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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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It is now the weekend for me! You know what that means. I get to work on Chapter... Five is it? Anyway, I'm glad that Artorias' back story was so well received! So you know what I'm going to do instead of Chapter Five instantly? I'm going to do an update on everyone's condition in the Clan! It'll be a short piece, more like a long journal entry than a chapter. As we speak, I am writing said Update as soon as I am finished typing this. Which is now.


Write on Tenno!

   Fell Artorias

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!WARNING! Kind of long, and contains mature language!


   Viviane was pacing outside the clinic/bedroom of Demeter, waiting for any news on Artorias. Any news on his strange condition would be welcome at this point, even if he had died. At least he would be at peace. The screams... No.

   They were more like the roars of some wounded animal, not a proud and graceful Tenno. It had everyone at wit's end. Everyone was waiting outside the door, even Loki had shown up. Flagrans even turned around in the middle of her trip to the marketplace on the nearest inhabited planet that had residents that didn't want to kill them or cut them up for money. Eros, the poor girl, looked on the verge of tears.

   Viviane probably looked no better than her. Mare, their Nova user, just looked annoyed, as usual. But most likely because Artorias, an undisputed pillar of the Clan, was possibly dying, rather than being annoyed at... something else. No one knew what she was so annoyed about constantly. Her teal eyes were in that constant scowl, her pale face framed by her raven black and blue hair.

  Xeyon, with his tan skin, sandy blond hair, and honey eyes, was still for once. You could never get him to shut up, even when he was in combat. Unfortunately, he had not been quiet since Viviane found Artorias roaring his head off, huddled on the floor of his shredded quarters. "What if he's sick? He could just be sick, you know? I bet he's sick, we should get soup in him and Flagrans to-"

  That was then when Flagrans did something quite unexpected. She smacked Xeyon in the head and told him off.

"You freaking idiot! He doesn't need that right now! What he needs is for us to hold on to our hope that he'll make it through if its that serious!" Everyone was dumbfounded. Flagrans turning down innuendo and an opportunity to bed someone that pretty much every woman except the ones that wanted him dead, across the known system wanted just the chance at looking at him? Including Flagrans just so she could say that she did? What was the universe coming to?

"I was just going to say stand next to him, not... You know. Aw dang it. I'm just so frustrated! He's the one who pulled my rear out of the fire when I woke up!

  The fact that I can't do anything for him just... It just makes me so mad!! You hear me in there!? Don't you go dying now, or I'm kicking your behind! You better make it through this, gosh darn you!"

  Everyone just looked down, except Loki and Mare. They just stared. Xeyon had said what everyone had wanted to in a nutshell. Artorias started the clan, looked after them, and saved them countless times. In fact, Viviane had not thought about it truth, but what Xeyon had said brought something to mind.

  When they were in trouble, Artorias was there. He was there when they all awoke from cryosleep, brought them here, and even went beyond the call of duty to make sure they all were safe and happy. That was not something a regular, run-off-the-mill Tenno would do, that's what family did. She felt horrible, what with her last thought before going to her quarters was how she was looking forward to watching Artorias evade answering the question of who this 'Morrighan' woman was. You better fuckin' make it through, or I'll never forgive you, you idiot dumbass.

  Suddenly, roaring came from Demeter's clinic/bedroom. "Dammit! Viviane, Flagrans, Xeyon, Eros! Get in here now!" Demeter yelling and Artorias roaring was definitely not a good sign. The four rushed into the room, almost broke down the door when they heard the noise in fact. The floor was warping from the raw force of Artorias' screams. Demeter looked worse for wear, sweat on her forehead and her brown hair in disarray, and then suddenly started barking more orders. "Viviane and Xeyon, I need you to hold him still! Xeyon, I will need you to chill the air around Artorias to forty degrees fahrenheit and then stop after ten seconds when I call you! Flagrans, I need you to heat the air around him to five percent above the room's current temperature for fifteen seconds, and then stop when I call you, same as Xeyon! Eros..."

   Demeter looked pleadingly at Eros, and then back to Artorias as she tried to help hold him down.

"What is it, Demeter?"

"...I should hope I don't have to call on you to do what I fear you'll have to do if this gets any worse... Go into his mind... And wipe it completely. Leave him a drooling vegetable."

Everyone in the room stiffened. And everyone said the same thing, even the politely-worded Xeyon and gentle Eros who had never used a swear in her life.


"I KNOW!! I don't want to do that either, as that would put both Eros and Artorias in a very vulnerable state, and compromise who they are! But if it has to be done, it must be done! Now shut up, and do what you're told so that this rock of a man can possibly pull through!!"

Everyone fell silent. The roaring had suddenly stopped. He was barely breathing. Demeter checked his vitals, and sighed.






He was fine... For now. Still in... whatever state he was in. But he wasn't screaming his head off. Again, for the moment.

  Viviane silently swore a string of curses under her breath.

"Dammit Artorias... You better make it through this."


