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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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how about now!??!?!?!





It was all peaceful as he walked, there wasnt much for him to do other than look. Not being part of the clan made him feel somewhat out of place. No much but enough to make him walk quicker than usual, but he still wasn’t in a rush. Ans walked about looking for nothing specific other than someone to converse with while he waited for his supplies. Walking down one of the halls he saw someone he “knew”. The nova he had carried to the infirmary, quickly hiding behind a corner he waited for her, and the other 2 to leave the corridor before he continued on his walk. He was embarrassed for some reason. 


Walking about had given him a nostalgic feeling, the time when he was part of a clan, before they had betrayed him. Shaking his head he pushed the memories out of his mind and was almost run over by a wasp colored volt, zipping by with speed activated. 


Where could he be going in such a hurry?’ He thought to himself, but he turned and walked in the direction the speeding volt had come from. After a few moments of walking he came across and ash and ember warframe crawling across the ground, thoroughly singed. He kept walking, that was something he did not want to interfere in, though he did want to help, he just didnt want to know what happened. The sight he saw when he entered, what looked to be the training room, shocked him. There were shards of ice all over the place along with multiple people, who he guessed to be initiates, cowering near a frost who was talking to them quietly. His eyes widened underneath his helmet, the place was a mess. ice was sticking out of the walls and all over the floor and ceiling not to mention the electrical burns all along the floor and walls. 


“ummm...i think i should be going now.” Ans said quietly and turned to walk away. 




how about more of Quinn??? yes?




Quinn had almost dropped his unopened bottle of vodka at the sight which lay before him. So much Orokin technology was laid out, so much old and forgotten things. This red haired, one eyed excalibur had brought him these things, why? 


“Kris.......how in the hell......no no....no.....” Quinn said mostly to himself as he looked at the grinning man who stood before him. letting his helmet retract and his hair fall around his face, Quinn opened the bottle. 


“I think the first sip should be for you.” He said handing the bottle to Kris, who promptly took a small swig. His face flushed slightly because of the strong brew, but this only made the Foundry Master grin. 


“Acantha?” Quinn asked taking the bottle and holding it out for her. She hesitantly took the bottle and sniffed it. Shrugging because she couldn't smell anything took a very small sip. The result, was her coughing and trying to sip out the flaming drink. Quinn and Kris were now laughing and almost rolling on the ground at her reaction. Ein of course did not know what was going on but decided to head out, saying bye. 


“Of course Ein you have stuff to do.” Quinn said wiping a tear from his eye, “Im sorry Acantha, so sorry, how do you like your weapons?”


“They look like new.” She said excitedly, “Except there are still scratches and marks on them.”


“I know, i left them like that intentionally, a weapon has to have its history right?”  Shrugging, Quinn continued to stare and almost drool at the orokin tech which was laying about his room. Along with few sips of vodka.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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i think i gave Quinn so much stuff that he is about to enter an Orokin tech-rush (sorta like a sugar-rush, but is inflicted by copious amounts of Orokin tech)


Edit: *goes back to lurk in his basement to kill some infested in Dark Sector*

Edited by FatViking
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time to write something about Kris going to take care of his Snub-fighter :3 he loves it.



''Hey Quinn, will you be okay if I leave you here with all this stuff? I got to do something.'' Kris said in a calm voice with a hint of giggle after what they had just seen with Acantha and the Vodka.


''Yeah, sure.'' Was all Quinn said to the young Tenno.


''Thanks, I'll see you later, maybe, sometime.'' And on that note Kris ran off towards the docking bay. Putting his helmet back on and utilizing the HUD map, Kris soon found several shortcuts that all led to the docking bay. he stopped however, just a short sprint away from his goal when he spotted two Tenno, an Ember and an Ash crawling towards the med-bay as his map indicated. Wondering what happened, he walked towards the Tenno.


''So, what happened to you two? And do you need help getting to the med-bay?'' Kris asked as he bowed down on one knee in front of the strange pair.


''Yes, please, help us.'' The Ember barely managed to say, clearly weak from what had happened.


''So, I guess what happened to you two is a bit of private matter, no?'' Kris said as he slung the two over his shoulders, deciding to not inquire further into whatever had aspired before as he carried the two into the med-bay. Hailing a nearby Trinity, all explanation he could give was that he found them crawling in the hall while he had been on his way to the docking bay. The Trinity just stared at him, shrugged and started working. Taking that hint, Kris ran off towards the docking bay, and his Snub again. 


He arrived at the docking bay a few seconds later and immediatly started searching for something to clean his snub with. Asking a nearby Tenno, he quickly found a bucket filled with water, some soap and a sponge used to clean Snubs. Kris could not wait to get started on the cleaning. 


