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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I just wanted to let you guys know how proud I am that you all took this and ran with it.


Good job all, I love reading this thread!

Always a pleasure. Thanks for starting us off, Without you we wouldn't be here :)


Post more stories SilverBones! I like your stuff


Please? o.o


I mean, i understand your probably really busy, but it would be awesome to have you join us again. Even if its just a little bit every now and then.

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I just wanted to let you guys know how proud I am that you all took this and ran with it.


Good job all, I love reading this thread!

good to see your still here :D


but thank you


Post more stories SilverBones! I like your stuff


Please? o.o

you have to say it right



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Tenno Name: Aigloblam
Stamina: S
Strength: C
Agility: S (S+ if its a possible thing lol)
Adaptability: A
Intellect: S
Efficiency: C

Aigloblam is based purely on speed and cunning in battle. He uses Zorens exclusively for Melee, and is rather fond of Dread. He has heavily modified his Frame, including the addition of two Inertial Dampeners into each of his legs. These are the same parts used to soften a Snub fighters touchdown sequences. Due to this and several other modifications built solely for speed, he is nigh unmatchable where speed and agility is concerned. However, he lacks Brute Strength. This has rarely been a problem, as his friendship with the hulking Igilblix has been very long indeed.

Tenno Name: Esmerella Camella Zella (Zel for short...please dear god dont use her full name)
Stamina: D
Strength: C
Agility: A
Adaptability: S
Intellect: S
Efficiency: C

Zel could possibly be the single most powerful Tenno to have ever stepped inside a Warframe, but her Age, Personality, and history as a Neglected and Abused child leave her with a serious lack of control. Instead of being a God amongst Tenno, she is a danger to herself and those around her. Over the years Zel has learned a modicum of control, but with the recent loss of Ajkrumen (one of her Idols), and the Disappearance of Aigloblam (Her Teacher/Master/Father Figure) her mind is clouded with tangled emotions. Currently she is forbidden to take part in any mission above a Level 3 Training Exercise. However, one thing keeps her hopes up. She has been taking lessons under Skirata, and shows promise of one day taking control of her world-sundering powers, instead of being a victim of them.

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Ok, 1v1 go!



After several hours of musical genius in his Snub, Kris felt stiff and slow. Deciding to loosen up, he started on his way to one of Aequitas training rooms, walking past some interestingly colored Tenno on they way. The most interestingly colored Tenno he walked past, was a wasp colored Volt with a storm helmet muttering something Kris couldn't hear.


After a mere 15 minute walk, Kris reached the training room. It was whiter than the training room at the Station, and the training weapon rack wasn't half empty as was normal back at the Station. after looking around the room a bit, Kris noticed a familiar figure training hand to hand combat.


''Ein!'' Kris shouted as Ein, surprised, turned around to see the excalibur standing a few meters away.


''Kris. what are you doing here?'' Ein managed to ask, still a little bit surprised.


''Oh, you know. Trying to get some training. I'm feeling a little bit rusty since i haven't been on a combat mission since I left the Station.''


''What is the Station?'' Ein asked in a fit of childish curiosity.


''It is where clanless Tenno rest after missions and train for more difficult opponents.'' Kris calmly explained while looking at the training dummy Ein had been using for practice. ''That, dear Ein, is some serious damage. Are you that strong? or are you just that good in hand to hand combat?''


''I am not allowed to use my weapons, so i use hand to hand instead.'' Ein explained to Kris.


''Really? Interesting. Need a sparring partner?'' Kris said as he walked towards the sparring ring.


''No, not real...''


''Oh come on, It will be good for both of us.'' Kris cut Ein off. Shrugging, Ein walked to the sparring ring as well, and took a position in front of Kris. 


The sparring match lasted a good half hour, as both fought as hard as they could to get the other down on the ground. In a relatively smart move, Ein had tried kicking the legs from under Kris, going for the ankle, only for Kris to easily jump over the kick and deliver a kick into Eins Side instead. Kris tried the a different thing a few minutes into the fight, trying to distract Ein with kicks and then trying to disorient ein with a quick jab to the head, only to have his jab blocked and recieving a kick to the stomach for his efforts. Evenly matched was an overstatement though, as even though Ein was good, Kris noticed the difficulty Ein had adapting to different tactics. Switching from standard diversion tactics to head-on attacks Kris gained the upper hand in the last minute of the sparring match, keeping Ein busy defending while also doling out body hits that would have broken a normal humans bones. Finally, Kris delivered the finishing blow, using his right leg to defend from a kick aimed at his hip and using his left to lift himself up and deliver a kick to Eins shoulder which sent him flying out of the ring.