Edited by FellArtorias
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This sounds off topic but isn't...


THE STATION(s) are coming to warframe! Like, the kind we've been writing about! They talked about it in the stream!

















This owl is the only possible way to convey how big my eyes are right now.

Edited by FellArtorias
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In the livestream the devs were talking about adding in a new system, Proxy War, where Clans and/or alliances will be able to take over new areas outside of the solar system. They'll do this by building Stations.... where players can walk around, hang out, meet up, and accept missions.


They're adding in our Stations... Places for Tenno who are of various clans or clanless to meet up, hang out, accept new missions, group up, ect...

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This sounds off topic but isn't...


THE STATION(s) are coming to warframe! Like, the kind we've been writing about! They talked about it in the stream!



Wait wait wait! You have to tell me bout this! I heard nothing about this!
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In the livestream the devs were talking about adding in a new system, Proxy War, where Clans and/or alliances will be able to take over new areas outside of the solar system. They'll do this by building Stations.... where players can walk around, hang out, meet up, and accept missions.


They're adding in our Stations... Places for Tenno who are of various clans or clanless to meet up, hang out, accept new missions, group up, ect...

Ahhhhhh~ The wild, wild west that is unconquered space. I might have to take out money to upgrade my laptop to involve myself in this.

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A new story, and new character, and a new frame....



The forests of Earth are vast. They cover nearly all the planet, and despite the best efforts of the Grinner, they are growing. But there are some areas they cannot grow. The mountains defy all attempts for life to grow, to thrive on them. They tower over all the land, the supports that keep the sky from swallowing the Earth. Up there, the wind is a wild thing, a masterless thing. It moves at its own accord, and does not take the orders of anyone.


But this wind can be harnessed, and used to deadly effect.


The Grinner patrol had no idea what was coming for them. They were too busy trying to stay on their feet as the wind buffeted them, trying to pull them over the edge. The first hint they had was when something slammed into the lead soldier, sending it flying over the edge. Half the patrol nearly lost their footing. One of the Lancer’s peered over the edge, trying to see where his comrade went. He didn’t have time to leap backwards before a form slammed into at the speed of a comet. It sent him flying backwards a good hundred meters, minus his chest. The remaining soldiers raised weapons. Something that killed from above could be a falling rock. There was a large cliff that hung over them. Only enemies could come from below.


High, high above the hapless Grinner patrol, a figure floated. It seemed to be held aloft by the winds. It appeared to be bird like, you had to get close to see the wing like protrusions from its arms. That it was female was fairly obvious. No man had that body shape. She didn’t seem dangerous, until you looked at her feet. They had claw like spikes coming off them, and they were coated with blood. The pistols at her hips also gave away how dangerous she was. The Tenno suddenly performed a backflip, and rocketed straight towards the ground. She fell silently, until she was just above the heads of the Grinner, when she smashed through the sound barrier, a millisecond before she slammed into the ground with enough force to crack the granite rock, riddling the ground with a spider web of cracks and sending Grinner flying in all directions. Her pistols whipped from her hips to her hands, and she quickly emptied the akimbo machine pistols into a pair of Heavy Gunners. The two Grinner were filled with lead, and their chests were mangled husks when the pistols stopped spitting fire. The Tenno whirled around bring a sword up in a spinning slash to cleave a Butcher in half.


The Grinner finally got a good look at their attacker. They immediately started shooting. They had never seen a Tenno like this before, but they didn’t care. They just wanted it dead. Their bullets kept missing, the wind seemed to pushing them aside and driving them back at the shooters. The female Tenno had no such problems with her pistols. Lancer after Lancer had its head shot off, its chest filled with lead, or was flung off the cliff by the sheer number of bullets hitting them.


Of course, it only got worse for the few Grinner that remained.


The Tenno leapt skywards suddenly, and hovered there. The winds seemed to change, to spin, to become a spiral of death around the Tenno. A hurricane ensured in the Himalayan Mountains. Nothing like this had ever happened in the history of the planet. The Grinner were slammed into the cliffs, and thrown around like ragdolls. Where the Tenno floated however, it was perfectly calm. There wasn’t even a breeze. In the chaos, one lone Lancer managed to dive into the calm spot, to watch in horror as his comrades were dashed against the unforgiving rock of the mountains. He watched as they heads were split open on rocks, as they were impaled on spikes of unforgiving stone and ice. As suddenly as it had started, the hurricane ended. The wind was still buffeting, but it was no longer anywhere near as strong. The sound of feet on snow made him turned. The female Tenno stood behind him, slightly crouched, sword ready.


“You survived the storm.” The words made the Lancer jump backwards. Tenno never spoke! Never to their enemies! He tightened his grip on his Grakata. “As you survived, you can leave here alive. If you go right now.”


The Lancer could not quite believe his ears. He decided to make the smart choice, and spun the opposite direction before running as fast as he dared back the way he had come.


