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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Here you go c:


Eden stared numbly at the intercom speaker. Wells's proclamation, as incredulous as it was, was heavy with sincerity. “Whoever said Earth?” The words that spelled his fate, the words that would lead him to die as a twisted beast of flesh living on some remote planet with some number of other individuals infected with his affliction.
“What planet?” Queried Eden.
“Not a planet, a moon. Namely, Deimos, one of Mars's two moons,” answered Wells.
Eden was chained hand-and-foot, manacled like a slaves of early America, the three adjacent infected men were looking down, small moans of despair and pain escaping from their lips. They had obviously been infected longer then Eden, he wondered if they would kill them on the journey there. Deimos was months away.
One of the afflicted threw his head back, screamed a horrible scream, and attacked one of the stunned guards. The creature's teeth immediately ripping through his hazmat suit, taking a chunk out of his neck. He went down screaming, his hands clenched at his neck. The five other guards regained composure and began shooting the unruly host.
The guard was still moaning and screaming, the wound still pumping out blood which was quickly turning black. The others prodded him, motioning for him to get up. Two guards had him by the arms, they began walking back towards the quarantine room. Eden winced as the man yelled, moaned and shrieked in despair. It sounded like discord itself had manifested itself in his voice. The three remaining guards shoved the rest of the group forward, one getting so ambitious as to shove Eden with the stock of his gun.
“Don't push your luck,” he growled.
The man was visibly stunned, cowed into stopping by the ferocity of his voice.
“I'd hate it if something were to happen to another one of you guys.” Eden's own threat made his stomach churn, he would still deny he was anything like the mindless creature.
But a part of him purred with delight. No matter how small it was, it still chilled Eden to the bone.
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!WARNING! Contains Mature Language and is Sort of Long.



   Things were... different for Artorias. The fact that his eyes had changed back to what they were, and he was stronger and faster irked him to say the least. ...Like he once was. He didn't want any of it back. He was a slightly above average Tenno before.

   Now he was a reuseable weapon of mass destruction. He had to get used to his increase in strength, agility, and the rest of his senses. Oh yes, he wasn't once called the Hunter for nothing. Artorias' sight, hearing, and senses of taste and smell were far above that of a Zanuka, an already natural hunter and killer from birth. He could hear the plumbing of the station where he once couldn't, see motes where others could not, and he could smell that delicious food being prepared right at that moment by Eros and Flagrans.

   He just had to finish bending this girder to install in Sylpheed's ship. Snap! ...Again. That was the tenth one today. He tossed the four ton girder aside as if it were a rag.

  It came to a crash several meters away in the hangar. Artorias held his head in his hands. He was a monster again. Even his teeth had changed back, every tooth from his canines and behind them were like rows of daggers. The mouth of an animal.

  It was no secret that the Clan were afraid of him now. The only reason they hadn't turned on him was that he was there for all of them since day one. Who knew how long that comfort would last. Enough moping, time to get back to work. Artorias turned towards the pile of girders and saw the feet of Viviane.

   She was afraid of him too, just not as much as the rest. Well, Xeyon just ignored the fact that he was a monster because his polite nature told him to do otherwise. Eros was gentle as always, Artorias suspected she had delved into his memories. Suspected? ...Now he was a monster.

  Guess Hell just froze over.

"Hey Artorias."

"Hey Viviane."

He reached for a girder, and started steadily bending. He couldn't look her in the face. The person that was seated in front of Viviane was just a slightly empty shell of who she knew.

"You're frightened."

"...That I won't be able to interact with you guys again. You were my life. I could barely take three-quarters of the weights on a weightlifter with my previous state. Now look at me. I'm able to hold four ton girders and bend them with my bare hands. I'm a-"

"Don't you say that word! Whatever you think of yourself right now, you better fuckin' stop it. I- We want the old Artorias back. The one who would laugh with us when we told a joke, the one who would feel the same pain as us over a brother or sister lost to the Grineer's advances, or the Corpus' practices."

"...I think we'll just have to get used to... this, until I re-learn how to control myself."

"Come with me to the mess, now that you're done."

"...No, I think I'll stay-"



That made her shut her mouth.

"Please... I just... don't want you guys to see me at my weakest right now. I don't know if I can trust myself to not accidentally hurt you guys."

"...All right Artorias. We'll be waiting. Whenever you're ready."

