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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Holy Hell! I FIXED IT!!! I have been trying to post stuff for like a month now, but the forum kept telling me I wasn't allowed to post! I need to go back and find my stories for you guys and finish them. Anyone wanna give me a hand?

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Finally a post over 1000 words, whooo!


A few moments after the man in the Vauban had settled down in a meditative pose, he stood up again and removed his warframe. Now in only his bodysuit, he closed his eyes and reched behind his back, as if grasping the handle of a non-existent blade. Opening his eyes, what he saw in his arms was a blade of pure white, a blade which promised to aid him in his battle against the demons plaguing his mind, a blade which promised to ease his mind and body and bring it back into perfect harmony and balance.


He took up a combat position, grasping the handle with both hands and preparing himself for the inevitable attack. In front of him, the first demon stepped up against him. The past forgot nothing, forgave nothing and it was merciless. Its blade that of punishing fire, the past stepped against the Tenno and took up a combat stance. Staring into the eyes of the past would harm the minds of those who were weak, but this Tenno stared into its eyes as if nothing could harm him.


The two opponents clashed, blade of fire versus a blade of white, past versus the future of this soul, A monster versus monster. Others might see a Tenno having a mock-battle, yet this battle was more important than most battles any Tenno might face. A battle for a sane mind.


The blades clashed and in his sight, sparks flew around the room. The past fought as hard as he did, their blades meeting and clashing and sparking. Neither would give up, neither would surrender. The past slashed towards the Tennos neck, only to have its slash parried and the blade of white stabbed through its chest. The strike did not kill the past, but it did weaken it severely. It struck back as it lay on one knee, slashing towards the Tennos legs and hoping to remove his balance, only to miss and recieving a decapitation for its trouble, signaling his will to let go of the past.


One demon down, two left.


Depression arrived next, its blade of darkness no light would escape from and whose cut would destroy the mind of any who had even the slightest self-doubt. They bowed before one another and took up stances. The opponents charged at each other, blades meeting in an unseen splendor. The black blade seemed to overshadow the blade of white but still, the blade of white struck against the absorbing darkness. Depression struck at the Tennos chest, Aiming to pierce his heart and plunge him into the darkness the blade was made of. Barely dodging, the Tenno struck the blade away and stuck towards the left arm of Depression, only for the demon to block his blow and try once again to strike at him. The Tenno blocked, and flinging Depressions blade across the room, swiftly kicked the feet from under the demon and cut down towards its chest. The demon dodged and ran to its blade, grasping it again and charging towards the Tenno standing in the middle of the room. Prepared, the Tenno readied his blade and waited. As Depression was mid slash, the Tenno struck, slicing the demon apart, allowing its pieces to silently fall on the floor signaling his will to climb out of the darkness into the light.


Two demons down, one left.


Finally, Wrath arrived. The Tenno stared at the demon whose form had taken the shape of Tenno himself. After all, they had once been the two sides of a single coin, One filled with rage and the urge to hunt and the other filled with the guilt his actions caused. Both carried the same blade as they circled each other, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Wrath struck first, aiming his blade towards The Tennos shoulder, who blocked and swiftly struck towards the demons eye, missing but leaving a small cut on his cheek. Angered, Wrath slashed at the Tenno, opening a wound on the Tennos chest. The wound was one from the rescue mission that he had kept secret from the others, a wound he had recieved from shrapnel. Wrath, sensing an opportunity slashed again, only to be parried and kicked away from the Tenno, who then ran towards wrath and stabbed, piercing Wraths shoulder. The demon screamed and ripped the blade from its shoulder, dropping his own and grappling the Tenno, throwing him to the ground and clawing at him, trying to draw more blood and win the battle for the Tennos mind. In a swift movement, however, the Tenno forced himself up, throwing Wrath off himself and grabbing his blade once again, brandishing it and taking up a combat stance against the monster in front of him. Not letting Wrath rest, the Tenno charged and slashed towards the demon, forcing it to dodge every singe one of his slashes, each coming within centimeters of the demons form and threatening to kill it. Wrath, not in the mood to be defeated, retreated a little bit and the charged once more, his arms becoming the weapons of which he would attempt to slay the Tenno with. The battle picked up tempo, each fighter moving faster and faster as their weapons met in a beautiful dance of death and insanity as the chaos of the battle increased. Both opponents were unreadable to each other as they met each time in the middle of the room and clashed for a short time before jumping back and readying for another attack. They clashed again and again and again in a scene fit for legends, yet none could see what the Tenno saw, his meditative state only allowing him this sort of battle, his trance allowing him this confrontation. The battle continued, second after second he clashed with his final demon, his final opponent, his final obstacle. Their weapons met over and over again, clashed in a splendor again and again. The battle finally concluded as Wrath made a mistake that would cost it dearly as its final charge missed and was rewarded with a blade plunged into its heart. Finally, his anger that had been kept inside for so long subsided, allowing for clear mind.


