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Nerf The Snipetron Vandal! (Thread Title Meant To Incite Unrest/gather Attention, Disregard)


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Kidding. Jokes aside:




Regarding Vandals and Prime variants, it seems that the weapons that get them look like they could sure use them(Lato, Braton(OK maybe this one is a little strange), Latron). Will weapons that are currently OK like the Gorgon, Lex, Kunai etc also get Prime and/or Vandal variants? I personally don't think that's necessary or a good idea as we don't have much slots as it is. People invest time, potatoes, forma and love into gear that work fine as they already do. If a Prime or Vandal variant of these weapons are introduced, players may feel like they are being forced to upgrade and have to shelf/sell their loyal weapons for the new ones(Lex Vandal etc?)


Wouldn't mind a Burston Vandal though.



EDIT: Topic title is a fukking joke.

Edited by Amistyrja
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I would have expected this question coming from someone who couldn't afford weapon slots. First for everything, I guess :/


If stuff gets a Vandal/Prime variant, then they get the variant. No need to stress about whether on of your fave equipments would get a Vandal/Prime somewhere in the future.


If I worry about every "probable" vandal/prime, I wouldn't be playing at all for fear that my efforts will be for naught.

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No, there are no snipertron anyways.. don't nerf the weapon!! Seriosuly i didnt know these post would come BEFORE it was released...

I can only support this.

Asking for a nerf of an un-released weapon is laughable....

Besides that. Prime weapons only exist for Tenno armory. So Gorgon wouldnt even count as prime.

and why shouldnt Vandal weapons not have a small advantage. They are event items and therefore, should have something worth fighting for.

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The title is a bit out of place, we don't even know the stats of the damn thing.


What you actually talk about in your post is a broader problem, personally I think that the prime and vandal variants should be skins that improve that stats kind of like how brokk and manticore work, that way work poured on the regular weapons isn't wasted and players don't need as many weapon slots. 

On the other hand though, acquiring and remaxing these new variants is part of how DE keeps players in the game, it's a tough balance :\

Edited by CubedOobleck
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Did people really take my topic title seriously? Do people really have so little faith in the Warframe community?


So if Vandal and Prime variants will really be released for all weapons that are not of Grineer or Corpus design, we should not bother getting them until their stronger variants are released? Is this what we really want?

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Ever think that's the point?

Release a prime/vandal version that is slightly better and/or different, now players have to decide if the marginal up/side-grade is worth a new catalyst and forma. Then every player who decides to upgrade will need new consumables which are most readily available through cash.

This way DE can prompt sales without a big negative backlash. They released new content, prompts sales, but didn't force players to upgrade, win win.

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Prime/vandal are difficult to get... This might me the only chance to get a snipetron vandal. Of course it needs to have a differential. Like the braton vandal, lato/skana primes, they are special because they are hard to acquire. Let the people who mind the game and try hard enough to have better weapons, is the least.

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Ever think that's the point?

Release a prime/vandal version that is slightly better and/or different, now players have to decide if the marginal up/side-grade is worth a new catalyst and forma. Then every player who decides to upgrade will need new consumables which are most readily available through cash.

The point is that these variants aren't sidegrades and are direct upgrades, right?



This way DE can prompt sales without a big negative backlash. They released new content, prompts sales, but didn't force players to upgrade, win win.

Isn't the point that these direct upgrades are forcing players to upgrade because the common variants of their gear are now inferior?




As a person who can afford slots, potatoes and forma, I'm not overly bothered by this. It's quite a concern if you're going to be playing this game for a while though.

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Look VANDAL is supposed to be better, if you dont have slots, then sell.. Or dont bother getting it, I think DE wants to focus more on those who are paying and supporting rather on those who play free.. Not that they really dont care at all for thos who play free but they care more for those who pay so they can make the game better..

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as said in a post higher than mine these are event items so they need to prove they are worth the effort. and some of us want to know we tried and have something  new players otherwise wouldn't have. think of these weapon as a thank you for supporting the game. and i think DE will do something about slots soon they just need a cashflow and this is a simple and relatively cheap one.

