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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Ruminations of a Heartbroken Soul


It was over.


Aiden looked at the tunnel with a new light; the place looked completely different after the battle. Bodies littered the floor of the tunnel, and sections of the roof had collapsed from the mining machine that had exploded.


He himself felt the shrapnel tearing his flesh as he limped away towards the mouth of the tunnel, back towards the ship, clutching the pieces of Harbinger in his still functioning right hand. His body did not have any energy to spare, and his Warframe was not able to heal any of his wounds. He had isolated his mind from his body, for the pain was far too great.


A mindless husk, he limped past the room where they had met the Nekros. It was silent now, the rattling and creaking Aiden had associated with Grineer architecture simply serving as background noise. Everything was fuzzy, and he could feel his body weakening with each step he took.  The sound of blood drops against the floor accompanied him as he slowly made his way to the ship, where the others should be waiting by now.


Ghost, he began. Even in his mind, he sounded like a dying man.


Aiden! Where are you? What’s going on?


They are dead. I’m making my way back. Where is everyone?


He could feel the relief in the Nyx’s mind. Everyone’s here. We’re tending to our wounds.


Just then a massive rumble shook the corridor Aiden was travelling in. Unable to maintain his balance, the Rhino fell to the ground, cursing as he fell. Forcing himself up through sheer willpower, he realized that the Nyx was talking to him; his heart was pounding too loudly in his head.


-den! Are you alright?


Fine. What was that?


He heard chatter running through his head as Ghost tried to comprehend the answer to his question.


The reactor for this ship has begun to overheat. Team two was fighting there and they had set up a few explosives that the Grineer tried to bypass. The explosion destroyed the coolant pipes, and the thing is melting down as we speak. You need to hurry! We must leave.


Aiden grimaced, his visible blue eye staring blankly at the slowly shifting floor in front of him. He would not make it in time, that he knew. The need to live was strong for him, but his logic persevered.


You must all leave. I won’t be able to make it.


We’ll stay as long as required. We won’t leave our own behind.


Think with your head, Ghost. I am but one, almost dead already. Do not jeopardize the lives of many to protect mine.


Ghost was angry, but she knew he spoke the truth. Aiden…we’ll hold off as long as possible. The reactor should be overloading in fifteen minutes. The Grineer are diverting all their troops to slow the meltdown while Regor evacuates. Hurry!


I want you and the others to leave. Do not jeopardize our mission for my sake. Trust me, Ghost. Do what is right.


The Nyx emanated sadness as she spoke after nearly a minute of silence. Aiden…I’m sorry. We will be leaving now. May the spirits watch upon your soul.


Aiden terminated the mental link, isolating himself to his mind.


So this was how he died. Alone, limping through an enemy ship, clutching the remains of his beloved sword. Not a way for a warrior to go, but his deed was done. He would not die in vain. He had saved the life of one of his kin. That was all that mattered.


Memories of his past ran through his mind. Memories of running through the forests, chasing after the figure who played with wind. Her form darting between the trees, playfully, happily. Aiden smiled despite his circumstances, the past bringing back recollections of her. His moments of bliss, where nothing mattered but her. His wind of happiness, his Zephyr.


She was always with him. From the start, she had been at his side. When things had seemed bleak, she would be there to fight back, to survive, to live. Even after she was gone, Cathy drove Aiden on, pushing him to his limits. He would never be able to display his gratitude to her, and that pained him.


Aiden leaned against a wall, panting from the exertion of simply walking. He turned around to see the bloody footprints erratically littered behind him. He leaned against the cold surface, grateful to take some weight away from his aching feet.


He had lived a good life. There was a lot he wanted to do, but he had no regrets but one. He looked into the distance, where darkness reigned supreme. He wanted to see the Silver Fang once again, jovially laughing as they returned from a mission. His brothers and sisters, his family.


Aiden chuckled.




Such a beautiful word.


Edited by bejuizb
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!WARNING! Pretty short...



  It was almost time for Morrighan to come back from her job. Ever since I was named a few years ago by her, I had always sought something to do to make her life better. Well, unofficially our lives. We were what the neighbors called a 'couple', and quite the envied one at that. A few of the older Tenno that frequented my food stall and went to the laundromat with Morrighan said that both she and I would make beautiful and strong children.

   We were quite flustered in the beginning with these allegations, but by now, I had since grown used to the idea, not so much Morrighan. In fact, no.. its best I keep that a secret until I got home. Little did I know that a surprise was waiting for me. It was time to pack up the shop and go home. Home...

   A word that was alien to me a few years ago, before I met the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. I went into our small house that we had bought together. Nothing extravagant, but with enough room for at least three others. I entered the living room, to see her, the light in my darkness, my Goddess. My soon to be wife, if she would have me, of course.

   She had grown more beautiful and radiant over the years. One would have thought that impossible, but she really had. She was deep in thought, holding her tea. She hadn't noticed I had come through the door yet. I walked behind her and draped my arm over he shoulder.

   She nearly jumped out of her skin. Morrighan had not yet grown accustomed to the fact that my footfalls didn't make noise. Perhaps that's what years of what I used to do did to a person.

"Geez Artorias! You keep on scaring me like that and I might die of a heart-attack soon enough!"

I chuckled softly, kneeling to the floor behind her and nestling my head into the nape of her neck.

"Don't say that... You've got a bright future ahead of you."

"I have you to thank for that, Artorias."

"We made this future happen, not just one of us. I may have helped, yes, but I am not arrogant enough to say that I did most of the work."

"How's the arm?"

"Its doing better. Doctor says I can have the cast off in three days."


Silence. Morrighan was thinking really deeply about something. Then I noticed she had not changed clothes since we saw each other this morning.

