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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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"Eris...of all the god-forsaken places..." Crowley gave an exasperated sigh as he looked at the coordinate map on his helmet's HUD. "All this for a blasted Osprey...are they that hard to steal?" He grumbled to himself, dragging along a burning Orthos at his side as he trudged across the planetoid's surface toward a nearby station. He needed an Osprey for the project he and Quinn were doing and supposedly the Banshee hiding out here had stolen one and made it her pet. It was the trading something for the Osprey that had Crowley more concerned for his things. He'd dealt with 'trading' things before and most people wanted his shiny weapons of amazing firepower which just wouldn't do. "Couldn't she live somewhere nice?" The old Tenno grouched as he cut away some dead flora to keep making his way forward. "Venus! She could live on a station at Venus! Or even a nice little colony at Uranus but nooooo it has to be bloody ERIS!"


Following at a distance so as not to get caught, Nova-Quinn couldn't help but giggle a bit at Crowley's frustrated venting. Was he always like this with no one around? Maybe it was because he didn't wanna get called on sounding like an old fart. Heheh...fart. It had been unbearably depressing back at the dojo so NQ had looked for any excuse to leave for a while and when she saw one of her best friends going off somewhere she just HAD to follow him. Eris wasn't exactly warm or temperate or anything nice but at least there was a warm-looking station nearby. Thinking off the main topic, Nova-Quinn pondered if this would be a good spot to play Wormhole-a-pult with all the open space and the Infested sort of meandering about slowly in the cold. They would make for great targets! Shaking her head vigorously NQ saw Crowley was already at the door and dashed as quietly as she could across the frosty ground, hiding behind a rocky outcropping for a minute before heading for the entrance herself.


The inside wasn't too bad, but it was of Corpus design. In itself that wasn't a bad thing but it meant the person Crowley was looking for probably had control over the defense systems and he didn't want to anger her by destroying anything in here even if it tried to make swiss cheese of his gaunt body. Creeping in quietly the ice-blue Nekros looked around warily as he proceeded into the next room, searching for a comm line of some kind. "Hello?" He called, his voice ringing eerily hollow with each echo it made in the facility. "I don't know if Quinn told you I was coming...but I...uhm...I'd like to offer up a trade for that Osprey you have." Crowley spoke out, trying to get the attention of the Banshee living here. A sudden thought occured to the Nekros: well sh*t...she can Silence herself...


NQ walked into the station casually, giggling softly as she saw Crowley move into the next room so cautiously. Seriously, what was there to fear in this cozy place out of the cold? "I bet whoever lives here is nice and warm like hot chocolate with cherry marshmallows!" Nova-Quinn said to herself, heading off to a different room to look for the person elsewhere. "Maybe if I find the person Crowley'll be so happy he'll give me a hug!"

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-Since all this depression on this forum here, I thought I would try to spice up some life into the forum, anyway aside from the MASS of edits I have made -I'm a bit of a perfectionist- Allow me to give you some happy stuff-




Tales from the Shark!


Episode One: Meet the Crew


-The scene is set in a large and ornate hallway; a sign on-top reads “Crew Quarters” A Traditionally coloured Excalibur Warframe comes out from a large room with double doors. - Except he is more white then grey and has golden energy lights- he notices the audience and waves to the assembled Audience-



EXCALIBUR: “Hey folks, Welcome to the Shark! I'm Leonardo, the Captain of the Shark, We’re a small Tenno reconnaissance ship operating in the Sol System, and we’re responsible for rescuing our brethren from either the Grinner holding cells or CORPUS Operating centres, acquiring Tenno Cryopods from the CORPUS and most importantly, scouting for any enemy ships or bases on planets or throughout the solar system . Right now we’re…


-A helmet-less Nyx Warframe appears from Leo’s left -she has the same appearance to LEO's armour except her streaks are in white- She has Auburn hair with green eyes and dark skin, she’s holding her helmet by her side-


NYX: Hey Leo, who are you talking to?


