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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Doesn't have to be. I mean, new Tenno would come to the dojo all the time, right? So why would it be necessary (if no one wants to get into writing something that's that big about the Council since all of that is still so up in the air and uncertain) for the entire Council to deal with her?


Personally, I find it just as likely that some arbitrary decision might be made about her without her even meeting anyone, or perhaps, with her only meeting one member or so, than for her to meet with everyone at once.



Still, I have been waiting on a story about the Council as a whole since the idea came up, and it would be neat if my character ended up in all that, although I don't really have any expectation that she would be.



So I guess my vote is a definite yes to a big Council post at some point, but it doesn't have to be now if the timing isn't right.

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Is there even a finalized list of Council members yet? o.o



*edit: Viking, is there even any confimation Crowley is at the dojo at the moment? I kind of assumed he would be busy watching over Ein since he just awoke (if that's the right term)...

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i think there is Crowley, and then there is nova-quinn (non-essential, honorary member) and uhm.....i dunno


Edit: i am not going back 10-20 pages just find out if Crowley is at the dojo. im too busy trying to find a way to make Kris meet someone in the dojo that isn't Faust or a completely bullsh*tted character.

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Er... I though NQ was decided against since her vote would always be whatever sounded fun to her at the time, and because no one would feel safe asking her to sit through a meeting and get bored. After all, a bored Nova-Quinn is a threat to the health of everyone within a ten-mile radius..... her plus boring meetings is just ASKING for a disaster lol


*edit: And Viking, I think our characters are in similar positions at the moment. We might just have to be patient and wait on better timing as other people post things.

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I'd rather not write a council meeting...Khi would be way too distracted at the moment and Crowley is uber busy for obvious reasons...just thinking about all the walking running around he's been doing makes my feet hurt.




Crowley's mind was abuzz with thoughts at the moment. He was wondering how Ein was doing in his first class, if Quinn might need to inspect Lunasos again, what he should do with Faust next considering the potential he had if he applied himself. The Nekros' reverie was broken as he stopped mid-stride before the open doors of the Memorial Hall. Even from the doorway it was a beautiful place, sacred and seemingly untouchable by any sort of filth or desecrating hand. Still...even as he slowly stepped in down the center aisle Crowley could imagine what would happen if the Corpus found this place...or the Grineer...or gods forbid if the Infested took it. The beauty...the sanctity...the respect this place commanded...would all be ruined. Letting his helmet retract, thinking himself alone for the moment, Crowley looked up at Ajkrumen's image with sorrowful pale blue eyes. More streaks of white marred the raven black of his long, well-kept hair that was split into four tails by the back part of his retracted helmet. It was a mystery how it all fit inside but the quantum mechanics behind Warframe Helmets were better left unsaid.


Sighing, the Grand-Master of the Dead closed his eyes and let himself become submerged by the lingering psychic feedback from this place, the energy left by all the souls that had gathered and witnessed one of the grandest funerals to ever occur in many centuries' time. It was like finding one's self underwater yet able to breathe just fine, the world awash in beautiful colors bathed in a light from above like sunlight through the surface of the water. No words could describe what only Crowley was able to see when he let himself fall into his old powers, his old purpose and self. Idly Crowley wondered if any of the new generation would ever see this kind of thing, a place so saturated in the lingering sentiments of souls that they could simply float upon its airs and feel all that had been felt there...if they would ever have the skill to see into what lay beyond the veil of the material plane.


A soft breath snapped Crowley from his peace, making his sharp eyes stare at an Excalibur that had been present the whole time, someone Crowley had no memory of. "New." He murmured to himself, waving his hand at the Excalibur, blue mists trailing from his fingertips and coiling around the other Tenno's body briefly, forcing him to leave his meditative state. "Who are you?" Crowley spoke in hushed tones as he walked up to the only being there besides himself, leaving his helmet retracted on purpose. So rare were those that had laid eyes upon the Nekros' real face and for all his ancient lifespan he looked so young...as if he were not more than 20...30 cycles of age.