Once the battle was over, the Tenno sat back down into a meditative pose as his wound stopped bleeding, not moving a muscle as 3 medical personnel rushed into the quarantine room, almost as if in panic. Kris blinked, the world becoming darker around him. Another blink and the darkness seemed all encompassing. Third blink, the darkness claimed him.


Kris woke up several minutes later, Still in the same room. His Vauban was nowhere to be seen and all he was wearing was the undersuit, which had been opened to reach his chest wound. He could see the stitch work which he could only guess had been done a few minutes before. He didn't mind now anyways. His outlook on life was much clearer than before, as if the fog he had once seen life through had finally cleared out of his mind and left him with a clear vision for the first time since after he woke from cryo.


Edit: fixed some spelling errors.

Edited by FatViking
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Here, have some more groundwork!



Time passed, Eden didn't know how much, he just knew it was passing. Over what he thought were months more people came. More people changed. More people screamed. Some screams were his too. He screamed at his infection and how his race forced him into quarantine, no....Exile. He also screamed at his own mutations, they came suddenly. While he was sleeping, while he was walking, thinking, they came everywhere and all the time. He was no longer the innocent-looking human, his fingers fused over time, giving him short, stubby blades as hands. The virus also pulled at his body and limbs, he was made tall and stick-like. Then during one mutation his clothes had fused with his skin, it forced itself into a plated form. The only thing that remained relatively unchanged was his face, his eyes turned white and his skin lost its pallor, yes, but it was a far cry from the rest of his body.
He was so grotesque even the others would stay away from them, even some of the originals who were just as mutilated as he was. But he didn't care if they stayed away or not. All he focused on was his iota of sanity, trying to keep it slipping from his fingers, trying to keep his conscience from unraveling.
More time passed...More time to chance at losing his mind.
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This story is about the same Loki, I wrote my entry into the lore contest about.



Of all the Tenno, Excalibur Prime was the first to emerge from the void. I, however, was the first cast in. My organic body ruined by the alien energies and unfamiliar forces that lie within. When I awoke, there was little comfort to be had, save the words of Oberon, and the songs sung by Trinity. Later I would come to find enjoyment in conversations with Nyx and Excalibur.... but somehow I've never felt as though I was truly part of a cell. I prefer to work alone, not that I dislike any of my fellow Tenno. Something just doesn't feel right. Lotus gives us these missions, and we are expected to obey blindly. I wonder how the other Tenno feel on this subject. Perhaps I should keep this to myself for now,Ash, Volt, and Rhino don't exactly seem as though they have any reservations about killing in any capacity. Valkyr...... poor thing, very little remains of anything that once resembled sanity, she spends most of her time in isolation, or with Nyx trying to help her recover herself. Oberon, and Trinity both seem fairly dedicated to Lotus. The only Tenno I feel I can trust is Nyx.....and maybe Excalibur. But for now, I will remain silent. Perhaps I'm looking for answers in the wrong places. I find it curious we never seem to recover any data from the Orokin towers, especially considering we find several active consoles on every incursion. Perhaps I will start my search there.

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For better or for worse, here it is.


  The Tenno senses are very sensitive, very powerful. Yet this assassin, this master of the senses, could only sense two things. He felt his own heart, pounding so strongly he thought it would rip out of his chest. And he could see the target of his hate, the wrinkled, vile face of Vor.