LEO: -slightly jumped then looks to the NYX, sounding calm and relaxed- “Oh Hey Nyx, I’m ah, just pondering on my speech for today’s meeting with Lotus”


NYX: -Raises her head understanding and nods- “Oh, by the way Sovereign’s stuck on the extraction drone”


LEO: -bewildered- “Again?! I told him to wait until the locks release! –LEO rests his head in his hands- “Ah let King know”


NYX: -Saluting- Aye, Aye. –NYX exits to LEO’s right-


LEO: -Looking to Audience, shaking his head and sighing- “Sorry about that, that was Nyx by the way, one of our interrogation and hackers, one of the best. She stands true to her Warframe; her telepathic skills are quite something. Anyway, as I was saying, We’re in the crew Quarters at the moment, to my right is the mess hall, the Medical bay, R&D, the elevators and The main Dojo, to my left is the rest of the crew quarters including the captains quarters behind me”


-LEO motions to his right-


LEO: “Come on”


-LEO shows the Audience the Mess Hall, 3 long benches all the size of a small Dining room. The Kitchen behind it with the cooks working away, a Cook in with a mechanical monocle eye and cybernetic arm waves to LEO, LEO waves at them and the cook waves back-


LEO:  –LEO whispers to Audience- “We don’t really need to eat but the mess hall in my minds a good place to socialise, plus it gives us a chance to try chef’s recipes from the old earth, usually they are delicious –LEO calls to Chef- “Hey Chef! What’s on the menu today?


CHEF: “We have a special tonight! An old earth recipe from the Italy! Pizza and Garlic bread!”


LEO: -Sounding interested and excited- “Sounds interesting!”


CHEF: “Let’s hope so!”


LEO Chuckles and proceeds onward past the Mess Hall and out through a door, presenting the Medical bay and R&D, a Silver and Grey Vauban in an Esprit Helmet working on something, sparks fly and a bright blue light shines from the R&D lab, the Medical lab is hosted by a Trinity in Red and White is helping a Mag and a Volt with some medical problem or another


LEO: “The Vauban is King, Our R&D and Communications Officer; He’s always coming up with something new, especially this one grenade launcher that fires his Tesla Turrets or Vortex bombs. The Trinity is Ana, named after Anaesthesia; she’s our head medical officer, training other Trinity users and initiates in the art of medicine, the Mag and the Volt? Well that’s Spark and Maggie, young but foolish.


LEO laughs and heads onward, the audience is shown down a long corridor with one large door on the left and ahead of them. LEO heads into the door to the left, a large room with flowing water around a large floor in the middle with stepping stones towards the door


LEO: “This is the main Dojo, where the officers gather in this very room and discuss mission opportunities, news from the frontlines, battle plans here and reports from missions or orders from the Lotus herself, we also bring up topics what we can improve on the ship, King mostly handles the maintenance anyway, says it’s a way to pass the time when not doing much”


-LEO walks past the main dojo and shows audience into the lifts at the end of the hall. He presses one of the 3 buttons on the side of the lift, going down-


LEO: “We’re about to head down to the Hanger bay, it’s where we store our cargo, extraction drones, prisoners, Armoury and…”

-The lift doors open, and a extraction drone on a cargo rail is presented with a large Red rhino -wearing a Thrak Helmet- stuck on it, the Rhino struggling to get free and cursing, below him is a Silver and Black Ash with golden lights doing some gestures with his hands-


RHINO: “I don’t care who Leo sends Ghost! King, or Siren, whoever! Just get me down!”


LEO: -exasperated and bland­- …Sovereign, Stubborn, Loud-mouthed and all around knucklehead, but he’s not a man to get into a fight with unless you know him well, The cargo hold is where he resides as the Crew Quarter beds are too small for a Rhino user his size –LEO looks behind him at the berserk SOVEREIGN, still cursing and the Ash known as GHOST­, still conveying sign language to SOVEREIGN in a calm manner- “I better deal with this, Why don’t you head to the bridge and wait for me there, Say hello to Siren for me, Just look for the Blue and Golden Banshee in the pilot’s seat. Hope you enjoyed the current tour!”

Edited by Drakeardian
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Alright, thanks a lot for inspiring me to continue with my story. here's the continuation of the bit I posted before.



What took you both so long?” asked the Trinity.

Sorry Vivian,” replied Dale, “we were just being more cautious”.


She just looked at him. Even though he couldn't see his friend's face, Dale knew that she was angry with him. A few tense moments passed, before she replied with an exasperated sigh.


Just ensure that you keep us posted on comms. Reese and Siren went looking for you both. They're on their way back now”.


To this, Oron replied in his rumbling voice.


His comms unit has malfunctioned. I'm responsible for not keeping you or the others posted. My apologies.”


