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Should DE make the RNG system easier or stay the same when doing infinite missions?


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What I mean by this, is that when in the higher waves of interception, defense, survival and excavation. Should their be a higher chance to gain rarer items from the relics or better rewards in general. In my opinion this would make sense because the longer you were to stay in a mission of those types, the harder the enemies get. So to encourage players to stay longer, they would have a better chance to gain better items.

What do you guys think?

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Thing is they don't really encourage players to go further. Remember the DEAC "DE Approved Content" concept.

With Void Tower keys out of the scenario, going to very late waves is more a test of skill and pride than anything else. Farm-wise as enemies become tougher you kill slower which reduces the overall profit. Good XP-wise tho, as eximi become more frequent and higher levels = higher exp.

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The only reason to keep going further in endless missions before was because we only had a certain number of keys and you could keep going and get rewards.Now with the relic system at 5 mins or 5 waves that relic is gone so if you want to keep going you need another relic.The new relic system has its pros and cons but the biggest con is that the grind has been increased.Not only do you need to grind for new relics since you cant stockpile them in advance then to get a good chance at the part you want you need void traces.But you can stockpile traces in advance and that can actually help you get the parts you want quicker.I feel the system needs work but honestly i wouldnt know what to change

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