  Morlan’s patience didn’t just run out, it died. He charged, spinning his his Hate in his usual style. He fell upon Vor before the Captain had a chance to fire his Seer. Vor stumbled and staggered backwards in an attempt to avoid the rending blade screaming for blood.


  And then he was gone, only a spark of yellow lightning proved he was ever actually there. Morlan flipped forward and twisted to one side as the first Seer bolt whizzed by. Morlan whirled to face his opponent only to find the yellow spark once again. He reversed his grip on the Hate and launched the blade upwards behind his back, catching the second Seer bolt before it could vaporize his spine.


  Morlan clenched his teeth and felt the burning anger consume him. His eyes closed and opened,  the glittering in his eyes reflected his maleficent nature.“He’s messing with me… No one plays with me and wins….” He cloaked, the teleported up to a cable on the ceiling. He saw Vor stalking the makeshift arena. Finally, Vor looked flustered. Still cloaked, he launched to Shuriken at Vor. He then threw a Fang in the opposite direction as his cloak wore off.


  Vor was a fighter and a thinker. He noticed the shuriken and where they came from, and teleported to avoid them. He aimed his Seer after the teleport, and the Fang sank deep into the gun. The explosion blinded both participants, and they teleported away….. to the same spot. Cronus and Hate clashed, with Vor showing far more strength than he looked, and pushed the mad Ash away. Vor looked at the recovering Tenno and laughed. Morlan’s gaze shot up and his eyes widened as one of Vor’s signature grenades landed at his feet, and combined with the other’s placed whenever Vor teleported, Morlan was paralyzed. The yellow lightning ripped away his shields and started chewing at his warframe.


  Morlan smiled, despite the pain. He grabbed his second Fang and threw it at a control panel, activating the two remaining traps. One was a high pitched sonic attack, disrupting Vor’s pleasure, and his senses. The other was simply more explosives, filling the room with fire.


  The smoke cleared. The grenades were gone, fortunately.  Morlan was burnt, and his old leg wounds were hurting. His Vipers had melted in the explosion, rendering them useless. All he had was his Hate. Vor was equally burnt, but he held in his hand the Orokin artifact. He unleashed beam after beam, until one beam ran across the length of his right leg, his wounded leg.  Morlan collapsed, but he had one last plan. He stood up on one leg, and when Vor fired the energy beam again, Morlan held his scythe differently. The beam bounced off of the blade and hit the viewport. The beam slid across the length of the port, and it shattered.


  The howling emptiness of space pulled at them, demanding the lives. Vor stabbed his blade into the floor, knowing his Queens demanded his services still. Morlan was not so lucky, his leg and his weakness preventing his survival. As he slowly lost consciousness, he was sucked out into space and he wished, he wished…. that he could just….. Take Vor with him.


  “We got him! and we recovered his scythe as well.” “Put him on the bench.”  “Ouch. With a leg like that, his life as a Tenno is over.”

“No, not if I can help it.” The Trinity poured her energy into his leg. The Technocyte cells sensed the energy and gorged upon it, rapidly multiplying to recreate the mutilated leg, and even the warframe itself.

“You do good work, Adrazi. I always forget how good you are.” “Well, this case is definitely special. We’ll see…”

Edited by MandoKarla
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We need a new pet...a real pet that isn't a weapon. Let there be stories.


"Sensei? Sensei I'd like to go on another mission if that's okay." Einherjar knocked on Khimera's room door, earning only a groan from the other side of the door. Quinn had been busy lately and Crowley gone for some time, so Khimera had been relegated duty and jurisdiction over Ein's activities. This included his recent addition to actual outgoing mission teams. This also meant every time Ein wanted to go on a mission or Khimera had to go on a mission that the Oberon had to let the protege tag along. Normally this wasn't an issue but Khimera was well and truly tired from doing mission after mission in order to 'entertain' Ein and let him test his skills.


