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The Stealth Mastery test is buggy and bad.


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I just want to point out that as someone who is giving Warframe another go and actually enjoying most (if not all) of the gameplay, having not given it a fair look since well before major changes were made, the mastery tests are some of the least enjoyable things in the game.

The stealth test you take to rank up from 8 to 9 is particularly irritating, as the stealth mechanics in this game are janky at best.  I was able to land behind an enemy and get a stealth kill that the game credited me for, and I was detected - when it was the last enemy on the map.  On respawning, I was immediately detected and instantly failed.

It appeared as though the enemies were nearly blind to me on the first attempt, until I was detected by the enemy that I had apparently just killed.  Afterwards, on my next try, enemies were able to see me from the entire length of the room away.  I was detected on my third and last attempt by an enemy that walked around a pillar the full diagonal length of the room away from me.

I feel like this is either a problem with the stealth mechanics not being that well thought out or just plain buggy.  Either way, it's a bit of a poor choice to use them for a core game mechanic like mastery.

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i remember when i did it (2 year ago), i just use a power strength build Mag and pull 2 time, done, cuz pull are silent and one shot them.

nowaday, i suggest that if u still want to try melee stealth them, channeling while doing the finisher, that would disolve the body, they most likely be alarmed cuz they saw a dead body laying around



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I appears that after being detected once on any stage of the test, the enemies are granted infinite view range.  I was trying it again (after the 24 hour lockout, which is stupid) and had an enemy detect the death of an ally.  Then I respawned (it was on the third part, and I was still on the upper platform where you spawn), and an enemy that paths up the middle and turns around immediately spotted me.

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