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Undying Nidus


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On 2016. 12. 28. at 1:07 PM, Fivey55555 said:

Got a suggestion for a nerf: What about it consumed 33% of current stacks with the minimum amount consumed being 10, + give it maybe a 15 seconds cooldown,15 seconds is just enough to kill yourself if you're dumb enough, will make players consider being more careful while playing him. And if that's not enough of a challenge, make Nidus unable to gain stacks during these 15 seconds.


Yes, this might look like an overkill, but it will make Nidus more challenging to play= more enjoyable. I am a Nidus player myself and I find it boring, that after you get 30+ stacks you are immortal, literally, you can't simply die. I would leave everything else as it is, just fix the passive to not make him immortal, it's like using BAGUVIX, gets boring after a while.

No. Leave him alone, he's fine the way he is, was fine before the nerfs too. 

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I see no issues at all with Nidus, the 15 stack is just enough to mess you up if you are stupid and just stand around claiming he is OP, secondly there are other frames that literally are near immortal and have way better CC than Nidus that outright causes no damage to be dealt to you, as several people have said Inaros .Even Nyx can do this with her confuse/absorb. Nekros can even become unkillable and solo survivals for a very long time without need of another frame to help, and also wukong has an "undying" type ability if you want to relate it to defy, defy has no cool-down so why add a cool- down to undying, and it only lasts for 5 seconds which is enough to preposition or retreat. I just see no point in any nerf cry out forum posts period, of nerfing Nidus other than most likely you were running something and a Nidus smashed/kill stole all of your kills or something then you made this post afterwards. HE IS MEANT FOR LONG TERM HIGH SCALING MISSIONS, not speed runs, get out of here lol.

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7 hours ago, Xemgoa said:

Well, I'm going to try and be as unbiased for this one, since I don't think you took into account of everything else that might have made your experience as to how you're immortal as Nidus. So, I'm going to offer some fair criticism, share my own thoughts on this, and challenge your views on it. Bear in mind this was all typed with a calm tone in mind.

1). I can't tell if your serious, obviously since I'm talking to someone I don't know, you're someone who came right out of the blue with this need for a nerf on Nidus, and I don't know you or your perspectives on what makes you think this nerf needs to happen. So I don't know if you're taking a jab at someones favorite Warframe just to get a reaction out of someone, or your exaggerating Nidus as this overpowered being.

2). Nidus has been balanced enough as it, his ability to scale is a inherit ability to him that allows him to grow stronger as more enemy lives are taken by his Virulence. Using his ability down narrow pathways is considered more smart thinking, than it is game breaking; that goes without debate, if you can figure out more and more ways to use both your powers and your gear in multiple ways than what is intended, you are fighting more efficiently and skillfully (except for game breaking situations that DE clearly makes note as a "no-no" and will address as such).

3). Nidus does indeed excel EXTREMELY well in missions that can last for a prolonged period of time, such as Excavation, Defense, Mobile Defense, Survival, and maybe some Assassinations where enemies keep pouring in; the summary is that missions where enemies keep coming in would mean Nidus has the potential to become stronger.

4). Even with his ability to get stronger through "adaptation stacks", he can still be downed quickly by very high leveled enemies, especially if they overpower Nidus with sheer numbers. You might not have taken into account that you may be dodging and evading very efficiently, and you took it into account as him being immortal: well darn, then that means Nidus didn't need the nerf-- might as well shackle a prison steel ball to our ankles.

5). But with that, outside of his element, by no means is he any less capable in a fight but... he would be unable to efficiently accumulate stacks to fight more effectively, if the missions are either brief or the enemy count is minuscule/fairly small, unless his team mates accommodate for Nidus and let him take the lead/get the kills to let him get some ability to use any of his powers. Even if his stacks are barely spent, once he accumulates enough, it allows him to remain versatile and deploy his abilities when it is necessary. They don't need to be all burnt through in seconds to feel like I am using them.


I'd like to think I might be a genuine fan of Warframe and not a "fanatical" person (there is a distinct, clear difference between the two) who will go completely off the wall and get extreme just because my feelings are hurt, and I will welcome only constructive criticism even if it's criticism that is negative; that being said, since I won't acknowledge vitriol comments meant to rustle my jimmies.

You're likely not a bad person, and I'm sorry if I came off as a jackass, I'm hoping you can share your perspective as to why this nerf is needed-- but also give into consideration every perspective you can think of when proposing nerfs/buffs like there.

Take care and cya then!


Don't you dare nerf my baby Chroma, lol. He lacks a lot of hit this button to win abilities, and massive spamable CC's, he relies purely on his buff and weapons, stahp it pls

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 9:00 AM, Fivey55555 said:

All of those who said it is difficult to gain stacks on non-endless  missions: why would you need them? You end them in a short period of time without the need of stacks or revives, those can be done with any frame without dying. I am more talking about long endless missions where you face lvl 200+ enemies, normally a challenge, not the case with Nidus, he just gets 100 stacks during the first 15 minutes, then just finds a nice cozy spot and spams his 2+1. A  stray bullet hits him? Np, 5 seconds immortality during which he already used his 2+1 combo enough times that he has 100 stacks again. I know because I did so, 94 minutes survival with no other challenge than finding life support

Because in those higher level endless missions, you still get extra armor and damage from the stacks (up to 5 if I remember correctly for the armor). And news flash: enemies still hurt Nidus.

I'd rather not be a liability to the squad even more than I am before I get the stacks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He doesn't need a nerf because for one, he has significantly less armor than inaros.  Two, his CC is very short range.  Three, he has absolutely NO shields.  Four, if he gets surrounded by... say... mobs of infested, he's pretty much BFE (Butt F*cked Egypt) unless he can jump above and escape.  Five, he doesn't become a monstrous killing machine until he reaches at least 10 stacks.  Six, the use of the third and fourth abilities cost some of those stacks, with ravenouse being the most expensive, so you don't often see him building up stacks to 75 or even 100 all in one go.  Seven, if Nidus's health does reach zero because the player doesn't keep an eye on health (which is practically protocol with this warframe) 15 of the stacks get consumed to restore Nidus to full health by utilizing a passive called "Undying"

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On 12/28/2016 at 4:07 AM, Fivey55555 said:

Got a suggestion for a nerf: What about it consumed 33% of current stacks with the minimum amount consumed being 10, + give it maybe a 15 seconds cooldown,15 seconds is just enough to kill yourself if you're dumb enough, will make players consider being more careful while playing him. And if that's not enough of a challenge, make Nidus unable to gain stacks during these 15 seconds.


Yes, this might look like an overkill, but it will make Nidus more challenging to play= more enjoyable. I am a Nidus player myself and I find it boring, that after you get 30+ stacks you are immortal, literally, you can't simply die. I would leave everything else as it is, just fix the passive to not make him immortal, it's like using BAGUVIX, gets boring after a while.

Please go do Void Mission : Survival : Mot; try and survive for 40 minutes solo, then tell me it needs a nerf. :p 

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