"Ah...I...uhm...I'm Kris...I'm new." Something about this Nekros felt...massive. It was like looking up at a huge being of nature, something so great it was as if a force that you could not stand against, something that commanded respect by presence. Maybe it was the Memorial Hall, maybe it was how the Nekros held a Hate in his hand easily and it seemed more a weapon of peace than an iconic scythe bathed in the malice others had for its original bearer. "Are you..."


"Crowley." The ice-colored Tenno interjected, a small smile curling upon his pale lips. "I sent Faust after you but Lotus' orders. She seemed very concerned for you...reminded me of when I was younger and she would dote her concerns upon me as well. Now she only worries for the day my old body meets its final hour." Motioning for Kris to rise, Crowley was pleased to see that the Excalibur was quick to do so, though it seemed not because Crowley was one of the Council, but out of genuine respect. "I will vouch for you, since you left Faust well and whole...and my Djinn undestroyed. I expected both of them in pieces to be honest." Chuckling softly Crowley snapped his fingers and his Raknis helmet covered his face again, making Kris jump from the sudden frightening visage.


"That's...kinda creepy." Kris admitted freely, somehow able to feel more at ease now that he'd actually started a conversation with the old Tenno. "Are you the Clan's Warlord?" Kris asked, having noted he'd only ever assumed the Crowley that had been spoken of was in charge, being referred to as 'Master' by both Faust and the Djinn he'd held a wonderful conversation with. "And it's no trouble, really! Your Djinn and I held a great conversation on the way though Faust was...unhelpful when we asked for opinions."


"Hahaha~ that sounds like him. He prefers the neutral ground which makes him optimal for being my apprentice. You see, were he too prone to aggression or passivity he would not have the potential to be heir to my title. He could have tried to fight you or could have left you alone to stay back at the station but instead he chose to allow my Djinn to continue holding a conversation with you, politely allowing you your interests while helping guide you here." Stretching his arms out Crowley gestured to the Memorial Hall seeming to glow briefly in divine light. "Most important for Nekros who undertake the Oath of Binding is to be able to guide others with our wisdom and knowledge." Pausing, Crowley realized he hadn't answered the question. "I am not...we have no one Warlord. I am a part of the Council of Aequitas. I, along with several others, help keep things in check..." Turning to face Ajkrumen's statue Crowley's shoulders sagged a bit. "He...was one of us. A Loki named Tyranthius is among the Council along with my Cell-mate Khimera, a Volt. Aigloblam was part of the Council as well but he has secreted himself away to deal with his grief. Currently there are not enough of us to hold a proper meet yet and so few of us have the time with our own activities...I am training Faust and Ein, as I assume you have met my second protege since his timing is impeccable and you must have arrived around the time he was passing the docking bay..." Having gone off on a tangent Crowley shook his head to regain his train of thought. "Khimera had an episode with another Cell-mate of ours, Sandalphon, and is currently looking for any excuse to go out looking for his husband who was lost during the Collapse. Tyranthius may not actually be busy yet but one person does not a Council make."


"Wait, Khimera's gay? Wait...Tenno can get married?" Kris commented out of natural curiosity and to lighten Crowley's mood a little. It helped.


"Yes, yes, he's gay. He's dealt with that from initiates before...and being called a woman because of the high heels..." Snickering, the Nekros started to leave the hall, allowing Kris to follow until the doorway. "I can actually oversee a marriage you know. Funerals aren't my single specialty. Remember that if you find the right person, be it Tenno or not, and find your desires match." Waving, Crowley started back on the path he'd been going on originally. "Find Sandalphon, he deals with the registration!"

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Yep. NQ and Loki, if they've ever been members at all, were most likely honorary; possessing only the titles and the most trivial of powers. X is there, Aiglo was, though I think he's still in cryo-sleep. Ajkrumen was there, but he died - vacancy! -, and Crowley has a seat as well. Tyranthius, of course, is there, but he hates it, skips most of the time, and only ever completely attends the war tribunals. Not sure how many seats the Council has, or if all the meetings are always en banc.