Katala stood at the cliff edge, surrounded by the dead bodies.  Spreading her arms, she stepped off the cliff, tumbling through the air before straightening and swooping up. She loved the free air of these mountains. The thermals let her fly and swooped through the canyons and ravines like an eagle. She was a Zephyr, a wind guardian, and the skies were her domain. When the storms came….


Only she could ride them.

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If we are all on at the same time. That will be the challenge.


And Bej, who ever said it was a one shot? If I name a character they will come back, unless they are a minor character. Katala won't be. That is how I roll.


Brownies for the frist person to tell me where I got Milamber and Katala from.

Edited by Spikey844
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If we are all on at the same time. That will be the challenge.


And Bej, who ever said it was a one shot? If I name a character they will come back, unless they are a minor character. Katala won't be. That is how I roll.


Brownies for the frist person to tell me where I got Milamber and Katala from.

The one shot would have been mine. Cathy is the only Zephyr in my universe and she's not even in this thread.

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Theresa had heard rumors of a newly designed Warframe, one that can apparently fly. Levi confirmed it also with sparse records of Corpus Merchantmen and Grineer Commanders. The video records were rather grainy, thanks to the overall low quality of Grineer HUD's. The Warframe was sleek and it could glide for a short time. The Tenno using it was female. 


Kevin watched with astonishment as she summoned up tornadoes that instantly sucked in a group of Grineer Lancers. Apparently the wind itself was under her command. "Such a charming figure isn't she?" Janice asked as she sat down on Kevin's lap. The Nekros watched her with his one remaining eye,he then turned back to the screen. 


"Wait...What?" Kevin watched in complete astonishment as the Tenno made some extremely weird pose in front of the camera before flying off like an old style heroic protagonist in some children's story.


During supper, Janice couldn't exactly explain why she was laughing so hard and why Kevin was still trying to figure out just why a Tenno would make such an embarrassing display of themselves in the aftermath of a battle.

Edited by Divinity112
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The almost ironic thing is that I haven't played with Zephyr yet and I don't watch anime so I have no idea how you got the anime vibes Mando. I got this from the YouTube vids I have watched and.my own imagination of what a wind frame should be able to do.

Edited by Spikey844
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The almost ironic thing is that I haven't played with Zephyr yet and I don't watch anime so I have no idea how you got the anime vibes Mando. I got this from the YouTube vids I have watched and.my own imagination of what a wind frame should be able to do.

I guess it was just how I envisioned it. :D Anyway, got this finished, so kapoof.



Morlan left the room, with no sign he had ever been there. He paid what was due to the quartermaster, and entered the hangar. It was shipment day, apparently. “Shameful…. To have to pay a Corpus to fight. We should be self sufficient, not reliant on those that must be removed from the world.” HIs eyes narrowed in disgust at the mere thought of the murderous merchants. His fingers quivered in anticipation of his coming victory. He had acquired several clips of Penta ammunition to serve as remote explosives.


  After he killed Vor, he would need someplace suitable to reveal his glory. There was a much larger station nearby, a hub of activity. “That should work fine. I’ll drop his head in the middle of the station and then I shall began my assault on all that is in need of destruction. Corpus, Grineer, rebellious Tenno, perhaps even the Lotus, if need be.”  “Peek, is everything ready?” Yes. Morlan strapped himself into the seat of his snub, and set the course for Gor Dei’s ship, where he would end Vor.


 *** Three Days Later ***


  Morlan was angry. Vor had not appeared. Was he an idiot?? Was he just playing with Morlan? He hissed and continued pacing. There was a message in his HUD from Peek. There is a ship coming. It is Grineer in design… Don’t do this. There is still time to leave. Morlan sorted in disgust at the apparent peace-loving sentinel. He would get rid of Peek after today, perhaps by crushing Peek with his bare hands. Morlan smiled, enjoying the sound of that. Perhaps he could acquire a Djinn, those seemed like they would enjoy combat. They were, after all, Infested.


  He turned his attention to the mini cam feeds he had wired up to the bridge, where he was stationed. Vor was arrogantly striding down the hall, two Scorches in front and two Elite Lancers following. Each side hall had two full squads stomping their way towards the bridge. Morlan smiled, lightly dancing his way to a console and picked something up. He smiled sweetly, and gently thumbed the trigger, causing four clips of Penta grenades to detonate, obliterating the four squads and collapsing the corridors. He looked at the cams, and anger rose to his face with a scowl. Vor was unperturbed. His soldiers were cleary nervous, but Morlan suspected Vor cared nothing about their fates. He couldn’t possibly, as he had brought them along.


  Morlan heard the approaching footsteps break out into a run, and the door exploded as the four remaining soldiers charged towards him. The brutal Ash casually flicked out four Shuriken, each one punching through their heads. Vor entered, stepping on the bodies like they belonged there. The two opponents faced each other, one staring with hate and rage, the other, contempt. They tensed, readying themselves for the attack that was to come.

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