Vivian nodded and the three of them waited in silence. For the first time since they boarded the ship, they were relaxed; all three of them were hiding underneath the massive reactor that powered the Grineer dreadnought. The reactor powered the massive cannon that adorned this ship. Dale was always amazed at how exactly a technologically lackluster race like the Grineer could build such solid, sturdy ships. The Empire ran on scraps and yet possessed a dominating presence in the system. At that moment two more Tenno joined them. One was a Volt, clad in a pristine white armor, followed by a Banshee wielding a bow.


You're back. We were just talking about you,” acknowledged the Trinity.


Reese nodded. “Did your mission go as planned?”


Oron liked Reese. The Volt fought with a fury that was unmatched by most others. They were comrades back during the Great War. Ever since he'd woken up from cryostasis he hadn't had an opportunity to fight alongside him.

Yes. We encountered two crew members, but they were both unarmed. I'm sorry by the way. I didn't mean to worry you all,” replied Dale.


You're forgiven brother. We were unnecessarily worried too.” replied Siren. Her voice was heavily modulated, like she was unsure of what voice she should speak in.


Dale grinned under his helmet. Someone like Siren acknowledging his prowess was a source of pride for him.


Vivian drew her shotgun.“We'd best get going. Twenty minutes from now, this room will be full of plasma. We should leave this ship before things start getting busy.” She started walking out of the room. The others acknowledged her silently and followed.


The ship was completely quiet, apart from the rattles and groans that were normally associated with shoddy Grineer craftsmanship. The five of them stuck to the shadows just in case any crew members had woken up earlier than expected. Tenno were trained to be shadows, completely silent and always focused. It was nigh impossible to take one by surprise but the Code has a saying that every one of them abide by: Better safe than surprised. And so the group moved swiftly throughout the bowels of the gigantic ship, towards the back where their small ship was anchored to the dreadnought. Almost three quarters of the way there, the Lotus started speaking on comms.


On further analysis of this ship's data logs, I've discovered that this dreadnought houses four Tenno cryopods. Sargus Ruk managed to strike a deal with the Corpus to trade some crypods.I have marked a waypoint at the location they are stored in. I need you to recover them Tenno. One way or another.”


Vivian inquired, “ What do you mean by 'one way or another'?”


You may go weapons green if you have to. The main priority from now on are those Tenno.”


Understood. We will recover the pods as soon as possible. How long until we have a clear window of escape?”


Ten minutes, Tenno. Hurry up”.


Vivian looked back at the others.



Edited by bejuizb
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"Aigloblam followed Igilblix down a corridor, finding the big Tenno trying to use a badly burned control pad to open a sealed bulkhead door. Aigloblam tapped the Rhino on his shoulder "Everything is fried here man.....I think you'll have to do it Your way". Igilblix nodded and pushed the Excalibur back a few feet, then ran at the door. In a blow that could bring down an Orokin Watch Tower, the door was sheared off its hinges and sent flying open, slamming against the wall and raising a cloud of ash. As Aigloblam speared across the floor toward the center of the room, Igilblix keyed up his communicator "We....We found her"."


I think its time the Rhino got a say in what he does around the system. What about you guys?

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I think its time the Rhino got a say in what he does around the system. What about you guys?

More characters? yes please



This would be the point when Khimera would swear out the Lotus over the comms for everyone to hear...because.

I would pay plat to be on that mission when Khi finally snaps and swears her out for a solid minute with no breathing breaks

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Alright, don't know how good it will turn out but here is the start of the Rhino's fun.......I mean story. If you want the reason to his anger, go to page 9 and read up on Aiglo's post about Zel.





Igilblix hadn't ever run up against anything that his Scindo couldn't cut in half. Granted, sometimes it was several swings, but it always fell dead at his feet. He was the immovable object, the pillar of strength for his fellow tenno to fight along side. Along with him, his friend Aigloblam, Tyranthius, and one of the most venerated tenno Crowley, hordes of Grineer, Corpus and Infested had all fallen. But this one time, he was gonna go solo. No need to protect his team, no need to keep the aggro off his fellow Tenno. This time it was to vent his frustration and anger that a fellow Tenno had been badly wounded at the hands of the Stalker and he wasn't there to protect them.

