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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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So yeah, the post I'm working on would be done, but people keep giving me ideas (good ideas)... and I keep reworking it...


It WILL be posted before I leave for my trip on the 12th however.

As I said before...take your time! And make some Chai, get some milk. You will double, nay, quintuple your performance!!!!

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That IS true... we shall see though, we shall see... *strokes nonexistant beard*


Seriously though, this won't be so hard once I get the first draft of the most recent additions done. Once I have that it should come together fairly quickly. Then I can just send it out (AGAIN) for approvals and make the relevant changes (which there will be a lot of). After that it will be posted...

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Ok, since I feel like i am in the mood to get something off my chest, I have decided to do that. (sorry for the derailment.)


1. Jea, if you feel like the post is ready, it is ready. Even if people keep coming with ideas, you are not obligated to add those ideas to the post.

2. This one is for some of you, whom I have come to been annoyed with the most. No names shall be mentioned, those are only for me to know. I have nothing against you as a writer/s, but some of your habits irk me. like double posting when the post can be edited, Demands for feedback and consistent derailment are among these habits. Some of these habits belong to several writers. Another thing is not communicating with those you are working with on a story and consistantly causing others to write around a sudden plot twist or your newest post. (I have been guilty of this in the past but I learned from it. let us never mention that thing where I did that again)) 

3. If you are working with someone, please work with that person. I know this was kind of mentioned in #2 but now that we have the skype thing, we can work so much more with each other. Hell, it makes it even easier since there are a few of us always on skype and willing to help.


these are three things I wanted to get off my chest. Again, sorry for the derailment and please ignore this post. just had to get this off my chest

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Clementine was a cheerful girl who wielded the Zephyr Warframe. Spunky, if a bit reckless the excessively energetic Tenno was a welcome addition to Clan Bellum Forma. Of all the Tenno he had met Kevin was not sure who was stranger...and more pushy. For some unfathomable reason she had latched onto Janice, seeing the Ember as her superior of some sort. Janice found it strange, Kevin just told her to be nice. Even if she sometimes interrupted their alone time.




"Miss Janice! Miss Janice!"


The Ember nearly screamed in frustration as she parted from Kevin. The Nekros just sighed but gave Janice a patient, and understanding, look.


Janice gave an exasperated roll of her eyes as she faced the Zephyr. "Yes Clementine what is it?" She asked. Her brows raised as she saw the mace that the girl was carrying.


"Do you like it?" she asked. "I call him Timmy!"


Janice's eyes looked at the design. The bulbous sections reminded her of Grineer...Wow. They actually made a jet powered mace. "...Timmy?" she asked.


"Yes!" Clementine squealed. "I made it-him myself. It's a Jat Kittag Mace! Ordinarily I was gonna call him Jatty but that didn't make much sense so I decided on Timmy! Even if Kitty sounded a little too girly and I-"


"Yes, yes. It's a good weapon Clementine." Janice interrupted before the girl started talking even faster. "Make sure you practice with it." Jat Kittag. Dang...She had seen what Ivan could do with the thing. "Ivan was using the weapon earlier. Perhaps you should ask him to spar with you."


"Okay!" Clementine ran off with Timmy. Janice sighed at finally being left alone. With Kevin of course. She settled back into Kevin's side without complaint. 


"You handled that well." Kevin commented.


"I don't know how you do it." Janice muttered annoyed.

Edited by Divinity112
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!WARNING! Extremely short.



   She had been braiding this girl's magnificent golden hair for a while now. Cyrille was out of practice. Viviane's hair... So wonderful! It was like water was running through her fingers!

   Of course, she hadn't noticed yet, the only person who had ever noticed when she braided their hair was looking at them idly right now whilst folding a paper. Her father. Then she didn't feel hair anymore. She was finished. It was time.

   In one swift movement, she made Viviane's hair cascade to her waist in what could best be described as glowing waves of gold. It suited her. Viviane looked back at Cyrille.

"Did just you use your powers?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to see if they would work!"

"Okay, please warn us next time then."


   Cyrille looked up after being distracted by Viviane's hair and the short conversation. Her father was looking strangely at the paper he had folded. Like it wasn't what it was supposed to be. It looked strangely familiar. Viviane walked, no, swayed over to her father.

   She had noticed that Viviane seemed rather attached to him. When most women were attracted to him, they threw morals out of the window. No trick, outfit, word, or expense was too much. Yet somehow, Cyrille felt that this ran deeper. Gratefulness?

   Whatever the case, she knew that this woman was good for her father. Yes, she loved her mother, Morrighan, but she was somewhere else now. Cyrille knew that she was attracted to her father. Yet, he was too dense to notice, or just didn't care. Most likely the former.

