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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Fenrik immediately heard the rumors of the rescue team for the one called Sophia. After hearing Ghost had been rather badly injured he swiftly excused himself from Crowley and Faust's presence and made his way to the med bay, worried for her health.

Ghost was currently in surgery of her own, hooked up to several life support machines to keep her body going without the help of her warframe. A few of the newer doctors and interns were rather horrified at all the scarring on her body and of the much more noticeable scarring on her neck not to mention the fact her voicebox was completely missing. Shaking off their surprise and slight horror at the state of her body they quickly set to work on fixing her broken bones and digging all the shrapnel out of her.


Fenrik could sense her unique life source and simply hovered outside the room, his eyes closed as he prayed for her safe recovery. After several hours of surgery they finished as set her in a bed to rest and heal. Fenrik took up a silent vigil in her room. Though he noticed another, younger Nyx was placed in the room next to Ghost. The younger nyx was conscious was rather upset at having heard of Ghost's condition. He could feel her sorrow and shame. After a moment hesitation he stood and walked into the other room, his curiosity getting the better of him for once. She looked rather shocked at his sudden appearance.


"...Who are you?" She demanded icily, glaring at him with ice blue through locks of brown hair, her helmet having been removed by this point. Fenrik, seeing no point in beating around the bush answered her.


"Fenrik, Master rank Nekros. and I might ask you the same question, along with why you are so worried about Ghost."

She eyed him for a moment, not trusting him at all


"Why are you worried about her? I've never seen you before"


He snorted at her impudence but indulged her question "I was away taking my trials as commanded by Grand Master Crowley. That's all I'm ever going to say. Now then Who Are You To Ghost?"


He asked again, this time his voice gaining a second, angrier timbre to it, making him sound more powerful and much more commanding. Idhren gulped nervously as she realized she had been mouthing off to a master rank tenno.


"I'm Idhren, Ghost is my mentor, she took me under her wing after the Bezerker incident. I'm guessing you left for your trials before that, So that means you have a lot to be filled in on." She sighed before explaining the events that had happened since his departure. Including how she felt it was her fault Ghost was so badly hurt, having needed to be rescued by her mentor who took a rather painful barrage of attacks in her place towards the end of the fighting.

Fenrik listened attentively, his eyes never leaving her face as she concluded her tale


"I see. Do not blame yourself, do not drown yourself in sorrow, to do so would indeed bring shame to you and Ghost. She protected you yes, but that is her job. You will both be stronger from those fights" He stood and nodded at her "If you need me for anything I will be outside your and Ghost's doors." He said before standing and taking his leave. Idhren laid back, confused and thoughtful...

Edited by KittyShark
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ahm back, WITH A FIXED COMPUTER. HELL YES. Also, I will take a break from the fantasy fic, Beju. I recently got Guns Of Icarus and holy S#&$ the lore opportunities. ALONG WITH DIS. Also, how's that mind-control thing still going? I don't really know where to take that..

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"Right so...we go grab some data packets, get the key built then blow up the core?" Carl asked as the drop ship sped away. Kevin shrugged.


"It's sounds easy I know," Ivan's reply was sardonic as he hefted his Boltor. "But hey, who knows maybe it'll be fun." He looked at Val who remained quiet. The Valkyr's head was on a swivel as she took point. Carl looked at Kevin who shrugged and just readied his Soma for battle. Things with Val were still a bit sensitive. But they had a mission to complete and they were on the roster. Kevin followed his Cell as they advanced deeper into the jungles of Earth.


Moving fast and aggressive defense would be key here.




"Lancer on Delta!"


"I'm on it Rorken! Rune cover! Now!!"




Val raised her fist the moment she heard voices over the COMs. "Ivan...there's another clan here." She rasped. "Do we communicate?"


Ivan contacted the other clan. "This is Warlord Ivan of Clan Bellum Forma, identify yourselves Tenno. We are not here to fight you." The Rhino gestured for his cell to be ready to move.


"Hold." The voice on the other line was interrupted by the sound of a rifle. "This is Rorken of the Brotherhood. This is a most interesting coincidence indeed. Your help is most welcome."


