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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Although it was pushing it & ticking people off, I have too say:

Without the Kris/Berserker thing, would we all be here, together, writing a Collab to save Kris's Girlfriend?



Unrelated- Got the first few of Nyght's backstory 'Logs' pretty much done-ish. was planning on putting em in after we'd got the rescue resolved, but pending on how time goes and the story flows (yay inadvertent rhyming), I may just pop em in under a spoiler. Because I'm at 8 logs in just over 2 pages.

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I still feel like an A****** for that whole berserker thing. I should have never written it. Even though it was a learning experience for everyone, It was still a stupid mistake made by me. therefore, I take all the blame, none of you can be blamed for simply following it. 

I wasn't there when it initially happened, but if i was, i would forgive you. But don't beat yourself up for something that happened. It might not have been a good thing, but it was good in the fact that we are all here, trying to save your characters girlfriend. We learned that OP characters are bad (DC has not caught on to this with superman quite yet) and shouldn't be taken to extreme measures. It's okay to have a strong character (example: John Stewart Green Lantern, or Batman). But don't randomly make up S#&$ as you go along to make them nearly unkillable (again with superman). Don't beat yourself up for it. Without it, we wouldn't be here.


And Jea, i hope to God someone doesn't think "Well, berserker happened, so i might as well make one too, hur durrr" If it does happen, we can go all out with verbal insults right?

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I place all the fault on me. I really didn't think Berserker through, and it kind of ruined everything. I am still sorry about that. I should have just had him defeated easily instead of making him so ridiculously OP. It was the main reason I actually mean to, well, kill Kris off. Just so that I can start anew and with a better though out character.


So, Jeahanne, If you want to rage at me for that again, just send me a PM. 

As totally wreckless and out there as it was, and trust me it was...I have to hand it to you Viking, you really pulled the whole place together. Thats why in the end, we are all OK with what was done with Berserker. Yeah there were a lot of extreme problems with it, but everyone can absolutely respect what it did for the thread as a whole. Even if i had a chance to Retcon it out of existence....I honestly wouldn't. That was a huge moment in this thread, and i wouldn't take it back for anything.

It wouldn't work right now though, it was at the perfect time and perfect place to be accepted, even if a great many of us thought it was getting pretty seriously OP in just about every way.

After all, You're still welcome here, arent you?

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I still feel like an A****** for that whole berserker thing. I should have never written it. Even though it was a learning experience for everyone, It was still a stupid mistake made by me. therefore, I take all the blame, none of you can be blamed for simply following it.

Don't feel bad...We all $&@# up canon once or twice. You mostly fixed it, you got an a amazing character out of it, and it breaks less canon than the multi Stalker Theory.
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Doesn't really fit into teh atmosphere right now,,, sorry for that.


Part III

A new member.


"Tenno, this is your assigned guild. Train, build, socialize with your fellow Tenno operatives here. Your room is located on the first floor, sector A number five."

Chee walked through the entrance his heart pumping fast enough to be heard even through the Excalibur frame. The door slid open. 


*Bonk* A sound of hard metal meeting metalic plates was heard troughout the silence. Chatter, than chuckles and even some laughter.

"Ouch what the hell?" He shook his head and looked at what he bumped against. He saw the black chest of really a giant of a frame, huge shoulders followed as his eyes went up until he saw an very masculine, bulky helmet.

"And who might you be, little worm?" Said the in fully black colored and propably really mad guy in an Rhino frame. " You have to pay the bill if you put a dent or a scratch on my frame ya know? My Sensei will kill me if he sees that."

There were more people laughing in the background.Chee peeked behind his massive sides and saw a very crowded hall, full of Tenno's in Warframe's he never ever saw before. 

"Dude, I'm talking with you so don't ignore me or else I'll rip your head off." A moment of silence. Suddenly every one was cautious. Chee and the Rhino frame looked around, confused. Until very loud echoing footsteps caught their attention. 

I walked past the Rhino who surprisingly said nothing at all. I now had the full view of the grand clan hall.

