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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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My companions are very competent fighters, as are all Tenno. Andal, the Excalibur, fires his rifle in short bursts before reaching for his sword with one hand to behead the first Grineer Lancer that panics. As he dies his comrade, Rune if I remember correctly, aims his rusting Grakata at the Excalibur. Before he even pulls the trigger the Mag puts a high powered shell straight into his head killing him instantly.


The Rhino, only known by the name of Stern, was heads and shoulders above his compatriots. Every booming roar from his Hek shotgun causes Grineer to fall apart. Rounds bounce off his Iron Skin, he laughs everything off shouting insults at the Grineer even if the mongrels didn't understand his words. I am less bombastic and I simply fire my Soma in bursts, taking lives without remorse or pity. I lash out with my fist, reaching into the chest of a Butcher who was unlucky enough to get within range. I tear the soul from his body and kill another of his compatriots with a solid throw.


"Well done, brother." Stern acknowledges the kill.


"Focus on the battle." I admonish him wincing as a round cracks on the rock that serves as cover. I reload my Soma. "We are not out of the woods just yet."


"But we're in a jungle." Rune's reply was a bit confused.


"He's joking Rune." Andal deadpanned.

Edited by Divinity112
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Here we are...



Darius's sprint of confidence soon gave way to a shuffle of confusion. He was lost and at an intersection, he whirled around in different directions hoping to see a few Tenno milling about. He heard heavy footsteps and there came Stephen. He stopped in front of Darius and leaned over.
“Dang, Darius.” He said through large intakes of air. “You lost me pretty good.”
Darius chuckled and closed the small distance between them.
“So can you help me find Quinn? I kinda...Y'know, got a little excited.” Darius said.
Stephen stood up straight and nodded. “Yeah, if you don't go running off like that again.”
Darius nodded, chuckling again.
Stephen turned to the right and walked on, motioning for Darius to follow. They went through a labyrinth of hallways and larger halls, the occasional gunshot and clang of metal sounded off inside of rooms. Stephen eventually stopped outside of a room with the universal hammer and anvil of the foundry. Stephen walked into the room with Darius following behind him.
They were met with whirs and clicks of mechanics and sparks of electric tools.
“Oh, it's you.” Buzzed a mechanical voice, causing Darius to jump.
“Pay her no attention, Darius.” Said Stephen.
Darius turned away from the impressive array of tools and caught Stephen's eye. “Uh, so Quinn isn't here? But he's...Here. Right?”
Stephen shrugged, he was about to answer or ask a question of his own when the voice cut over his.
“Yes, Foundrymaster Quinn is here, as in, in the dojo. We own this place. Well, more so I own it.”
Darius cast Stephen a sideways glance at the last bit.
“Well, Darius, I guess we should be off. Hey, AI, send over a message to Darius's room when he gets back, alright?”
“No guarantees, Tenno.”
Darius walked out with a little less joy and enthusiasm than he had when walking in.
Edited by EDeN153
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Slowly a ship came to dock in Aequitas' bay, one that had not been seen for a long time...not since before the Berserker incident had taken place. It hardly seemed out of place among the dozens of others like it there, but to the select few it could be recognized by its particular markings; scrapes and scratches born from its escape from a dying infested hive. The hatch hissed as it came unlocked, opening slowly as if covered in rust from disuse though it was pushed outward by a solitary ice-blue hand. This hand was attached to someone who had been gone for a long time, longer than intended even by himself. It had been a necessary absence, however, even if it meant he'd left Aequitas to the ravages of events beyond all control. Too much had gone on in Crowley's absence, too much to learn, too much he could not do to change what had happened.


As soon as Crowley stepped from his snub fighter everyone in the Dojo could feel his presence. There was no soul that did not tremble as he became known again to the halls of Aequitas, no fiber in one's being that did not feel for at least one instant intense awe and fear at one who could be considered a god of death. Tilting his head from side to side in a slow, deliberate manner the ice-blue Nekros brought the butt of his Hate down onto the floor with a soft metallic impact. Using the vicious weapon more as a walking stick the Grand-Master of the Dead began to make his way out of the bay with his two apprentices in tow. Of the things that could be considered different about Crowley, most of all was the obvious fact he now bore the immortal configuration for his Warframe's colors, something shared by Faust and Fenrik though the latter two likely did so by choice rather than unconscious intent. Even more different were Fenrik and Faust, who both seemed to carry their own air of power about them even in the veritable maelstrom that was Crowley's mere being, uninhibited by willpower. None of them spoke, the two following dutifully behind their master even as he made his way through the corridors at a fair pace, moving toward a single objective; a room he had been missing for quite some time.