Soon, the Snub would shine like a star.

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Ugh, took me so long to get this done.  I wanted to do this and another before this week started - fail xP  Anyways, here is the "Council Meeting."  idk how often I'll post within the next two weeks, Semester is ending... but I should have Skirata's main part for his background out before the new year (imma regret saying that, i know it).  Anyways, here it is, enjoy. :]


*  *  *


Fear not the infection, old friend. There is one born of noble blood that can end this. Justice will always triumph...


Crowley held his hand up to his forehead, and straightened up.  Quinn and X had just entered the hall and were approaching him.


“Crowley, what’s wrong?”


“Are you alright?”


“Nothing.  Nothing of importance at this point in time, old friends.  What do you need?”


Quinn looked at him pointedly.  X looked from Quinn to Crowley, and decided to speak first.  “We need to talk about a few things.  Firstly, I suggest we decide upon another Tenno to be added to the Council.  Ajkrumen’s loss was great, and Aigloblam being in cryo-sleep has left a hole in the Council’s strength and number.  As it is, we are all very occupied; the others did not have the time to join us today.  I think I might know someone who we could trust to take on a little extra responsibility.”


“As do I, we can discuss that later.  What else is there?”


“We have some Tenno that I feel we should ask to stay here and become official members of Aequitas.  On that note, I’ll let Quinn continue.”


Quinn cleared his throat.  “There are Tenno we should accept, some of them fit in really well.  However, there is Akinos, an Ash, and his Shade sentinel that we should be wary of.  He got into the foundry the other day.  Said he was sent by the Lotus and asked for information on the Stalker.  I turned him away, but we might want to keep him close, he might be an important piece to this puzzle.  The puzzle, being the Stalker’s background, seems to be a hot topic of late.  I might have discovered something huge after analyzing the armor’s data storages.  First off, he was old.  I was able to determine that he has been alive since before the Orokin collapse.  Here’s the crazy thing though, his warframe shows signs that he never went into cryo as we did, which could very well mean he still has his memories.  Now, we all know there has to be more than one.  Reports have totalled that at least three Stalkers have been killed.  If we can somehow detain one of these beings, they could lead us to many answers regarding our past that we have long forgotten.  I shall continue to uncover what I can from his warframe.”


“Very good Quinn.  Although, some things are best left unknown and to the imagination.  The truth always has a price.  We will keep an eye on Akinos, let him into the clan, just make sure he and his Shade do not gain access to anything related to the Stalker just yet.  Let’s find out as much as we possibly can before letting anyone else know about it.  If we can’t make any sense of it, then we can turn to Akinos and Lotus.”


“Alright, that’s all I have to offer for now. I’ll be in the foundry, take care, X, Crowley.”  Quinn turned to leave the council members and exited the hall.


“Okay X, who did you have in mind?”


“Skirata, the Excalibur we picked up after the final Gradivus battle.  He is a Master so he should be a decent placeholder for Aigloblam, if not a permanent member.”


“True, so we could ask him.  However, I would feel more comfortable if we were to accept a more seasoned member of the clan.  I believe Quinn has earned his keep in Aequitas, and we’ve known him since before he was a Master.”


“I am alright with that as well, Quinn should definitely be on the Council after all he has done.”


“Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an apprentice to track down.”  The Nekros strolled out of the hall in search of Ein.


*  *  *



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I am waiting for some stuff to happen on this forum now that Kris is busy shining his Snub :3 Elena will be the cleanest Snub-fighter EVER!!!


Also, i would like Khi to meet Kris at one point. We could tie in more of that respect thing (Kris considers Quinn to be his equal and a man worthy of respect in the form of free Vodka!)


Edit: Kris will never borrow his Snub to anyone!

Edited by FatViking
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Fenrik placed his fist over his heart and bowed when Crowley accepted him "I shall do my best Grand-Master" though he shot Crowley a rather surprised look when he made the statement about overcoming pain and sorrow. He sent a private command to his carrier sentinel, telling it to retrieve him Soma and Acrid for him. It grumbled but acquiesced and quickly made it's way to Fenrik where he attached his weapons to their proper places. "Thanks Jerry" He said, having named his sentinel, much to it's annoyance then and it still annoyed it now. "Can you not call me that. We sentinels don't have names you know"

"Oh I know, but I named you anyway,so deal with it. You are Jerry now and forever" The Carrier just grumbled and glowered as best it could, knowing it wouldn't win this argument. "Now then, Go... Go stay with Ghost while I am out... I have something important to do and I know not how long I shall be or if I will even return alive. Should I fall, alert Ghost and let her know that all of my terrestrial belongings and Malifex's will be hers."