Oh, and Tyranthius is still in that Void mission that I haven't gotten to finishing. He will be quite occupied soon, at least for some hours.


Edit: Seems Khi typed what I was going to say about Council membership.

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Wow Viking...it looks better than my normal coloration for waspy-Khi. (I already have an alternate coloration for him as well by now) then again I also have all my special visual effects OFF so I can flipping play the game.


On a note to Wrath_of_Chrysalis: Please stop...really...a short story would be nice from you before you continue barraging the thread with random nonsense. If you want to write up something Tyranid/Lovecraftian make something involving the Infested. Seriously...an Infested character (even if a temporary one) as a main character of a short story would be neat to see.


Barry the Ancient...that has a nice ring to it actually.


I apologize for all the blargh stuff from real life Aj and Aigloblam. Life goes on and gets better. To be fair, I haven't used advanced mathematics in years so...yeah...half the stuff they test you on in school involving math doesn't go into real life in that kind of fashion. I have NEVER written down an equation since high school...so yeah...-beep- that.


I apologize again for taking Heus and Zel for Ein's introductory class, but now I have no idea what to make happen. Writing myself into a corner nuuuuu!

I actually am working on that ATM. It shall be done soon. And Kitty does the same thing.
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@Wrath: Kitty is subject to the same terminology I put to you, minus the bit about lovecraftian stuff. I didn't mean to sound mean or commanding and I apologize if I did, I think I more got irritated that there were pages that had absolutely no story or story-like discussion on them. May need to confirm this...may just be mostly no story or story-like discussion.


@Viking: Random information for the win! Feel free to do whatever now actually, you don't have to meet Sandals since Crowley's vouching for you though you may wanna go to registration to at least get a room. I will not guarantee that Nova-Quinn won't prank Kris...someone should warn Kris about Nova-Quinn actually....OH GOD SOMEONE WARN KRIS!

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if any of you are going to include Kris, im just going to point out that he is in a good mood after meeting Crowley.


Screw it, i am going to write up Kris's journey to the registration so that he can get a room.



After Crowley had left, Kris went back to the bench to pick up his notebook as he had forgotten it there. After grabbing the notebook, he walked outside and started to go by his drawings as some sort of a crude map, although it was just for visual memory, and walked towards the registration. 


''Sandalphon. That is the guy I am supposed to talk with about registration. I wonder what kind of frame he is in. I wonder if I can find some cookies, chocolate chips preferably. I wonder if I will meet someone on the way. I wonder if everybody has forgotten the feeling of paper. Are there any good books I should download? Corpus music sucks, it's all just synthesizers..but then again, the Corpus are giant synthesizers themselves. I wonder if the infested can be used as a food source.'' Lost in a trail of thoughts, Kris wandered around the dojo, having forgotten his initial purpose.


''Kris, are you there?'' Lotus's voice sounded through his comms.


''Yes? What do you need?''


''How do you like it over there?''


''It is very chill, nice and relaxed. I like it. I'm staying.''


''Good. That is all i wanted to know.''


''Okay, goodbye Lotus.'' And on that note, Kris started wandering again.



Kris is a wanderer. :o

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It's not that I don't have ideas, it's just trying to work them into something cohesive that fits the timeline that's a problem. I have lots of little things that I think of all the time that I itch to write down, only to realize they don't fit in one way or another. Sometimes it's just it won't fit in the timeline, doesn't line up with my character's personality, leaves stuff out that would take too much background explaining to make real sense, or just would require the use of other people's characters/characters that I would have to make up and introduce to make work (I really don't want to start adding in anyone new since Acantha isn't even really established yet). It's my own fault for writing my character as such a loner. She doesn't really know anyone of consequence yet, so I have to try to write it to fit that fact, which leaves me at a deficit for any really solid themes. My impatience at wanting to write something but not knowing where to start isn't helping my problem either xD



*edit: I Don't mean this to come out whiny and as begging for someone to write her into something, because that's now how I mean it. It's just an explanation of the little corner I've backed myself into and why it might be slow going for my next post until I can think my way out lol

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