sabotage if exposed. Grease should do nicely. Can you guess from where you will isolate the grease?"


Loki felt the dread boiling in his stomach, but he looked again. Mortar and pestle, Detonite blowtorch shackled to the wall, and potato chips. What... Oh no. "You monster! You absolute potato-murdering monster!"


Tyranthius laughed long and low. "You're right on that first one, at least."


And from beside his chair, he picked up a bag of potato chips. He opened it, and put one in his mouth.





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Sorry about that then. I think I'll just leave the rest to the imagination. Works better, and I still have Finals to study for.


On a side note, I played Revengeance yesterday, and I @(*()$ love Rules of Nature. I have decided that whenever Ty does something awesome in combat, this should be playing in everyone's minds.

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I need to write up the final chapters of my trio's backstory. Perhaps tomorrow after work.


Anyway, awesome way to introduce Glacies. I can only imagine that leaving the power unchecked would result in destruction as great as that which was wreaked upon Ajkrumen's home during the Collapse. Sinister way to kill Vor, but they have more clones of him anyway.


Tyranthius you fiend...this is glorious. It's like Saw met Warframe.

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