What I saw next left a huge impression inside me. Swiftly but harsh and proud, four frames came down the stair case at the end of the hall. 
I saw a Ash, a Rhino, a Mag and a Volt. All of them had several badges around their right shoulders and honor marks on the right chest plates.

I was suprised to see how much respect the other Tenno showed them. "So that are the Sensei's" 
All the Tenno's stood up and saluted, even the Jerk of a Rhino behind him. 

The Mag took one step forward."Good day my beloved Tenno's" she said with a soothing honey like voice." I hope you have decided in which Team you want to participate! To remind you who you're Sensei will be and what the team's task are and also to immediately integrate our new Clan member, allow me to reintroduce ourselves." She gave Chee a nod, now all their eyes were put on him for a second. He looked around, inside his HUD were appearing a lot of voices.


"Welcome Greenhorn." "Hey dude, how 'bout a drink? After that?" "Hey, you look cute. let me turn you into my pet." "I like waffles. If you don't like waffles you die." "Screw them, all you need are Unicorn's!" Chee laughed a bit, confused, but still very interested how this clan turns out to be. 

"Now back to business!" the Mag shouted. "I'm Rayna, I will be the supervisor of the "chaos" team, which mainly focuses on distorting and breaking the enemy lines. Also to pull around enemy's for fun. Join me and you will surely have the fun of your life!" 


"My turn now?" The Volt asked as the crowd stopped mumbling. "A'right young one's. I'm Max and I will be the supervisor of the superfast rescue team's. As the name say's we focus on rescuing targets, in full speed. That mean's you have to be fast if you don't want to be left behind. If you feel like you're up for the task, hit my desk or spam my room with handwritten loveletters. Thank's!" Some of the Tenno's started laughing.

"I'm Adrian. Just call me Ad, so you don't have to bother with remembering my name. You must be prepared to eliminate all emotions in this group. I will be the supervisor for the -silent- Assasination squad.Even in class. One strange noise and you're out. We're focusing on quick, and deadly assasination contract's." The crowd suddenly was very quiet. It was like walking trough a graveyard. Maybe everyone was intimidated by his manly voice, or just the fact that his voice could hypnotize you within second's. One Warframe who didn't wore his helmet even drooled.

Finally the Rhino stepped out. With a voice like a rumbling thunder. "I am Dex. The oldest Tenno here in this Clan. Please do not fear talking to me even if you see me meditating... I can very well hear you, I can feel everyone's presence. You can achieve that through high mental and physical training. Also you little fellow, the Ember in the second row who was eating a lot of french fries from our cafeteria lately, please restrain from chewing gum while in my presence. It really grind's my ears." Chee imagined how the Ember's face flushed red under her helmet, but she just nodded. 

"Good girl, now onwards. I will be the supervisor of the "Heavy frame" team. We mainly focus on extermination and defense mission. That includes wiping out whole Void Towers, defending equipment, but also emergency backup for difficult times or if there's help needed. 
What my fellow partner's here missed to say, that no one will hinder you to go to the "superfast Rescue Team" if you posses an Rhino- Warframe. Please keep that in mind. We all will be open for questions. We also accept Duel invitations, for the ones who are interested."
 Chee saw how two warframes, a Nova and a Saryn fist bumped. 

"That beeing said, you can find us at our privat rooms in the top floor. 
Now the next thing is: The Galaxy wide - Tenno Duel and mission Tournament XIV

Loud cheers and whistle echoed through the hall.
"If you feel up to this challenge, you may sign in on the blackboard near the training gym's. Please note that you should write you're name, room number and which mission-class you want to take part in the Tournament. Thank you for you're Attention." 

The crowd clapped. Chee somehow avoided the crowd and quickly ran into his room. He feel's it, this tension, this passion. The Tournament got his fighting spirit up. He's now in a state of mind where he could do anything, a wild, slightly insane gaze was in his eyes.
He closed the door and opened a crate which has been delivered in advance. He took out a massive roll of paper and opened it. There, the construction blueprint for his own, personalized, Rhino warframe. He rushed to the foundry, leaving his door open. A round glass like object was rolling on the floor which he accidentally took out with the blueprint.

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If you've killed him once, he shouldnt ever be able to attack you again, yet he does.


How would you explain that?