  Perhaps... The paper figure now had her rapt attention. She just couldn't place it until the one woman walked in. The one who was scowling at Artorias earlier. She instantly realized what the figure reminded her of.

   A creature that their father constantly said that an ancient Human Goddess that their mother was named after was symbolized by. Cyrille nonchalantly walked over to analyze the figure and the young scowling woman under pretext of small-talk. Comparing the two made something instantly click in her mind. Now she knew two things.

   The woman was wearing contacts.




The figure was a Raven with golden eyes.

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Every time Morrighan is mentioned, I think of Morrigan from Dragon Age. Then I want to play Dragon Age.


Then I realize I don't have Dragon Age.

1. No, this isn't that Morrighan. This one is nicer. Much nicer. More empathetic too. But just nicer. Doesn't kick puppies and turn into giant spiders.


2. Then get it. :U  Its good. I completed my collection of non-dlc content for the trilogy last week.


Slight derailment aside, if you're curious about Morrighan or Mare, you'll have to wait and see like everyone else.


Not being sarcastic or smarmy, just for confusement and laughs.

Edited by FellArtorias
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Btw, I hate you all for making me read so many good stories in such a short time due to an absence that is clearly my fault. ;)


And yes, this crossed my mind many moons ago.

'Tis the curse of those afflicted by an addiction for talent like Jeahanne and co. I might actually have to get Skype just to talk to you guys. Maybe even drop a few hints as to what the Chapter I may be writing pertains. If I can be persuaded, of course... ;3

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Nice job Divinity and Artorias. I enjoyed reading them both.

And I'm currently working on researching the effects injuries can have on bodies and mental states, including dreams and delusions. Pretty freaky stuff.

Listen to this while you all are writing. Creepily sad music.

Edited by bejuizb
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I'm sorry for the double post guys, but since the two subjects don't coincide, I've posted this in another part.




He could see her form, darting in and out amongst the trees, occasionally vanishing into the mist. He was not fast enough to catch up to her, and his legs burned with exertion. He couldn’t see anything in front of him, and it made him feel alone, claustrophobic.


Where am I?


He saw her yet again, perched on a branch, looking ahead into the distance. She jumped off as soon as he got close, rapidly building distance between them. Aiden cursed and jogged after her, feeling the soft ferns crumpling under his feet. The ground was damp and slippery, beads of moisture forming on his body. He wasn’t wearing his Warframe, but rather the clothes he was wearing during that night.


The night his world collapsed around him.


He would not give up. He would keep running after her no matter what happened. Her violet form dancing through the air, almost playfully. He heard no sound apart from his own footsteps and his pounding heart; once in a while he heard the laughter of a child, echoing far off in the distance. The laugh meant something, he could feel it. But he did not know what it meant.


He had been running for hours, and the mist didn’t seem to clear. Am I fated to keep running in this world forever? Is this the afterlife? The land of spirits?


Occasionally, he was in a land of white, a white so pure that it burned his eyes. He heard screams and shouts around him, but he could not decipher what they were saying. He passed through these strange realms frequently, but just for a few seconds each time. He would return to chasing her, seemingly in vain.


The flashes of white kept getting frequent, and Aiden began dreading entering that realm more and more. Each time he went there, it was even quieter. No sounds, nothing to see. Solitude, just pure, gut-wrenching solitude.


Tears of frustration began streaming from his eyes. She was moving further and further away, deeper into the never-ending mist. The child’s laughter mocking him for his failure. He pushed himself to go faster, but he could not. Her song echoed from amidst the depths, the sweet melody leading his feet to her.


A flash of white, and Aiden was running through the silence, his footfalls making no sound. But her song remained, bearing down upon him with overwhelming force. Each tune tore through him, sweat dripped down his face, but he still kept running. Away from the nightmare of white, towards her.


He was suddenly thrown forward as he rolled down a slope, crashing through the trees. He grimaced in pain as branches hit his face, cutting deep red gashes as they whipped past his flailing body. Wind whipped past his face as he tumbled for a minute, slamming against trees and other foliage as he fell. Everything was a fragmented blur to Aiden as he let his body take its path down. He was so close to giving up on his goal; he would never reach her. It was not in his destiny. He landed with a groan, wincing as he landed on his chest. He forced himself up as he heard her song coming from the thick mist in front of him.


She was close.