"We are all Tenno brother," Ivan's reply was polite. The Brotherhood...nice name. He smirked underneath his helmet. "Let's move to support them people, move out"


The Cell obeyed without question and with Val in the lead, Cell Ivan was on the prowl.




A Nekros with a Raknis helmet was ducked behind cover as he blind fired his Soma rifle over the barricade. His two companions were a Mag with a Gauss helmet and a dark indigo Excalibur with a Pendragon  Helmet. The Mag cradled a Vectis Sniper's rifle in her arms while the Excalibur loaded a clip into his Karak assault rifle. The Nekros raised a hand in salute as he spotted Cell Ivan.


"Sit rep?" Ivan asked the Nekros. This must have been Rorken, the Tenno on the COMs. The Nekros gestured to the two data towers across the field, each guarded by Grineer Lancers who were taking potshots at the group of Tenno. The Mag with the sniper rifle peeked out of cover and put a bullet through a Lancer's head. The body toppled to the ground below like a broken doll.


"We want those towers." The Nekros rasped. A Grineer Heavy Gunner spooled up her Gorgon forcing the Mag to roll into a different set of cover as the heavy machine gun began to spit rounds down range. "And they want ours. I say we take them all down and take the towers for ourselves."


"Any ideas?" Ivan asked.


"Suppress and move. Rune, Andal are you both good on ammunition?" The Nekros asked his companion.


"I'm good, Rorken." Rune's response was reassuring.


"Good here." The Excalibur piped up. "I don't think we should stay here for long, they might purge the data packets for the Formorian Core's location."


"Get to work then Rune." The Nekros said.


"Suppress and fire, move it Cell Ivan! Go!!" Ivan roared. The Mag opened fire again with her Vectis. Battle was joined. 




A two shell burst from Val's Tigris put an end to a fallen Grineer. The Valkyr turned using her rip line to tear a Butcher in half. She watched with detached interest as Kevin's Ether Reaper slice a Grineer Trooper in half like his armor was made of paper. He then ducked a swing from a wailing Scorpion and blew her head off with his Brakk pistol. His counterpart preferred using his Soma at range. Rorken was different from Kevin, he just killed and killed and killed. He didn't seem to make a sound as he did so moving from cover to cover letting his Soma do the work. His sword, a beautifully made Ether blade cut through a Lancer's legs. He left the mongrel there screaming and reaching for his Grakata. Another burst ended that notion.


Val reloaded her Tigris as Carl triggered his invisibility to wreak havoc on an incoming squad of mixed Grineer troops. Ivan supported him by stomping forward, his Sobek punching holes through Grineer bodies. Kevin supported from  the rear as his Shadows of the Dead took their positions. Dead men killed the living. Shadow guns fired shadow bullets.


"Impressive," Rorken's voice was deadpan. "A lot more than I can summon surely."


"Quantity has a quality of its own." Kevin's reply was calm. "I just do the best I can."


"True, true...I prefer killing the heavy weapons." Rorken replied as his own shadows took their positions. Having four Grineer Heavy Gunners really evened out the playing field.


Rorken reloaded his Soma as he and Kevin got to work.

Edited by Divinity112
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The mind control thing,  if you're speaking of Nova-Quinn's mind-venture, is now at an open state. There psyche is rather screwed up to begin with and a 'warped' version of Sandalphon is speaking terrible old-english at everyone demanding why they're in the queen's garden as far as I recall.

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so i didn't have a test today, so i was bored, so i did a thing, so enjoy this thing


*  *  *



“Skirata?  Skirata, please.  I must determine if you are fit for duty before you leave.”  The words touched the mind like a flat, precisely placed feather.  The words were calculated for the preferred reaction, obedience, rendered incognito by the pseudosincerity and caring tone of the calculator, the speaker.


“Who is ever really “fit for duty” Lotus?!  Not the hundreds, thousands, of mutated beings that you advise, no.  We’re all screwed up one way or another, you’re just gauging how much.. I’m done with your questions...  You can send the report to my shuttle.”


“You can not leave until I am able to give an accurate statement pertaining to your mission readiness.”


“And you’ll want to rephrase that before I accept your challenge.”


“... Fine, one last question.  You have been gone a month since your dojo was attacked, since you have failed to commit suicide by flying into a star.”