''Whew, that was tough.'' Was all Kris could say before he had to catch his breath, having almost run out of stamina during the fight.


''A little help here?'' Was all Ein could respond with as he had landed in a position which made it hard for him stand up.


''Yeah, sure.'' Kris replied as he helped the unique Tenno up, both suddenly starting chuckling over how awkwardly Ein had landed. The two talked for a minute until a Tenno Kris had seen earlier entered the room.


''Ein, I need to talk to you.'' The wasp colored Volt said.



muahahahahaha! I hereby force Khimera to write :3

Edited by FatViking
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nooooo I have to wriiiite! Bah, no problem.




Khimera drew Ein away from the training room, inspecting the Initiate for damages. Thankfully Ein's body had the same kinds of systems that allowed Tenno Warframes to regenerate from damage, much like how a body can recover from wounds over time. "You were not given permission to fight members of the Clan." Khimera scolded, causing Ein to bow his head ashamedly. Seeing Ein feel remorse for his actions softened the Volt's heart a little bit. "You are forgiven. Still...I must ask you to be more cautious when accepting such sparring matches, kay?"


Nodding, Ein looked up to his senior feeling a little better. "I'm sorry Sensei. What did you need me for?" He asked, tilting his head a bit in an inquisitive manner. Anyone who knew Ein was an artificially created being would still be surprised by the level of humanity he displayed for such a short time after being 'born'.


Tapping the collar around the unique Tenno's neck, Khi smiled behind his helmet. "You are to report to Quinn for maintenance. You are given permission to activate your first level of abilities. Weapon Restrictions are not lifted, but you are granted permission to disarm opponents and use their arms against them in mock combat." He explained, moving back a step when Einherjar bounced up and down a few times in excitement. "Calm down and go!" Khimera pushed on Ein's back, sending him off to the Foundry for 'maintenance'. Once the Initiate was out of sight, Khi turned to Kris, red electricity crackling over his body briefly.


Sliding his hands down to his hips the wasp-colored Tenno cracked his neck, an unmistakable glare piercing through his Storm helmet. "You know, I've been in a bad mood ever since the idiot broke my last nerve a few days ago. The two stupid initiates earlier didn't help...and now I find you sparring with my charge without permission from myself or Crowley." A wicked grin spread across Khimera's lips as an old bloodlust began to boil again in his veins. "Maybe we'll talk...after I fry you." Cracking his knuckles the Volt sped forward, sending a flurry of heavy blows at Kris who narrowly managed to avoid them by grace of their momentum being too great to catch the Excalibur. The fighting style was very jarring and sharp for hand-to-hand combat, very heavy-handed and meant to deal great damage with single strikes than a string of blows.


When an opening presented itself Kris repelled his attacker with a kick to the chest, sending the Volt sprawling back momentarily. Shaking his leg after, Kris found his foot to be tingling slightly. "That's cheating!" He protested when Khimera laughed at the action. It was kinda creepy though, the way Khi had laughed, like he wasn't totally in his right mind. Changing to a more wary tactic Kris moved around the Volt rather than attacking him head-on. If he was right, that would only leave him numb and tingly.


Khimera was not so patient, taking every chance he had to sweep arm or leg around to try and trip up the Excal, changing from heavy hits to knock-down tactics. Managing to get close Khi swung his right leg high, making Kris duck only to come up again at a perceived opening. "Too late!" The Volt said quickly as he reversed direction, grabbing Kris' head with the crook of his leg and slamming him down to the floor. Standing defiantly over his fellow Tenno, Khimera felt his need to kill subsiding. "Ein has a lot to learn...subterfuge is not his strong suit and deception is unknown to him. Still...better you to down him than myself...don't you think?" Moving away Khimera offered his hand to Kris, though his emotions were unreadable unlike his student.

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Post more stories SilverBones! I like your stuff


Please? o.o


Always a pleasure. Thanks for starting us off, Without you we wouldn't be here :)



I mean, i understand your probably really busy, but it would be awesome to have you join us again. Even if its just a little bit every now and then.


good to see your still here :D


but thank you


you have to say it right




Awwww.... you guuuuuys.


Don't worry, more stuff is coming...

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