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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Your strategy for zephyr will not work. DE #*($%%@ up big time.

Well, TK gave enough Resources to almost complete the room, then i finished it, then i Rushed it for 150 Plat so the clan could get the frame faster.... Only to find out we are 4,459 Oxium away from getting her anyway. So...I just bought her. I figure after building all the other frames, I deserve this one.

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Yeah, Zephyr isn't worth a ton of pain to get, so don't worry about it Kitty, just play Warframe when you feel like it because it's fun for you, not to grind for something new. It IS a clantech warframe so it's expected there's a lot of people working on getting it thus the pricing.


On another note: I found something today that fits Nova-Quinn ever so nicely: 


Second Note: I don't like scouring the thread to find out if a skype call is going on. If you'd like me to join the call, it's easy for someone who's my friend on skype to check if I'm on and ask if I wanna join rather than, say, posting in the thread about it. Much. Much. Easier.

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Setting her chin in the palm of her hand with a sigh Nova-Quinn gazed out the reinforced window in the small corridor, leaning up against the window a bit as she gazed out at the stars in space, It was unlike her to be so pensive, but at the moment there was no one around to care. Most members of the Dojo simply passed her by and let her be, not realizing she wasn't what she seemed at the moment. Most Tenno knew her as Nova-Quinn, a half-mad girl with the power to obliterate ships with a flick of the wrist. No...Scarlet was not the girl they knew...she was a woman known only to Crowley and Khimera. How sad...her 'self' of memories fragmented was so much more a friend than she could ever be now. Scarlet was now the side of destruction, and why should that change any time soon?


"You shouldn't look so down." Came a familiar voice, causing Scarlet to look up, finding an Oberon standing before her wearing one of the new Oryx helmets. Only one person she knew had this voice, and that sense of taste. A wry smile spread across the Nova's lips as she folded her arms, leaning back against the wall to stare at Khimera. The Oberon was new, but then again many things were new in this age. Even as Scarlet searched her other half's memory, she found the reason why he was no longer in his beloved Volt.


"You have room to talk, you were sulky even when we first joined the dojo. Angry, but sullky." Scarlet laughed softly, waving off her friend as she turned to leave. "I have just as much right to reminisce as you."


Sighing softly, Khimera shook his head and began walking the opposite direction, toward the scud bay. "Don't spend your precious time 'awake' reminiscing, Scarlet. Spend it with the people you care about." He called, waving even as he left the corridor. Life was strange, but life as a Tenno could be stranger still. So much they did not yet know about themselves and their absolute limits in power.

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So let begin the sequence of events leading to our journey all to wonderland. -madness grin- Shall we be going? I extend my hand so let us go, go on to wonderland!




"Her." Bone rumbled to its host, its twin half of a powerful and vicious artifact hissing soon after. "We want her."


Growling to herself the green Nyx glared down at the two pistols holstered at her hips. Bone and Marrow, sentient artifacts of devastating power and malicious intent. They chose their wielder, and what's worse is they forced their wielders to suicide when they were done with them. To continue holding them one had to satisfy their intense hunger for blood. Only one who constantly sought battle or had an intense will could hope to hold them for long, but inevitably all were drawn to the same fate. The emerald Nyx sought to be their sole wielder, she would kill anyone who could be better suited, and for that she was perhaps the one to hold them longest so far, yet had not born witness to their greatest peak. "Be silent...she is not worthy of you. A broken vessel is worthy of only a moment's distraction...you would wish you hadn't discarded me." She retorted, the two artifacts chuckling in sinister manner in her mind.


"Oh poor Emerald mind..." "...you will fix the Scarlet destroyer."


Fix her? That's right...she could go into the fragmented mind of that Tenno and prove she was better, she could completely obliterate her...or perhaps even fix her in such a way that Bone and Marrow would not want her. Even the red and black Nova's 'destructive' side did not seem so eager to kill. This would be simple...far too simple. Suspicion, however, would be cast upon her, an outsider Nyx, if a member of the dojo fell. However, what if she convinced this Nova-Quinn she could help her. Walking through a fragmented mind would be no easy effort, so it would require others joining in too. It was a complex idea, but the trembling of the artifacts at the Nyx's thighs confirmed this was more than enough effort to be worth it.


"Fine..." Stepping out of the shadows, Emerald stopped Scarlet, earning a blank glare from the Nova and a raised hand that pulsed with power. Truely a ruthless personality. "Hold!" Emerald spoke softly, holding up her hands in defense. "I am here to help you."