I do believe it is more like this: How does Stalker attack Tenno in multiple different locations at once? Answer is that there is a force of them out there.

Edited by FatViking
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I also never stated outright that the Stalker died when Alex used the good ol' self-destruct technique. It was implied since it was a big explosion, but if Alex survived that...who says the Stalker couldn't?

Because the Stalker doesn't have iron skin? Just guessing.

Edited by Pyjamalama
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Sod it, prepare for some backstory.



Log: Invasion + 2 weeks

Our Clan is barely surviving this. 50% of our territory consumed by these infected in just 2 weeks. A stable Front line has been established, holding the progression of further infestation for now... but there are too many people in the area that’s left, and we don’t have the strength to push back effectively. Even if the line manages to hold, we’ll still end up having to deal with a famine or an epidemic given such a dense concentration of refugees.

  There’s some chatter amongst the Council and higher nobles of a last chance project, something to save as many as possible before the entire region is consumed. They better be pretty damn imaginative for this.


Log: Invasion + 2 weeks, 5 days


 The Council have released their plan to the Clan’s forces. They’re dubbing it ‘The Ark’, a bit dramatic in my opinion but it certainly fits the role.

  Our Largest remaining ship, the BattleCruiser ‘Venerable Spirit’ has been brought down to dry-dock, where they are refitting and effectively converting it into an armoured transport ship. The plan is to take what people we can aboard, and evacuate to another area of space before all of us become biomass for the infested. Schedule says the refits should be done in a week or so, with boarding of civilians into cryopods en masse shortly after that. Problem is, given current stores and consumption rate, the majority of the populace will be dangerously low on food by the end of just one week.

  Add to that the fact that we’ve lost a further third of controlled space recently... I hope they can cut that time short.


Log: Invasion + 4 weeks; Ark Launched


The Ark is ready for launch, with most of the civilians and supplies stowed in their respective sections. It feels wrong... abandoning the fight, my Brothers, my Sisters. But we all know how much must be sacrificed, lest we lose all we are.

   There’s only 8 actual Tenno of the clan onboard too. With the infested gaining so much ground and momentum, all other Clan members, all 97 of those that remain from the several hundred we were before this invasion, nay extermination, are willingly remaining behind, in order to ‘buy some time’.

97 Tenno warriors, Council members and High Nobles included, supported by what remains of the human planetary defence forces and civilians... against immeasurable billions of devouring infested.

 And what am I doing?

Running the hell away against my will.


Log: Ark Launch + 5 days


Eight Tenno and a few thousand Civilians. The cargo of this last hope vessel.

My Brothers and Sisters consist of:

  • Myself.
  • Two Trinities, Jenna &Angela, twins.
  • Valerie, a Nyx and older sister of the twins.
  • A Mag, Iris.
  • Drew, Frost.
  • Oswald, an Oberon.
  • And Arthur, our Vauban and master craftsman/Engineer.

We take rotations on rest and meditation, cycling the duties of keeping the ship running on course and making sure the civilians in their pods are okay. Besides us eight, a small contingent of civilian volunteers and navy crew are also pitching in to keep us floating. Hopefully we won’t have need of the full manpower available, but this is a big ship, likely to draw attention sailing alone through the void of space.


We’re still able to keep contact with the home sector using our communications array. From what reports and chatter we’ve had, the infestation has pushed all the way to fringes of the capital world’s space. The only fully secured areas left are the Capital planet and the Clan Dojo nearby it. Other close planets have pockets and defended areas still holding out, but the planets themselves are infested beyond easy recovery. No word has been sent of the casualty counts, and probably for the better.



Log: Ark Launch + 1 week, 3 days


Latest transmission came through from the Clan – Only the Council Palace in the capital city & our Dojo remain, both currently under siege by wave after wave of consumed souls. Only a few hundred civilians still live, and less than 20 Warriors of the Clan. They fear that this will be their last chance to communicate, and wish us the blessings of fortune in finding a new world to rebuild upon.

       Our current course aims to land us about half the system away, in an area last known to be uninhabited by anything more than the local wildlife. If our records hold true, the planetoids there are territory of another Tenno clan, and we should be able to negotiate at least a temporary home there for our remaining civilians.