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I can only support this.

Asking for a nerf of an un-released weapon is laughable....

Besides that. Prime weapons only exist for Tenno armory. So Gorgon wouldnt even count as prime.

and why shouldnt Vandal weapons not have a small advantage. They are event items and therefore, should have something worth fighting for.

I agree with this one. i mean i dont have the vandal braton and lato. I wish i had but i dont and i respect that everybody who played the closed beta get something for it. A little push/ gift for playing the closed beta. Now when the sniperton was "out" they thought it would be awesome to make it vandal befor it will REALLY be gone out of the game. In my opinion its a great ending of a good sniper :P

PS. I hope the rld speed will be buffed in this vandal version ;P

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   First, I am thankful the Snipertron Vandal is here. Honestly though, I have to say I'm still kinda bummed out that the original Snipertron isn't back for a limited time also. Yeah, the Vandal is stronger but the point is I lost a weapon in the reset and can't get it back and that's a little annoying. It wasn't an event weapon but now its exclusive to those that had/have it and didn't reset. I literally disappeared without warning the day I finally had enough credits post-reset to get it from the market. just a little annoying.


EDIT: Maybe the original will still show up for a bit at the end of the event? It would make sense so those that didn't get the Vandal could at least get the original

Edited by 7.T.
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Isn't the point that these direct upgrades are forcing players to upgrade because the common variants of their gear are now inferior?


I never understood this argument. Just because one weapon is slightly better than another, it does not matter that the slightly inferior weapon is now worthless, especially considering the state of the game. Any properly modded weapon will destroy high level mobs, even in T3 voids. At no point is min-maxing stats necessary.


As long as the difference between Vandal/Prime and normal varieties of a weapon doesn't go beyond 5% or 10% (in terms of dps), I don't see a reason to worry. You're not going to notice the difference, and it's certainly not worth forsaking your "inferior" supercharged multiple polarity gun for.

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No, there are no snipertron anyways.. don't nerf the weapon!! Seriosuly i didnt know these post would come BEFORE it was released...



I can only support this.

Asking for a nerf of an un-released weapon is laughable....



So if Vandal and Prime variants will really be released for all weapons that are not of Grineer or Corpus design

Wait, is this actually happening or just hypothetical? I'd prefer non-Tenno weapons to not have Prime variants. A Vandal version is enough.

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I never understood this argument. Just because one weapon is slightly better than another, it does not matter that the slightly inferior weapon is now worthless, especially considering the state of the game. Any properly modded weapon will destroy high level mobs, even in T3 voids. At no point is min-maxing stats necessary.


As long as the difference between Vandal/Prime and normal varieties of a weapon doesn't go beyond 5% or 10% (in terms of dps), I don't see a reason to worry. You're not going to notice the difference, and it's certainly not worth forsaking your "inferior" supercharged multiple polarity gun for.

Yes I'm well-aware that everything in this game is overpowered, just that some are more overpowered than others. I'm talking about the feeling of being pressured to 'upgrade'. Sure, it'll keep players playing the game longer... or at least that's what people think. If a Lex Vandal/Lex Prime were to be released etc I'll throw myself at it in a heartbeat, but having grown quite attached to the normal Lex myself, it's gonna be a bit difficult to let it go. It's not a big problem, but I just felt like bringing it up.


I agree with your saying that the difference in power shouldn't go beyond like 5/10%. If that's the case, those who can't afford the Prime/Vandal won't really lose out on much.




Wait, is this actually happening or just hypothetical? I'd prefer non-Tenno weapons to not have Prime variants. A Vandal version is enough.

The Braton, Skana and Lato are Tenno weapons, aren't they? That's from their flavour text of course. The Reaper and Latron seem to date back to the Orokin era or something, and I don't know about the Snipetron since it's not used by Corpus snipers anymore.

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