Tilting her head, Scarlet already felt her presence slipping away. "And what would you know of me?" Came the calm, cool reply even as she lowered her hand. The wary Nova folded her arms, shifting her weight more to one side. "You think my mind can be saved? That it could be better than now?" Despite the derision in Scarlet's voice, there was a tinge of hope hidden there. To be whole again...to no longer be a creature of dual minds and stuffed beneath a psychotic harlequin persona created from her already shattered memories.


Nodding slowly, Emerald took a step back, wary of the power this Tenno possessed. "I cannot do so alone...healing the mind is a specialty of mine but I require others...those that would stand at your side when we enter your psyche." Already Bone and Marrow were chattering among themselves, crowding the Nyx's mind with errant thought. "Of course...you do not know me...but I can sense you. You who were once the full 'you' struggling to be awake as you are now. Convince your other self of the propriety of this plan and spread word to your allies...in your mind...as with all minds...there are demons to face. Memories to conquer before healing begins or finishes."


"And...I am to...t...trust you..." Clutching at her head with one hand, already Scarlet felt herself slipping away even as she fell to one knee. It was too good to be true...too good to pass up after so long being buried and suffocated. Still...Nova-Quinn had made friends here, among others, what right had she to change this? No...they would judge her when they got to her mind. They could tell her who they wanted more then. That would be best.


Holding out her hand, Emerald smiled behind her helmet as she awaited the inevitable touch of Nova-Quinns fingers upon her own. It was in the best interest of course. Why remain broken when you could be whole? Still, she was right to be wary, for it took several moments before they held hands in agreement. "Tell your friends you want help, spread the message to those you call close friends, and tell them to meet you in the Dueling Arena. I await your decision." Letting go, the sinister Nyx moved away and seemed to vanish into mirage, heading for the designated meeting point.


Nova-Quinn felt different, strange, almost sad. "Strange lady says she wants to help...I wonder if Flower Lady would approve." She tilted her head as she got up, resuming her walk down the hall. "I need to email all my friendy-friends. It sounds like a party!"




Emerald/Mirage is only so powerful. Of the people who want to join at maximum I can endure 3 other characters besides my own, of which Khimera may not be present.

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Small interlude!


"Ok...I have NO PATIENCE for you failures! You were given the SIMPLEST JOB POSSIBLE and you still screwed it up! How do you lose a HAMMER AS BIG AS YOU ARE!? The Jat Kittag was going to slay Tenno far faster than most of your weapons...and you LOST IT. I would understand if it was a DATA MASS or a special Hind round...BUT ITS A MASSIVE HAMMER! Goliath wouldn't have lost it, AND A MOA IS SMARTER THAN HIM! Who was carrying it!?"

There was awkward silence in the room for a moment, before Jrogar spoke again.


One of the Grineer tried to slink back into the group, but was pushed forward by the Heavy. He stumbled a bit before falling onto his face. A heavy clang echoed through the room. As Svyk look up, he only could see the barrel of a Bronco Prime in his face. Svyk could hear the pistol cocking against The whirring of machinery.

"So...Svyk. I always knew you would fail me. I never though it would just be a PLAIN BETRAYAL! Why did you do it? For money, for fame amongst Tenno? You know they would just kill you and not pay."

Svyk just swallowed, not wanting to enrage his commander more.

"You know the rules. 'Betray the Grineer, pay with your life.' I won't break them, but why would you betray us?"

Svyk knew his fate either way, so he spoke.

"The Grineer are the fools. We cannot win. WE NEVER COULD! Our weapons are crap, our armor is crap, and the Queens must be desperate if YOU MADE IT TO BEING A COMMANDER!"

The silence in the room was deafening.

"Well, in the name of the Queens, your sentence is death. Vilkre guyo coqu Astrid!"

And the Bronco Prime fired. Svyk felt extreme pain for a moment before nothing. Svyk's body fell backwards, headless. A second shot was fired into Svyk's heart. The Grineer stood surprised and confused about the last bit Jrogar said. It sounded like gibberish to them, but they ignored it, not wanting to turn his wrath to themselves. There was the sound of a message being received in the background. A garbled voice that had a very distinct Corpus accent spoke.

"Tenno, it seems again I am in a bit of trouble. Wait, before you go jumping to conclusions, I swear this time it was not my faul..."

Jrogar shut off the console, muttering a "stop talking to me Darvo". He turned back to the Grineer, and began to speak again.

"You will do three laps around the ship, fully armored and with your weapons. You will not stop unless we are assaulted, or pass out. Dismissed."


"Vilkre guyo coqu Astrid" translates to "Forgive the corrupt, my Queen." In Jrogar's language. The rest was in Grineer, minus the Darvo thing.

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