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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Just calm down, this was discussed in the first skype call somewhat extensively. I believe we still have yet to decide how we will "Police" derailment, but it is a very serious thing we need to stop/moderate. 


I also believe Kitty was just saying that more or less playfully.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Thanks for bringing it up Quinn. I was planning to discuss about the whole derailment thing tonight. And Wrath, we're dead serious here. It's about time we took things seriously, which implies no derialment, pie throwing, and creating any more lore breaking characters. If you wish to have fun, log on to Skype and IM with whomsoever you want to talk with.


I'm sorry for being an &#! about it, but this technique has been working very well for the past four days. Three pages in four days, in comparison to 5-6 pages a day which we used to have. 


I discussed this with the others yesterday, and want to make an immediate disclaimer. I nor the others are by any means trying to control the thread. We're simply asking you all to focus on the reason this thread was made for: stories on how we envision our Tenno. Just moderate yourselves, that's all I'm asking from you all. Have fun, but do so without spamming this thread with derails.

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Thanks for bringing it up Quinn. I was planning to discuss about the whole derailment thing tonight. And Wrath, we're dead serious here. It's about time we took things seriously, which implies no derialment, pie throwing, and creating any more lore breaking characters. If you wish to have fun, log on to Skype and IM with whomsoever you want to talk with.


I'm sorry for being an &#! about it, but this technique has been working very well for the past four days. Three pages in four days, in comparison to 5-6 pages a day which we used to have. 


I discussed this with the others yesterday, and want to make an immediate disclaimer. I nor the others are by any means trying to control the thread. We're simply asking you all to focus on the reason this thread was made for: stories on how we envision our Tenno. Just moderate yourselves, that's all I'm asking from you all. Have fun, but do so without spamming this thread with derails.

Tis be true, we must severely limit derailment or we might turn the thread into a chaotic playground.

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Servos' perspective! Little worried about the ending being a little too canon-stretchy, but it got the O.K. from someone that I trust when it comes to canon, so here we go!
Some time after he sent his message, Servos was thrown to the ground. The Light which was once holding him bolted towards what he assumed to be a hallway, until it passed around a corner and flashed out of sight. Servos stood and tried to regain his balance, and one of the Lights approached and assisted him. Pain shot through various parts of his body, and he worked on blotting it out mentally. He had had lots of opportunities to hone that particular skill. 


"Can you fight?" the Voices read to him.


He simply nodded, and reached to his back, feeling for a weapon. When he found none, some energy drained from his suit and nanites poured from his hand, swiftly constructing a blade as detailed by one of the Voices. His hand dropped, holding the newly formed weapon. One of the Lights visibly swayed, a mixture of emotions pouring from it, ranging from shock to confusion to downright fear. 


"We're going after Sophia, a Tenno who is being held prisoner here. I know you are in no condition to fight, but I must ask you to do so anyway. I am sorry for this necessity, but speed is our largest concern here. The faster we secure Sophia and regroup with the others the faster we can extract, and get you the help you need. Are you with us Tenno?"


He looked towards the Light who sent the message, then back towards the area that the Brightest had retreated to.


What of the other? he sent. He is alone.


"The best way we can help him now is to accomplish our goal and return for him as quickly as possible."


After a brief council between the Voices and himself, Servos nodded. The other Tenno, Sophia, had to be freed as soon as possible, lest she experience the horrors he had. And with that thought in mind, he followed the group until the turned a corner and he saw saw a horde of Lights. One one was kin. Only one would be safe from his growing fury.


In his hand was a pitch black falchion. The nanites at the edge of the blade generated enough friction to cause it to literally glow. The blade fell into segments, each connected to the last by a string of nanites. He was eager to test this new weapon, and it was eager to deliver death to his enemies.


Suddenly, he was surrounded by the enemy Lights. His mind, flooded with raw wrath, had only one goal: Extinguish them all. The whip-blade in his hand surrounded him as he spun, lashing out at nearby Lights and dealing death as he commanded it, the nigh-molten edge melting through armor and cauterizing the deep and plentiful wounds it made. Pain lashed out at his limbs as he tore through dozens of Grineer. 


Eventually, a new pain shot through his torso. He lost balance and collapsed to the floor, and several of his Warframe's systems shut down to provide the energy to keep him alive. His only remaining lung had just taken a bullet. Unable to move and breathe, he lashed out at the Lights in the only way he could: With his mind. Mentally latching onto the minds of as many Lights as he could, Servos launched at them raw fear. They all swiftly retreated, buying time for one of the Tenno to drop from its vantage point and assist him. Drifting into unconsciousness, the last thing Servos "saw" was a practical army of Shades, seemingly invisible to the Tenno, guarding him and feeding him any power they could to keep him alive.