He limped forwards, wiping the blood on his face with the remnants of his shirt. His left arm was broken, and his chest ached in agony as he took in breaths. He wasn’t able to see well with one eye, but he continued on. Through the flat, fog laden emptiness in front of him. He couldn’t see her, and his footsteps echoed through the mist. Moisture and sweat coalesced, dripping down his limbs and against the soft, springy ground.


He was burning, the stifling heat overwhelming his senses. The pain he felt was superficial; his mind and heart ached in frustration, not pain. He would reach her, he had to. She might be his way out of this hellish place, laden with mist and trees. His way out of the nightmarish silence of the white world.


The child laughed once again, the same mocking tone echoing alongside his footsteps.


“Damn you to hell!” he roared, the harsh sound shattering the looming silence of the place. He saw the mist in front of him change. The deep, dark grey changed to a warm red. Something was there!


His hopes back up, Aiden hobbled towards the light. He spat a glob of blood from his mouth as he moved, the red mass vanishing into the springy hearth of the ground. The mist cleared as he kept walking, leading him to a sight far more alien than he expected.


He stood at the mouth of a burning valley, droplets of rain landing on his face. Rivulets of water ran down the steep slopes of the valley, sheltering the burning wreck of a ship. An ancient, water-borne ship. Fires spread across the length of the valley, the deep red flames hissing as the rain tried in vain to extinguish their hunger to burn.


He heard the laughter of the child coming from within the valley as well as a small gust of wind, pushing him towards the ship. He blindly worked his way down the valley, occasionally stumbling and crashing against rocks because of the flowing water. His shirt caught the flames of a nearby fire, and Aiden hastily ripped his shirt off his body, severely burnt near his chest. The wound hissed as water from the heavens landed against his skin. He paid no heed to his pain, since he saw his goal standing on top of the mast of the ship, looking up into the cloud-laden sky.


As if she knew he was looking, the Zephyr jumped down into the midst of the burning flames. Panic set in as Aiden trudged towards the ship, the muddy ground slowing him even further. His frustrated tears flowed freely, the soft sounds of the rain doing little to appease his heart.


He felt the intense heat as he neared the burning ship, the large gouts of fire billowed from the aft of the vessel. It was broken in half, the bow lay propped against a giant embankment, the aft lay several feet away. He heard the child laugh once again, the hellish sound emanating from amidst the crackling wood. As he gazed at the eerily serene wreck, he saw a name inscribed upon the hull of the ship, the silver writing flickering from the bright fires.




Shouldering the intense heat, he walked into the gaping depths of the burning craft, leaving the peaceful valley behind him. As he limped through the burning wreck, he began seeing people. He did not recognize any of them, but he observed their bodies, skewed in unnatural positions, their open eyes staring right into his soul. He was afraid of seeing so many of them, dead, soulless, emotionless eyes boring into his very being. The crackling fire and the overwhelming darkness that shrouded the innards of this ship. He walked on, trying his best to escape the room full of bodies. He rounded a corner and was met with a sight that terrified him even more.


A woman lay crumpled against the opposite wall, her body propped up by a massive wooden spike that emerged from her chest. Dead, green eyes stared back at him. The face was familiar to him. Keira, his mentor. Aiden gasped as he saw her hand shakily rise from her side, a bloody finger pointed at him.


“You failed me,” were the words she said, the tone was angry and yet, disappointed. Her voice was hoarse, alien to her face, and it terrified Aiden. He eyes were still dead, devoid of any emotion.  He turned around and ran, ignoring the sharp blinding stabs of light as he landed on his injured leg. He was not in the same room as before. He turned around to make his way back, but he was met with a burning wall. The crumbling wood holding him away from escape.


He turned around, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness of the ship. In front of him stood a boy. He looked strangely familiar. He wore normal clothes, and his hair was a curly shade of brown. Aiden couldn’t see him completely because of the flickering light of the flames.


“You came just in time,” said the boy in a singsong voice, a sound that once again tickled Aiden’s memory; he had heard it before. “See what I did,” he said, pointing towards the depth of the room. Without being able to refuse, Aiden trudged towards the back of the room, his feet thudding against the groaning planks. He saw another body lying against the wall, and this time, the sickening realization hit Aiden with overwhelming force.


Cathy lay slumped against the ground, her red sundress dark from the blood oozing from multiple wounds. Her eyes were open, and her dead gaze was focused on the ground. A pool of blood grew where she was, and Aiden was shaken to his core as he saw this. She lay there, helplessly staring at the ground, and Aiden could walk no further. Tears failed to appear, and Aiden felt an overwhelming sense of dread grow in the pit of his stomach. Sweat poured from his pores, evaporating in the immense heat of the burning ship.