Rolling onto his back, Khi threw his arm over his face to block out any light from reaching his eyes. "Go away. I want to sleep Einherjar. If you want to go on a mission, go on one solo." He snapped, wanting nothing more but sleep. "Seriously, Corpus facilities on Jupiter, Infested hunting missions with the Grineer, killing a duplicate of Vor, all of it and more! If you still have the energy for missions you should go yourself!" It was mean to say, but it was true they had done many missions already in succession, something that Khimera didn't necessarily enjoy doing when he had to constantly protect someone else. "Take what you want from my arsenal, but leave me in peace!"

Looking down, Ein sighed, knowing he was indeed being a pest about this. Still, it had been a wonderful experience to go on missions and he wanted to know and experience more in life. That was his purpose wasn't it? To grow and learn and become a guardian and teacher just like Crowley. Shaking his head, Einherjar left from his post in front of the door and headed for the arsenal room. It was lonely though...of all the Tenno here Ein was different than all of them. He could not change warframes, let alone his helmet. There was no head inside, for inside there was only his structure, his inner workings. Right now there were only three who knew what he really was, and even then Ghost suspected him of being different as well. If he were found out...it would not be pretty.




The trip to the arsenal then to the scrub ship bay, taking his time sneaking around to get a ship of his own. The only planets he'd not gone to yet were the outermost worlds as well as Phobos and Earth, the latter two for rather obvious reasons. Thankfully Khimera's personal arsenal contained some powerful weapons to offset his lack of ability at present. Orthos, Brakk, and Braton Vandal. The last of those three was definitely normally on the 'do not take' list but Ein felt it was necessary if he wanted to go to his destination. Finding his way to the control panel, Ein took a moment to consider where to go. Of all the places he'd been to, Ein had never actually been on a planet, merely in facilities and mining stations. Earth's jungles sounded pleasant enough, besides he could just avoid the Grineer there using the forests as an escape.


"Take me to Earth." Ein stated even as he tapped in the coordinates on the planet he wanted to land at. From the looks of things not many Tenno were on Earth at the moment which meant he might just get away with this. "Sorry Sensei, hope this isn't against the rules." If he could smirk, Ein would be doing so at the moment as he left the scud bay. From the current position of Aequitas the trip wouldn't be that long, though getting back would depend on the position of the planet and Dojo at the time.



Several Hours Later



"Earth. Jungle. Good choice. Right." Ein panted as he found refuge in the hollow trunk from Grineer Lancers, narrowly grazed by an Eviscerator's saw blade that bounced in the trunk a few times before flying off out the top and into the distance. "Ugh...I wish I'd borrowed his Wyrm." Ein shook his head, checking on his statistics. Energy was low, shields were recovering but still low, and his health...well if it could be called 'health' was also relatively low. Thankfully all three were recovering nicely. "A good choice to take rejuvenation...but I'm stuck now." He sighed, sitting in the water peering out from between the roots to see a squad of lancers out there with their Eviscerator commander waiting for him to emerge. It wasn't like Ein could starve but if he was gotten a hold of...it would be a disaster!


No one was there to save him, no backup coming to help, he needed to make due like any other Tenno. Taking the Braton Vandal from his back Einherjar took aim, taking his time. His body even had the simulation of breathing, which was actually quite useful in taking aim at the moment. "One." Ein's voice sounded modulated as he spoke to himself, firing out a burst of shots with one pull of the trigger, taking down one of the lancers with minimal ammo use. It was strangely amusing to hear the sounds of distress from the Grineer, now unable to fire at their opponent without getting too close for comfort. Even then, with the Orthos' reach they would not get close enough to deal any real damage like this. A sudden sound of static went across the comm-line wavelengths, alerting Ein to a call for backup being commenced. Taking aim at the Eviscerator, Ein let loose a long spray of bullets, his ocular sensors widening when he saw the Grineer start to melt away. Corrosives?! He had no idea Khimera had such a taste in weaponry. Still, it was certainly useful in stopping the heavily armored Eviscerator and Lancers.


The remaining units panicked and started running about, making it difficult to get a bead on them. With patience and precision, Ein remained in his position, kneeling there in the tree until all the Grineer in the immediate vicinity were dead. Sadly, by that time night had begun to fall, something that had not been in Ein's exploration plans. "Ugh...I have plenty of ammunition but my time's been wasted."  He huffed, placing his Braton Vandal on the magnetic holster on his back. Looking around, he crawled through the roots and activated his infrared vision. So far so good at least, perhaps it would be better to stick to the foliage than to explore the shallow waters. "At least the moonlight is pretty..." Ein let out a soft sigh as he looked at the cool blue light scatter across the water disturbed only by the ripples his movements produced.