Log: Ark Launch + 2 weeks, 1 day



We just managed to lose our autopilot and long range navigation systems. In middle of Open Space. Arthur, Drew & Iris are trying to find the cause & hopefully a way to patch and reboot it, but initial diagnostics are giving bad signs. According to Arthur, it looks like a chunk of the Ai core just went dead, became nothing but scrap metal and spare parts over night. He’s speculating that it may be a bug in the old software (unlikely, given it was one of our major warships), but possibly the result of a virus or even sabotage. Sabotage! Who on board would do so in their right minds? Everyone here is part of the same Clan. Nonetheless, I should get Valerie to do some checks; maybe her Psychic sight can find something the rest of us are missing.

  We can no longer get a response from the Dojo. It is with regret that we must assume they have fallen. Hail the honourable fallen.



Log: Ark Launch + 3 weeks


More setbacks. Arthur is still unable to repair the navigational system, so right now we are effectively lost. On top of that, an auxiliary engine’s core decided to rupture. Primary engines are still operating to form, but the backlash from the core’s rupture injured a number of our crew, and broke fifth of our cryopods. Now we have just under a thousand more people to accommodate in the living areas, which may stretch our supplies after too long.

   In the mean time, the twins Jenna & Angela, along with Oswald, have to run amongst the civilians and crew to keep everyone in good health; Tenno aren’t meant wake from cryo that abruptly, so I dread to think what it does to the civilians.



Log: Ark Launch + 5 weeks


I didn’t think pirates existed in force anymore. Not since the Orokin Empire had pretty much removed them in its ‘Golden era’. Glad the refit engineers left the ship with a few teeth to bite back with.

   A small ‘squadron’ of jerry rigged courier and freighter vessels, piloted by pirates or marauders of some sort, decided the Ark, limping isolated in open space, would be a nice girl with worthy loot to plunder. I can only imagine the shock as the old ship-ship lance turned on them and split a barge open like a nutshell.

They managed to get a handful of boarding parties across though, started trying take over the ship. Me and Arthur stayed on the bridge, piloting the Ship and its Armament, whilst Drew, Iris & Valerie went to repel boarders with some of the crew. We lost primary engine 3 in the fighting, but worse, things got hectic, lots of crossfire and ambushes. A number of the crew and civilians are deceased, & Iris is in a Coma.


The Pirate fleet has pulled off, but are tailing at a ‘safe’ distance. They know we’re bleeding, can smell it like a shark in water.



Log: Ark Launch + 6 weeks


It appears our last ‘guests’ left something, or someone, behind undetected. One almighty explosion on a lower deck, took out a couple of Pod rooms, damaged our Generators further, & tore gash in the hull. We must have lost about 1000 – 1500 civilian souls, either from the blast directly or the loss of power & life support in those areas. The bulkheads clamped down quickly, sealing the area so as to not lose further atmosphere, but we haven’t heard from Oswald or Drew since the blast. Valerie thinks they were in that level, & can’t ‘see’ them any longer.



Log: Ark Launch + 7 weeks, 3 days


Our pursuers have given up on us. They had tried to approach occasionally, hoping our damages had finally crippled us. Got deterred when we opened fire with ship-ship batteries we still had functional. That said, I think we’re as good as crippled. No long distance navigational systems or communications have us effectively lost, & the damage already sustained by the engines and their cores mean we won’t have propulsion for more than a week, if that. We’ll be left adrift, at the mercy of gravity from any nearby bodies, be them planets, moons or black hole.



Log: Ark Launch + 8 weeks, 1 day


And that’s that. All 3 of our main engines are dead, with only 2 of the auxiliaries still functional. Not enough to guide us about the system, but maybe enough to hold us ‘mostly’ together if we have to crash.

   We’re in an area of frozen planetoids, maybe near Pluto or Neptune. Can’t say for sure without the Comm arrays. Rather not ditch around here, too remote, inhospitable given our state; we may not get much choice though...



