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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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   Thanks for the feedback everyone! Yes, I know no one usually swears like that. Yes, I should probably lay off the cussing. The amount in the third chapter was over-the-top. Sadly, that is the style I paint Viviane in, and due to feedback in this department,(and sleep and several cups of coffee to bring me back to life) I will attempt to fix the over-the-top swearing, while still keeping in with the feel that these are people, not zombies (for the most part) or cuss-machines.

   Keeping with the lore, Viviane, being a Valkyr user, has been through a lot. In life, if such a thing were to happen with nothing to vent your anger through but killing things, beating up things, and yelling at things both real and non-existent, you can imagine that such old habits would die hard.  As for an explanation for the gratuitous amount of unnecessary swearing in the third chapter, a lot was revealed. Young woman with obvious anger (and jealousy) issues, and a happy man with semi-forgotten dark past that he really wants to avoid bringing to light. You can bet you would be kind of shocked if suddenly repressed memories that revealed you were once a murderer.

  There would basically be no other word to describe such a feeling, or in this case a lack of feeling, rather than a bastardized version of 'Holy fudge of sweet baby Jesus! I used to be a freaking murderer!?' As an aside, I liked it when Aiglo edited my second chapter in quite a hilarious fashion! I snickered and giggled like I was back in middle school trying not to burst out laughing at a good joke that actually didn't involve insulting someone, something, or something about someone.

I ended up laughing out loud anyway, making my family stare at me like I had gone mad. As if I wasn't already a little bit cracked!

   I loved it, and I love you guys! Again, and from my very essence as a writer, thank you everyone for the feedback and I'll try to tone down the cussing. I love it when I get criticism, both constructive and destructive. It is what makes or breaks writers. Thank you guys!


   Fell Artorias

Edited by FellArtorias
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It felt good to be back on the front line.


Kevin slid into cover, reloading his Soma as Janice provided covering fire. Adam took the rearguard as Yuno hauled the weary looking hostage with her, still dealing death to distant enemies with her Sicarus. A three round burst punched into a crewman's chest, killing him instantly. Kevin leaned out of cover, letting the Soma do the dirty work as a torrent of rounds caused a Moa to simply dance to the impact before falling to the floor in a heap.


"Nice to see that nothing can keep you down!" Janice commented, a burst from her own rifle taking down another crewman.


"I was getting bored." Kevin answered smiling under his helmet. He knew how much Janice had missed him. That and he really appreciated the two new Fang Primes he had found in his quarters when Emm had deemed him healthy enough to head back to the fight. He had to take it easy first, rebuilding his strength and making sure that he was still combat ready. He was happy that he passed muster.


A Tenno thrived on combat after all.

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Nice story Divinity!


Artorias, I'm sorry if I came off as a prude. I honestly wish for you to keep contributing to this thread. I just think personally that the direction you're headed in won't appeal to the masses. Emotions are rampant in your stories but they get overshadowed in the rather copious amounts of cuss words.Now that you know where you can work on fixing them, I can safely say that I'm eager to see what you come up with next!


Also, I just want to let everyone here know that I will be developing Aiden's character is substantial detail, possibly making it a series of it's own. I hold a pretty serious emotional attachment to this story (as Jeahanne knows) and just wanted to let everyone here know. It will be a romance, set in the time before the Collapse. It primarily involves the relationship between Aiden, Cathy and Damien. Since we have absolutely nothing to work with, I will be mostly writing on speculations, which might be considered "off-canon". I received an okay from a bunch of people on Skype, but I'd like to simply state this outright to everyone here. 


If this idea doesn't appeal to anyone, please let me know and I'll try to figure out something else.

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Nice story Divinity!


Artorias, I'm sorry if I came off as a prude. I honestly wish for you to keep contributing to this thread. I just think personally that the direction you're headed in won't appeal to the masses. Emotions are rampant in your stories but they get overshadowed in the rather copious amounts of cuss words.Now that you know where you can work on fixing them, I can safely say that I'm eager to see what you come up with next!


Also, I just want to let everyone here know that I will be developing Aiden's character is substantial detail, possibly making it a series of it's own. I hold a pretty serious emotional attachment to this story (as Jeahanne knows) and just wanted to let everyone here know. It will be a romance, set in the time before the Collapse. It primarily involves the relationship between Aiden, Cathy and Damien. Since we have absolutely nothing to work with, I will be mostly writing on speculations, which might be considered "off-canon". I received an okay from a bunch of people on Skype, but I'd like to simply state this outright to everyone here. 


If this idea doesn't appeal to anyone, please let me know and I'll try to figure out something else.

   Its fine, I knew what you and the others were getting at. I'm grateful (ecstatic really) that it was a chorus of 'Please fix this, and you'd be good to go.', rather than 'Oh, he typed bad words! Time to start a Flame War! Flag, spam, patronize, hypocrisy, annoying child-mentality is now active, git gud u scrub lolz!'

This is why I usually respond very well to others on forums. Treat others how you wish to be treated, and you should be treated how you treated them. You guys actually pointed out what was wrong and what I could do to fix it, rather than pointing your fingers, opening your mouths from which ignorance spewed forth in spades, trying to shove your opinions and 'facts' on others, and blatantly ignoring points made by the other guy. You came at me hard with the facts, yet you were kind. You usually don't find that on a forum, and I thank you all for that.

   Its not a new thing to me, it just doesn't happen much because I'm not really a famous forum member wherever I go, so what I post usually doesn't get that much feedback. They are usually well-received and reviewed, but as I said, I'm not that famous or social (or rich), so they don't usually get upwards of thirty views within the first few days or so. Sure, I'd like the spotlight every now and then. Its the acknowledgement of my work that really keeps me going. The thought that someone, somewhere, might be reading what I wrote or suggested.

   As a writer, I write for enjoyment. Both my own and the reader/'s. The reaction. The feedback. The knowing that it is out there and it exists.

This keeps me from pulling my hair out. It keeps me from wanting to throttle the next guy that ogles or talks to my sister, or someone hitting on me (I appreciate it, so long as you don't try your hand at second base in the first few seconds we talk. I like forwardness, not having my arse squeezed by some woman I just met who is literally bathing others in hormones)*. It keeps me happy to make people happy, to make them feel like they didn't waste their time.



!Start Rant! And no, I'm not some fitness god with muscles the size of tires and abs you can grate meat on with sun-kissed hair, sky blue eyes, bronze skin, and the voice of an actor. I'm just a regular guy with problems the same as any other human being. !End Rant!


Thank you,

   Fell Artorias

Edited by FellArtorias
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