As he left the area to find a more densely forested place to explore, Ein looked up at the sky to see the stars peeking through the leaves of the trees. He wondered out of the many stars in the sky if, perhaps, there was a world out there with beings like him. Creatures forged of silicon and minerals, life formed from metal rather than flesh. Shaking his head, Einherjar chuckled at the ludicrousness of it all. Having not paid much attention, Ein was struck from his thoughts but the sound of rustling nearby. Snapping his head to the source of the sound Ein snapped up the white and orange Brakk from his hip, taking aim at the bush. "Reveal yourself!" He stated, once again in combat mode as he started searching for a target to lock on to.


Much to Einherjar's surprise rather than an enemy scout appearing a small, fluffy creature was what came out of the brush. Tilting his head, Ein turned off his infrared vision to see what this thing really looked like. "Eh? And what are you?" Slowly moving down on one knee Ein could see blue and black markings. Had he a face, Einherjar would have furrowed his brow and tilted his head. It looked to have a mix of canine and feline features. What was more interesting was its six limbs with what appeared to be rudimentary thumbs on its upper four limbs. Inspecting the creature, Ein slowly shifted around as the small creature circled him, inspecting him in turn. "Is this...adorable?" He mumbled as he watched the creature finally sit on its hind legs, swishing a long tail behind it, the end of it floofing out a bit. Standing up, Ein gave the creature one final look and sighed. "I'm afraid I can't bring you along with me. I doubt sensei would approve..." Waving, Einherjar left the small fluffy thing where it was and headed back for his ship, having had quite enough of the jungle for one day.




The trip back to the Dojo was longer than last Einherjar recalled, but he'd also been stuck on Earth until the night cycle so it made a certain modicum of sense. Sighing as he did the equivalent of closing his eyes, Ein leaned back in the pilot's seat. "At least there are no Grineer on the-" No sooner than Einherjar had started to speak than he heard a shifting of one of the crates in the back of the ships. "I swear if the ship let Grineer get on..." He grumbled, grabbing the Orthos as he stormed toward the back of the ship, kicking open the door to the storage section. "WHO THE BLOODY HELL IS ON MY SHIP!" He shouted, obviously taking a cue from Khimera.


There was a yelped sound of alarm as the blue creature from before darted out from behind a crate and scampered up onto a storage locker, Four yellow eyes stared down at Ein, a soft, feline purr emanating from the beast. The Tenno let his arms drop to his side, a look of exasperation on his face, at least as far as he could emote anyway. "I have no idea what makes you like me...but I don't have the time to take you back right now." This seemed to make the creature happy as it immediately jumped down and curled over Ein's shoulders, shocking him for a moment. "H-hey...wait...am I that warm?" He scanned his bodily functions, not finding an abnormality in his heat regulation. "Okay...theory one out the window. What could possibly make this little guy like me?" Tilting his head, Einherjar felt the creature nuzzle him gently and fall asleep on his shoulders. Hesitating before he carefully began to walk back to the pilot's seat, starting to take the consideration of keeping this guy as a pet just a little more seriously.




"Can I keep him?" Einherjar held up the fluffy critter, the animal giving Khimera adorable huge kitty eyes. It wasn't as effective as Ein had hoped as Khi's expression hadn't really changed.


"Einherjar, you don't know the first thing about caring for an animal, much less one from Earth's super jungle!" He snarled, tapping a finger on his arm as the apprentice Tenno backed up a step with the fluffy feral thing in his arms. Yes it was adorable but it was going to be much more trouble than it was worth!


"But...but sensei...he hasn't got anywhere to go."


"Back to the jungle."


"Please? I promise to learn how to feed and care for it and keep it safe. Truly, Khimera...can't I have something of my own?"


