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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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"Grineer Lancers on Delta!"


Kevin brought the Soma up and let the Grineer have it. A torrent of rounds tore the Grineer Lancers to shreds, some danced to the impacts and others simply dropped like sacks of bricks. Kevin swept his rifle left and right killing more and more before he pulled back to reload. At the corner of his eye he saw Theresa's arrows take their toll on a Grineer Eviscerator that was firing saw blades at Janice who was busy with her own opponent a particularly nasty Napalm.


Val took care of that problem as a scream erupted from her throat, staggering the behemoth before she dispatched it with two blasts from her Hek Shotgun. Before the corpse even hit the ground Val was already on the move, reloading her weapon.


Janice seized the opportunity that Val's Paralysis had caused to take down more of the Grineer. Her Boltor fired in bursts of three, the spikes pinning a helpless clone soldier to the ground.




"Your end is nigh!!"


Kevin shook his head, whoever this person was she was way, way, WAY too loud for her own good. He watched with both surprise and annoyance as what seemed to be a high speed missile crashed into the ground with sudden violence, sending Grineer flying in all directions. The mystery Tenno  drew two elegant pistols from her hips and started firing into the rest of the astonished Grineer.


"Run evil doers! Justice comes for you!" The Tenno declared as she advanced into the fray.


"...What?" Janice murmured trying hard not to laugh.


"Plucky isn't she?" Theresa said smiling.

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Not trying to be a stickler here, but watch the off-topic posts please.

Will do.




It was just another boring day of living in fear from the possibility that any second would bring a squad of guaranteed death; four highly trained, merciless, and swift killers who possessed the knowledge to administer death in hundreds of stomach wrenching ways. Just the thought made any Grineer, no matter how up to date their physical augments were, tremble in fear. Even Bombards, some of the most formidable soldiers the Empire possessed, made sure to utter quick and silent prayers whenever they got the chance. Those Tenno are just so scary man.


Well too bad.


Clarence had already infiltrated the Grineer Gallion 10 minutes ago, and he was going in solo; he still carried with him the memory of what had happened that fateful day with the Loki, Excaliubur, and Nova. He shuddered. Shifting his focus to the task at hand, he knew there was only one way a Vauban could successfully carry out an extermination the most efficient and silent way possible: make the enemy think it's an April Fool's Day gone wrong.


He'd never actually tried this, but ruk, whatever.


After a bit he found a good place to eliminate 10 Grineer: a briefing room. It'c occupants were completely distracted trying to come up with enough brain cells between them to determine the day's salary for the crew, logistics, and maintenance. So funny but so pathetic considering they were all as good as dead. 


"Huh?" said the commander as he felt a dull, metallic thunk ring out. He turned to see a small, perfectly round ball of some kind of metal lying on the floor next to his boot. He picked it up to examine it, and the rest of the briefing room's occupants gathered around to scrutinize the shiny object as well. They all cooed as the small ball started to glow and emanate a soft, blue light. The light intensified, and the degenerate clones huddled in closer, basking in its pleasant glow. Then, as one, they briefly felt a crushing force of immense magnitude, and all thought, as well as existence, was snuffed.


Clarence, humming merrily, stepped into the now empty room to locate any useful stuff. He direly needed some neurodes for a Vasto he was eager to build.


Now for the barracks. The situation seemed pretty convenient; 30-20 slumbering Grineer, all dreaming of glory in combat, shooting Tennos' eyes out as they lay sprawled, on the edge of death, silently pleading for mercy. Many also found themselves dwelling upon potential mates. Not that they could actually mate or have children; that hadn't been a "thing" for several centuries. Degeneracy.


Now, fortunately, Clarence never left his dojo without a max Streamline, Flow, and Masterthief, and he had been able to accrue a large stockpile of energy. More than enough for the task at hand. Creeping up to the nearest Grineer, he gently shook him awake. The very, very, VERY unfortunate shield lancer, who was having a pleasant dream in which he had left war altogether and pursued a simple life, was too surprised to react. Clarence gave him a small wave and then placed a Bounce underneath the stunned soldier. A good solid hit and a dent in the ceiling later, and the Lancer, along with the guy on the top bunk, was living his dream; he had left war altogether. Actually, he had left life altogether, but same difference. The ceremony was performed on every single clone in the room. Only 16 to go, and Clarence knew the perfect, THE PERFECT, way to kill several unsuspecting Grineer.


Clarence slowly made his way to the lavatory. 


Now, he wasn't really sure this would work since water and technology never really mix, but it would definitely be worth it if his idea was met with success. Opening the door gradually, he poked his head in. Seeing a Trooper in the middle of sanitizing his hands with a UV ray, Clarence wasted no time.


"Hey, buddy"


The Trooper turned around, stunned to see this strange looking intruder.