As he traveled through Aequitas, the icy Nekros noted the changes to the architecture, the additions and new things that had come to be in his absence. However he could sense much sadness had happened while he had been gone. Much pain and much joy. Revelry and contemplation; healing and education.. So much he had missed, so many others he had yet to meet. Had the council of Aequitas joined since his leave? Pausing in his march, Crowley found himself contacted by the Lotus after communications silence on Vis for so long.


"I assume they have completed their trials?" She spoke in a cool, calculating tone though even now Crowley could hear the hidden worry in her voice. Worry for his well-being, his remaining days of life.


"They have passed." He spoke in a deep, reverent tone as he returned to  his walk, bypassing the Foundry to move beyond; to the Memorial Hall. From the silence in response to what he'd said, Crowley assumed the word 'they' was what brought on the shock to the Lotus, muting her vocal chords for a short while. It was amusing, and he'd truly missed interacting with other Tenno and the Lotus, though at this point Faust and Fenrik were no longer just other Tenno. They were more...so much more. Bound forever to their Warframes just a humans are bound from birth to their skin. To remove them was death save for the helmet, the one piece that changed most often for Tenno in their choices of aesthetic. Though the only thing more changed was colors, and such a thing was now a triviality to change for the two apprentices.


"Both of them?" Lotus asked, actually appearing on Crowley's visual Hud as he stopped at the doors to the Memorial Hall, dismissing Faust and Fenrik to their own devices. From the way her lips were pursed, as well as the errant sigh that came through the communication line it was easy to tell she wasn't one hundred percent pleased with the outcome. "This is...unusual even for you. This is including the time you let Nova-Quinn convince you into making dead Grineer dance."


Laughing heartily, the imposing presence Crowley had original exuded began to fade, his willpower and general mood simply stifling it for the moment. "I remember that! I should do that again sometime, messages to Aequitas seem to indicate a trio of challengers from the Grineer faction that seem to want to take Stalker's place. Pitiful...and this AladV...disgusting. There is a great deal for me to do, milady, and very little time."


"Your...creation...has been seeing to such things with supervision by Khimera for the most part."


Crowley had been reaching out a hand to push open the Memorial Hall doors when the Lotus had said that, causing him to feel a hollow spike of anxiety pierce his chest. "I see...Einherjar...and the Council Members haven't tried to confiscate him?" He asked, pushing the doors open to see the Memorial Hall as it had been before the Berserker incident, but he could feel damage had been done here and that was infuriating. Whatever fool had done harm to this place had best not bring it to the Nekros' attention, lest they find themselves a dead puppet for a crazed Nova's amusement. Even behind his helmet Crowley's eyes narrowed, a scowl curling across his lips.


"No, they do not know 'he' exists. They know Aequitas is performing Tenno Warframe research using a prototype and a tester. They do not know that your...Einherjar...is not a real Tenno."


Something about how the Lotus had said that put Crowley's mind at ease. Closing his eyes the ancient Tenno let out a weary sigh, bringing a hand to his helmet. "He is as much Tenno as I am, milady. He may not be made of flesh and blood, may not have been born as Tenno are, but he is Tenno...he is and always shall be...my son."


The silence across the private comm link that followed those words was suffocating in its length. Crowley was brought to his knees before Ajkrumen's statue, his Hate laid across his lap in reverent meditative stance. The only sound that was audible now was the Grand-Master's slow breathing which made his chest rise and fall in perfect rhythm. It was painful to be like this, to enter this stance was an invitation to pain. The Technocyte corruption had spread further...he dared not remove his helmet now lest the rest of Aequitas know what was happening to his body. It would consume him and all that would be left is Lunasos, Einherjar, his title, and his memory. Still, for all his years of life he had done so much, much more than any other Tenno could say for themselves that he knew of. "I am a rotting corpse walking in a hollow shell, Lotus. You know it and I know it. The Council fears what I will become before my end, they would see me ended before that time but cannot touch me here. Lotus...milady...let my friends be the ones to take me to my final sleep. This is my final request of you."


