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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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*cough* okay so the inspiration bug kicked me in the head repeatedly while at work. so gonna trying something out here.





It was four days after Fenrik had steeled himself to go to the firing range. After a rather piercing insult from a novice Loki who found himself blasted across the room post haste, Fenrik was restrained and lead away for him to calm down. He had growled angrily at the Loki all the while. How ever after four days he had indeed cooled off and rolled out of bed, checking his inbox. He blinked in surprise. He checked it again. Huh, Lotus had sent him a priority message. That hadn't happened before, He cringed thinking of what it might say. He opened the message and read it. F$&*... She was commanding him to see a therapist... He sighed unhappily. He briefly wondered how she'd react to him sending a simple message of 'No' as a reply. Ah what the hell, Not like he cared what anyone else thought anymore. He sent her his two letter response and rolled back over into bed, deciding to be lazy today. Suddenly Lotus sent him a direct Transmission "I must say, not many Tenno will actually refuse a order from me. Regardless I did have a back up plan in case of such a thing. She should be about to your quarters now, so I do hope you are presentable." Lotus cut the transmission at that. Fenrik swore again and let his Nekros warframe cover his body. He was extremely annoyed now, little did he know exactly WHO was going to be coming by his room, otherwise he would have been bloody well furious.


A few hallways away a Nyx frame with a rather unique appearance padded silently. She was well known in the Aequitas Dojo (did i spell that right?) A veritable queen of espionage and assassination. She was also strong enough to have survived two encounters with Stalker though, each had cost her. The first had cost her the ability to talk and the second... the second cost her her peace of mind. Though the psychic emanations she constantly emitted helped her in a few aspects, it was impossible to lie to her, machines couldn't register her properly while her warframe covered her as the Nyx frame amplified the psychic emissions coming from her and she could speak telepathically to anyone within a certain albeit broad range. She would also constantly feel what others around her felt and she could never turn that ability off, she was completely unable to. Since she didn't remember her name after awakening from Cryo people had started to simply call her Ghost. Her full moniker was Ghost in the Machine, She has looked that phrase up once and been significantly amused by it and rather intrigued as well since she has heard of instances where those theoretical 'ghosts in machines' had happened. Warframes using abilities on their own, strange and unknown programming in computers that were off on their own away from other files and programs. Sentinels bending the rules if said rules got in the way protecting their owner or even of one occasion where a sentinel became disgusted with it's owner's choices and habits, verbally brow beat the tenno before floating away and finding a new home.

She shook her head as her thoughts wandered a little too far as she began to wonder how X and Ty were doing. She stopped at the door to the Nekros she was supposed to have therapy sessions with. She really wished Lotus hadn't called in that favor but oh well. Ghost knocked on the door with a sigh and waited to be let in.


(I will post pictures of them all once i have finished redownloading Warframe as it effing broke AGAIN. stupid asinine thing)

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*cough* okay so the inspiration bug kicked me in the head repeatedly while at work. so gonna trying something out here.





(I will post pictures of them all once i have finished redownloading Warframe as it effing broke AGAIN. stupid asinine thing)

I can instantly tell im going to like this Ghost in the Machine.

A Lot.

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oooh another Idea hit me. A rogue Tenno (not a stalker kind though) Working as a master thief of sorts? stealing from whatever faction it pleases (including Tenno) and sets said item(s) up for auction. Highest bidder gets the item anonymously delivered to them. could have fun with that.

Edited by KittyShark
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Wait isn't that sorta already that Ash that wants to steal from Quinn...?

Akinos doesn't want to steal anything. He just needs to check something, and maybe get his hands on some of the information (like where the Stalkers are coming from), if he gets the chance. Refer to the first story i posted to know (or rather, to guess) why.

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yay, i got my latron prime! now to farm for the reaper prime blade and i will have the Frost Prime set. also, Kris talking to lotus.



''So, are you ready?'' Lotus asked Kris, a grin spread over her face.


''Ready for what? I'm not going.'' Kris replied, wiping the grin off Lotus's face with his words as easily as he would slice Grineer apart.


''But you were accepted!''


''Doesn't mean I want to join it.''


''It doesn't matter! If you are accepted, you must go and meet with the clan leader. If you don't, the other Tenno will question your alliegance.''


''Pffffffft. I don't care what others think anymore as they already think I am the lowest of low standards. So I'm not going. It won't change anything.''


''Fine! If you won't go by yourself, I shall get someone to move you!'' Lotus said after seething in anger for a few seconds.


''Let them try. They won't be able to move me.'' 


''Lets make a bet then. If they manage to move you, you will have to join them. If they don't, I'll give you 2000 platinum and leave you alone for a month.''


Kris smirked. ''Agreed.''



Don't blame me, im running low on plat ._. like, really low on plat, like down 2000 plat in 2 days low on plat ._.

Edited by FatViking
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I could do it if you like, since Issachar and/or Faust would be good candidates...(that and Einherjar is under Lotus' radar so I can't insert him here)


Also, Ajkrumen's Statue is in the Memorial Hall, somewhere off in the Dojo that carries great significance to those remembering the fallen.




"Must you hover along?" Faust grumbled as he moved quietly through the station, Crowley's Djinn floating along behind him having been refitted with Chrysalis Wings this time around. "I'm perfectly capable of dragging one Excalibur back. I'd be a disgrace as an apprentice if I could not."


"Well you certainly aren't cut out for introducing Ein to everyone else now are you?" The creepy Sentinel retorted snidely, floating in circles around Faust's head. "Lotus has indicated this one is prone to Valkyr-like rampages when instigated so you're fairly perfect for this job, being so socially inept."


"That's why I asked...MUST you hover along? I'll let him break you if you act like an A******." Checking the room doors one by one the bone-white Nekros paused before the room belonging to Kris.


"I only act that way to you...and the insipid jellyfish."


Rolling his eyes Faust knocked on the door gently. "Hello? My name is Faust and I've been ordered to come pick someone up...please don't kill me." He squeaked out at the end, his skittish nature coming out again.

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I could do it if you like, since Issachar and/or Faust would be good candidates...(that and Einherjar is under Lotus' radar so I can't insert him here)


Also, Ajkrumen's Statue is in the Memorial Hall, somewhere off in the Dojo that carries great significance to those remembering the fallen.




"Must you hover along?" Faust grumbled as he moved quietly through the station, Crowley's Djinn floating along behind him having been refitted with Chrysalis Wings this time around. "I'm perfectly capable of dragging one Excalibur back. I'd be a disgrace as an apprentice if I could not."


"Well you certainly aren't cut out for introducing Ein to everyone else now are you?" The creepy Sentinel retorted snidely, floating in circles around Faust's head. "Lotus has indicated this one is prone to Valkyr-like rampages when instigated so you're fairly perfect for this job, being so socially inept."


"That's why I asked...MUST you hover along? I'll let him break you if you act like an A******." Checking the room doors one by one the bone-white Nekros paused before the room belonging to Kris.


"I only act that way to you...and the insipid jellyfish."


Rolling his eyes Faust knocked on the door gently. "Hello? My name is Faust and I've been ordered to come pick someone up...please don't kill me." He squeaked out at the end, his skittish nature coming out again.

^^^^^^^^^ all of my yes's

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Kris meeting Faust? this is will be good, because Kris is sad and depressed (with occasional berserking rampage) and Faust is scared and skittish.


Edit: i might actually write their meeting down. there is something that is funny about Kris that i want to showcase. just saying in case.

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