He whipped around as he heard the laughter emanating from the child. He stared as the boy brought up a bloody knife, a malicious smile lining the child’s face. Aiden looked in shock as the boy rubbed the bloody blade against his shirt, staining the cloth with blood.


Cathy’s blood.


The boy looked back up at Aiden, deep blue eyes staring back into his, the evil grin still plastered on his face. Flecks of green littered the child’s eyes, giving them an unnatural glow in the darkness of the ship.


“I enjoyed doing that to her,” came the childish sneer, and Aiden realized with fear whom those eyes belonged to. He back away slightly as the child began to laugh again.


Those were his eyes.


A scream echoed through the valley, only to be drowned out by the sound of crackling wood and the soft patter of the rain.


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I'm sorry for the double post guys, but since the two subjects don't coincide, I've posted this in another part.




He could see her form, darting in and out amongst the trees, occasionally vanishing into the mist. He was not fast enough to catch up to her, and his legs burned with exertion. He couldn’t see anything in front of him, and it made him feel alone, claustrophobic.


Where am I?


He saw her yet again, perched on a branch, looking ahead into the distance. She jumped off as soon as he got close, rapidly building distance between them. Aiden cursed and jogged after her, feeling the soft ferns crumpling under his feet. The ground was damp and slippery, beads of moisture forming on his body. He wasn’t wearing his Warframe, but rather the clothes he was wearing during that night.


The night his world collapsed around him.


He would not give up. He would keep running after her no matter what happened. Her violet form dancing through the air, almost playfully. He heard no sound apart from his own footsteps and his pounding heart; once in a while he heard the laughter of a child, echoing far off in the distance. The laugh meant something, he could feel it. But he did not know what it meant.


He had been running for hours, and the mist didn’t seem to clear. Am I fated to keep running in this world forever? Is this the afterlife? The land of spirits?


Occasionally, he was in a land of white, a white so pure that it burned his eyes. He heard screams and shouts around him, but he could not decipher what they were saying. He passed through these strange realms frequently, but just for a few seconds each time. He would return to chasing her, seemingly in vain.


The flashes of white kept getting frequent, and Aiden began dreading entering that realm more and more. Each time he went there, it was even quieter. No sounds, nothing to see. Solitude, just pure, gut-wrenching solitude.


Tears of frustration began streaming from his eyes. She was moving further and further away, deeper into the never-ending mist. The child’s laughter mocking him for his failure. He pushed himself to go faster, but he could not. Her song echoed from amidst the depths, the sweet melody leading his feet to her.


A flash of white, and Aiden was running through the silence, his footfalls making no sound. But her song remained, bearing down upon him with overwhelming force. Each tune tore through him, sweat dripped down his face, but he still kept running. Away from the nightmare of white, towards her.


He was suddenly thrown forward as he rolled down a slope, crashing through the trees. He grimaced in pain as branches hit his face, cutting deep red gashes as they whipped past his flailing body. Wind whipped past his face as he tumbled for a minute, slamming against trees and other foliage as he fell. Everything was a fragmented blur to Aiden as he let his body take its path down. He was so close to giving up on his goal; he would never reach her. It was not in his destiny. He landed with a groan, wincing as he landed on his chest. He forced himself up as he heard her song coming from the thick mist in front of him.


She was close.


He limped forwards, wiping the blood on his face with the remnants of his shirt. His left arm was broken, and his chest ached in agony as he took in breaths. He wasn’t able to see well with one eye, but he continued on. Through the flat, fog laden emptiness in front of him. He couldn’t see her, and his footsteps echoed through the mist. Moisture and sweat coalesced, dripping down his limbs and against the soft, springy ground.


He was burning, the stifling heat overwhelming his senses. The pain he felt was superficial; his mind and heart ached in frustration, not pain. He would reach her, he had to. She might be his way out of this hellish place, laden with mist and trees. His way out of the nightmarish silence of the white world.


The child laughed once again, the same mocking tone echoing alongside his footsteps.


“Damn you to hell!” he roared, the harsh sound shattering the looming silence of the place. He saw the mist in front of him change. The deep, dark grey changed to a warm red. Something was there!


His hopes back up, Aiden hobbled towards the light. He spat a glob of blood from his mouth as he moved, the red mass vanishing into the springy hearth of the ground. The mist cleared as he kept walking, leading him to a sight far more alien than he expected.


He stood at the mouth of a burning valley, droplets of rain landing on his face. Rivulets of water ran down the steep slopes of the valley, sheltering the burning wreck of a ship. An ancient, water-borne ship. Fires spread across the length of the valley, the deep red flames hissing as the rain tried in vain to extinguish their hunger to burn.