"...." The Lotus could not bring herself to speak out of emotional anguish that tortured her being. Crowley was a true and old friend, one that she never wanted to see go. This end was inevitable, but it was still hard for even her to swallow. The archives would hold a special place for the Tenno named Crowley and his deeds, but she refused to even think of a memorial while he was still alive! "You have your wish...but do not think so complacently of your own death, Tenno Crowley. You still have much to live for yet. You have already promised me such."


Crowley did not respond, he remained where he knelt, allowing his mind to achieve peace while it would last. It would not be long before he was assaulted by the questions and welcomes of all Aequitas in time. He would be busy again, and that made him happy. The communications line was cut, allowing the ice-blue Nekros a little more privacy before the storm, something he would relish. "I wonder if Einherjar is adapting well to life. I hope Khimera hasn't short-circuited the poor boy." Crowley would be in for a few surprises too.

Edited by khimera
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Decided to have Ans have another "run in" with our dear Grand Master :D


no need for a social interaction,just wanted Ans to meet him again. 




A Tenno rushed by him with a gust of wind, and Ans thought he heard the person muttering something about the foundry. Looking after him, Ans was brushed aside by a larger Tenno also muttering something about to much excitement or something of that nature. Raising an eyebrow Ans followed them, hoping to find the foundry also. 


He listened outside the door way to the Ai telling the 2 about the Foundry Master just getting back, sighing, Ans turned and started his way back to the memorial hall to continue to meditate. As he wandered through the halls, he felt a presence enter the dojo. Commanding, kind, loving, strict, fear, awe, the maelstrom of emotions and feeling struct Ans raw. He had felt his before, the Grand Master was back. Hurrying a little Ans knew wanted to settle these emotions quickly. 


The doors of the Memorial hall opened and Ans stopped dead. The Grand Master was kneeling before the statue, with a imposing scythe laid across his lap. Feeling the presence from such an unimposing weapon made Ans shudder, this was an ancient weapon which had taken and given many lives. Stepping aside, Ans kneeled down on the side of the hall laying his broken blade quietly to the right and removing his helmet and placing it at his left side. Bowing his head reverently, Ans began to meditate and calm his emotions. Knowing that if he disturbed the Grand Master he may pay dearly. 

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Ok guys, I decided to work a little bit more on my 'smart ballista', and try to find out what I should have my black-purple Ash give her the coordinates to.... 



“He wanted me to come…. here?” Charzel wondered as she entered the neutral colony zone, the sun having gone down only an hour before, the place established by a group of Tenno that were known to come and go. The only reason no faction saw benefit in trying to invade it was the lack of resources in the surroundings, the exact reason the colony itself had been built. It was a safe haven for anyone to come and go, although the Tenno overseeing the colony were quick to take high-value targets from either faction away, barring the area from anyone seeking refuge for the reason of being highly sought after or wanted, for the benefit of the many that weren’t.


She zoomed the coordinates further in, identifying the building she was supposed to go to, at least on the map. In reality, it was incredibly hard to tell any building apart, all of them made out of the same kinds of junk and scrap metals, salvaged from multiple ruined ships.

She did manage to identify what seemed to be some sort of safety measure in the arrangement of the scrap metal: The outer districts of the colony were heavily armoured, definitely salvaged from battleships, and some of those parts even seemed to be fomorian pieces. The inner districts were salvaged from transport vessels, ambassadorial vessels, civilian cruisers; ships and constructions that weren’t designed to hold off prolonged bombardments.




On her way through the maze of structures, Charzel was glad that she had decided not to wear her standardized armour, but rather a set of civilian clothes, as well as keeping her Vulkar packed in her backpack, as no one moving about from one place or another seemed to be wearing armour; apart from an odd case and another, but those seemed to be either ignored by the rest of the scrap-metal community, or to be keeping watch, like an unofficial policing authority. Of course, what was meant by armour here was scrap metals and broken armour plates welded together. This place couldn’t be further from the ‘beacons of civilization’ that Char was used to, the Corpus and the Grineer, yet this place had refugees from both factions.




