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Huge memory leak


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I have a beastly 6000-euro PC and I have this same issue. 

Everything on ultra, Windows 10, on 378.78. 

I don't notice any drop in performance, the only telltale sign for me is that the mouse buttons start becoming unresponsive, especially RMB and M10. A usual sign of memory leaks. 

IIRC, the leaks always happen after a long excavation session (20+ min) on Pluto against infested with 3 other teammates. 

I'll disable PhysX tomorrow and see if that works for me.

PS: OOC, does PhysX make a big difference visually in this game?

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1 minute ago, Sergei.Pavlov said:

I have a beastly 6000-euro PC and I have this same issue. 

Everything on ultra, Windows 10, on 378.78. 

I don't notice any drop in performance, the only telltale sign for me is that the mouse buttons start becoming unresponsive, especially RMB and M10. A usual sign of memory leaks. 

IIRC, the leaks always happen after a long excavation session (20+ min) on Pluto against infested with 3 other teammates. 

I'll disable PhysX tomorrow and see if that works for me.

PS: OOC, does PhysX make a big difference visually in this game?

for me not really it is just a gimmick and you're better off then with it on.


Chao, The Roaring Lion

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Just something I tried and seems to have work a little if you are still having slight issues after turning phys-x off and turning down your graphics try turning off (or on) 64 bit mode from the launcher. I had it on the entire time I've had Warframe and I've just turned it off yesterday to try something new and it seems to have helped my frames still dip in heavy action areas but my ram doesn't skyrocket and returns to pretty much normal after each mission with no harmful stacking (worse and worse after each run). So if you are still having issues try this and reply back if you notice any changes. This is also something new to look at in terms of were the problem may be in the 64 bit mode but ill do more "testing" (farming for octavia helm) and get back if I notice it get worse or go back to how it was.



Edited by SoulHunter2008
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Having the same issue, just got back after not playing the game for a while. couples a month ago the game was running fine. i can open several browser tab and it still run smoothly. recently it eat up all my 8 gb ram up to 7.35gb. the only way to deal with it so far is restarting the game.


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Ever since the octavia patch 3-4 times a day the games crashes with a windows alert that it uses too much memory, i tracked memory usage during the game and the longer it went on the more it took up and the message keeps occuring at 95%. Warframe always needs to be closed immedeatly otherwise the entire PC shuts off. Anyone else experiencing this issue?


Speccs : Asus Strix 1080 GTX, i7 6700k , 32gb Ram (DDR 4), Windows 10

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I do also have problems with the memory usage.

     One public ODS for 20 minutes the memory usage goes from 1400mb to a whopping 4400mb. And it does not go down when returning to the liset. When it goes beyond this I get a memory warning, shortly after that the game gets shut down by windows.

Win 10, Asus Strix GTX 1060, 8 gb ram. i5

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Hi again everyone,

Regarding the recent memory leaks that Nvidia users have been experiencing with Nvidia PhysX Effects, [DE]Jengerer (one of our programmers) has posted an official response in the dev workshop. If you have any questions or concerns then please feel free to post them over there.

If you are not sure if your leak is related to PhysX then we recommend taking a look at the workshop post created by [DE]Glen as it will help you determine the source.

FYI the changes made by [DE]Jengerer will come into effect as of today's hotfix.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however at the moment we consider these changes necessary in order to prevent further leaks. 

Edited by [DE]Dmitri
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