“Surely you had ample opportunities to die on Eris, why did you choose to live?”


“Hmph... I didn’t choose to live...”


“Could you elaborate?”


“I-I figured out I no longer owned my life... It isn’t mine to live with, to waste, to take...  I forfeited my life that night.  And that moron...”




“Don’t ever say his, or any of their personal names, you do not have the authority over that.”


“Apologies... he what?”


“He saved me.  Even after I told him to go, he intentionally made sure I couldn’t resist - the cunning bastard...”


“But he saved your life, so you may live your life, not his.”


“You don’t know what he wanted.  I-I can’t be him, you’re correct there, but I can no longer live as I did before.  Just sitting here living... even dying of old age would be wasting his gift!  Don’t you get it?!   If I ever want to die honorably, to repay a dead master... a dead friend, I must pass on this gift... It isn’t mine to take!  It’s mine to give!


“Only then will I be able to rest.”


“I-uh-I understand.  That’s enough Skirata, you may depart for Mars now.”



Edited by BRad_Skirata
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Started scrawling away and plotting my next little 'chapter' for Nyght. May or may not skip on the foundry thing, meeting Quinn and all; depends on how my drive to get this bit goes & whether I actually remember to talk to Quinns about it

(kinda assume he's going to overloaded with characters visiting foundry after being 'absent from it).


Regardless, I really want to nail down my 'environmental' bit in my descriptivey stuff. So if anyone has/knows of some good stuff in the arctic/mountainous landscape, deep frozen cavern or derelict ship/wreckage/ruin aeas, I would be very appreciative.


My only current 'references' are some old 40K Space Wolves books, using their frozen 'deathworld'. Given the amount in those books though, I'm actually having a pain of a time trying to fillet out the right area descriptive bits... and I end up getting drawn along the story.


Hope to get this 'chapter' out either by or over the weekend.

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Aktos glared at his sandwich, he sorely remembered when Vulcana forced him to make her sandwiches, he hated seeing them. This time was no different.

“Stupid sandwich, with your bread and meat and that weird yellow thing called “cheese”. Ugh, disgusting, vile object. SCREW YOU SANDWICH!”

Aktos kicked the table, causing the sandwich to drop to the floor with a SPLAT. His outburst of course, did not go unnoticed as almost immediately a Trinity came rushing in with a concerned look on her face.

“Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?”

“No, no, I’m fine, just had to relieve some stress.” He glared pointedly at the flattened sandwich on the ground.

The Trinity, clearly confused as to why anybody would be angry at a piece of food, simply ignored it and proceeded to check up on Aktos’ condition.

“Well, ummmm, anger inducing sandwiches aside, how are you feeling? Wounds reopened or anything like that?”

“No, I am fine, no pain excluding a dull throb in each of my limbs, and I feel I am I quite used to being half blind.” Aktos ran a hand over the darkened scar over his right eye and moved his limbs to show he was telling the truth.

“That’s great! If, you’re condition permits it you can be out of here in a jiffy.”

“What about Vulcana, will she be fine?”

“She’s a fighter, so she’ll live, she’s lucky she had such tough armor, if she didn't she would be lucky to be able to return to being a Tenno in the field. Don’t worry, as soon as she’s ready, she will be out of here as well. Now I just need to check your condition, and if it permits, you will be discharged.”

She did various medical things, Aktos did not know the terms for what she was doing or what she was doing, but he could tell it was beneficial to him. Once she finished, she told him he was ready and went to do whatever it entails for anyone to be discharged. A few minutes later he was walking out of the medical bay with orders to rest and avoid strenuous activities. He went to his room to meditate, he kneeled on the floor and allowed himself to drift. He saw many things, the rescue mission, him rescuing Vulcana from the Corpus, he and Vulcana joining Aequitas, and someone familiar yet unfamiliar to him. A young girl that resembled him greatly, she had a smile that could light up any room she walked into and cheer up almost anyone. He could hear nothing from the many frames of his memories but he could read lips, and what he read shocked him.


Aktos opened his eyes and gasped, he could not believe what he just read from that person’s lips, yet he knew it was no trick of the mind.

I have a sister…......I must find her.


EDIT: Grammar and spelling changes

Edited by DraikoHunter
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