"Ghost? I thought you despised her...?" "I did... but we had words earlier and... well lets just say she opened my eyes a bit. I'm still not terribly fond of her, but i know she won't mistreat you or any of my belongings. Anyway, off with you Jerry, take care and don't piss anyone off too much" Fenrik said as he made his way onto Crowley's ship, leaving Jerry to hover there for a moment before hovering off to find Ghost, no small feat considering her abilities.

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Ivan stepped over Alad's corpse with nary a glance as Kevin and Adam scanned the room for any more threats. Emm briefly stopped to give the Zanuka attack droid a savage kick in the side. The fight with Alad was...well anti-climactic, it took barely any effort the moment Ivan used the Rhino's Roar and for Kevin's Crewmen copies going in and blasting Alad with their Dera rifles. Alad's insults were worth nothing. They were worth nothing even as Ivan smashed through his skull with the blade of his Scindo.


"Found his keys, now I wonder what's in his basement." Ivan said as he held up a key card.


"Right." Adam gestured to the console Alad was standing next to.


"Alert John that we're gonna go see what Alad was up to with the Zanuka Project. Something's not right with this room." Ivan told Emm as he looked at the terminal.


"Roger." Emm answered.


Curious Ivan slid the key card into the slot on the terminal and when a prompt appeared on the screen he touched it. A panel on the floor hissed and revealed a staircase leading down to...somewhere. Adam took point with his Braton raised. Kevin and Ivan were next with Emm again bringing up the rear. The corridor was dark, narrow and close. They moved in a staggered life in case anything happened. Ivan felt...afraid. Every Tenno knew fear. It was one of the things they embraced. Anyone who claimed to be brave was a fool. Fear made you stronger but without control that strength is wasted.


Ivan swallowed as he looked around. His HUD told him his shields were full and his ammo would hold for this current mission. "Coming up on a door." Adam announced. "It has a key card slot."


"Be ready for anything." Ivan told his team. "Knowing Alad V...Well, just be ready."




They stacked up on the door. Ivan keyed the door open and the moment the door opened they moved in weapons raised.


The female Tenno in the gruesomely blood stained Warframe screamed and charged them in response. The moment she hit the ground the ensuing shockwave launched all for of them away from the point of impact.




Kevin rolled back onto his knees aiming his Boltor. "Oh boy." he murmured. There were dead Corpus scientists everywhere. "I guess the dog wasn't the only lab experiment." The crazed female Tenno was currently trading blows with Adam who was parrying with his sword. With her bare hands. This wasn't even remotely a joke, Adam was one of the best swordsmen in the clan. And this chick was slowly pushing him back with her bare hands.


"Shoot her, Kevin!" Adam ducked a blow that had every right to crush his head.


"I can't!" Kevin's reply was calculated even as he aimed his Boltor. "I might hit you instead of her!" 


"Then melee it is then!" Emm roared charging in from the side her Orthos staff whirling. She knocked the crazy Tenno aside with a sweeping blow to the head. The Warframe was crazy fast, heavily armored and whoever was in there was not right in the head. Ivan charged in to subdue her. Another bellow from the new Warframe stopped that notion quickly. The scream was filled with anger, hate. It pierced Kevin's skull and at the same time made him think. 


She's crying in there...


The scream had a secondary effect of paralyzing Ivan's team and slowing them down. The tenno took advantage of that and threw Emm and Adam aside, with Emm slamming into Ivan with enough force to break his Iron Skin. Adam slammed into several crates, stunned he tried to get back on his feet. His Excalibur Warframe felt heavier. He looked up to see the crazy Tenno give another scream and turn to face their Nekros.


"No, Kevin!!" He yelled reaching for his side arm but he knew he was going to be too late.





Kevin felt slowed down but he could still shoot. He still had time even as the Crazed Tenno turned her eyes on him, all rage and blood lust. The Nekros fired his Boltor. Three rounds and he was empty. He forgot to reload. "Janice." He whispered and closed his eyes as the Tenno bore down on him claws raised for a decapitating swipe.


A white cold ball of ice slammed into the female Warframe smashing it aside. It was John. Kevin felt the room's temperature lower a bit. The Warlord was all cool, icy calm. John stood up and slung his weapon, exchanging it for the Galatine Great sword. "I don't know what Alad has done to you," he told the crazed tenno quietly. "But if you choose to continue this farce, I will grant you the eternal peace you seek."




"Guys." Roy and Yuno went to assist the other Tenno as Janice ran straight towards Kevin. "Kevin you okay?" Roy asked.