Finally, she found the building she was looking for, coming face-to-face with a large rusty building that was a tiny bit different from the surrounding buildings by the fact that it was built from a slightly darker alloy than them, as well as being larger, probably a collection of escape pods while the other houses were made of a few supply ship parts.


She opened the creaking rusty door, looking inside, only to see a mostly dark room with what seemed to be the old escape pods’ doors, flattened out and formed into tables here and there. Rough looking people, dressed in ‘civilian clothing’ were dominantly there, as well as a few dressed in torn and weary-looking Corpus crew-outfits, crumbling Grineer alloy plates and scrap metal.


She had seen some rough-looking people in her time in the Grineer’s clone army, but nothing compared to this bunch, she was sure. And to add to that, this ‘bunch’ was formed of just ‘people’ of any ‘race’ and gender, and she still felt more intimidated by them than her higher-ups in the army.

She took a deep breath before walking towards what appeared to be a bar table opposite to the entrance, sitting down on a vacant chair, hoping no one would come from a bathroom or something, making a scene over her stealing that person’s seat.


“You’re not from around here, aren't you, long-legs?” The bartender, a large and heavily modified cyborg, clearly grineer-tech while he didn’t seem very grineer, said in a deep and gruff voice.   

“Ehm… yes. I’m not from… here. I was told to come here by a…. Tenno…” She said almost timidly, as she kept her voice down, not wanting the attention of the crowd in the bar.


The bartender stopped scrubbing the ‘mug’ of plated metal with the wire-brush he was holding, and examined Char properly. “So he caught an interest in you? Didn’t think he swung that way.” He remarked, raising Char’s curiosity, right as he put down the mug and announced over the bar:


“Alright you louches! The sun’s been down for over an hour! Now starts the happy hour!” as he pressed a button on the back of the bar table, the whole place lighting up in a cacophony of lights, as well as a sound-system activating and blasting out all kinds of beating sounds, something similar to old-earth club music, Char would have thought, if she had known what that sounds like.


Suddenly, a dance-floor over to the side of the room started to be slowly filled by many of the patrons in there, and out of a backroom HE came: The black and purple Ash. Except this time he wasn’t wearing his helmet, only the rest of the frame, as well as only having his purple-bladed dual Kamas on his back.

“OH, HAY! YOU FINALLY CAME, GURL!” He exclaimed, sounding much more girlish and feminine than Charzel herself did.

Her only reaction was raising her eyebrows, dropping her jaw and thinking ‘Wait… WHAT?!



So yeah, that's it for now. Any complaints go to Viking for giving me the idea. XD

Edited by Pyjamalama
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The Clan Stern leads is simply called the Brotherhood. Quaint and simple, like all Tenno should be. In the few months since I have awakened I have met many clans. Some were more numerous and ostentatious, others were small groups of Tenno who band together to survive. In this war for Reclamation the Tenno only had themselves and bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood were one of the few things we as a whole could remember actively.


Regardless I feel like an outsider as I await Stern within the garden. It was a tranquil place for relaxation he had told me. I kneel in the sand pondering what was going to happen to me. Would I join this clan? I have only met Stern and his cell but not the others. There were five in number that I still have not met. With Stern and his Cell it would be nine. My addition would make the Brotherhood ten.


"You're not very talkative are you?" Stern took a seat beside me as I shift to allow him some room.


"Not very," was my succinct answer.


"Hmm, well Andal seems to think you trustworthy. We need all the Tenno we can get you know. We're all at war." Stern took his helmet off revealing a scarred visage and short cut brown hair. His eyes were a glaring and fierce hazel that shone with not only intelligence but strength.


"Why me?" I ask quietly. "What do you just pick out random Tenno? What if I was a renegade?"


Renegades were looked down upon by other Tenno but were rarely encountered. I myself have only talked with one or two and let me say that they can be extremely unpleasant. One was a Saryn that was a complete sadist who hunted down the Grineer. I worked with her so long as she stayed at a minimal distance of ten meters. Seriously she was a sadist even to other Tenno. I didn't like her much.


"Well, Orin was a renegade." Stern said with a shrug of his huge shoulders. "Doesn't mind working with us now but she usually keeps to herself. She's the Trinity that was glaring at you. Heavens above knows why she doesn't like you but hey at least she isn't getting hunted down or something." He smirked. "As to why I asked you to join up...it felt like a good idea at the time brother Nekros."