"Morrighan? What's wrong, you can tell me."

"You might want to sit down and face me for this."

Okay, this was getting strange. I complied, looking at her eyes. Those beautiful-

"I went to the gynecologist today."


"Morrighan... What are you-"

"I'm pregnant, Artorias."

My eyes must have almost jumped from my skull. When did.

"Morrighan, we did that once and that was-"

"Six months ago, Artorias. Sometimes, you can be so dense."

   Flaming Doctrine in a handbasket. How insensitive and stupid could I get? No... I had been waiting for something. I was...

   Morrighan sighed. Then shook her head.

"But I love you for that, Artorias."

   That did it. I leapt towards Morrighan, taking her by the waist with my free arm. I spun her around and laughed. Laughed harder than I had when I truly laughed for the first time. A child... with the woman I was hopelessly in love with.

"Whahahahaha!!! Artorias! Stop it, would you! The baby!" She laughed, she laughed much to my joy and hers.

   I complied, with what had to be the biggest grin on my face I ever had.

"I have something for you too, Morrighan."

   I got down on one knee in front of her, and took out the small box I had hidden in my cast today.

"Morrighan Gigfrain, will you marry me?"

  Silence. She looked at me and tilted her head.

"...I was wondering when you'd get to it. Yes!"



Months Later...



   It had been a few months since we had gotten married and took up the surname Caelus together. Morrighan had just now delivered our first-born. A daughter. With my hair. What to call her...

"What do we name her, Artorias dear?"

"Sometimes I think you can read my mind, being the Goddess that you are Morrighan."

"Oh you flatterer. How about..."

We both took a few seconds and spoke the same name at the same time. It would have been eerie, had we not been married. The infant opened its eyes, and my own stared back at me.



   Artorias' vision suddenly darkened. Then... he woke up. In a bed in Demeter's quarters. With most of the room in ruins. Then he noticed that Demeter, Xeyon, Eros, Flagrans, and Viviane were crowding around him, looking at him as if he grew three heads.


"Uhhhh... What happened guys?"

Viviane spoke first.

"Your eyes... changed."

"What? Show me."

   Demeter gave Artorias a hand mirror. He looked.

"No... No no nonononono!!" His eyes were back to the way they were in those dark times that so easily came back to him as vividly as the good memories now. ...They were vertically slitted again.

Edited by FellArtorias
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Wrath, please edit your previous post if you plan to reply to someone else. Double posting takes up unnecessary space. 


EDIT: Thanks Wrath, for the 2x posting thing. And thanks for the feedback everyone. Means a lot to me.



And Artorias, very nice read man!

Keep them coming!

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Chapter five...in five hours...


Posted at 8:37



But seriously, I cannot wait! I love reading everyone's stuff...

Been a while since I used that kind of sciene. I was actually tempted to check your work. Nice job there! But no, I'm not Valve. I don't make thousands of dollars a week off of hats for TF2 that don't actually do anything.

Edit: I'm actually postings this off of my phone right now, soooooooooo... ORZ

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                                                                                    The Isolated Returns

It had been a few years since he had originally been woken up and brought into this world, he reminisced as he sat there, alone, in a secluded post he had found, long abandoned, a perfect place of solitude.  He had honed his skills greatly, and could get through a ship, complete the objective and get out without a single soul knowing, even the dust did not betray him.  After Vay Hek’s failed attempt to destroy the Orokin forests on Earth, the Corpus and Grineer’s animosity towards each other finally popped the cork, and they went into a proper war with each other.  Soon after, both sides began sending messages to the Tenno to assist in their battles.  After Alad V began sending his personal proxy after Tenno who assisted the Grineer, and rumor had spread that inside its systems, the blueprints for a desired weapon were found, victory for the Grineer swept across the system.  He began to see the pattern after Europa had fallen to the Grineer.  When Neptune was next, he quickly moved to support the Corpus in the defense of their main world, hoping to maintain the balance of the war in the system, but he was only delaying the inevitable.  It brought him great pain when he had to incapacitate any Tenno supporting the Grineer he came across, stunning them in hand-to-hand combat and breaking all four of their limbs, knowing they would heal in time.  Knowing the Corpus, he had them send the fallen Tenno to a location where he would pick them up, attempt to teach them the error of their ways and apologizing for the force he had to use against them.  He would then drop them off at a station. When the Grineer moved some of their forces to Pluto while they finished up at Neptune, he finally did something he never thought he was ever going to do: He gave up.  He became disgusted with what the Tenno had become, once a symbol of honor and order, now just a band of ruthless mercenaries fighting for the newest shiny prize.  So he packed only what personal items he needed from his barrack in the Aequitas dojo, took his symbol off his shoulder and left it on his bed, took his weapons, and left without a word.  In his journey throughout space, he found an abandoned yet still functional post in the fringes of the system.  There he meditated; pondering on what actions he would do next.  But today his mind seemed to do nothing but linger on those the Lotus had sent him to eliminate.  Then the lights had flickered unnaturally, he had heard the stories.  Once he felt the presence of the being behind him, he spoke for the first time in the year he had isolated himself.  “Ah, so you’ve come for me at last…”

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Came in a few months back, school swept me up and I never was able to come back until now while things are still light.  And thanks, half of that is supposed to present my feelings on how poorly we are maintaining the balance of the system.


*EDIT* It also helps give a bit of story to my sudden and unannounced absence.

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Thank Bejuizb! Also, could anyone give me a general catch up when they have the time?


*EDIT* I would join the Skype thing if I could, but something in my mic's transmitter fell off and I gotta find it.


@Draiko Yes good, it should.

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