As he lumbered down the hall of the ancient Derelict ship, the Rhino's footfalls were like thunder. He needed no stealth on this mission. He was to be the avenging hammerblow to all that challenged him. He didn't run. There was no need to. They would come and they would fall. As he neared the next doorway, his intercom sparked to life with the voice of the Lotus. "Igilblix, detecting lots of bio-signatures ahead. You have infested incoming." He grunted in response and pulled out his trusty Scindo. Most of the others had upgraded to the newer weapons but he preferred the feel of the axe in his hand while cutting through his enemies. Locking down in his Iron Skin, he strode purposefully through the door and let out a mighty roar, challenging anything to come best him in battle. Looking across the way, he noted that there was 4 Toxics, 3 Disruptors and about a half dozen of chargers, crawlers and runners. He smiled under his visor and tightened his grip on his Scindo. The chargers came first, barreling down on him like a plague. With a cresent swing of his axe, tops fell from bottoms and in a reverse swing brought it down upon the runners and crawlers that followed the chargers into the fray. He loved the infested's stupidity. It made him feel good to cut them down and reduce them to nothing but ash. Picking up the energy that the light infested had dropped, he looked up to see the Ancients closing in on him. Raising his foot, he hurled his weight down and stomped. The ship creaked and groaned as the anti-gravity fought to keep everything in normal orbit. As the ancients floated, Igilblix drew back with his Scindo and let loose with a swing that severed several ancients into indescribable chunks of mutated flesh. Looking around, he noted that all of the enemies in this portion of the ship had been dealt with. Shouldering his Scindo, Igilblix continued on his hunt for more enemies, his rage screaming at him to kill all that stood before him, barely noticing the flashing lights behind him.

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Glad you continued man, good writing!

trolling Lotus strikes again "oh and btw, there's something else I need you to get...."

Thanks. I'll try to post the next bit by tomorrow. Once I get a good dozen or so parts, I'll open up a thread just for my story. What are your opinions on my writing style? Too formal, or is it okay? And what suggestions would you guys give me. I read through a few pages of this thread and my mind was blown.

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Aigloblam sat motionless, crosslegged on the floor. Thoughts ran in complicated knots through his head. He had seen the death of hundreds of Tenno brethren, felt the loss of countless friends over the years. At each death he raged. He had beaten grineer to death with his bare knuckles for the death of a rookie, He had lain waste to entire Corpus outposts singlehandedly after losing his partner for that mission. This, however, was different.


He had been away when Ajkrumen was taken, Deep in space on a month long scouting journey across the solar system. While still a week from home base, he heard of this latest tragedy. Stuck on his ship, with nothing to rage at, Aigloblam slipped into depression. He had no outlet this time, and with the stalker dead, he didnt even have a target for vengeance. He had prepared himself over the last 80 years or so for the death of Crowley, simply due to the incredibly long life the Nekros had already fought through. He knew the master of death himself would be a heavy loss both as a friend, teacher, and brother in arms, but it would be a calculated loss, however painful. Ajkrumen's loss struck Aigloblam deep to his core.


As he stepped from his ship, silence filled the room like a poisonous gas, sucking the air from lungs and petrifying tongues. Aigloblam walked slowly to his room, avoiding the glance of any of his friends. He found Nova-Quinn and Heus talking in a hallway, and simply walked past without so much as a glance, while Heus whispered "Im sorry Blam" to deaf ears.


Zel and Khimera sat in quiet conversation at a table in the common room, but quickly silenced themselves at the sight of Aigloblam. They had never seen a healthy tenno look so ...weak. His shoulders were sloping down, his face pointed at the floor. Worst of all, He made no sound, simply floated through the hallways like a disinterested ghost.


Igilblix was the last to see Aigloblam, not going into his chambers, but into the Cryo-Lab.


Inside, Aigloblam carried a tenno Cryo-Pod down the steps at the back of the lab, Deep underground into the base's storage vault. After standing it against the wall in the midst of hundreds of other pods, all empty, he keyed in a message that would be displayed on the pod's control panel. He climbed inside and laid his head against the hard metal supports.


After one last sigh, the once proud warrior pushed the button to begin the freezing process.


On the outside of the pod, in faintly glowing blue letters, read his note to any who may need him. It was short, and conveyed none of the sorrow that drove him into this state.


"Emergencies Only"




"They say your mind shuts down in cryo sleep. All but the primitive side. The Animal side"
- Rid$&*^

Edited by Aigloblam
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That has to be one of the saddest things I've read. I feel so bad for him.

Hes pretty torn up. His plan was the only way to not feel for a while. Just sit there in the cold, barely thinking, barely existing, Until something happened where he was needed. Granted, its pretty selfish and stupid, but he isnt exactly in his right mind at the moment.


dayum...that's so deep o.o

Thankie Sai.

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