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Mechro, the master of robotics. (WIP) (art coming soon)


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This frame is the master of robotics and creates robots and constructs to aid him in battle, but requires salvage to build them (more on that later).


Mechro is more robotic than the other frames with sharp edges and a more square and rough frame.


Health: 5 (50 max rank).

Power: 100 (200 max rank).

Armour: 375.

Sheild capacity: 550 (2,200 max rank).

Sprint speed: 0.95.

Polarities: 2 Madurai (Y).

Aura polarity: Naramon (-).

Salvage pool: 100 (max energy mods effect this as well as energy).


Passive - Forge:

the frame has a forge constantly fixed on his back that produces salvage, a new resource he uses. Salvage requires energy to make (base 1 to 1) and can hold 100 salvage, but it can be altered by modding the frame, but this will effect the abilities as when the forge maxes out, all abilities gain a buff.

ability 1 - swarm (25 salvage):

you summon a nano bot swarm to your aid that follows you around and harvest the dead for salvage (can hold 50 salvage level 1, then 100 at max level.)(maximum of 3 out at level 30) and gives it to you or empty factories.

once your salvage is maxed, it will seek out injured turrets and yourself and use the salvage in it to fix them (1 salvage = 1 health/10 shields).

ability 2 - turret (50 salvage):

summon a turret that shoots an endless stream of bullets at the enemy. (No max limit)

once salvage is maxed, all turrets will transform and get stats based on your primary weapon (e.g. High heat damage makes it a flamethrower, high slash turns it into a saw blade turret and so on).

ability 3 - factory (75 salvage):

create an immobile factory that constantly creates drones that seek out enemies and can be levelled up with salvage (50 salvage a level)(max of 2 at a time with max 10 drones each)

at level 1 they will be kamikaze drones, level 2 they will be melee based and level 3 will be ranged based.

once salvage has been maxed, they will transform much like the turret, but based on your secondary/melee weapon depending on level of the factory, and doubles the amount of drones that can be made by each factory.

ability 4 - replicate (100 salvage and energy)

mechro starts to build a humanoid robot that eventually turns into a clone of himself, with the same weapons and mods, which lasts a limited time, but can do everything you can do from parkour to ability casting. (Max 1).

if you get max salvage while the replica is still out, his constructs also get the max salvage buff and, if you die, your conscience goes into the replica and the timer stops.

and there you go, mechro.

plz tell me what you think in the comments I will greatly appreciate support and how I could improve this idea.

Edited by (XB1)Necromancer1000
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

I had a similar idea about his first power for a hacker frame, but with an alternation due to him being a hacker 


Not many people get recognition on fan concepts unless they put alot of detail and art into their designs


I usually just respond to alot of my ideas myself, its fun

It is fun I must admit but when it is your first try at it you would love feedback and help  from others

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Necromancer1000 said:

It is fun I must admit but when it is your first try at it you would love feedback and help  from others

Sometimes its hard to get decent feedback on the forums, most of the time its criticism, but not constructive to the overall structure of the topic

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You have energy costs but no energy pool?  Is that an oversight or a feature, because if it's a feature, how does his/her abilities work.  


Stats: health, shields and sometimes energy are 3x modified from rank 0 and rank 30... unless you are @(*()$ inaros with a 4x health modifier. (550->2,200)

One salvage per minute is less than an unranked energy siphon, I think.  You need a solid energy pool and have salvage be obtainable by more efficient means.  Passive is good don't get me wrong, but it's highly ineffective  in missions that usually require a lot of quick killing and abilities.  Give them a 200 energy pool with so say a 200 bonus pool due to salvage.  But a lot happens in 15 seconds.  A Valkyr can mow down a room full of corrupted bombards at level 80, a volt can unload all of his abilities twice, and you can unload half an unranked and unmodded opticore.  This game is fast, and auto regen needs to keep up but not over clock.  Say one salvage per 10 seconds

I don't like your 3 and your 4, because of the issues with non defense class missions.  I can see swarm being used as a forward combat ability pushing in, dealing damage and healing (allies), his two can lock a point or give cover fire when things take a turn for the worse.  The warrior clone can be the death blow to play style, in the regards of how it's balanced.  If I had to balance I'd make it his four if you wanted to keep it.  The factory seems redundant, if the swarm can gather salvage... why would he ever need a factory?  Perhaps make a consumable that is toggled for health, ammo, and shields.  Using the nanomachines to create a small packet of X with Y cost of energy. And have the item do % of X.  Just a thought.


other than that, there are people willing to do art around here for free if you ask around. Mako,  Bull and (I'm forgetting his name) do art for concept weapons/frames.  So if you want to get art, there you go.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Necromancer1000 said:

Ok then, if that's the case what do you think about it and how could I improve it (and don't say drawings, I personally suck at them)

First of all, his stats are wonky for a metal robo frame

He should have energy, like all warframes, but have his own pool of new resource "Salvage"

Salvage would cap at 100, and instead as he kills enemies he can salvage parts from their corpses when he walks over them

Salvage would be used for his powers alongside energy, Examine how awesome nidus is

People dont believe in dual resourcing, but i believe it could add depth to warframe designs

Health: 75 (225 at rank 30) {Low Health due to open wiring and ciruits}
Power: 100 (150 at rank 30) {He relies more on salvage then energy}
Armor: 375 {Tanky Heavy Metal Crafter}
Shield Capacity: 150 (450 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed: 0.95 {Slow Robot}
Polarities: 2 Madurai (Y) {For power strengthening}
Aura Polarity: 1 Naramon (-) {Great with energy siphon}

Salvage Pool Max of :: 100


A combination of Salvage and Energy would be used to craft with his powers

First Would be Swarm


Cost 25 Energy and 25 Salvage

Summons a Swarm of Nano Bots that surround Mechro Till it expires

The nano bots salvage nearby corpses and restore Mechro in the process, or nearby allies

Based on what enemy they salvage from, the rewards would be different

They could restore health, replenish ammo slowly, and restore shields or energy as well, from bodies

When active near a creation of Mechros, they would replenish the health automatically of his machinations


Costs 50 Energy and 50 Salvage

Turret, Mechro summons a mobile automatic sentry to his aid

Mechro can activate it to have it hold, or activate it to make it fly and follow him

In hold mode, it roots to the ground and begins firing at any nearby enemies

As well it provides a energy shield similar to Volts shield, as it blocks projectiles, but allows you to shoot out from it

When it enters mobile mode, it loses its shield, and instead follows mechro like a sentinel

it will stay close to his side and fires off at any nearby enemies

Mechro can have up to 2 of these out at 1 time


Drone, costs 75 Energy and 75 salvage

Mechro summons a clone copy of himself, the drone will wield and use whatever weapon he had equipped

This allows it to use a primary secondary or melee, but only the weapon he currently had out

This Drone runs out to fight enemies and when it dies, it explodes dealing aoe damage to nearby enemies

Upon death, Mechro can retrieve salvage from its body to build another

So if he has a melee out, he makes a melee drone

a secondary out gives him his secondary, and primary means he will have mechros primary, only 1 weapon though

Mechro can have up to 4 drones out at a time, their stats level out based on mechros current rank, 0-30




I have no clue about his ultimate though

Yes it would cost 100 Salvage, and maybe 50 Energy

But the current idea for his ultimate just doesn't seem supportable,

It would be interesting if he could create a factory that generates nano swarms though,

but they would be like immobile totems, and Drone would be his ultimate, and factory his 3rd

He could place up to 5 factories that spew out nano spores that damage nearby enemies, 

but as well the nanos spores could boost shield recovery, fire rate and damage for any allies

And maybe even disable enemy guns

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