Note that while they can't physically injure someone, the Shades can give a HELL of an illusion.

Edited by fishworshipper
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ok, here is what I wrote

One thing after another, and no rest in between. First, there was the whole Corpus thing, then there was the psychic dampener, then the bloody Nekros showing up and Aiden running to hold off a giant force alone and then finally hearing about Sophia being pregnant, with a kid that might possibly be his. His mind felt like it was breaking, so much information being casually thrown around, surprises around every corner and the probability of someone dying on this mission. This knowledge was threatening to rip his mind apart and leave him in a state in which he wouldn't be able to do anything.


Yet, even in the turmoil of Kris's mind, something must have still been whole as his mind started to retreat and only purpose filled every corner of his mind. The mission had priority. Finish the mission, emotions can come later. That was his only thought as his mind retreated and programming took over, programming that had been instilled as he joined SSF. Nothing no longer mattered except securing the objective, secure and rendezvous with Team Two and extract.




Inside Kris's mind:


''I am telling you, She could not have possibly slept with any other but us.'' Vanity said. Out of the three sides this matter affected the most, he dressed in the most stylish clothes. A red suit with golden embroidery on the ends of the sleaves and golden buttons, a white shirt and a black tie. His hair was neatly combed and on his face, he wore sunglasses.


''We cannot come to a logical conclusion until we ask her ourselves.'' Logic dictated as he adjusted his position and fixed his grey suit. Of the three, he was the one who showed no emotion towards anything and merely looked at the knowledge with logical eyes. This time, it wasn't that easy.


''That is because it is ours! The kid is ours!'' Vanity stated.


''It might not be! We cannot claim something we have no logical reason to believe is ours!''


''Yes, we can! Sophia is only attracted to US! US AND US ALONE! She has only slept with us, so the child must be ours!''


''And how do you know that? She could have easily had sex with several men before we met her in the bar. IT IS A LOGICAL CONCLUSION!''


''Guys, sit down and shut up.'' The voice was quiet and calm, yet eerily commanding. The two arguing silenced themselves as this was a voice not often heard in the board room. ''While you two have been arguing about trivial information that has no impact what so ever on this mission, you have been ignoring the real problem, the constant new variables to the mission. Where we sit now is in critical condition. But we are slowly recovering after I and I alone took a drastic decision.'' The voice continued.


''And what decision might that be?'' Vanity asked.


''A simple, yet dangerous move, my vain friend.'' The voice said. ''I set emotions on the lowest priority. As of now, the body is essentially on auto. It will only focus on the mission. He will not speak except to send out commands to his allies. This is the only way we won't loose him. The emotions can be sorted out after the mission is over, but for now, it is auto-pilot.''


''You can't be serious.'' Logic just looked at the owner of the voice. ''You can't just put him on auto-pilot! That is insane!''


''And who more fit to make that decision but I? After all, I AM SANITY ITSELF IN THIS BODY! And I am the only one of us three that has been paying any attention to the emotions and their fluctuations!'' Sanity stated. ''If I had done nothing, we would not only be looking at an emotional breakdown, but also the literal loss of me. The body would be placed into an Asylum and you two would be out of here by the time he would recieve his first meal in that place. And that is why I am the head of the board. Because you two argue too much about trivial things and don't focus on the real problems.''


Vanity hadn't spoken all this time. He knew that it was futile when Sanity was actually taking control of a situation that both he and logic hadn't seen. After all, that was the reason Sanity was the head of the board and Logic and Vanity weren't. If Logic was the head of the board, Kris would be nothing better than a cyborg and if Vanity was the head of the board, Kris wouldn't even take on missions as he would be too busy hitting on girls at the bar and buying clothes to impress them even further. So it only made sense that the only one of them who actually focused on Kris's well being would be the head of the board and that person was Sanity.


''After the mission, there will be another board meeting where we will try to find a solution for this entire mess. You both better think about this problem because I want your reports and solutions presented to me at the next meeting. Am I clear enough? Good. You are dismissed.'' Sanity watched as Logic and Vanity went back to their respective stations. This mess would only be the beginning of Kris's mental problems if they could not sort his emotions out after the mission.

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ok, here is what I wrote

One thing after another, and no rest in between. First, there was the whole Corpus thing, then there was the psychic dampener, then the bloody Nekros showing up and Aiden running to hold off a giant force alone and then finally hearing about Sophia being pregnant, with a kid that might possibly be his. His mind felt like it was breaking, so much information being casually thrown around, surprises around every corner and the probability of someone dying on this mission. This knowledge was threatening to rip his mind apart and leave him in a state in which he wouldn't be able to do anything.