"Rorken," I told him my name. I don't know why but I like Stern. "My name is Rorken."

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Ok I'm just posting this. It's crappy, and I'll finish it later (if no one else wants to), but I've been procrastinating too long as it is... sorry guys..






Acantha left the two Tenno to their conversation; Zen still perched happily on the Zephyr’s head, and turned towards one of the several doors that led out of the garden. Walking quickly away, she maneuvered down the hallways of the dojo, intending to visit both the Foundry and Medical Bay, but didn’t get far. An overwhelming sensation suddenly gripped her, terror and awe most prominently, and she staggered. Stumbling against a wall, she supported herself against it until the worst of the feeling had past before pulling herself upright, all but gasping. Something indefinable about the Dojo had changed, although she couldn’t quite tell what. Everything around her appeared the same, but the presence she’d felt, while it had sunk, it hadn’t disappeared.


Her fist instinct was caution, her mind immediately jumping to the conclusion that anything that could affect her that powerfully had to be a threat, but no alarms sounded or other signs of an imminent attack made themselves known. Then she realized, the presence felt familiar, although she couldn’t place from where she knew it. Shaking herself, she straightened up and took several calming breaths. Surely as familiar a presence as this one wasn’t a danger, at least not to her, and seeing no reasons for alarm she reasoned that it was unlikely that the clan was in any danger, but perhaps it would be wise to have her weapons on hand. Just in case.


Altering her course, she headed for the Foundry. With any luck, her weapons would be repaired and serviceable, or at the very least her Orthos would be. She had mostly taken spare weapons with her on the rescue, and she could live without the Vectis since her Dread was in good repair, sitting in its cabinet in her quarters. The Despair, as much as she relied on them, could be replaced temporarily by other weapons she currently possessed, but fighting without the Orthos would be like fighting without her left arm; she didn’t want to go into any situation without it.


Still strategizing on a new load-out if her weapons weren’t ready for her, she hardly paid attention as she walked into the Foundry and failed to notice that the lights were already on and the machines whirring. Lost in thought, it wasn’t until a voice that was as far from the Foundry’s AI as possible addressed her that she realized she’d made a mistake.


“Can I help you?”


Whirling, she was startled to see Quinn standing by his workstation, several new weapons still in his hands as if he’d but recently walked in.


“Quinn!” she bowed hastily, “I apologize, I didn’t realize you’d returned. It was rude of me to walk in unannounced, if I’d known you were here…” she trailed off awkwardly, embarrassed at her lack of manners. “Welcome back, I hope your trip was successful?” She finished lamely.

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   Next bit has arrived.

The whirring of machinery was a constant. Morlan thrived on constants. They were dependable, reassuring, like old friends, few in number. He didn’t open his eyes, and expanded his senses to manifest in his mind what was around him. He was no longer in his warframe, though he saw it hanging near the bed. He was wearing light clothing, no doubt due to his still throbbing injuries. He had a thin sheet on top of him, but the medbay was generally quiet. “Good, I can just slip out then.” He opened his eyes to see a Trinity standing over him. His heart nearly exploded with surprise. How did I not sense her?? The Trinity spoke in a calm voice. “You’re mostly fine, but I discovered severe injury to your leg from a past event. That, combined with your recent injuries may prevent you from going out into the field.”


  Morlan scowled, “This Trinity is a fool, thinking a couple wounds can stop me. Still, there’s something strange about her...”  He swung himself gingerly off the bed and got up, grabbing his frame and donning it. He glanced at her with contempt, “Is my snub aboard this station?” She cocked her head to the side as she replied. “Seeing as it holds all of your gear, I didn’t think it should be left behind.” With sound somewhere between a snort and a snarl, he attached his helmet and left.


  After he had left, Adrazi removed her helmet, relishing the cool air. She had become overly warm in the tension to see if he would recognize her. He hadn’t. But something was wrong with him. He seemed…. obsessive, conceited, and quite frankly, on the verge of evil. She slumped over and clutched her side as her breathing tightened and the waves of pain buffeted her entire body. She had to resolve what was wrong with her comrade soon. She wanted to see him smile just once more.