The Trooper caught a small, perfectly round ball of steel. Dazed, he peered closely to soak in its extremely shiny surface. The Trooper could now hear an audibly, high-pitched drone coming from the small object in his hands. As the sound increased in intensity a haze of bright energy emanating from the Tesla did likewise. Perplexed, he then noticed a strange atmosphere of....was that......electricity? 




The Trooper received 50 Amperes at 60,000 volts to the face.


Stepping over the fried body, Clarence deftly shoved two teslas down each toilet. 


In the next hour or so, all six stalls held at least one dead body. Each corpse had experienced a severe lightning strike entering through the, well, it's a little too graphic to say. The point is, they met with an "uncomfortable" end. Now, just five more Grineer to go.


Just as Clarence deduced, the five remaining hostiles were all up at the helm, thankfully within close proximity to each other. After Clarence seemingly materialized out of thin air, each Lancer glanced behind them to see an odd looking man of metal. It could only be a Tenno! Each crew member moved quickly to unholster their Grakatas and Gorgons when they found themselves suspended in mid-air, immobile, and paralyzed with fear. This was Clarence's favorite way to end a successful extermination.


He took slow, steady, careful, dead-on aim at the Grineer on the far right. Charging his Ballistica, he fired a single shot into each arm, followed by the head since it was too difficult to determine the location of a Grineer's heart. The dead man's mates, shocked, shed silent tears, knowing their fate, and accepting the futility of stopping it.


Clarence couldn't wait to describe the mission to his pals.


(I almost cried writing this because, if you think about it, this is literally what we're doing to the Grineer, Corpus, and Infested every day; we're taking pleasure in cold-blooded killing, even if it isn't real, but we do think the whole thing is cool, including myself. So, this is my philosophical take on how broken our society is. No joke.)

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WARNING! Very short.

Had to go see my dad at the hospital today. Turns out it was bad gas. Seven. HOURS. Sorry guys.


   Artorias had never felt so outnumbered, even though there were only eight people and his daughter in the room. Yes, his daughter. At least, he didn't think that anyone else had eyes like that naturally. But, back to the situation at hand. People were very curious as to why he hadn't mentioned that he had a daughter.

   He couldn't just say he forgot! ...Even though Artorias totally did. He still wasn't sure why he would forget he had a daughter, but something must have happened to make him forget. Viviane interrupted this reverie.

"Artorias! We're talking to you!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry just thinking. What were you saying?"

"How could you not tell us you had a kid?!"

"Ummm... You never asked?"

   Everyone, except Cyrille, looked at Artorias as if he just began speaking Corpus. She just flitted around Viviane, admiring something.

"...Yeah, okay!"

"Well the important thing is, she's out of the hands of the Grineer. I had no idea that it would be Cyrille. I just... felt that it would be different this time."

"...I'll let you off the hook. I don't know about anyone else here though."

"Thanks for forgiving him, Vivi!"

   Artorias noticeably flinched. He swore he saw Viviane's eye twitch.

"Come on, lets go get some food, boy am I hungry!"

Everyone slowly cleared out of the hangar, well, those who weren't hungry. Viviane was just about dragged to the mess hall by Cyrille. Xeyon walked up to Artorias, who had his head in his hands.

"Cyrille takes after her mother, I take it?"

"Heavily. ...But I still love her."

"She seems nice enough. I'll give her a chance."

"Thanks Xeyon. It should make her integration here a bit easier. Not that she'll need to."

"What? Why?"

Artorias pointed at Cyrille. It had begun. She was braiding Viviane's hair.


"Look at her. She's relaxed a lot since Cyrille started, and she hasn't even noticed someone's putting their hands in her hair."

"I can see how-"

"No, you don't. That's how she gets you to her side. Those fingers. No, they're not special or anything, not that I can remember, but she works wonders. Cyrille can put her hands on a recent burn and you won't notice.

   If you have long hair, like I used to, she would braid it. Then, after she was done, she would undo it. That's when you'd notice. And then you you'd find yourself a new friend named Cyrille. She doesn't do it consciously, or maliciously, she just... does it."

"...Wow. If I didn't know she was yours, I'd say you were full of hooey. Now come on, lets go with 'em."


   He had to watch Viviane for any big changes in her personality. ...And he was pretty hungry, what with only nutripaste to eat down in that jungle. Add the fact that he his daughter was on the station with him... The last scrap of his former life... He was happy.

   Artorias started folding cranes while he walked with Xeyon. He folded one before he got to Flagrans and Eros. This one was black. Artorias looked over at Viviane, who still had Cyrille's hands in her hair. Most of her hair had been braided by now.

   When he looked back at the origami figure, someone, most likely Flagrans, had stuck a small round golden object on its head, where presumably its eye would have been. Its tail had also become rectangular. No matter what he did, it would simply unfurl into a rectangle again. Probably the universe saying that whatever he did, it wouldn't be perfect.


"You seriously believe in that stuff, Artorias?"

"...Its worth a try."

Edited by FellArtorias
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