   Viviane left. Good, he could practice now. There were piles of colored paper next to Artorias, some fine, and others crumpled up. He reached over and started folding. What was he folding?

   Trying to fold a paper crane. In some ancient Human legend it was stated that if you folded one thousand paper cranes, a singular wish would come true. Artorias was having trouble folding one, let alone one thousand. Why was it started in the first place? Probably to provide some young child that was terminally ill false hope.

   His hands automatically went through the motions, retaining the memory of the movements in the simulation. Artorias looked out into the empty space. He could see a dying star in the distance, and hear the disappointment in Viviane's footsteps. Artorias debated ejecting himself into space, or turning off the oxygen. Just then, the Lotus contacted him over his personal comms.

"Tenno. This is The Lotus."

"What is it?"

"...I have debated whether or not to tell you in your... current state, both mentally and physically. This is perhaps against my better judgement, but... There is a Tenno in cryosleep down in the jungles on Earth. I am giving you the coordinates now."


"...You need to pull yourself together, whether for good or ill."

"I see. My current condition is hampering the Clan, affecting their efficiency and morale. You don't like it."


"Do you have any info on this specific Tenno?"

"...What I have given you will have to be enough. Just know that you must hurry. Good luck... Artorias."

Strange, Lotus had never addressed any of the Tenno by their names. This was probably to boost his morale. Artorias opened a private channel between, Viviane, Sylpheed, Loki, and himself. He was still folding the paper crane carefully.

"Alright, listen up. I'm handpicking you guys to go on this mission with me. The Lotus has just given me information that one of us is still in cryosleep down in the jungles on Earth. Sylpheed will be co-leading point with me. Loki, you're on recon and Silencing duty. Viviane, you'll be bringing the biggest, baddest irradiated flamethrower that you can cobble together. Everyone except Loki bring Brakks, shotguns, and assault rifles. Artorias out."

   There was a unanimous agreement before he cut the connections. He sighed. Suddenly, Artorias' hands stopped. He looked down to see what sort of shredded and warped mass he had created this time. He was surprised.

A single, perfectly formed nebula blue crane was in his hands. Artorias stared at it for a couple of seconds before jogging to his quarters and setting the crane on his desk before going to the Armory.


Edited by FellArtorias
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Great story Artorias

Thanks! Took a little break, now I'm writing Chapter Six. You'll see Artorias is actually trying to resist his condition. Maybe even cure it? Find out more in the next episode of Dragon Ball- Wait, wrong story.



Is that a "Yes, this is great!" a, "Yes, you can fix these points here, here, and here."or, "Yes, this is awful!"?

Either way, thanks, I guess!

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Thanks! Took a little break, now I'm writing Chapter Six. You'll see Artorias is actually trying to resist his condition. Maybe even cure it? Find out more in the next episode of Dragon Ball- Wait, wrong story.


Is that a "Yes, this is great!" a, "Yes, you can fix these points here, here, and here."or, "Yes, this is awful!"?

Either way, thanks, I guess!

Option A.

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Ok, So i was busy with D&D, then was helping some noobs on Warframe....Now i've finally read stuff.

Let it be heard throughout the land: I simply refuse. Beju can bite my inappropriately named shiny metal &#!. Aiden can't die.

Beju RUUUUUUN faster than a tail wind on zephyr

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DING DONG! KINDA LONG! Also has mature language. 

Got bored using pretty much the same warning style.

   The Grineer patrol milled about, unaware of the thing that was looking at them from the trees. There, a slight gap! Artorias swooped down, his trusted Galatine in hand. He crushed one marine, and sliced three others in half. Artorias pivoted with his arm outstretched and his fingers hooked, using the sudden speed to devastating effects.

   A fraction of a second later, the lancer that was hiding amongst the brush suddenly found that the top half of his shield was missing. Along with his skull. Artorias quickly sent a message to Loki. 'Give me coverage from that tower, and clear out the guys that have a view of the gate.' The three rapid clicks in his comms from Loki twenty seconds told him that he had already done so.

"Alright Loki, now hack into their systems and bring up the manifest. Vor's sure to have stored the Tenno somewhere in the facility." Two clicks from Loki. 'Roger that.' "Sylpheed, Viviane, form up on me." Ten seconds later, Loki gave five clicks, 'Objective completed'. Twenty seconds after that, Viviane and Sylpheed came out of the brush.

"I assume you have a plan, Artorias?"