He heard the laughter of the child coming from within the valley as well as a small gust of wind, pushing him towards the ship. He blindly worked his way down the valley, occasionally stumbling and crashing against rocks because of the flowing water. His shirt caught the flames of a nearby fire, and Aiden hastily ripped his shirt off his body, severely burnt near his chest. The wound hissed as water from the heavens landed against his skin. He paid no heed to his pain, since he saw his goal standing on top of the mast of the ship, looking up into the cloud-laden sky.


As if she knew he was looking, the Zephyr jumped down into the midst of the burning flames. Panic set in as Aiden trudged towards the ship, the muddy ground slowing him even further. His frustrated tears flowed freely, the soft sounds of the rain doing little to appease his heart.


He felt the intense heat as he neared the burning ship, the large gouts of fire billowed from the aft of the vessel. It was broken in half, the bow lay propped against a giant embankment, the aft lay several feet away. He heard the child laugh once again, the hellish sound emanating from amidst the crackling wood. As he gazed at the eerily serene wreck, he saw a name inscribed upon the hull of the ship, the silver writing flickering from the bright fires.




Shouldering the intense heat, he walked into the gaping depths of the burning craft, leaving the peaceful valley behind him. As he limped through the burning wreck, he began seeing people. He did not recognize any of them, but he observed their bodies, skewed in unnatural positions, their open eyes staring right into his soul. He was afraid of seeing so many of them, dead, soulless, emotionless eyes boring into his very being. The crackling fire and the overwhelming darkness that shrouded the innards of this ship. He walked on, trying his best to escape the room full of bodies. He rounded a corner and was met with a sight that terrified him even more.


A woman lay crumpled against the opposite wall, her body propped up by a massive wooden spike that emerged from her chest. Dead, green eyes stared back at him. The face was familiar to him. Keira, his mentor. Aiden gasped as he saw her hand shakily rise from her side, a bloody finger pointed at him.


“You failed me,” were the words she said, the tone was angry and yet, disappointed. Her voice was hoarse, alien to her face, and it terrified Aiden. He eyes were still dead, devoid of any emotion.  He turned around and ran, ignoring the sharp blinding stabs of light as he landed on his injured leg. He was not in the same room as before. He turned around to make his way back, but he was met with a burning wall. The crumbling wood holding him away from escape.


He turned around, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness of the ship. In front of him stood a boy. He looked strangely familiar. He wore normal clothes, and his hair was a curly shade of brown. Aiden couldn’t see him completely because of the flickering light of the flames.


“You came just in time,” said the boy in a singsong voice, a sound that once again tickled Aiden’s memory; he had heard it before. “See what I did,” he said, pointing towards the depth of the room. Without being able to refuse, Aiden trudged towards the back of the room, his feet thudding against the groaning planks. He saw another body lying against the wall, and this time, the sickening realization hit Aiden with overwhelming force.


Cathy lay slumped against the ground, her red sundress dark from the blood oozing from multiple wounds. Her eyes were open, and her dead gaze was focused on the ground. A pool of blood grew where she was, and Aiden was shaken to his core as he saw this. She lay there, helplessly staring at the ground, and Aiden could walk no further. Tears failed to appear, and Aiden felt an overwhelming sense of dread grow in the pit of his stomach. Sweat poured from his pores, evaporating in the immense heat of the burning ship.


He whipped around as he heard the laughter emanating from the child. He stared as the boy brought up a bloody knife, a malicious smile lining the child’s face. Aiden looked in shock as the boy rubbed the bloody blade against his shirt, staining the cloth with blood.


Cathy’s blood.


The boy looked back up at Aiden, deep blue eyes staring back into his, the evil grin still plastered on his face. Flecks of green littered the child’s eyes, giving them an unnatural glow in the darkness of the ship.


“I enjoyed doing that to her,” came the childish sneer, and Aiden realized with fear whom those eyes belonged to. He back away slightly as the child began to laugh again.


Those were his eyes.


A scream echoed through the valley, only to be drowned out by the sound of crackling wood and the soft patter of the rain.


Except you forgot one crucial detail. Aiden can't actually feel pain, if this is the Aiden from Dark Sector.

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What the f*ck did I just read? It was good...but WTF.

Aiden's death throes. His nightmares.

Oh, those chills... deep, gripping chills.


Nice work Bej. These his mental 'death throes' then?

Yep. Thanks!

That was awesome! Definite creepy factor.

Thanks Eden.

Except you forgot one crucial detail. Aiden can't actually feel pain, if this is the Aiden from Dark Sector.

This isn't Aiden from Dark Sector. He is my own character.
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