Log: Ark launch + 8 weeks, 6 days


Disaster after disaster. We had to put down on a frozen planetoid; heck could be Pluto for all I know. Hadn’t enough power to avoid it. Nor enough to really make it down safely;

  Combination of previous hull damage, weak auxiliary engines & the harsh climate. Ark tore up at low altitude, couldn’t hold together. Sections of ship are scattered between one mountain face, the adjacent face and the valley coming down from it. Still in radio contact with the twins, they have about 300 Cryopods with them, and a few empty spares. Had contact earlier with Arthur, but can no longer raise him. Nothing from Valerie yet. Twins were nearly broken at that.

  A small number of pods amongst the wreckage with me. A total of 196. 7 empties, spares. About 70 have live civilians or crew. The rest failed in the crash conditions. Lost my weapons too, all but MoonShard. Nothing to do but enter my own Pod, hope it can maintain life support. Pray we are found before we are lost forever.


End of Logs.

Found by Corpus expedition, post collapse. Start of Nyght’s story amongst the Aequitas line.



Feel free to poke me for more info if you feel the need, I'll try and fill in blanks/conjure up additional bits.

My plan had been o have Nyght pull these from the memory crystals in his pendant. But hey, I've done them, may as well share them.

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"I'm Ash. Just call me Ash. Name's are unnecessary. Emotion's are unnecessary. I will be the supervisor for the -silent- Assasination squad.Even in class. One strange noise and you're out. We're focusing on quick, and deadly assasination contract's." The crowd suddenly was very quiet. It was like walking trough a graveyard. Maybe everyone was intimidated by his manly voice, or just the fact that his voice could hypnotize you within second's. One Warframe who didn't wore his helmet even drooled.





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Nyght, I like this variation for story writing.  As for the stalker thing, it does make sense that whenever the first stalker formed. He would pull in people of like mind, or people would hear whispers of the Stalker, and would follow his example. Dark Tenno, perhaps Infested humans who have only partially fallen to the Technocyte have become and will become new Stalkers. The Sith to the Tenno Jedi, if you will. :)

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Nyght, I like this variation for story writing.  As for the stalker thing, it does make sense that whenever the first stalker formed. He would pull in people of like mind, or people would hear whispers of the Stalker, and would follow his example. Dark Tenno, perhaps Infested humans who have only partially fallen to the Technocyte have become and will become new Stalkers. The Sith to the Tenno Jedi, if you will. :)

Now all we need is some Corpus created laser sword.

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Don't worry. Aiden's not OP. He's very close to it, but he isn't immortal. He can take a hell of a lot of pain because of his mental conditioning. I'll make it work without making him OP. Don't worry guys.

I just thought his "super amazing" iron skin was the cause of his near OP-ness.


^ Not trying to be rude there. I have a low opinion of Rhino users. They're like Cain: Show-offs, jerks to other players who get knocked down (especially Ash users). They brag about how they can take a Napalm shot, they brag about how they can take up to 1200 points of damage and live. Jerks, the lot of them.


EDIT: Not the ones here though. They are awesome :D

Edited by DraikoHunter
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I'm not that sort of Rhino. Sure, I can tank 2500 damage before I start taking hits to my shields (1250 more damage). I simply try to help my team survive.

I'll get Rhino at some point just for the mastery. I'll help my team survive and not rush ahead like more than half the Rhino population (which is half the Tenno community imo). Besides: I prefer Ash, who can turn invisible, and not take hits at ALL. TAKE THAT JERKY &#! RHINOS!

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Loki is much better for invisibility atm, while I love Ash, that's not enough to make him on-par.


He needs some serious DE-Buff love.

I would like a faster bladestorm. And for the love of God MAKE AN ASH PRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've had to explain to people constantly that Ash is Offensive stealth and Loki is utility stealth, and so are completely different from one another and that's why their invisibility times are different. Ash uses it to kill quickly while remaining unseen, Loki uses it to formulate a plan to F*** with his enemies while remaining unseen. Then they throw that "Loki Master Race" bullS#&$. Then i throw a shuriken in their face. MASTER RACE THAT BIATCH!


EDIT: Why they compare Ash and Loki to each other is beyond my comprehension. I can't understand idiots comparing two completely different things.

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