"I do. Loki's hacked into the Grineer manifest. They've stored the Tenno on the third floor of the facility in storage. We go in quiet, comm and hand signals only, shoot only if I give the green, or if things go south, in which case you are cleared for vocalization as well. The only exception will be Loki and Sylpheed under the effects of Silence.

   We'll be meeting here at this junction, and then continue on as one group. Any questions?"

"Yeah, if we're supposed to be going in quiet, why do all but one of us have weapons meant for full on firefights?"

"I had assumed we would have been defending the cryopod, not trying to infiltrate a Grineer compound. Still, its nice to have these things along with us just in case things go a little haywire. You know that the Grineer swarm like flies on a carcass if they know Tenno are around."


"Any other questions before we move in? No? Okay, let's go get our comrade."

   Swiftly and silently, or as silently as a Valkyr Warframe could be, they infiltrated the compound. Artorias had forgone his Galatine in favor of his hands, a weapon just as deadly, if not more so, than the oversized blade. He snapped necks, tore out throats, and shoved his hands straight through the thick Ferrite armor of the Grineer. Viviane did the same. Things were going well.

  They were a few meters away from the rendezvous point when the alarm blared. An errant marine must have discovered a corpse. Or several. Artorias roared over the comms to his fireteam. "Weapons free, I repeat, you are cleared to freely engage! Pick 'em and choose 'em ladies! First person to bring me fifty tags gets a trip to the beach with three other people of their choosing with no workload to make up for when they get back! Be careful, but triple time it!" A loud 'F*ck yeah!' could be heard from both Sylpheed and Viviane over the roar of irradiated flames and gunfire.

   If a sense of urgency didn't get them to move faster, that certainly would. ...He could use a trip to the beach. Temporarily make him forget that he had become a monster. A bullet whizzed past his head. He pounced on the Grineer marine that had shot at him, and crushed its skull beneath the butt of his Braton.

 Artorias liked the weapon. Balanced amount of power, good accuracy, moderate recoil, easily modified, and more compact than other automatic rifles he had seen. A good thing to have along for something like this. He laid down covering fire for Viviane to vault over him, since he had more shielding than she did. She tore into the Grineer with her Orthos Prime amidst the chaos.

   More kept steadily pouring in as they ran and picked up Grineer tags on the way. To either sell to the Corpus so that they could melt it down for something else, or on the off chance one of the Grineer wanted to buy his buddy/ies' or other's tags. A few minutes later, they met up at the designated meeting point, roughly at the same time.

"Weird huh? Well. lets get in there. Keep them off my back so I can pry it open."

"Wait, you fuckin' rip open our cryopods!?"

"Not now Vivi!"

"I'm going to get you for that comment you know!"

"Save it for when we're safe on the craft!"

   Artorias checked the vitals of the Tenno. Everything was good. He then began to slowly pry open the lid to the cryopod while the others held off the swarms of Grineer. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity but what was more likely three minutes, Artorias finally had the lid ripped off of the pod. He looked at the Tenno inside.

   Female. Very lithe, and the Warframe almost seemed frail in appearance. He remembered what they called the Warframe. It was one of the frames that was built towards the end of the Orokin War. Zephyr.

   Keying a few sequences, Artorias activated the pod's defrost function, so that the Tenno could slowly and thoroughly be revived, for lack of a better term. "Loki! Get Lotus to send extraction!"   Four clicks. A minute later, the Tenno was shakily standing. That was shortly before a stray bullet caught her in the leg, throwing her to the floor. "Dammit!" Artorias rushed over, applied quick and basic first aid, and slung the Tenno over his shoulder. He put his Braton into her hands. "See the guys shooting at us? Shoot back! If you need fresh clips, tap my shoulder. You won't be in any condition to speak after just waking up." Seconds later, the as-of-yet unnamed Tenno had felled ten Grineer with just as many bullets. "Just woke up, and she's a crack shot! I can't wait to see what she's like at her fullest!"

   Four clicks from Loki and the ping of a navpoint being added to the minimap in his HUD interrupted Artorias in the middle of his praising. "Alright, we've got extraction! Lets get the hell out of here! Loki, scout ahead, but be careful, would you!? Viviane, you take point! Sylpheed, take the rear!" 'A near synchronized 'Gotcha' and two clicks came through Artorias' comms. They ran like the Infested were hot on their heels. Out the compound and through the jungle they gunned and ran.