Yet, even in the turmoil of Kris's mind, something must have still been whole as his mind started to retreat and only purpose filled every corner of his mind. The mission had priority. Finish the mission, emotions can come later. That was his only thought as his mind retreated and programming took over, programming that had been instilled as he joined SSF. Nothing no longer mattered except securing the objective, secure and rendezvous with Team Two and extract.




Inside Kris's mind:


''I am telling you, She could not have possibly slept with any other but us.'' Vanity said. Out of the three sides this matter affected the most, he dressed in the most stylish clothes. A red suit with golden embroidery on the ends of the sleaves and golden buttons, a white shirt and a black tie. His hair was neatly combed and on his face, he wore sunglasses.


''We cannot come to a logical conclusion until we ask her ourselves.'' Logic dictated as he adjusted his position and fixed his grey suit. Of the three, he was the one who showed no emotion towards anything and merely looked at the knowledge with logical eyes. This time, it wasn't that easy.


''That is because it is ours! The kid is ours!'' Vanity stated.


''It might not be! We cannot claim something we have no logical reason to believe is ours!''


''Yes, we can! Sophia is only attracted to US! US AND US ALONE! She has only slept with us, so the child must be ours!''


''And how do you know that? She could have easily had sex with several men before we met her in the bar. IT IS A LOGICAL CONCLUSION!''


''Guys, sit down and shut up.'' The voice was quiet and calm, yet eerily commanding. The two arguing silenced themselves as this was a voice not often heard in the board room. ''While you two have been arguing about trivial information that has no impact what so ever on this mission, you have been ignoring the real problem, the constant new variables to the mission. Where we sit now is in critical condition. But we are slowly recovering after I and I alone took a drastic decision.'' The voice continued.


''And what decision might that be?'' Vanity asked.


''A simple, yet dangerous move, my vain friend.'' The voice said. ''I set emotions on the lowest priority. As of now, the body is essentially on auto. It will only focus on the mission. He will not speak except to send out commands to his allies. This is the only way we won't loose him. The emotions can be sorted out after the mission is over, but for now, it is auto-pilot.''


''You can't be serious.'' Logic just looked at the owner of the voice. ''You can't just put him on auto-pilot! That is insane!''


''And who more fit to make that decision but I? After all, I AM SANITY ITSELF IN THIS BODY! And I am the only one of us three that has been paying any attention to the emotions and their fluctuations!'' Sanity stated. ''If I had done nothing, we would not only be looking at an emotional breakdown, but also the literal loss of me. The body would be placed into an Asylum and you two would be out of here by the time he would recieve his first meal in that place. And that is why I am the head of the board. Because you two argue too much about trivial things and don't focus on the real problems.''


Vanity hadn't spoken all this time. He knew that it was futile when Sanity was actually taking control of a situation that both he and logic hadn't seen. After all, that was the reason Sanity was the head of the board and Logic and Vanity weren't. If Logic was the head of the board, Kris would be nothing better than a cyborg and if Vanity was the head of the board, Kris wouldn't even take on missions as he would be too busy hitting on girls at the bar and buying clothes to impress them even further. So it only made sense that the only one of them who actually focused on Kris's well being would be the head of the board and that person was Sanity.


''After the mission, there will be another board meeting where we will try to find a solution for this entire mess. You both better think about this problem because I want your reports and solutions presented to me at the next meeting. Am I clear enough? Good. You are dismissed.'' Sanity watched as Logic and Vanity went back to their respective stations. This mess would only be the beginning of Kris's mental problems if they could not sort his emotions out after the mission.

You really like using alternative personalities and such, don't you? In all seriousness, though, great story.

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You really like using alternative personalities and such, don't you? In all seriousness, though, great story.


I got to admit, the idea wasn't mine alone. I was on skype with bej, eden and jea while trying to figure out how to show Kris's mind getting #*($%%@, and bej casually mentioned that there should be some inner arguement. I took it a step further and turned it into a board meeting for the largest parts of his mind (although Vanity is the smallest of the three, but he was important for this.)

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It would be fully possible to stand on Hyena, and Wipe out Grineer, on Phobos....but it wouldnt be using it as a horse, Cause for that you'd have to control Hyena....which is not possible. MAYBE you could get away with using a Nyx to mind control it or something, but that would be one huge stretch. Besides, Dulcia is a Saryn :)

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