Sighing, Khi pinched at the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes. "You're working double training tomorrow...for stealing a ship and not notifying me where you were going." Turning around, Khimera put on his Oryx helmet and started for the Foundry. "And give the poor thing a name! I'm not going to call it fluffy critter for the rest of its short life!"


Chuckling, Ein gently stroked over the animal's head, listening to it purr. "I'm gonna name you...Zen." If one could understand Einherjar's expressions they would see him beaming when the little creature licked his helmet. "Come on Zen, let's go show you off to everyone!"

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It's what I've got guys. Sorry it's kind of short, but two weeks of catching up to your classes does that to you.



   Artorias had been hiding in the tall vegetation for several minutes now. He saw the chance to hide from Viviane, and he took it. Unfortuantely, that meant the moment that she noticed he had hid, she grew frantic. How frantic? Frantic enough to overturn every tree and hold up Corpus asking if they'd seen him-how no one had seen a man in a vermilion and subdued orange Warframe running through the greenery would have boggled his mind, if he wasn't so focused on hiding-.

   And then getting very mad when they swore on Profit and the Orokin that they hadn't seen him. Artorias was watching another poor crewman's skull getting suddenly crushed with the supreme crushing power she had in her hands, arms, and legs. He could swear that their suits were just barely containing what little they had left in natural bodily waste at the sight of a Tenno crushing what had to be the thickest helmets in the universe. With one hand. He almost felt sorry.

   Oh well, she had other reasons to do so any-

"Found you! Now why are you over there? "

   Oh sweet and merciful Morrighan, don't let her find me! She might crush my freaking bones if she does!

"Oh. Another crewman. Tell me, have you seen another Tenno? A red and orange Excalibur model?"

   He could tell from the grass thrashing about and mechanical screaming that Viviane had found another Corpus soldier and was in her most favorite position to kill them. Sitting on their chest with her legs ready to cut off their arms at the shoulders through sheer force, while they looked at what they had made in all her glory. All the while having one hand placed on their helmet to crush their face. It was extremely scary to be on the receiving end of that, to be sure, if not enticing- snap out of it! Suddenly, the sound of footfalls coming his way.

   The crewman had somehow gotten away from Viviane. More like she let him go to scare the poor bastard even more. He was missing an arm though. The crewman landed face first just inches away from where Artorias was hiding. He didn't dare so much as breathe. If he did-

   The crewman suddenly stiffened, his face plate turned towards where he was. Don't sell me out, oh please don't sell me out! The crewman pointed before the artificial fluid that served as blood came rushing out from the crushed skull he now had because of Viviane's foot. You damn bastard!

"Thanks! Now go and join the others in their endless quest for more Profit."

   Artorias had bolted out of the grass and tried maing a run for it. He heard one footstep before he swore he heard the sound barrier splitting apart. Sweet merciful Morrighan, why was Viviane so fast when she wanted to jump his bones!!? Then he felt he was snatched and taken into the air. Cyrille!

   Thank you Universe for giving me such a wonderful daughter!

"You're going to have to be faster than that, Vivi!"

   Artorias felt his eyes nearly burst through his helmet.


   Viviane jumped. She was riding the thermals, or so it seemed. And she was close. Too close.


"Don't run sweetie~ I'm going to get you eventually."

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Leaving a Random post here. Please criticize me as much as you want I dearly need advise :D ( me German dude ) Also its 12:01 PM here I've got school tomorrow >:(   )


“Great, thanks a lot why did you have to set the Bio lab on fire!?”

“Right right, it's all my fault right? Care to explain me why you electrified more than over 10 newcomer's? And the Bio Lab just creeps the hell out of me! Those things stared at me like they are alive and want to eat me!”


“Me? I didn't electrify them. I just tickled them a bit okay? I mean hey, they all laughed so hard they were lying on the floor, right? Ah. I heard they actually are alive.”


“What? NO NO NO! I heard nothing! They must be dead! Well thank's to you I won't be able to sleep tonight, thanks a lot really. Are you kidding me? Five of them are in the medic wing since yesterday and the other five are beeing treated by an psychiatrist and yes they were lying on the floor because they were having spasms. Thank's to you we have to go to the headmaster now so keep quite and stop nagging, god damn it!”