   The craft was in sight. The fireteam went inside the craft, making no noticeable dent in the angry horde of earthen colors that they shot back at. Artorias contacted The Lotus "Lotus, we're in the craft!"

"I read you Tenno. Excellent work. Extraction commencing."

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the craft left the atmosphere. Sylpheed dialed in the coordinates for the hyper-drive back to the Clan station. Feeling relaxed, the fireteam, excluding Loki, removed their helmets.

Artorias turned towards the Zephyr. "Well, that was one loud alarm clock! You should be able to tell us who you are now, as the effects from the wake-up sequence should be over by now, but you aren't obligated to. You don't even have to remove- Oh by the Doctrine..."

   The Tenno in the Zephyr removed her helmet. Artorias' eyes nearly left his head again. Slypheed looked at him with question, Loki tilted his head in what Artorias assumed to be curiosity, and Viviane looked mad.

"Who the hell is that!? Is that your sister-"

"No Viviane..."

   The white hair cascaded from her helmet as the Tenno blinked her nebula blue eyes.


She responded with a grin and a wink. She looked happy to see Artorias. And answered Viviane's question. With a hurricane of words.

"Hey dad! Yeah, that was quite a shocking wake up call! You have no idea how hard it was to not scream at you that I was your kid that you hadn't seen for a couple thousand years back there!"

   It was now Viviane and Sylpheed's turns to have their eyes nearly fly from their sockets.

"Ohohohoho... You..." Viviane pointed her finger at Artorias and shook it.

"You have some explaining to do... Yes you do..."

What a day...

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Thanks! Took a little break, now I'm writing Chapter Six. You'll see Artorias is actually trying to resist his condition. Maybe even cure it? Find out more in the next episode of Dragon Ball- Wait, wrong story.


Is that a "Yes, this is great!" a, "Yes, you can fix these points here, here, and here."or, "Yes, this is awful!"?

Either way, thanks, I guess!


Option A.


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This sounds off topic but isn't...


THE STATION(s) are coming to warframe! Like, the kind we've been writing about! They talked about it in the stream!



Wait a minute.... did our thread influence the game development?

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Ok, So i was busy with D&D, then was helping some noobs on Warframe....Now i've finally read stuff.

Let it be heard throughout the land: I simply refuse. Beju can bite my inappropriately named shiny metal &#!. Aiden can't die.

No thanks. My tastes don't lie in line with shiny metallic asses :P

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Here you go, more Eden backstory.



Eden stood amongst the other infected, two of which were missing. One of them shot to death, the other collapsed after a sudden mutation of flesh. She died on the spot, from the pain.
There was a crowd of people on the opposite side of the group, a throng of relatives, loved ones and friends. He was straining his neck to get a look at his wife, at his baby girl.
He saw her, she was crying, tears streaming down her cheeks and sobs racking her shoulders. His daughter seemed just as unhappy. His wife raised her hand to wipe at her tears, she looked up simultaneously. Right into his eyes, her blue contacting his green. He offered her a sad smile, she returned it as best as she could. His daughter witnessed the sad exchange, she too stopped crying. Then began babbling and squealing, trying to converse and be heard over the noise. She started flapping her arms, like a beckoning for him to come.
“Can I say goodbye to them,” Eden asked a nearby guard.
The guard nodded, raised his gun to point at Eden's back and escorted him over to where his wife was standing. His baby smiling a radiant smile that lifted his depressed spirit as he made his way over to her.
The guard unlocked a cabinet set into the wall, he took out a radio, which Eden accepted. An attendant saw the guard do this and gave another to Eden's wife.
“Hello, Sarah.”
Sarah managed a choked reply, nearly breaking out into sobs again.
“I'm sorry about all this, I'm sorry I can't stay to raise my daughter, and I'm sorry I can't stay with you.”
“It's not your fault though, it's not!”
“Does it matter? I'm infected, I'm leaving this place, I won't see you ever again. For that, for making you go through this suffering, I am sorry.”
His daughter began grabbing at the radio, her urgent squeals cutting over the radio. Laughing, despite the situation held the radio up to her ear.
“I'm gonna miss you, Eleanor.”
At his voice she cooed in delight. She managed to hold down the button, Sarah assisting her.
“Bye bye,” her first words.
So depressing, her first words a farewell to her father.
Edited by EDeN153
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