Morlan located a directory, and then made his way to the closest obstacle course. “Unable to be an Ash, to go out into the field. Fools.”  He stalked through the doors and saw only emptiness. He smiled, pleased. He keyed in the timer to start, and as soon as the barrier field was down, he was off like a shot. It was an easy course, he had done it dozens of times. “First obstacle. To jump over then slide, that was foolish.” He used the bars as steps, and vaulted off of them to reach the first checkpoint. He smirked at the simplicity of it. The rising pillars were similarly so. Instead of running between, he went over, using the supports on either side of the track to effortlessly crossed. “I could yawn, it’s so easy.”  He reached the checkpoint, and lept onto the wall. The resulting effort was the feeling of his leg and spine seemingly vaporising in pain as his leg impacted upon the wall. He fell down to the repulsor floor below. Paralyzed with pain, Morlan used his good leg to push himself into the shadows onto a service platform to recover. He waited patiently till the pain faded, and sighed. He heaved himself to his feet and teleported to the entrance, staggering as he landed. He limped out in search of a bar, in the hopes of drowning himself or his pain, whichever comes first.

Edited by MandoKarla
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Yay! Now Darius doesn't have to feel useless anymore!


Edit: Stephen is underpaid.



Darius and Stephen were walking back to Darius's room, talking about their lives when they felt it. A wave of emotions had them doubling over from the sheer intensity. It passed and either looked at each other with confusion evident in their eyes and expressions. Darius shook his head and motioned for Stephen to lead the way back, eager to get back to his waiting for Quinn.
The conversation lapsed into a silence that set Darius on edge. What made him jump though, was the scream.
Eden's screams were extremely infrequent and had been lowering in frequency since the four had arrived. This one was loud and high, several squeals of alarm sounded off throughout the immediate vicinity. Darius and Stephen broke out laughing.
“I hoped I wasn't the only one caught off guard!” Howled Darius.
“That's not good y'know, we're supposed to be alert murder machines.” Stephen said through peals of laughter.
The two walked on, still chuckling at the occurrence.
They reached Darius's room, they entered and Darius threw himself onto his bed which gave a groan of protest.
Darius let out a sigh, about to say something when his interface beeped.
A large number one displayed itself conspicuously at the corner of the screen. Darius jumped up and opened up the message. He let out a whoop of excitement and jumped out of the chair and raced out the room.
Stephen took his turn to sigh then read the message still on the screen.
“Quinn is here, Tenno, come down when it is most convenient.”
Stephen got up and ran after Darius, knowing he would get lost again.
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That wasn't bad jea!


And now I can set to work with Nyght - got something planned for him (and eating notepaper), but chronological order dictates that I must have him collect his frame etc from the foundry first. Also, Nyght hasn't met Quinn yet, if I recall... 

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The hairs at the back of his neck stood up, a shiver went down his spine and cold sweat started leaking down his back. He had felt the presence of something powerful, someone powerful. Someone he had met a long time ago. He couldn't help but wonder where that man had been. Deciding not to dwell on the matter, Kris sank back into meditation.


Several hours passed slowly in the cold and quiet room. The nurses and doctors of the clan had been nice enough to check in on him every hour or so, making sure no other wounds had been reopened and that he was generally in a good and stable condition. Once in a while a nurse stayed a little bit longer and talked to him, giving him some company and breaking his meditative state. Maybe it was to prevent more fights as the one which reopened the large gash on his chest. He couldn't blame them, but still, that fight had made him feel much better. A psychologist had also made a visit, although he hadn't managed to get anything out of Kris. If a Tenno was trained for anything, it was keeping secrets.


One thing he kept wondering though. Once in a while he saw other Tenno walk past and look through the window of the single door leading out of the room. Why wouldn't they just walk inside and demand answers? Why didn't they just take the opportunity and attack him? It was weird. Had they been ordered not to? Was it some ridiculous honor code? Was it just enough for them to see him locked in the room? He was almost interested in the reasons. But more important matters were at hand. Was the team okay? How bad were their injuries? After all, he had been the leader of the mission. If any had died, he should be taken as responsible.


Again, he was disturbed as a nurse came into the room, carrying a tray with food on it.


''Dinner.'' She said, setting the tray down on the only table available.


''Thank you.'' He replied as the nurse started walking out of the room. The smell of the food was alluring, his stomach was growling and in a blink of an eye he was eating. No one could get in between him and the food now.

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