"Yeah." The clash of steel drew their attention.


John was handily beating the ball of fury back with precise parries that belied the absurd length of his weapon and the bulk of his Warframe. The Frost was just as heavily armored as the Rhino, but to utilize this Warframe effectively it was said that the user's state of mind must be calm and calculated. A mind as cold and as merciless as any winter blizzard.


But everyone knew that the easiest way to get on John's bad side was to harm the members of Clan Bellum Forma. Many foes and even those who called themselves friend to the clan had fallen at Warlord John's feet. His cold rage and iron will was what made many wary of him and his peerless swordsmanship, ruthless tactics and icy leadership secured his position as a Warlord.


They watched as John ducked a sweeping kick meant for his head and the Frost blocked the claws meant to tear into him with his sword. The Warlord pushed forward forcing his blood crazed female opponent stumbling backwards. Gripping the Galatine's grip with two hands he went on the offensive, his sword smashing its way through the female Warframe's defensive stance. Unable to find any chinks in the Frost's attacks the crazed Tenno roared in frustration and anger. That was when John's gauntlet closed around her helmet and the Frost smashed the back of her head into the wall. Stunned the tenno tried to pry the iron grip before John knocked her unconscious with another slam to the head.


The Warlord turned to his subordinates. "Now then," he said to them his voice serene. "Ivan, have Adam and Roy secure our newest guest." He gestured to the unconscious female Tenno on the floor at his feet. "Yuno if she makes any sudden movements vaporize her."


Ivan nodded his head. "Yes sir." Was Yuno's reply.


"Emm, see to everyone and get them back on their feet."


Holding her head the Trinity gave her assent and began scanning the team for any injuries. Apart from bumps, scratches and bruises not to mention some cracked ribs on her part due to slamming into an Iron skinned Rhino everyone seemed okay.


"Janice and Kevin please attempt to grab every bit of data in this lab," John continued calm and collected once again. "I'd like to find out just what Alad V was tying to accomplish and it would be such a waste to leave it to our block headed friends." He looked at the Corpus bodies spread all over the lab with disgust. "Hmm..."

Edited by Divinity112
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Numbness, adrift, falling....that last one wasn't right. Hassun opened his eyes with just enough time to perform a somersault and land in a kneeling position. His training immediately took precedent and he began interrogating himself in order to hasten the recovery of vital memories.

"Who am I?"


"What am I?"

"Tenno, Excalibur." The timed release function of the cryopod activated and a sword fell through the air and embedded itself 8 inches from his right hand.

"What is that?"

"Jaw Sword"

"Should there be anything else?"

"No, that's all I use." Standing and settling the blade into place on his back, Hassun began counting down from three on his fingers. No sooner had he reached zero than static erupted on his comms unit.

"Glad to see you still remember the old training, Tenno."



     "Take some time to get settled in." Something wasn't right. When an operative awakens from cryosleep they are to be briefed on what's transpired since cryosleep upon reaching a location deemed safe. It had taken hours to get here after extraction, and yet the Lotus kept avoiding the subject. Worrying would do no good, so Hassun put those thoughts aside and focused on his environment. Though a distant explosion was heard, the hallways were empty save for a Nekros walking his way. Something about the way he walked seemed off, as though he were stressed or in pain. Deciding that all Nekros were that way, he was making his way past the training yard when something caught his eye. An Excalibur was wielding a Greatsword single handed! Initially, Hassun wondered if that was common practice now, though upon closer inspection of his technique it became apparent that he was having some difficulty. "Still doing an impressive job" he thought to himself, and made a mental note to try something akin to this later.


      Having walked the rest of the way to his room without incident, Hassun sighed once and entered, the door closing soundlessly behind him.

"Alright, lay it on me."

After a brief moment of static, "Do you remember why you were put into storage?"

"You wanted some sleeper agents in the outer colonies. Lotus.....what year is it?" He feared the answer, but needed to know.

She ignored the question, instead saying "You were put into cryosleep at....the height of the Orokin era." She seemed almost...nervous.  

Hassun was confused by this. "So what, we're in a bit of a decline right now?"

 "......I wish it were so simple."





Feel free to help get him up to speed or say hi. If you want to write dialogue for him just remember that he's polite, wise, and one cool cucumber. And different shades of grey. (Not 50)

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Just started the archive. I'll continue it later, and its messed up now due to breaking it up to meet the character limit, and will take a while (i'm up to page 4 so far...).


Seeing all of these old stories again is kinda a trip down memory lane as to why I started writing here. I'd forgotten how good some of them were! (although I didn't read much)

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