“You two, are you [Volt] – Codename Mr. Not – funny and [Ember] – Codename Mrs. Hysterical?”

“Yes we-.. , wait. Seriously who gave us such dumb code name's?”

“The headmaster, Mr. Not – funny. Please follow me to the headmaster's office you two.”


“Seriously please stop okay? It ain't funny at all.”


“I'M NOT HYSTERICAL OKAY? I just go... a bit overboard now and then. But that's normal right?”



“Hey say something! That's not how you treat a girl, say something or I will set you-... well actually never mind. Screw you.”


They arrived. The Headmaster's door slid open and they saw a tiny room with just enough room for weapons, bookshelves, a massive wooden desk, a big wooden hand made chair and mannequinns.


“It's quite tiny in here don't you think?”

“Please wait here, the headmaster will arrive in a few seconds. And one advise. Try not to touch something... it quite... umm you will see. Just sayin.”


“Ah wait!, what do you-... this little! God I hate this guy. Why does he-”



“Oh come on! Don't start screaming like that Mrs. Hysterical it's annoying I nearly electrified you damn it! What's the matter? Wh-.. What the hell?”

On the floor was a little puppy, looking at them with big violet eyes while his tongue sticks out.

Those Tenno haven't seen a puppy in their whole life because they normally went extinct in the combustion of the earth.

Or super mutated on Earth.


“It's so.. fluffy... I want to... I want to hold him...”


-BARK! BARK! “ No please don't lift me up I'm way too heavy for you little lady, you need to have at least an middle weight Warframe to hold me longer than 5 seconds. Unless you want to break your arms, that is. Let me introduce myself, my name is Patrick, you can call me Pat if you want. Please quietly wait for my master to return, may I invite you to a cocktail?”

“Uhh.. Yes please I'd like to have a Borito. Wait. How the hell can you talk? Well Old-Earth didn't have talking dog's right? Can I touch you or do you...”

“Sir, a Borito is not a cocktail. I can do make you a Borito though, if you would like.
I am not allowed to explain what I am and how I happen to be alive please ask my master for further questions on my specs. And no, please don't touch me or you won't be able to stand for a while.”

With that the puppy turned around and walked towards a little door specially made for him.
They now notice that the puppy has augmentations all around his body, including his neck, paws, his tail, his back spine,and his right eye.He looked like a mini version of a Vauban mixed with Rhino.

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A pet story, hmmm?


Okay… *evil grin*





Another Intermission





“We are going to get in so much trouble.” The young female sounded morose.


“Calm down.” An older female voice replied. “It’s not our fault. We had no way of knowing.”


“Never had a problem before.” The first voice said. “I mean, yeah. Go, get samples. Leave. No problems. Why this time?”


“Just be calm and let me do the talking.”


Two warframe clad female Tenno stepped into the medical center of the hidden fortress that served as a Tenno dojo. One wore a Mag warframe and the other a Saryn. Both were staggering a bit.


“Karen? Mori?” A concerned voice called. “You okay?” A woman in a medical tunic stepped forward, but paused as the Saryn held up a hand.


“I am not sure, Brianna.” The Saryn visibly winced. “We have a bit of a problem.”


“Problem?” The medic said, her eyes narrowing. “You were sent on a sampling expedition, to see how badly the Grineer defoliant hit Earth’s ecosystem. Were you exposed?”


“Not to the defoliant, Brianna.” The Saryn replied. “We got the samples.” She held up a box and the Mag did likewise.


“Then what is the problem?” The medic said, not moving.


“Um… we…” The Saryn started and then sighed. “Oh to heck with it…” She straightened and… Brianna gave a shrill cry as something became visible, cradled in the Saryn’s other hand. “We couldn’t just leave them! Their mother was killed by a Grineer!”


“Mori!” Brianna said sharply. “What are you doing with a cat?” She stiffened further as the Mag straightened as well and several bundles of fur shone in it’s arms. “How many cats?”


“Only five.” Karen said weakly. “Kittens, not cats.”


