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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Wrath, there is no real Lech Kril. He has probably been dead for a thousand years.


Edit: Also, don't try to force others into your stories. by writing about stalker hunting aiden, you are trying to force aiden to be a plot point in your story and by extension, bej.

Edited by FatViking
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I know my next chapter. Takes place the day after the rescue. Aiden, you have sinned your savior. Even the STALKER is willing to help the Grineer at this point. You killed the REAL LECH KRIL. Not a clone, the REAL one.

You sir, have royally $&%#*€¥ up. How do you plead.

Point 1: "You sir, have royally $&%#*€¥ up." We've been over this if you're talking about Goliath not being in Bej's stories. Please drop it or I will get angry.


Point 2: Stalker, HELPING Grineer...? Honestly? No, that... breaks way too much cannon.


Point 3: "Real" Lech Kril... there's a real Lech Kril...?


Point 4: "Aiden, you have sinned your savior." What does this even mean...?

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You can't kill infested forever, for you would starve or die of exhaustion or dehydration.

So infested have infinite spawns? You just have to keep hacking away until they stop coming. You won't have millions of them per ship since you wouldn't have millions of people on a ship. If you're trying to joke around, don't try to be serious. 


Also, Aiden isn't indebted to Jrogar. Just putting it out there. You might mean it as a joke, but I'd best make it clear. 


Sorry for sounding like I have a stick up my arse, but words, especially on the internet, must be chosen carefully.

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Kevin switched to his Brakk Hand Cannon and let off a withering salvo of shells. Five shots were enough to take down the towering Grineer Heavy Gunner. As soon as the massive female was down Cell Roy advanced deeper into the facility even as the Grineer pounded after them. Roy put two down with his Lex pistol before following Carl who was up front, dealing death with his Strun shotgun.


The next corridor was filled with a Grineer Assault Team ready and waiting. Yuno spooled up her Gorgon's heavy barrels and let them all have it. The Machine Gun roared over the screams as Cell Roy opened fire on the surprised assault team. When the gunfire ceased countless bodies of Grineer littered the floor.


"Clear!" Yuno called out beaming with pride, her Gorgon's barrels were smoking. Roy slipped a clip home into his Lex before gesturing at the crates.


"Check those out." Roy said. Carl went to open one. Kevin went for the others while Yuno reloaded her heavy machine gun, guarding the entrance to the room.


"Nice..." Carl said  "Orokin Cells, hmm...Hey what's this? Mods too?"




The Grineer was screaming. Ivan put him out of his misery by stomping on the Grineer's face silencing it without remorse. He loaded another magazine of shells into his Sobek, standing tall as more and more Grineer charged at the hill his Cell was using as a defensive position. It was working out great. Janice poured fire downhill, several of the spikes impaling several Lancers into each other. Emm went to support her, her Braton firing in conservative but accurate bursts. Clementine was doing extremely well having switched to her AkStilettos and was raining hell down on her enemies.


Ivan blasted another Grineer soldier backwards watching the body roll down hill. It was just another day's work for him. The Rhino stomped back to his cell mates to give them some support.

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Another random unrelated-to-anything thing...


She danced.

The wind was her partner, and she laughed as it spun her, first high into the air, and then powerfully down, faster than she could fall unaided. She cratered into the floor as she landed, knocking everything around her backwards and killing what stood too close. Her eyes closed in ecstasy, lost in the wind’s choreography, she let her Glaive fly. She could sense the weapon as it sang, its flight disturbing the molecules around it, and when she felt the reverberations of the screams of its victims whisper across her skin, she reached out to effortlessly catch the spinning, razor-edged thing. With a flick of her wrist she sheathed it and grabbed her sidearm, loading several shots into the bodies around her that she could feel stirring.

She could see the inrush and outflow of atmosphere through the lungs of what was left around her that was still living, fast and panicked before ending at her hands. She could also feel the disturbances and eddies that they caused in the fluid medium around them as they tried to flee or fight her. Like song incarnate, she again asked the wind to join her, and it complied joyously, this time swirling around her in a madcap pirouette. Her foolish enemies fired at the specter before them, but they were only playing into her hands. From the way the air moved, she knew the moment the guns’ hammers fell, sending off explosions, the eddies of which popped against her skin enticingly. The metal bullets they sent swirling towards her in their own, miniature vortices, quickly became consumed in the same choreography that swallowed her, caught up in the large vortex the wind had so graciously formed around her. The currents of air sent them gloriously shooting back at the ones who had fired them, or redirected them to some other enemy.

When she felt the symphony of the winds cease, she stopped and stood still, letting the wind go quiet. Cocking her head to one side, she studied her handiwork. When she had assured herself that everything around her was dead, she smiled, pleased with herself, and headed for extraction, her arms out slightly from her sides with her fingers spread, letting the remaining eddies of the air play through them. She would go restock on ammunition and energy, and then perhaps go out again. There were always more winds to dance with, if she took the time to seek them out.

Edited by Jeahanne
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