“Karen!” Mori hissed. “We need to do a full workup on them, Brianna. Make sure they don’t have any nasty diseases. No bioweapons were detected when we brought them aboard the ship, but…”


“Mori!” Brianna just stared at the Saryn. “Do you have any idea how many quarantine regulations you just broke?” She paused as one of the bundles of fur in Karen’s arms moved a bit. It was pure black with green eyes. It stared at Brianna and then gave a weak ‘mew’. “Oh…” Brianna sighed. “Get into the scanner room…” Her tone was flat. “But you get to explain to Karl why he has balls of fluff running around. And I hope Tenno are not allergic…”


“What is the fuss all… about…?” Another female human in a medical tunic stepped out and her eyes went wide as she saw the balls of fur. “Oh no! Not cats…” She shook her head and then sneezed mightily. “No…” She begged, stepping away from the dumbfounded trio. “Anything but cats!” She begged as she sneezed again. She waved Brianna away as the other medic moved to assist. “I can… Achoo! Deal with… Achoo… Go!” She commanded as she all but ran from the room.


“This is… going to be… interesting…” Brianna said as waved the two warframes to precede her into the scanner room with their precious cargo.




“Cats, Mori?” Karl’s words were soft. None of the tiny bundles of fur that were sleeping on the mat beside the female Tenno as much as flinched at his incredulous words. He was just in from the field and his warframe still had marks of damage on it.


“We saw the Grineer kill the mother cat.” Mori said with a sigh. “Blasted trooper was using them for target practice. We…” She trailed off as Karl shook his head. “What?” She asked.


“Mori, I just talked with Alicia.” Karl said quietly. “You know what she did, right?” Alicia had been a specialist in Intelligence work. “Start over. From the beginning, please?”


Mori stared at the Rhino warframe and then sighed. She stroked one of the slumbering balls of fur and nodded.


“I received a distress call, on a…special frequency.” Mori admitted. Even her, in a reasonably secure place, she wasn’t going to admit she was Royal Guard. “There wasn’t any information, just the distress call. I moved to investigate and found a small warren filled with corpses. The Grineer had been… thorough.” Her tone was sad. “Karl, we have abandoned so much, lost so much. They served with honor. We owe them something.” Karl’s eyes lit on the kittens and Mori shook her head. “They are all that is left. Just kittens.”


“Ma’am?” A soft, sleepy voice asked. “Are the enemy gone?” Mori’s face turned tender as she started down at the tiny form that had spoken. The little black cat looked up at her, fear warring with slumber.


“Yes, Grisha, they are gone. I am sorry we were so slow.” Mori said gently and rubbed the cat’s head behind the ears.


“Not your fault, Ma’am.” The little cat said sadly. “We… did as ordered. We observed and recorded. We waited and watched. We… waited. We grew and waited. Waited for our commanders to return.” Mori’s eyes were bleak as she looked up at Karl.


“You don’t need to wait anymore, Grisha.” Karl said quietly. “It took a long time, but you stand relieved.”


“We… They told us to watch.” Gisha said as she stretched and then yawned as only a cat could. “When the enemy came, we tried to fight. We really did.”


“Rest, Grisha.” Karl said softly as the cat curled up again. “Mori.” He beckoned to her. They stepped out of the small room and the door hissed shut. The Rhino shook his head. “The ultimate special recon troops.”


“Who notices a cat?” Mori asked snidely. “Walking, talking recording devices. We… couldn’t just leave them. They are all that is left of the Kitty Corps. They survived for so long and then they were discovered. They fought but… They didn’t have a chance.”


“Five survivors?” Karl asked, his tone sad and sick. Mori nodded. “Very well. Until we get orders from your HQ, we will give them shelter. Amelia is very allergic.” Mori grimaced and Karl nodded. “But she also wants to help.”


“What?” Mori asked.


“Come on, Mori.” Karl snorted. “Is anything invulnerable to such cuteness?” He paused. “Besides Grineer.”


“No. I guess not.” Mori said with a grin. “I will take responsibility.”


We will.” Karl said with a nod. “As you say, we owe them.”


“And they are cute.”


“That too."


((Actually not pets. Fellow soldiers in the form of tiny balls of cuteness. But don't underestimate these furry commandos. I think I just added some new characters to my clan... :) ))


Edited by Kalenath
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